Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 1 Sep 1899, p. 7

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ft A vi i A CHINA SEPT WOBTOT UNION STREET A couple Crates of Dinner Hots bought at a Snap Pro Our the benefit pinner Hoik printed colors your choice regular acts A in Toilet Sets printed pieces several colors your choice reg ular CO Another harvest has nearly passed away and we hear busy of threshing machine on every side Mr Jacob Smiths immense barn is nearly completed and be is very busy hauling in his grain Mrs of Newmarket has spading a few days with her sister Mrs Rose Mrs John Greenwood of the con after a short past away last Friday morning Misses Allan and of Newmarket spent last week with Miss Cowioson Also Mr and Miss Davison spool over Sunday Miss Belle after spend ing her holidays under the parental roof returned to tbe Thursday How did tbe young man got home Sunday night who his horse and Miss Stuart of Brechin spent a few days with her sister Mrs McDon ald this Mr Will has got his new house bricked Mr Robert of Toronto spsnt Monday evening at Mr David Evans Mr Boo Howard of Second Street spout Sunday at Mr Roses ASS I OAK RIDGES BAUDWlKBREKZtS- J I Miss la the possessor very for purchased the arm adjoining the one ha formerly owned near Brow a hill Jim and his wife have amicably settled all their differences and are living together as happy turtle doves so Im told Good boy The county bridge here which was rather shaky has been repaired and well stayed by iruaawork did job Wo are pleased to observe that Mrs Colo is rapidly improving un der Forrests care out for her at the fairs Mr aud Mrs Wm Arnold are dole- gates from here to the Free Methodist Conference which begins in Toronto on Aug A number of our young ladies were enjoying the luxury of a bath in the river recently when a rude naughty kid peeking around and other wise misbehaving himself whereupon ladies seized the impudent Jad and administered a wound spanking nature designed such to be given The Joker downed by a joke The power of over matter We are told that a few days ago the Joker in all the ruddy glow of strong vigor ous youth was engaged attainting in harvesting But nap was laid art To Editor of Wis Upwards of Jadiesandgonile- attended the moating in on Thursday evening of last week to hoar review the record of the Liberal Government of Canada Mr chair man of the Cartwright presided The first speaker was Mr A Camp bell P who made a short bat very impressive speech When Sir Rich ard was called the building almost shook as cheer after cheer Game from the audience There are occasions and this is one of them in which the progress of a country in three years is great as for the pro ceeding thirty years was one of Sir Richards opening remarks and it struck the tone that continued through out his whole speech The subject of figures although a very dry one was handled in a very masterly manner and an evidence of its inter esting feature was the good order main tained throughout the large building Extravagance was charge which Richard met economy has the record which he proved He compared the Btate of Canada in with today and mentioned the many and most im portant advancements and that occurred during that period This i9 an age of improve moots we must grasp the oppor tunities offered us or we will ever re gret it and as country advances and it necessarily costs Our Toronto for him Several lads put id these improvements on him Why whats matter are of such a nature to insure BOOTS SHOES Tho Best Value we have had Very neat and the latest styles Want of room prevents us carrying a large stock but it complete and our prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart jars regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality reg lb now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs fie lb Excelsior Coffee is the Best Try it Mr Gregory son of Mr D Gregory this place left last Tues day for Dayton Ohio Ho intends studying under Mr Manley V for some time after which he will enter the Toronto Veterinary College extend our and wish him every success Miss Maggie Wilson ia paying a visit with Mrs P Miss is one of about a dozen members of a Sunday School Class in Toronto who were sent to country for an outing by Rev C Dixon Everything now seems to be 0 at the Bonds Lake power house The machinery is working almost to perfection It is the intention of the Co to install the engines at the lower powerhouse at Bonds Lake and dis pense with the powerhouse at Eglington altogether Miss having been en gaged as teacher left on to assume duties the following Monday Miss Ethel has secured a school at Gormley Glenlonely the residence of the late George is now full of distinguished from Toronto you look bad i remarked one You are terribly pale observed other and ho on so forth til finally he admitted that he felt as if he were in a refrigerator cold chills running up his spinal column finally giving up work and retiring to the We sincerely hope he has recovered his usual good health Large numbers from here intend patronize the Industrial A big squabble at the market here on Monday all down now In future market will be on Monday afternoons Now the time for outside ball teams to win laurels Our bull Wain ha disorganized Three of the bow players are out Allan has retired for this season Charles is away and the boys have intimated to the boss backstop that he neednt call round any more Tim Owl Ink Drops A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts 9 GRAHAMS GALLERY CLOSED 1st of September WHEN Premises will be Enlarged and Renovated New Scenery Etc- Graham JONES OLD STAND ROACHS POINT Several members of Mr family at Belle Ewart including him self were taken very ill on Sunday last Dr Little was sent for and pro nounced it poison from something they had eaten He treated them ac cordingly and they are slowly improv ing Miss Laura from spending a few weeks with friends here The last Moonlight Excursion of the season to Straw berry Island last Thursday night prov ed to be a great success in spite of the threatening clouds Judging from the large crowd attendance to realize that it was the last and many enjoyed dancing to the ex cellent furnished by Keenane Orchestra both on boat and in the large Pavilion at the Island where they remained over two hours returning home just in time for breakfast The Misses Brown of Toronto who have been visiting at Mr Woods re turned home last week Mrs J of Toronto and Miss of are guests at Mr Fords Mr Allison of Washington City was the guest of Mr over Sun day The new comer at Mr Boyds is a fine daughter This September Fall are right onto on Monday ia a Town achools open on Court here Conrt at 8atton the Campers ara all getting home open today Town Connoil next Monday night Council school Call tor at en and Women for office nations the or Men Antral was thus favored July and enjoy that conn- Toting People- of a reputable school cannot do better than to attend thu Terms reasonable good Fall Term Eight regular Proper merit Aug 29Mr J Thaler New Germany who is assisting Mr at threshing lost his right band this morning While working around separator Thalers hand got caught in the gearing and was to a jelly Aug In the stable yard of the ONeil House yes terday Geo and Dyer were cleaning a horse when Andrew Gbwaolook of a teamster joined them The three had been drinking A remark of roused the anger in who af ter a good deal of squabbling sudden ly struck upwards on the chio The man fell dead A doctor who arrived a few minutes after as cribed the sudden death to a defective heart or a dislocation at the base of the brain was years old and leaves a widow and two cbil- at Bells Lake August Members all present The following bills were passed Judge Morgan attending at Court of 00 David MoClement ditch on road George Walker repair to road Joseph Billings one month salary St Joshua Courtneyculvert town road Proctor bridge plank Webb service re Court of Revision 00 McLaughlin culvert con Joel Edwards Postage as Col lector John Nells road repair con Robert Elmer culvert con Sol Atkinson sheep Walter Bell sheep claim Moved by Mr by Mr that the sum of twenty dollars be granted to King Agricultural So- provided no gamblers games of chance or fakirs be allowed on the The clerk was instructed to notify John and Albert Porter re move their fence forthwith from roadway at Homber bridge on Mill road as to allow free access to water A bylaw to levy the sum of County purpose for Indus trial Home for general School purposes was passed Win J Wells was appointed Tax Collector for the southern division of the Township of King and Joel Ed wards for the north Next meeting will be held at Tem perance Hall Kettleby Sept untold results and greatly repay us for our investments The Yukon invest ments are certainly profitable and the extension of the intercolonial Were we to stand still and let the Am come and take the cream of our great discoveries in the Yukon No we must have direct communica tion with this gold district and the Crows Nest Pass was built for that purpose There were some in terruption but they were unimportant were so well answered by Sir Rich ard that nothing was gained One poor fellow was sorry be spoke when he asked What about the Senate to which Sir Richard replied You may leave the Senate to Providence which in its own good time will take that millstone from the necks of people Loud cheers of laughter Sir Richard concluded his speech of nearly two hours amid great cheers the audience rising There were loud repeated calls of Ross the Hon gentlemen being on the platform after some delay Hon came to the front when there was profound silence one apparently anxious to hear what this distinguished orator would say His speech was short and lucid in whioh be expressed great confidence in the Leader in the Lib eral ranks and stated that if the young Liberals who were now just about to enter the fray of political strife would do so in as courageous a manner as Sir Richard had it would be a long time before the Liberal banner would foil He said it would be a long time- longer than Sir Charles in the natural order of Providence will see before the Conservative party will return to pow er The Liberals need have no fear as to the future of their party as they can appeal with the greatest confidence to this country for support as they ex ist on a record of consistency and pub lie integrity Hon Mr was loud ly applauded on resuming his scat Among many others on the platform were noticed Hon J Davie F McWatt BameSec North Simcoe Reform Cane Mayor of Newmarket Fieury Aurora Re form Assn A Yule Aurora Secy Reform Assn S Editor Aurora Banner A E Taylor Sec Aurora Reform Club Mahon Editor Richmond Hill Liberal The Industrial rises above every thing else this week Everybody talks show week the Methodist Mission Rooms packed a larce ease with bibles hymnbooks and other necessary mis sionary outfits destined for Fort Ox ford Norway House and other places in the far North- West to be divided among the missions in that region The international yacht race here was the chief topic of discussion in and sporting circles fore part of last week Yankee yaoht Genesee took the cup The lat ter part of the week political circles were occupied discussing the brilliant address of Sir Richard on the issues of day in Maseey Hall Alex Dean the man who attacked a policeman last week was fined 00 or days in jail Warden and Solicitor Robinson representing York County Council appeared before the Board of Control to request that five years interest amounting to in connection with asphalt pave ment in front of the Court House on Adelaidestreet be The Board did not see their way to grant the request- Alexander a carpenter engaged in the construction of the J Ktog Companys new factory at Col borne streets was struck by a brick Monday morning and died shortly afterwards The workmen employed in the hair manufactory of P P Griffin corner of and St Helens avenue were startled Monday afternoon by a loud explosion followed by a shower of broken pieces of iron When the excitement had subsided were horrified to find body of Alfred Nightingale a machine hand lying in a pool of blood and covered with hair He died in a few minutes Dr Geo Cook the well known dentist of End was drown ed on Saturday afternoon while bath ing in lake off Mimico Beach Richard Watts a machinist em ployed at Gurneys Foundry died lockjaw on Friday night the result of having his fingers crushed while at work Rev J Tibb has been appcinted Secretary of the Ontario Sabbath School Association in place of Miss Jessie Monro who recently resigned While visiting the Fair this week Mrs Edwards in company with her sister suddenly fell to the ground and died immediately Case of heart disease- Mr Edwards her husband is a guard at the Central Prison and formerly some years ago was clerk in Mr store Aurora The usual addition has been made to the staff af acting detectives for the Industrial Already the fingered gentry are in their work White employed on a dredge in the Harbor fell from a ladder into the bay and was drowned before as sistance could reach him He was years of age and unmarried- THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE We Screen V Write tor particular Principal Harding was locked up on a J charge of There are over miles of tunnels out in the solid rock of Gibraltar young lads were arrested on Sunday for damaging the Linton schoolhbuse The trial came off on Monday but as there was not suffi cient proof they got clear This should be alewon to ail boys in this and other neighborhoods not to take part in uch low degrading habit which might in the next case prove serious enough The Band of the Woodmen of the World was present and contributed very largely to the enjoyment of the evening A special car from Newmarket on Metropolitan conveyed a targe number from there and Aurora A large number frorn Hill were also present The audience was drawn from Man itoba to the Bay of and a wore enthusiastic and appreciative crowd never filled Hall A very large number of ladies were present and remained till the meeting closed a number Were on the plat form The newspapers were very anxious to obtain of the meeting there being twenty reporters present A vote of thanks were tendered Sir Richard at the close of the meeting The air waa warm and oppressive was made to interrupt the speaker somewhat but it was a very futile one The meeting endorsed the policy of the government as outlined in Sir Richards speech Goned a Woman to Death View Aug Franklin an aged and re- resident died here under very distressing circumstances Mrs Franklin who was years old lived with her daughter Mrs Louisa on Dairy Farm in South Walsingham A fouryearold bull a thoroughbred was running with a herd cows in the field adjoining lant yards to which they had access in order to get water Mrs Franklin saw the bull in yard just as sont- people were leaving house and went to drive it away This enraged the hull and the animal rushed at her and caught her on his head Gai ned her ten yards tossed her in the air and as soon as she reached the ground did the same thing again Rev A Frost who lives on the homestead and saw the affair to the rescue with a club and began to belabor the animal The ball showed fight bat by this time Mr Frost had secured a pitchfork and succeeded in burying prongs in him again and again until the furions driven off Mrs Franklin however injured that she died have a Complete Stock of Doors and Windows in an sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of TOOLS Also PARIS DASH CH CRNS CKKAMERS MILK CANS If 1 SIIIUU J A ALLAN CO Shelf and Hea Hardware Stoves and Tinware We are bound to clear Every s worth of Summer Goods in the Next Days Our first shipment of New Fall Dress Goods to hand TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Electric Cars and the Exhibition or Photograph a smith Gallery are the attractions of the Town Call at their Gall ery aod see Sample- Youre always BROS Gallery Two dooia South of Pipher House Newmarket The Laws Of the Land not protect yon from SpecUele Vendors by only resident and qualified Opticians Oar optica At Your Service We make Charge lot Your Eyes Drag Fort Office ting Ac Smiths Falls two little girls named and were drowned while bathing Not r SAVE A Thomas an old and re- resident of is dead injuries sustained in a runaway accident a few days per White per Wheat per bushel per bushel peas per bushel By lb Apples Wool per lb per Peer fore Beef hind qrMi Geese per lb Chickens per Turkey Too Late MONEY 111 it use a a Oil a 02S a a a a a on 088 a a Oil a ail W so a en a a a ore a to a a For you to leave order for one of those Suits at the CENTRAL JAILOR SHOP Call and examine as our goods speak for themselves la All McLaughlin By buying your Suits Early at Tailor Shop A foil stock or Berges Also a Choice Lot of Pine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and PANTS

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