Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Aug 1899, p. 4

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iru -v- Grants JjAlH v f t J fcCMiriia health inwardly of kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come if Hoods Sar is promptly fir- This secures a Mr outside ar I I and a vigor in the frame with the of health on cheek good perfect digestion pure blood bnltMrocffSwitb feeling and of eppetlte I completely ran down I took Hoods and alter awhile I felt much better Hoods U built me up Litem A Chelsea near Ottawa I have been troubled With and biliousness and was much run down Tried Hoods ana It rev me relief and built me up A MOW St Defoe Btreal Toronto Mis cm u thsDoatrrtuqagaaS Best Advertising Medium York County la per Mao first Insertion line for each SPAC laohoa f Two Advert la amenta Instructions inserted until forbid and rgod accordingly will be changed month If For of than once month composition roust be paid for at regular Changes for contract advertisements be In the by noon on Wednesdays Low for Parma to Bent Article and Found A reading notice will be free for any Church or where tore are fur nished or when no admission foeprool will a notice No to this ruin LEGAL I r Thos J Robertson fiarrlblor Notary Public Ac Newmarket to Loan on T Solicitor do Solicitor fur of King Lawn Court Building The London attention a new feature la with the railway under Liberal rule A railway grant which with it an stipulation that the rail way shall return 3 per cent value an nually to the is really a profitable investment It is not a dead giveaway as have been railway bonuses in the pait feature of development was never dreamed of until Liberals power under the present Ad ministration If the Governments which made grants of millions of dol lars to the and other railway corporations had made a sim ilar stipulation the country would now be receiving quite a revenue therefrom instead of paying interest to English capatitaJiste on millions of dollars without any direct return which to make up the largest portion of our public debt It is not saying too much to assert that the Opposi tion in the present Parliament does not include within its ranks men pos sessed of administrative ability com parable with those now at the helm of affairs and the country knows it WH Saves a Life f pot FEAT p etc I with Lount Cameron carefully managed and made Money to loan at lowest rates of Of wlU and Court Co Bankets and Ontario Bank Aurora rants to Dunn Ac Arcade King Bt Toronto to to report from Ottawa there la not proapeot any one of the bye- elections to the tahioff place be fore the anow fiiea Under any they will not be held till the new voters are available Ontario need not be harried Opposition have a all own of faulting the Govern mum A leading organ of Charles in Montreal fanlia the for making lavish expenditure in with the Yukon while at the time the Conservative organ at Oi- iws describes lias There is no pteaeiog some people has a rumor in political circles to the effect that Sir Lot- will shortly bo gsmted high to the Pans lion in which event the goes Mr P for one the Montreal division will be invited to All hie place in the Cabinet It farther added that Sir Henri will not again contest at he will make a Senator at no distant date A paper remarks la the olosiog years of the Conservative Admini stration it was felt that the period of enormous expenditure railways and waterways was coming to an end Of course what right baa a Grit Government or a Grit Parliament to authorize the ex- of poblio money Bine blood flowg only in the of the Tappers Co The round heads aint in It A despatch states Word been received from the Indian Messrs Laird Boss and who reached Port John in July that very little a has attended their efforts to make a treaty with the Beaver Indians not one of whom Into the fort to meet the commissioners It appears that the Beavers endeavored to have their northern neighbors the Dog Ribs go lit with them but that tribe refused and the Indians of the Peace River stayed away These tribes gave a reason for refusing a treaty that the whole country is their and they will not sell it Users of CeleryCompound never suffer disappointment The great medicine at all times and under all bringB to all sufferers relief and a permanent Mr Maximo Martel Street Montreal tells what Compound accomplished for his little daughter case was an one lie says My daughter now eight years old was afflicted with terrible scrofula for nearly six years we thought her case an incurable one We had several physicians to attend her and she took medicine of all but she got worse instead of better Having had our attention drawn to tho fact that Celery Compound wrought cures after other failed we poroured a supply and after a fair use of the medicine we can report that the disease is overcome and we trust disappeared forever Our little girl is now bright strong and healthy sleeps and eats well and her blood is now as pure as it can possibly be I have groat pleasure lecommeudiug Celery Compound as a cure for scrofula and blood diseases it is the best medicine in the world I v- baa poem wMwtteiibyilia VThe Palace a- of otter buildings wero t V7 Hues la Hour without Bis He the tatter fie- condition A feat of has been by a young Frenchman of good family M rode whole of the way from Vienna to Parts miles In 18 days hours only one horse and what still more noteworthy brought his mount Into Paris In thor oughly good condition As everyone knows OS miles is a good deal more than the average horse can bo expected to accomplish in a day and to keep op this average for days at a stretch with pounds weight on the animals back implies not only great In steed but altogether exceptional care and management on part of the rider main object waa to beat Lloot record of 15 hours over the same road and be set about bis preparations with the utmost thoroughness He began to train bis mount a halfbred Irish mare Irish Lass years old standing just under bands on Easter Monday beginning with a gentle rids of is mile or so and gradu ally increasing the distance up to miles After a fortnight of this prelim inary work started for Vienna covering the distance by easy stages had previously taken a coarse of from a blacksmith that In the event of Labi casting a shoe at an Incon venient moment be could put on another before any damage was done to the foot The journey to Vienna occupied ft dayB the Austrian capital being reached on May Irish Lass and her owner kept In steady training until June when they started on thu long ride to Paris this time and his mare were as and accomplished the Journey with only one hitch the mare being torn upset by the change of food after crowing the German frontier on the third day In conversation with a Paris corre spondent explained that the great of success on longdistance rides is to overheating tout mount I never he said kept Lass at the trot for more than a mile and a quarter I when we came to a hill and her np it gome days I walked at least it miles When we came to our stopping place let her stand a few s to cool and then unsaddled her and gently her back with the restore the In or in It Temple of wto translated the- Chinese lau- aungeaC written on appropriate pieces of rich silk and suspended In the Imperial Palace Of Translated from the Banian English by Sir John Bowling Thou One presence bright L tfMio Jose member of has been arrested at Barcelona on a charge of All space doth motion guide from a railway fompany UDChli lm Aug Intelligence has j received from French Soudan Whom none can and none ex- indicating that Lieut Lieut Who strSi with Thyself alone who were sent to take com Embracing oer of a column of troops there moVe I In Its phHuncipby ont the ocean deep may count The or the but for AMffou fturaai that in a View boors his Will all SlOCBJfb iTJQb that his win core to all eases of fcWnty no sutler keg j that ha Que wDl few that florsa of aota and Cold One break the end raj lila a Tin M J Aug Del Wood a lad of 15 was by an alligator at Trout Creek Panama Thermo weight nor measure none can I x from here while in mourn bathing the other evening and so Up to mysteries bright spark and that ho kindled by in rain would 7 ana try died soon after being rescued by an To true- Thy councils Infinite dark the And la lost ere thought soar Drotner latter trie high gator with a club and finally blinded past moment In eternity knocked down himself from primeval nothingness dldat call chaos then existence Lord in Eternity bad Ita foundations all Sprung forth from Theeof light lor harmony origin all life all beauty here word created ail and doth create Thy splendor Otis all space with ray di vine art wast and shall glorious great Lifegiving potentate unmeasured sur round Upheld by Tuteby Inspired with breath iMglnnlog with the bast hound And iirnutlfully life and death Am from flery Bo Hum are burn spring forth from The Ami an tbe to the sunny round tin- the Of jrjuy lo pro Inf remtdlaa At ail If too need saedkaladrtoa writ Area It is free TWO On Desirably Bltuated near tbe old Woollen Factory For haJe op Easy Terms Apply to BJACKSON Agent Reformer Block Money to Loan Pxkbtanq Aug On Tuesday night boys escaped from tbe Reform atory here then a poses of con stables have been in search of them Two were captured on Wednesday on Christian Island Last night two more were brought back from where they run down by Con stable a chase of The other three in prison garb are still at large These boys and others numbering for a few day last May The boys got over the bore hand to high night a lad der formed by standing one another s I and her her food As shoulders as had It she to He right down at once but sHe was always Iron j ready for road I gave her be tween SO and liter of between and liters of milk day with a fair amount of water whenever she wanted It provided the water waa not too I Rare her from four to hours rest In the middle of so as to escape beat and only about two hours at I always slept in the stable with her and did not once take off ray clothes from leaving Vienna to arriv ing at Paris There was no time for baths or anything of that sort As we never did more than miles an hour even over level country we to spend a good many hours a day on the road Questioned In regard to his own regi men said he bad taken dark in preference to white meat whenever he could He smoked very little and drank no alcohol light wine freely diluted En routehe ate bread and sugar In preference to chocolate Daring the last two days he was obliged to drink large quantities of to keep himself awake with the result that for some time after his arrival In Paris he suffered from cloudiness and inability to collect his thoughts Otherwise his long bad not the least effect on him only years of age by the gators tail Arthur Jackson a young farmer came near death on Monday evening last through trusting too much to a treacherous bull The I animal had strayed from the Jackson farm on to a neighbors and the young man went to bring it home when the animal made a furious attack upon hi He was pitched yards at a time by the bulls horns and gored before he bad time to get out of the way By clutching a ring in the animals nose he probably saved his life as in that way be was able to get to a fence through he crept and swooned He was found and conveyed home where Dr found two ribs had been broken in addition to man severe bruises The re- Solo or To Bent In 2nd Con of 145 Cleared well watered and good buildings Zephyr For Sale or To Bent Lot In the rear of the 3rd concession of Whitchurch For Fur ther particulars apply to To Rent Sell or Exchange FOB FARM PROPERTY A torches lighted by Thy hand through the blue abyss They own accomplish Thy com- J young man is now expected to 1 All guy with life all eloquent with Mine What ahull of crystal i light A golden bright Suns light riyatrma with their Joyous bee tus But to art the noon to AUCTIONEERS prtetnk Duncan Auctioneer for the Co of York floods sold on commission reason able Farm Bales attended to A trial aoUoited street Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSES fc i t I if ft G Issuer of LICENSES I At Baa Office Newmarket Private as Papers Issued at private residence if desired Town Carting All kinds of Team I done on abort Notice 1 Terms DAVID Cor Main A Ontario fits WANT or the Life and Achievements of Admindpewey the worlds flsUtead- the frtendand of Idol over rations Tbe London Press reports Mr J P Whitney as stating to a correspondent he bad not heard of the proposal to aefc next of the for a com mission to enquire into the conduct of tbe Ontario byeelections Hon Mr Hardy will therefore be able to enjoy his flabtng to Parry Bound with greater equanimity after assurance But tbe credits Mr Whitney with ad ding that be does not think Mr Hardy will be long In a position to order commie The Conservatives he says are al most to win both Elgin and Booth Ontario and goodbye to Mr Hardys Government- Nothing can gave it But hitherto Mr Whitneys site have not bean a very gratifying to himself or bis party J Wilson A Co the extend Paper Makers and Wholesale Stationers of Mont real send us advanced proofs of their two new Private Pott Cards whlob they are about to issue They are neatly lithographed in colors and will no doubt be very popular The Canadian design shows a pretty maiden In a blanket snow- shoe outfit with a pair of snow shoes In her right band holding the Canadian flag in her Left the Beaver at a wreath of autumn leaves entwining the words The Maple Leaf for ever rialog sun in and at the bottom tbe motto Amamut- The other sign is from the rated painting by Earl the standing on the TJnloo Jack wittf the words What we have well bold will be for at all or in quantity from the Publisher avuint Write quick TSbepotninioo Cowpany Chicago i with any other fiyrsQpldjiULOO GLOBE OPTICAL CO Street Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremen energy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want qualities and the success they brinp use Dr New Life Pills They every power of brain and body Only cents at Lehmans Drug Store Pa Aug last night phot and kill ed Godfrey his neighbor mis taking him for a groundhog walked to the property leased by and found traces of one of the animals son told his father that he saw something dark moving among the weeds not far from the house and believed it was a groundhog fired a rifle at the moving object and hit who died almost immediately English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or and Blemishes from Blood Spavin Curbs Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs etc Sive by use of one bottle Warranted the moat wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist Aug 18 What may prove to be a fatal accident happened to Thos Armstrong son of Mr John Armstrong con of Reach near here yesterday It appears the young man who is years of age cut ting grain when a neighbors boy named shot off a rifle to frighten some girls near by The ball entered young Armstrongs side and lodged there and Clarke removed it with considerable difficulty but do not give much hope for die recovery of the young man Alter In cases catarrh rheumatism eruptions etc the may be altered by purifying and en riohlhg the- blood with Hoods Bar Good appetite and good diges tion strong nerves and perfect health take place of these diseases Hoods Bar- saparflla is Greatest and the best money bay Hoods Fills bilioasaeee flick bead ache Aug 18 Mary girl about yean of age drown ed at Bass Lake yesterday While playing with some other children upon a fell into the water and was drowned before help arrived the A rich of and Noises Head by Dr Nicholsons Ear has sent H000 to his institute SQthst deaf people unable to them free Apply to Department The Institute LoDgcott England Yea u a drop of water In Is tii world Ami wfaul urn I ilea vans ho l Though in nil of but In balance weighed Atfuluxt Thy KrcatUtAAla but a cipher brought EDISONS NEW LAMP With a White Earth In the recently patented lamp devised by Thomas A the filament con sists of a highly refractory porous conducting material of a rare earth oxide Incorporated in the body thereof axe lao- of carbon between which are spark gaps whereby tension either alternating continuous Intermittent Will be from particle to particle of the carbon and thus raise the filament to Incandescence As she filament is of a highly refractory porous material the interior will be subjected to the effect of the vacuum In the globe which will assist In the conduction of the current through tho carbon particles The World The highly refractory material consists of an oxide or oxides of earths each as oxide oi zirco nium or thorium In order to provide an surface for the filament Which will radiate light It is momentarily dipped in the of auoh as the acetate which will leave no carbon upon carboni zation and provide a white radiating surface In making filaments com pound such as a solution of sugar asphalt or a tartrate of the oxide is mixed with the refractory material a residue of carbon thus upon The mixture la forced by heavy pres sure through a small opening and to form a filament of the desired seotlon which is then bent into proper shape carefully dried and Owing to its high rerlslanoe a voltage of several hundred is necessary In opera tion i filament also he formed by threads cotton In the salt of the oxide as acetate and oar- boo I ted to form a deposit of the oxide thereon then and reheated sua until the desired quantity of oxide has been deposited which the flloinent be soaked in carboniz ing substance After being dried It Is dinned in the- of a salt of the oxide of a rare earthy such as or thorium an acetate of oxide to form white radiating coat ing do sired We thp undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a five cent bottle of Wills English Pills if after using threefourths of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant thai four bottles will What I Naught Naught but light Constipation Satisfaction or no pay Pervading reached Wills English Pills are lo my doth Thy spirit sbioe E Lehman Druggist As the suubeam a drop of dew but hopes ewmarK8i towarda Thy presence for Thee B Druggist Newmarket Ont of Thy divinity am and must be bCOtt8 Mam Thou art guiding all art Newmarket Direct uiiderataudlng then Thee Control my guide wy wandering heart but an midst Imuienslty I Still by Thy jmg engine set fire to Jos tot con birth Just on of the land chain of Is complete me In me la matters last gradation lost next la spirit Deity I can the lightning am dustl A and a slave a worm a Whence came J ana so marvel Constructed ind conceited unknown clod Uvea surely through some higher energy from itself alone It could not be Creation yes wisdom and Thy word Created me Thou of life and good Thou spirit of my spirit and my light love In their bright plen itude Filled me with an Immortal soul to spring Oer the sbyaa of death and bade It wear of eternal My and Its heavenly flight beyond this little sphere Een to its author there Ineffable vision worthless our conception all of Tbae shall Thy shadowed image All oar breasts waft Its homage to deity God my lowly thoughts can Thus Thy presence wise and good Midst Thy vast works admire obey Adore And when the tongue Is eloquent no more The soul shall speak In tears of gratitude H on St Newmarket on which laaltuaiedagood Brick Dwelling House with bard ami water at the door Good Barn and underground stabling an excellent orchard of apple pears ico The above property can be rented for one Sear or a term of yeara further apply to HAINES Stouffrilte for Sale Several Rebuilt guaranteed good as new lor work Four of them be seen at my place on Newmarket Call and Bee Them or lesrve yoor order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and save freight I make it pay tor you If above Engines are not sold they will be let to ran on shBres A THOMPSON SPAINS FORMER COMMERCE a wan throw a banana akin on the sidewalk today that aYens things upjl saw a roan Porto Rico Philippines Worth of Cuba Porto and the Philippines have afforded Spain a market for worth of goods per annum according to a statement or the British at Barcelona A bo at of this amount was in Roods According to the statement the exports from Spain to ambnnted to to Porto and to the making a Of tbe exported to Cuba of goods and of provisions To Porto Rico of about S6- was In goods and In To the of the of from Spain was goods and slotiB paid steamship compan ies for the carrying bade to and from the Into Spain In to 200877 from- Cuba- tons from and iii985 tons from the Philippines is- computed that the paid In freight amount commerce with 263 Porto to the and destroyed about rods before it was put out Loss for railway company to make good about Jos of lot also had two or three shocks of oats destroyed the same day from the same cause Eruption Are grand but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy Arnica Salve cures them also Old Running and Fever Sores Ulcere fioiles Felons Corns Cuts Bruises Burns Scalds Chapped Hands Chilblains Best File on earth Drives out Pains and Aches Only eta a box Cure guaranteed Sold by Druggist By the explosion of the boiler of a locomotive on the Mexican Central Railway seven men were billed and others fatally injured The lo comotive was standing on the side track at Cardenas when the explosion occurred FOR SALE A GOOD CARTERS OUTFIT Apply to Street Seed Store KNOWLES Wholes Retail PROVISION STORE Two doors North Furniture Store Main St Newmarket There Business Booming Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade at mot Lehmans Drag Store as their giving away to their many customers of so many free trial bottles of Dr Kings New Discovery for their trade is simply enormous in very valuable remedy from the fapt it always cares and never disappoints Coughs Colds Asthma Bronchitis Croup and all throat and long diseases are quickly oared Yob can test it before baying by getting a trial bottle free large aire 60s and Every bottle warranted Aug The sad news reaches her Sidney and daughter of Mr An drew Kerr aged and years re spectively were drowned in the river on Tuesday- They were in bathing- lt Philippine or V- V to British moseum has presented relating to For Infanta and Children on sidewalk reyolatlon of which statesman i National Library In Paris A Fresh Supply of Park A Cos Pmons Bacon o best Mildest Gored Meals an the Market today A trial vlncaoo J Also Flour Rolled Oats CoVn Batter Eggs Cheese Potatoes Canned Corn Peaa Tomatoes Piss Feet Bologna Sam and Tongue Honey Soap o Orders fiUtd on shortest notice I Its a Utile early but none too early to think of preparing for the year Canada baaaeen r How strong you will feel to enter up on that year if you can say with slaorlty Yes I oan oil that wlU be prepare young posltS people for- your name and I you bow we can matte you one of fortunate ones 8tart any time No vacations BUJIqVlLEG la desires to Inform public he baa moved business to Jobbing Boots Bind Shoe made to order and all and promptly attended All our work is VTeaska of jour

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