Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Aug 1899, p. 3

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IS ON IN ABOUT Court A man was Good and by on tor disorderly Id town on night week wbllo under of liquor J J v -OXOt- Tit Representative High General Expression Regret C hurrah The new Tablet In memory of lato Alex aoeo in for lime by many of the fiation Standi morning It about of wall and la an tribute of and es teem for a beloved pastor The pulpit was jo mora i tig by Irosaer ami evening by Mr of Aurora The pastor mother down Kant granted two leave of it that Rev of will here next Sunday Summer Corsets Reduced for and for at M fl Death Trap When new Timothy street will be a veritable trap to people driving down hill at a rapid speed the an automatic crossbar at tual A man down tbe hill on a tho other day had a narrow for poll to think about weather and are making to be comfortable Mr inn a men have completed a furnace in the of Air and are now putting another into the residence of Mr Michael at Jersey Orders are on for two more one for Mrs Chant- lor Newmarket one for No Its Wonder Whore all the Fruit goes I cars a week are at Starrs Bee the prices for Friday and Saturday Flams a Tomatoes a basket Bananas 10 and Grapes a basket Cheese Stolen Between Saturday night and Sunday ioruing two stolen from New market Factory thorp are no marks of violenoe about it quite evident that thief entered the promises by means of a key thtts unlock ing door On Saturday afternoon ten were weighed marked and placed near the door to fill an order for shipment on Monday morning bat whan Mr lie door there were only eight in the Int It was that tha theft was committed by somebody not far away and a search warrant was Issued no trace of the missing oheeae could be found Since then we learn that two were stolen from the factory at Albert on night of last week and it is thought that person making a practice of robbing factories for trading purposes are warned to be on their guard Mr the energetic salesman for Factory sold all the milk de livered at the Factory from the of Aug to tha 2nd of Sept to a firm In the providing arrangements ceo be made with the Metropolitan RR to ran it in by special oar C Hughes Hosiery Great value Fleece Lined Cotton and Cashmere tor early fall trade The Principal makes a Favorable Impression Between and SO people assembled at the residence of Mr Albert on street Tuesday to wit- new the marriage of his daughter Nellie to Mr George of Albert Rev Dewey of Aurora Jeaata halfslater of the bride was bridesmaid and Mr Frank of Mount Albert asaiated the groom The bride looked very charming In a dress of cretin luster trimmed with white satin and velvet and a bridal veil mooing down to the bottom of her skirt She carried a beaatifal bouquet of white The bridesmaid wore white organdie trimmed with Insertion and lace and aba carried a bouquet of pink carna tions Miss of played wedding march The bride was the of many handsome presents a sewingmachine and i a cheque for the happy couple had congratulations of their friends the repaired to diningroom where preparations bad been made for a sea ting at a time The table presented a most templing appearance the whole arrange ment showing that at a caterer for wedding breakfasts Mr equal to and that baker Mr Clifton la no at brides with Its creating and la pare was equal to anything to be found Id that line la the Mo need of going of town lor op- todate lb future Mr andMrs by the car lor Toronto being Aral bridal party from Newmarket oyer aleelrlo toad and will spend with rela tives in TMoy will waldt Over one hundred comprising the elite of Newmarket and vtolnlty together with more than half that number of gentleman among whom were members of Town GouoqII also and High Boards merchant farmers and editors as sembled at the High on Tuesday afternoon to formally say Farewell to one who has taken a very prominent part in affaire of the Town daring the pat years- Father Morns Chairman of the nigh Board the gathering to order at the appointed and presided in a very efficient manner Having briefly stated the object of tho meeting he called upon Eat to an to J Eaq the feelings of the reaideuta of markot regarding hie removal to Mr thought he might be pardoned if ho deviated from the typo and prefaced the reading of the address by a few remarks as he bad boon linked with Mr in bonds of friendship for many years He erod him a master teaober of independent thought and sterling His untir ing zeal and devotion not only to but to of bis choice and as a was a for good in this and he joined in hearty at enlarged for the development of He then reail the following Aliases To J Die ion t A Due Sib We the Pupils Board and Staff of the Newmarket High School and the Citizens of Town of Newmarket and this to yon of our deep regret at your determination to sever your con nection with the institution you have been so long and so creditably associated Under your able the New market High has ranked first of threemaster schools in Province surpassing in its record some of the schools and Collegiate In stitutes As a teacher your discipline been excellent energy untiring your man ner pleasant and the of your Detraction of the highest order As a citizen you nave ever beeo fore most in what be for advancement morally religiously socially and commercially sports also have always interested and received your liberal support Ag a slight token of our great apprecia tion of yon a master and as a man we ask yon to accept this Secretary accom panied as it with our very best wishes for yourself Dickson and family and our earnest hopes for If not greater saooess in year new and more advanced position as Principal of the new Collegiate Institute in the progressive Town of Oril- Signed On behalf of the J E On behalf of the ex and Staff Jib J On behalf of the Board and Esq Secretary of the High School Board was then asked to a resolution passed at a recent meeting of the Board In doing so he tdok the opportunity to say that be had been a member of the Board and intimate connected therewith as Secretary for years and during all that time Board had most cordial relation with Mr Dickson He spoke of the satisfaction it gave him to have children under bis tatoreftip and considered him an educator of the highest order Complimentary reference was also made to Mr and ha joined in heartiest wishes for tbe the family in their new home Mr Rob ertson then read following Moved by seconded by Geo Rose That the Newmarket High School Board learn with deep regret that Mr who for nearly years has been Head Master of the High School here has derid ed to sever his connection with the school The Board desire to place on- record their high appreciation of the zeal and earnest- which Mr Dickson has shown In his efforts to bring op and maintain the New market High the good state of to it has admittedly at tained as possibly the leading Three- Master School in the Province Toe bear testimony to the whole of the long period of Mr Dickson with the school there has never been the slightest unpleasant- between him and Board with Mr Dickson New market High Board desire to extend to bin their heartiest wishes for position to which he has been appointed as principal of the Collegiate Institute and they beg to aaaore that his coarse both as a and a teacher will be watched with the greatest interest and In the fall assurance that he will maintain the same high standing In that he has hero at Mount Albert On rising Mr was greeted with hearty applause and ha was affected by his emotions that ho scarce do him- aell mid an excellent reply though bla Innate modesty was strongly I am pit expected to express my feel logs indeed I It Ing me efforts In of indicate doei not seem tome Al though my fellow citizens may not have been aware of It I have had a feeling of inefficiency and any that I attained may have been doe to my t efforts to overcome this From the time that I was years old to years I did not see inside of a At the eg of 24 I graduated from the old Grammar School In Newmarket my TJniveraity course All have felt that the of early training waa a great disadvantage and I worked the harder that I might attain to that scholarship that my credentials indi cated My experience lad me to see that there are very few papils In whom there la not something good Tbe worst boys at make very good men and the most girls have made very good women I have tried to got an interest in pupils who seem to give tba trouble and I am persuaded that conies from personal interest A mutt not merely instruct in uui make out of the pupils I have never allowed any feeling of my part w interfere with my duty any In the Tbe teaoher must like his even if do not like biro- Though I have great respect for other I am thor oughly at that the broad and com British constitution of limited monarchy is the form of rrent and I try toinstill tbisiational spirit in my pupils I give all honor to the British flag whenever possible Morality manliness and uprightness of are extolled but I have no patience with mean ness I seek to implant io the pupils the principles of commercial fairness an true can only be obtained by that A principle which some adopt is Once eay a thing moat be done it must be but I have found it to break rule on some In a moment of temper I may have impoaed penalties which oo investigation proved to be out of proportion to the fault committed and tn scab cases have never hesitated to miti gate penalty I have never to my knowledge left a smarting under a sense of injustice The theory and tios of education is not always in line I have found ft an advantage to to tbe reasonable request of pupils When request doe Hot detract from the working of school but never to allow a request to be a command Good judgment is necessary and with all I have tried to live a life that would cast no dis credit on profession I have consider that not only in the school bat oat of it everything even questionable should be avoided by ma for tbe of my example that in both walk and might be commendable Bat I cannot understand how I have won saob a warm place in affections of the people of I leave Newmarket with re gret there been saooeBs it has been in a large measure the power behind the throne I To make a in things mast be in pretty good shape in private and that is what I mean by the power behind throne I commend my Mr Coombs as a gentleman and wish the school every sacceis Probably it may attain to greater Mr Coombs will not make any mere effort it may be better directed 1 for a warm welcome old may for- get the headmaster but the old head master will not forget the school A head- waa never more loyally supported by stuff I have been most fortunate in my associates and that re lations will be most cordial I thank yea most heartily for this present Applause Mayor Cane was asked to say a lew words on behalf of the citizens pleased a large nam bar present though the occasion was one of both pais pleasure Much bad been said regard ing the admirable of Mr yet he that tbe half bad cot been told Mr Dickson was a good all rorjnd man and a great worker in all matters of moral reform He not only favored bat assisted in carrying all the improve- the town and was Its best seme Every good wife a power behind throne and Mrs Dickson no exception We are parting with he and they carry with them the beat of the people Mr George Rose wet glad of the oppor tunity to acknowledge work of Mr Young men and women learn an Important lesson He pleas- to hear of attention given to the grand old flag we have great reason to fee proud of it From the history of the past and nationalities which compose it he looked forward to Canada being a great The States and other lands were penal never was Oor forefathers trees to settle here for the love of their aid flag We possess a land in the whole world of land and sea goldsn let its mineral wealth bat oar oar thay are educated a they should Money baa to man or goc4 morale a sonnd mind and a body is sad purs alt is valn piwnoorot School for ha prbad of staff abjo from day to day without bringing to Board- He wo had- a good and ted the staff gen appeal present to leave a worth record by ana J Pearson Esq of the oldest members of referred to visits to tbe and to the good order and management always prevailed He glad to that So people honor Mi by their that falazeal and energy had been rewarded bat he was aorry for town that was to leave at He of the great be had labored in the old school building and withal hit remark able success Mr that daring all his yeara In Newmarket he never beard so expressions of regret from tbe people for anyone leaving the lo cality as on the present He had no hesitation In predicting that would not hold Mr but that in a few years he would be filling one of moat important positions in of the largest cities in the of Ontario Be bore testimony to tbe earnestness and zeal- of his Mr Coombs and united with the other members of our staff be was confident that the school would con tinue to do splendid work A B Davidson Esq was pleased to join In doing honor to one he so highly teemed His acquaintance extended years whsn he met Mr at Col lege and years ago on receiving the appointment of Public he took shelter under Mr Diokeona roof for years The association had been pleasant Mr bad been manly in every way the speaker realized his ideal in punctuality and energy through the of High School It right that men of experience and ability should step up to higher vaoanoiea The in Mr Dick sons soocetor remarked that be personally to the zeal and ability of late beadmaster as well hie ab solute flrmoeaa when the occasion required It Mr cornea to us well recom mended with the able the other member of staff he felt confident that the sobool would continue to main tain high efficiency for which it was noted Mr Coombs was cordially received and expressed his thankfulness for an opportu nity to become acquainted with the people of Newmarket thought a fitting motto to he over the handsome desk was a good boy Mr Dickson bad almost the whole of hie life this vicinity and now he was being oat with a parental It is well de served and be was sore that Mr Dicksons modesty would not allow him to suffer from an enlargement of He had looked to Mr for hints in discipline general management and teach ing methods and his example bad been a great help He had come to Newmarket not afraid to work and hoped with the co operation of the to sustain the good record of school Proceedings closed with pereooal good wishes and goodbyes to Mr and Mrs Dickson who will from Newmarket many fond memoriae that even time will not obliterate TUB consisted of a very handsome Office Desk finished in quarteroat oak and closed by a sliding cover The woodwork birds eye maple There are drawers and open pigeon boles the whole finished in a style and manner that reflects maoh credit on the Otnoe Specialty Co Newmarket It is about the size of an and the plate has tbe fol lowing inscription JOHN DICKSON HIS AMD THE or school 1899 The address will be engrossed and illum inated at the expense of the Committee the response of Mr friends being so generous Fancy 0fKMidi4 regular for Colored regular for Wire regular 16o for French Sateen regular for Factory Cotton regular for Factory Cotton regular for for SOAPS Comfort Eclipse 8urprita I Union Jack Bruntone lb Bar Men a Knitter regular Ladies Fast Black Hose belli Mens Flannelette Shirts regular 26o for t Special Coruta regular for V Many other at Special Prices Sliced Smoked tin Bine Epaom Salts pure Royal Salad Dressing III I III Finuou tin 10 Choice Bed Salmon 25 c ALWAYS THE LOWEST AND ALWAYS THE BEST W A BRUNTON You never fail when UBing Bruutons Baking Powder j CORNER STORE HATS HATS HATS When You Are Expecting Company What is the first thing you do Clean up dont you That Our Fix We Expect Company This Fall and a great deal of it too so clean up all summer goods to make room for the large stocks of Fall Goods which the company are coming to see We are Selling our Felt Hats away below Cost Prices Dont forget to see when in store Hare were do do i Fedoras were 2 do do These are not old style hats but all new this summer We continue to sell All Summer Goods at Very Low Prices Mens Fur Felt Hats do do do do do do do do do do for 1 for 1 50 for i 50 for 50 for for THE CHEAP STORE Public and Model School Books per cent off Publishers Marked Prices Catholic 1st Book Part 1 1st Book Part 2nd Book 3rd Book Book a a v 16 Ontario Readers 1st Book Part 1st Book Part 2nd Book 3rd Book Book 24 WASTE GOODS 18 Pieces only Fancy Colored Muslins were from to yard now yd Pieces Prints were and 12ic now 6c yd yards Fancy American Prints to clear 6Jcvd tbougai aaoaati that 4 i la nothing to them from to Too ax- baa Soft of omolatloa Hard a The wa cheap la we bay lo oar lota and oar freight adds only a a mall frac tion to the oat Wo can aave money by trading with as and oar goods are the boat About 1 oclock on morning Warden Woodcock aroused by two men from tha of East with the information that a man Baniuel Arnold bad driven wife oat and to kill Ar nold went to her about of a mite only in her and A with daring Arnold ha not having boon home Bat did for her safety wore Arnold a loaded gun and la a violent man whan an dec the of aaln thia MO would near and were at to Arnolda whore the barred aelvotand dmande4admitHneei he bat whan go ing to force an entrance ho opened the door The girl aa he had laid on at on piard Ha promptly arraatod and The aamo ho was guilty by Mr and to gaol the train for Toronto with tho prisoner Ladies Fancy Colored Cotton Moreen 75c- to Cerise for 98 Blouses only Fancy Silk regular Saturday Linen Blouses corded fronts c regular to clear only White Pique corded fronts regular 165 to clear 1 only Whit Muslin Blouses for 50 only Print and Muslin Blouses ree prices up to clearing at 49 Plain Black Fancy Handles and lines now and lines now and lines now lines now 2oox 8c IS it IK a 99 Sulphur Epsom Salts Pulverized and Lump Salt Pulverized and Lump Alum Cochjneal a a Tumeric Tartaric Acid Citric Acid Indigo Camphor Insect Powder Citrate of Magnesia 3c Senna Copperas Resin 3o Beeswax Fullers Earth Arabic Diamond Sticky FlyPaper y sheets for Powders 1 in box Hutch I Kitchen Queen Baking Powder in lb tins English Cream Powder in lb jars lie English Cream Baking Powder in lb jars 20o Royal Baking in 6 oz tins Imperial Baking Powder in J4 lb tine Baking Powder in tins Royal Yeast boxes Cow Soda in J lb packages Baking Sod Carbonate pure 3o lb Baking Ammonia Carbon- ate pore lb Cream of Tartar pure a NEWMARKET Sa J id til

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