Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 25 Aug 1899, p. 1

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try NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND Give mo to know to uttor and to argue freely according to all JW ff i ADVERTISER No sent outside of North York unless paid in advance I- ftl Binglo Copies Con Each New Friday Aug AH Sizes and Styles in Quality of Granitewarc FARMERS AND BUILDERS PMNT3 OILS GLASS Work and General Tinsmsthing A NEWMARKET PEAT VVW v Arc what we are receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AND Every wise housekeeper knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we sell R I Dent I at Oflco Jock the Church Air tor SatlafftCtlon will be or Dr Porter flrad- every Monday J R for Companfca Money to Loan interest at Orrxcd R StOtlHetf of SightSinking and Violin of and all String p flPtbUP Oliver Graduate or Conservatory of Woo Ohio or PIANO and THEORY Queen SI Ramsay Fire Agent on Farm and Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket NEWMARKET 1 Fine of Buggies In Now and continually striving to suit the People In any style or fancy they may have Different people nave different notions Jo what kind of rig they like but they are odd fellows sure If they dont think those lovely roomy and handaoma for anyone who llicefl tyle and Comfort com bined I have also a lot of horses and two A IN Monuments and Head Stones Cell Before Allan YEARS EXPERIENCE SECURED Write for our Invent ors Help and How you are fiend us a or model of your Invention or Improvement and wo will tell you our opinion as to whether It la patentable Wo make a specialty of applications rejected In other hands Marks c jLcroDS ending a and Quickly ascertain our fofCiiioa free oldest ad book on an taken Scientific Highest references EXPERTS a of the School of la Applied amerlcan Water Works Association Water Works Assoc Assoc Can of Civil When Woo Boy I wlsbt at of been hero when My paw was a boy They must of been then When my paw was a boy In be always look prize Ho need to boys twice size I bet folk all had eyes When my paw wan a boy They waa a lot of When my paw boy j How grandpa mast have loved When my paw Whs ft boy Hed git coat an J Iho wood And think up over V way be could To always bo sweet aud Rood When my paw was a boy Then was in place my paw was a boy How slo jump and I on my paw was boy Ho not or disobeyed He bent in ho I What record was my paw vae a boy I Id here when My paw was a boy Theyll never be his agon- Paw was moddel boy But still last I heard my maw up her voice and call my paw worst fool that she over saw- He ouelit of a boy I The Professors Baby I was a medical in of said doctor boys celebrated an event in the life of one of professors in a unique way The news that pro fessor was a happy father reached the Students on Thursday morning and that afternoon and evening there was consultation held all over the univer sity buildings and sundry dimes and quarters were by two or of students who constituted a of finance committee Early Friday morning the professor gave a lecture to students in the am phitheatre subject for the that week was Tho Relation of Sympathetic Nervous System to the Nerve Centers of the Brain and an hour before the time set for the every man in which numbered about was in his place waiting for the fun to begin and glancing now and then toward the three long operating tables in the centre of tho room Promptly at oclbok door opened and favorito professor en tered the amphitheater Ho care fully closed the door behind him then with a selfconscious clearing of the throat turned toward the class At his first glance his jaw fell while every one of the fiends in the seats above began to yell at top of his lungs Spread out upon the three long operating tables were about babys toys and furnishings of and descridtion There were rattles by the dozen Noahs arks of all sizes a toy cooking stove a baby carriage an embroidered flannel petticoat nursing bottle lying in a graduated glass a pair of little blue kid shoes and other things too numerous to mention After first shock of surprise and embarassment professor was game He thanked us in a speeoh peppered with five- syllabled words for our in thus providing for the future needs of his offspring but he observed after a careful examination of the various instruments of infantile de light spread out before him that we bad forgotten one thing a bottle of paregoric Then ho in a way suggestive of midnight vigils and turned his attention to The Relation of the Sympathetic Nervous System to the Nerve Centers of the Brain But he was not allowed to proceed beyond the first sentence or two His attention was drawn to the blackboard where some student of artistic had drawn an elaborately decorated design in red white and blue chalk Marriage a Failure The poor professor was no possibility of a serious lecture that entertained us for about ten minutes on the text posted on the blackboard then after inviting all to visit the newcomer in the imme diate future he marched off to the of voices singing Go to Sleep My Little Pickaninny and Daddy Wouldnt Buy Me a Bowwow I Some Spiritual Questions To the of the Please allow mo to ask and answer following question suggested a remark in a recent number of Era that that death is port to endless life a Do righteous men go to heaven at death It is not so stated in the Scriptures Where in a promise to thorn for the You may search in vain for It is there- fore no part of the to be Did the ancient worthies die in such belief It may bo readily perceived in the Scriptures did not Tim ft 10 Is in any part of faith delivered to Saints It is certainly part When God made promise to Abraham concerning his inheritance it wo a certain land that was promised him which during his present life he did not in herit Acts No not much as to set his foot upon it yet he died in faith that he would be resurrected from the dead to inherit that which tho Lord covenanted to him for a possession Gen lo And it is to those who walk in the steps of tho faith of Abraham that righteous ness will ho imputed unto them in the day of judgment Rom P Aug journal Terras a Bom A handsomely week of scleratfio MUNN Hew York P C and Admiral world If Mod friend and admirer of book over WO Only Write quick The Dominion Chicago f Aug Several large bush firea are raging in the sur rounding country and doing great dam age Farmers homes etc are ser iously threatened and scores of men are in attempting to extin guish them If your correspondent ho given af firmative instead of negative answers to the questions propounded by him self it would to our mind be far more in keeping with with scripture teachings and at tho same time far more comforting to the yearning hearts of humanity Wo have carefully read the scripture passages to and looking at them in the light of whole cannot see anything to sub stantiate his position or warrant his conclusions In answer to the first question Do righteous men go to heaven at death ho says is not so stated in the scriptures But St Paul writing with divine authority says wo know that if our earthly house or tabernacle our bodily frame were dis solved have a building of God an house not made with hand eternal in the heavens II Cor 1 And did not our Saviour comfort the hearts of His sorrowing disciples by assuring them of a home in heaven In My Fathers house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you that where I am there ye may be also St John 14 This was evidently death for St Paul says To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord II Cor Id answer to the second question Did the ancient worthies die 10 such belief he says It may be readily perceived in the scriptures that they did not But strange to say that in the very passage to which he refers us Hob 11 the ancient worthies are frequently spoken of as being strangers and pilgrims on the earth and looking forward to a permanent home in heaven and finally it is said these all died in faith Of Abra ham it is said He looked for a city which hath foundations whose maker and builder is The heavenly city of course Verse 10 and verse it says plainly But now they desire a better country that is an heaven In answer to the third questions Is it any part of faith delivered to he says It is certain ly no part and then goes on to indi cates that at death the soul passes into a sort of sleep and remains in this sort of unconscious condition until the re surrection What an uncomfortable tenet to believe But we may con gratulate ourselves that such is not substantiated either by reason or scrip ture is no shadow of warrant for the idea that there is a promise in our consciousness a parenthesis in our existence between death arid the resur rection St Paul speaks plainly To depart is to be with Christ not to be in the grave in a state of but with Christ in heaven a comforting St John was favored with a look into heaven and he tells us what he saw the Lamb and tho holy angels and the redeemed of earth a great multitude which no man could number Rev Women go Ihvehtoro f Some of valuable as well as important inventors have been pat ented to women among which may be numbered the first cook stove a permutation lock having differ ent combination- a machine for mak ing screws invented by a little girl which revolutionized that industry and the valuable Burden process of making horseshoes which resulted in a over the old process of many millions of dollars per year The first patent to a women was granted in and since then the number has increased to many thou sands These facts are interesting not only because indicating the rapid and most marvelous growth of a womans in- but also from the fact that the inventive genius of women invades fields one would scarcely credit her with any interest much less knowledge One would not be surprised that a hat pin corset glove- fastener etc should bo invented by women but when we learn thatsuch inventions as telescopes making marble from limestone con struction of dams and reservoirs people begin to be interested In Canada also women are becom ing interested in inventions as evidenced by the number of women applicants seeking patents through Marion A Marion of Montreal Cigarettes Forty That the cigarette is a deadly poison is susceptible of proof A few months ago I bad all the nicotine removed from a cigarette making a solution of it I injected half the quantity into a frog with effect that the frog died almost instantly The other half was administered to another frog with like effect frogs were full grown and of average size The con clusion is evident that a single cigar ette contains poison enough to kill two frog A boy who smokes twenty a day has inhaled enough poison to kill forty frogs Why does the poison not kill It does kill If not immediately ho will die sooner or later of weak heart disease or some other malady which scientific physicians everywhere now recognize as natural results of chronic nicotine poisoning In place of the often beautiful many times wickedly pictures which cigarette manufacturers often connection with their packages or often as a premium every package of ought to bear a skull and crossbones and should be marked deadly poison like rough on rats strychnine and other deadly drugs Dr J Kellogg ladles Baron Rothschild the head of what is reputed to be the moat powerful family in European financial circles is said to have posted in bis bank at London the following list of rules for the guidance of his clerks Shun liquor dare to go forward be discouraged polite to everybody employ your time well never tell business lies pay your debts promptly bo prompt in every thing bear all troubles patiently do not reckon upon chance make no useless acquaintances be brave in the struggle of life maintain your in tegrity as a sacred thing never ap pear something more than you are take time to consider then decide ppsitively carefully examine into every detail of your business ftlen pall Victim to stomach liver and kidney troubles as well as women and all feel the results in loss of appetite pois ons in the blood backache nervous ness headache and tired listless run down feeling But there i no need to feel like that Listen to J Gardner He Electric Bitters are just the thing for a man when he is all run down and dont care whether he lives or dies It did more to give me new strength and good appetite than anything I could take I can now eat anything and have a new lease of life Only at Lehmans Drug Store Every bottle guaranteed Habits of Industry Youth is the time to teach your children habits of industry Never iocourage idleness or sloth in the young A lazy boy or girl should their laziness drummed out of them even if you should exercise your self mildly and judiciously as Solomon directs When the lazy youngster comes to maturity it- will have that in born feeling of being tired which will make all its days a reproach of which you the fond parent will be largely to blame If you inculcate habits of industry in the children do not be afraid that they will think you cruel- day will come when your in lies will be blessed by them for do ing your duty The Useful Onion per annum if in advance The Editors Shears Dating Owen Sound Aug- About oclock yesterday morning a daring burglary was attempted at the residence of Mr John Lemon Stephen street The perpetrator Robert Scott a Chats- worth tinsmith was caught redhand ed in the act and now lies in jail awaiting trial Scott effected entrance into the house through a back window and ascended the front stairway Mrs- of Philadelphia who was visit ing at the house heard some one pass along the hall and enter the next bed room was occupied by Mr Lemon She awakened Mrs Lemon and the latter went to investi gate The burglar who in the mean time had rifled the room had the door fast and Mrs Lemon awakened her husband Suddenly the door flew open and burglar with his face covered with a handkerchief made a break for liberty He ran into the arms of Mr Lemon and a desperate struggle followed He was finally and secured Mr Lemons gold watch which had left on the dresser was found on his person and a containing A medical authority says Those who are in the habit of indulging in onions may bo consoled for the social disadvantages which by fact that onions are about the best nervine known No medicine is real ly so in cases of nervous prostration and they tone up a worn- out system in a very short time Their absorbent powers are also most valuable especially in times of epi demic It has been repeatedly observ ed that an onion patch in the vicinity of a house acts as shield against the pestilence which is very apt to pass over the inmates of that house Slic ed onions in a sick room absorb all the germs and prevent contagion Islands Aug 18 The administra tor of the Government of the Leeward Islandsreportsthtathe recent hurricane caused awful destruction of property of all kinds The sugar works and lime juice factories were completely None of the planters are in a position to employ labor and consequently the working classes are suffering A Good Rule Mean men are very often the men with most means The fortieth anniversary of Grims by Park was celebrated Saturday Bush fire are raging in ityof Township of King ston At Stirling a couple of cooper shops- and a marble works were hurri ed Lye Stephens the Chatham accidentally by a companion is den labor arrang ed big labor demonstration for La- or Day A nineyearold son of Mr Coleman of Ingeisoll was drowned while bathing Two American lieutenants were killed in a skirmish near Angele3 on Saturday evening Forest fires have destroyed pro worth thousands of dollars in Chatham Township An express package containing was stolen from the fltatiori at Mr Chas Springers fouryear old eon fell into a well at Wetland and was drowned Fergus Watson son if Wat son died at Ayr from blood poisoning resulting from a boil Mr Charles Kemp wis struck by a train and killed on the T A bridge near F01 a girl cut off one of her toes while splitting wood one day last week f Mrs Watson of was burned to death She was lighting a fire using coal oil for the purpose Twentyfive miners were killed Friday in the colliery Glamor Wales by an explosion The first harvest excursion train from the east has arrived at Winni peg are 450 harvesters oh the train from Quebec The Grand Trunk freight sheds at Woodstock with most of their con tents were destroyed by fire The I03S is or 7000 A It is a good thing in home life to avoid all arguments whioh tend to ir ritate or wound Bleasingon the had been left in his inside of years who once pooket was picked up after scuffle is the scapegrace member of a highly respected Sydenham family Roberts Dunn was frowned at Ottawa while bathing The late Senator Bellorose be queathed to be equally divided between the College of Laval at Mont real and the Convent of the Nuns of Charity been decided by the courts that if a bicycle rider falls or sustains an injury on account of a dog barking or snapping at him that the owner of the dog is responsible for damages Ex said Dear child never insist on the last word about anything It isnt worth while You can keep your opin ion but let your friend express his if he wants to and refuse for your part to quarrel about a trifle Aug 18 By an explosion in the colliery in Gla morganshire Wales 25 persons were killed explosion during the flight shift when there were only fifty men in them All the living have been rescued Thousands of persona gathered around the month of the mine Many persons were by the explosion Mr Kent after an inspection of the affairs of the Ville Marie reports that the depositors will half of their money Archibald Jones of an lad was convicted of stealing various articles from two boarding house and was sent to giol for thirty days Montreal Aug There is a great commotion in to night where an Oriental gambling dea was raided by Chief detective Carpen ter and bis men Ten Celestials were paced under arrest and in cash confiscated Owing to tho recent heavy rains in northern Alberta and in the moun tains the Saskatchewan River has overflowed having risen feet in hours The steamer Northtcett has been wrecked and the river is full of miners shacks cordwood and lumber Edmonton is partly flooded and the people living in lowlying parte are preparing to move out Montreal Aug 16 A sensation al connection with affairs of the suspended Mario Bank took place late this afternoon when warrants were the ar rest of Mr William Weir the presi dent of the bank Mr Fred Smith one of the directors and Ferdinand mieux the cashier on a charge of making false statements regarding the banks affairs Midland Aug 20 At oclock this morning George Godfrey fright watchman at elevator No 1 was drowned here He was walking along the edge of the dock in front of the elevator and it is thought that he lost his footing and fell in Mr Davenport who was some litHo distance away beard a and rushed to where he had seen Mr Godfrey a short time before but spot he could see of him The body was found shortly afterwards but life was extinct He leaves a to mourn his toss

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