Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Aug 1899, p. 6

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WORTHY TO have growled for Wednesday of A held he lawn of i ft be half of the Parsonage fund Peaches and from to oclock followed by a program in following Hoe of King every Sunday and am to part Newmarket preaches iV Christian on the leaie of gOEESyiLLE vm most cordially received members of Division of will attend in the Methodist Church on Sunday Aug at Mr will preach a special sermon Visiting members will ho invited to join in rolativofl and friends Wr Geo of Manitoba pleased to welcome him here again for a short ft of Junction is in this section also slater Mrs of Toronto Mrs Tattoo and family of Toronto friends here Mr Jos of is visit ing in Ibif vicioity Miss of Toronto is the Mr Thus- Lemon eldest son of Rcove late of Manila is home on a visit- Mrs plant mid night has the second time this season it is said to be an unusual thing Mr Jar Jtae bus by of No to place a now floor in their School room are getting Jikewisu Mr J as- Murray and family wore visiting in the vicinity of Noble ton last Sunday IK 9 f i The most severe thunderstorm that has occurred hero this season was on Saturday morning of last The fluid struck jo a score of places hereabouts but doing no dam age Jan barn at ofiell was struck current passing through a mow of grain but fortunate ly did not fire it The snap and of the lightning trying on the nerves An increase in Nathan Thomas family occurred on Sunday morning and Master Merman have a bike in partnership A man by name fast week attempted to set the Charlton at defiance Ho entered a house near hore and finding all away excepting a young girl of weak intellect and pro- fifteen of age to go the bam The indignant mother who returned home at the lime follow and opening the barn door suddenly end observing was transpiring felled the guilty man to Moor a club where be lav for some time On Saturday evening Mrs no mot with a serious tumble She was trading at the store floss Miller Having completed her she got into her buggy to drive home horse began to back and she becoming fright attempted to spring out Her feet were entangled in the lines throwing her under the buggy She was somewhat bruised and cut by the wheels and horses feet but drove home The crop at Jerusalem is prodigious Charlotte is making her ten dollars a week marketing them John Alexander promises to exceed previous efforts in big citrons weeks ago he had one measur ed two feet around School reopens Monday Thats suggestive of cool weather coming Yates who contracts for the erection of a good many barns has made a tine set of pike poles Mr was here last week do ing some repairs to gasometer He is popular about here Peter Perault has a young literally loaded to the ground with A severe wind storm would ruin it The lightning rod a graduate of the Andrew Mercer female seminary for the lower education of ladies is rusticating in this neighborhood Her smile is very engaging One of our young men was taking tea with Mary leaving bis wheel at the gate A curious minded pig got entangled in be wheel during his ab sence and almost wrecked it Mr Tine new house be a remarkably warm one as to make it so is used It is also protected on the north by a of trees Geo the Jppildcr is doing his work well Berries are gone Goo sold one and forty pails off Amos Crittenden off about one- popular drive for a young and his on eve fa to the A good at Mrs Taylor mother of Jacob Mrs Walker of Toronto Mrs Toronto Mioses Winter- and Messrs and Mies Elva Wttjyjl Ladies College A Esq of Esq of OT8villoJrfr8 and Mrs of Mrs of Keswick Mies M College The Choir wilt render dona Esq of New market has consented to take tho No doubt the countryside will turn out to hear snob an array of tal ent A heavy sever lightning passed this place early morning No particular damage 2ono to ny property heir Mcwerw ami Mills of Churchill Sunday friends Mr Herb of parsed through hero Sunday Mr If Break of Detroit been visiting bis brother Mr J A Mr Geo Norm Jias a trip north to bin Miss Maude and her mother loft Tuesday for They in tend upending a short time with Rev fj McKay at their summer home lr Smith of npunt Sun day with J A Irwin Mr and Mrs J Council spent a few days in Joydtown thin week Mr I and wife Sunday with iu Mr J A Stewart of Thornton is visiting his Itov is visiting with Mann for a few day Dont forgot the Peach Festival at Mr next Wednesday evening program good peaches ami cream tie suro and take a peach along to for four the ladies cannot supply you A number from hero attended the Quarterly meetings Sunday wrraoij Everybody is delighted him j i She is missed very much in the Sunday School Tneo ftailtpn entertained a few friends on Mies Minnies the North West has said goodbye to her many friends around here We wish her ranch happiness in her new home Mrs Mainprise of Albert has been Visiting at her mothers Mrs Shaw Miss Nightingale of Forest is visiting friends in the neighborhood The viators at Bethel arc Miss of Ottawa and Miss of also Mr of Miss Jennie Sherman of is visiting at Mr J Rail tons A lady visitor at Mr The Misses Mann at Mr also Mr and Mm of Toronto are visiting friends Miss Curtis of Toronto and ace visiting at Mr Harry Ardors Mr Kcam and family Mr Manning and sons Fred and are visitincr at Mr J MurrellV Mrs Huntley and Mr Colo of visiting at Mr HuntkyV James Sons tannery at was destroyed by fire causing a loss of about On Tuesday a boy named was driving a team and roller in a field in Township When going down a slope fell forward He was found dead beneath the roller was resting on the hollow of bis peck Last Saturday raorntntbirewafl a violent i ftiponapanld with flownfairof from to Buribg lightning barn on the Con north of last was greater No in- Friday evening about old Mr King hotel keeper at Raven- shoe died suddenly of heart disease while sitting in the rocking chair Funeral sermon by Rev A Brown at last Sunday afternoon and the remains interred J Michael Elliott in Cemetery Old Mr to another are spending her fathers Mr Bo of Bonded lire Handy of the Landing is vi Mre Ogd The English Chare was well represented to on WednevJ report a very Mrs Geo Case ing her father A m King has kept the hotel for a number of years and has made a reputation for keeping a strict house never being fined that we are aware of He was in very poor health all winter a good part of the time under the doctors care Mr Lewis has erected bis chopping mill at the south end of the fast It appears it got halter and choked itself second horse Mr Elliott in a few weeks Miss Minnie city on Monday month at home Mian Sadie Daly village and will soon have it ready for improving very much l a number from The south increases but the north decreases Miss Flo- of Toronto is iak ing in the Excursion taking leasone in painting from Mr J in and is prov Mr Morning ban oar ing herself an apt pupil i ft j inches Who can Mrs Chas of is quite poorly at time of writing Schools reopen next week and many mothers will be glad Summer residents win soon be Mr John Herds horse fori me to run the shaft of I io breast one will be unable for some weeks turning from the breezy shores I McDonald of The fin ruined some of the visit at Mr Daley- on Maple The talk shout the wist a gJoorn in hotel is dying out ii not at a loss for stores are three still running Miss Fogg of Chicago niece of Mr Wright Fogg is at present vieiting him and other relatives in village but expects soon to return home Our Fruit CO visiting in To ill being Orchard Beach Summer Lake WrWrVrWA Leave your Order we will deliver at an appointed time promptly SPECIALTIES Ice Cream in quart tins packed in ice Nice to use at Cottage or Camp to Ham Sandwich by the Dozen Cooked Ham by lb Try Damons Coffee With Strength and Flavor Miss Etta Man- is confined to her bed Mr Wrugg of several days with Mr Robert How laud Mrs A visiting relatives in this vicinity Dr A Moore V left Mon day for St Joe Mich for several weeks His family returns with him Miss of spent last week at Dr J Forrests Four men from Toronto at present writing are putting a new gravel roof on A Sons factory Miss of in visit ing her suiter Mrs T Lloyd this week Mrs Dr J Wesley spent several days in Newmarket last week Our Junior Baseball team are win ners which appears to be from the large number of cool heads among the players They took their victory in Newmarket last Friday as if it was an every day occurrence and are now busy hunting for other fields to con- Will our Seniors moralize on the above for one wee while Mr George Spalding is nursing a split finger a result of the Junior Baseball Clubs play in Newmarket Mr John Rosamond is at the Pres ton Mineral Springs where he is en deavoring to regain his health Messrs Jones built an ad dition to their oven week They will now be in a position to supply the demands of their greatly increased trade Frank barn which was in the process of being rebuilt was en tirely wrecked by Friday afternoons storm It was up on posts and most of the foundation had been placed beneath it ready for new wings to each side and made a mark for the Mr and Mr Rah- mer were in a building immediately adjoining the barn and were almost crushed by the barn smashing in the building in its fall Mr escaped with a few bruises but Mr had three ribs broken and will be laid up the the summer On gathered on the A increasing barn Cooked Corn Beef by the lb ft Davisons Chocolates are delicious Delicious Heinz Pickles in bulk Portugal is suffering and rain is visiting at- about for ho can WSytr nothfng is buffering from earth son of v The Newmarket Citizens Band through here en route for Beach on Saturday eve They gave us two very nice selections A lajge load of our townspeople followed them to the lake and report a very I pleasant evening Miss Ella of Newmarket is the guest of her cousin Miss Emily Sprague Miss Florence of Toronto is the guest of Miss Emma Mr Ed Luck and his two brother from have been visiting at Mr J Terrys Master Boss and sisters Thornton have leen visiting in the village We understand that Mr Homer baa purchased a bike Lots of scrochers now There will be a special meeting of the on Saturday evening for important business Mr A of Tory Hill has been spending his vacation at Bay View Villa Lake Messrs and A spent Sunday at Morton Park It is surprising the number from here that spend their Sundays at the lake and leave their own church worship On Sunday last Queensville turned out en masse to the Band Concert on the lake shore Might better employed A large number from here attended the barnraising at Jacob Smiths on the Con It is the largest barn in the township and required a large force of men to raise the timbers There were between and pres ent in the forenoon and more than twice that number in the afternoon The whole business was carried on very systematically and no one was hurt during the process Shortly after the raising Mr Walter went to put his coat on and failed to notice a chisel lying- on it which dropped on his leg cutting it severely The F are in a terrible plight over the loss of their new foot ball It was in Mr Hills boggy to the raising on Tuesday and some sneak thief took it out of the tig Mrs Geo Cole and daughter An nie are visiting her daughter Mrs Smith 1 1 Mr and Mr hay up river on a when Mr fell off and never to the surface again The body w recovered shortly afterwards but life was extinct Mr and children were at the excursion and did not hear of tho tad until Extra the arrival of the boat in the evening Standard Granulated All oiatuy of heavy glass in measure A to try Davisons frod V O OKCHAkl Cant Equal New Cheese Tate a or drive down Lake Shore Road and tost Admiral Dewey is ill at Leghorn The Board of Health has been asked to compel of all children attending the facilities for ice cream so sentenoed to six months in jail at Hamilton for the of a from a Toronto ery A vein of natural gas was Monday a depth of on the farm of Messrs stock about four miles east of Oak Boring for in on this property for some time with view of finding a cheap fuel for The vein promises to yield an but value- will be known only after a teat which will be made- at once Should the find prove II the weather is favorable next Saturday evening commencing at oclock a Concert will be given on Lawn in aid of the Mission to Lepers in India following talented artists among others have kindly consented to assist Miss Miss Dale and Dale of Toronto Miss Elva I York of Whitby Ladies College and Miss Oliver of Newmarket The pro- gram will consist of solos duetts t choruses etc Miss Wright of will give a brief account of Leper Mission and a collection will be taken up on behalf of that worthy object If weather id unfavorable for being outdoors the Concert will be given in cottage The public are cordially invited Interest in Bible Class at 2epbyr Villa on Sunday evenings still continues A Davidson Esq P I has kindly consented to take charge of the next one Last Saturday night was a memor able one for the campers The New market Band after serenading all the villages up to the Lake arrived in front of the Davison Restaurant about half past eight oclock and entertained a couple of hundred people with their delightful music About ten oclock they rested for an hour or so and par took of refreshments The music was then kept up till midnight the final procession being from Orchard Beach to Echo Hollow tbe Band playing all the way Mr At doing the drummajor act to perfection The band boys were billeted among the campers who were delighted to enter tain them during their stay On Sun day morning a few of the boys sailed over to in the Skilark and serenaded the point with sacred music The was also placed at their dis posal In the afternoon a sacred concert was given on lawn for over an hour which was greatly appreciated by a large crowd includ ing visitors from the surrounding country Before leaving about pm Mr and Mrs Cane enter tained the whole band to tea el It was quite a red- letter day for the Band and it was so much enjoyed by the boys that they think of making it an annual affair Miss Dale also Messrs Joe and Bert of Toronto who are spend ing ten days at Manns boarding house joined the Jackson families in a party at Island on Monday Webbs i0 He sold nine gallons last Both Squire his daughter are very ill under the doe tors care Dr Young leaves for peg this week jSf Rev Addison preaches in Owen I Just arrived a full of Pure Spices at Davison Grocery Our Whole Mixed Pickling Spier worth trying Our Pure Cinnamon cannot be excelled No Test Like a Davisons Extracts Have Strength avison Co Main St Money Found On Main Jual Saturday flee of- Job Carpenter Work A WfOflg Idea jo to on Notice J WILSON Prospect Ave Newmarket 2nd door South of Parsonage- NEW FURNITURE by Public Auction on the Market Square on Saturday Aug Now is your good your price REMOVAL JOSHUA to Inform the public that be moved bis 8boemaldng business to larger opposite Toronto Jobbing House- All of Boots end Shoes made to order and all Neatly and Promptly to our orc us guarautod of your ewmarei A great have an idea thai it to make a of them idea having at placed themelvec the mercy of an ofdlte phot We are to have people call at oar aa we can and do knock idea of their heads abort by giving them a A Call Gallery Two doprs of Farms for Sale Sound the next two Sundays The is cruising oh Jake of ilKtfftnVR crop year will cot equal onefourth yield of The of Estate or late Edwin Invite of the following farms half lot coo Part of lot of in the con to Mr Ji Apply or fend propoeliioou to Ouuirio or to A nolo Hunter at toe homestead on Street one mile of Newmarket Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if 6 handicapped of children for Ja feature of Optical Department GRADUATE OPTICIAN Secret of Dress M baa no pxia It in pretty widely that most of our- men have their clothes at i to keep looking like cleaned ftod l do thai work right at moder ate charge j- T or per AflvKAVAV

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