Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Aug 1899, p. 2

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ffir I Price Co JJat iJjvflJime Metropolitan Electric for tialo lift Work J- Wilson Found Office i CONVENTION ON AND The Bra is U 4 Aid ft Singular Independence Political urn of tin Mont Star of J circulated in the muter of Quebec After each general election more or Ion in- dependent but time draw nigh for COX appeal to the country pro disposition to Conner itself no aw to all con- fidenco in iu independent Humor are now current of jif of another appeal the country after close of next of Jiatnent and true to instinct the Star indulges in exceedingly unfriendly criticism of the present on the rail- way voted at the recent session the is charged ft with blooding the country to death their proposals ctiaractorized h tho action of desperate and being guilty the greatest crime of The Executive of the West Ontario Reform Association met at on Tuesday of this week to consider j advisability of holding a to bring a candidate for West Ontario vacancy having been therein by the death of our late member Sir J Edgar There was h goofJ representative gathering hit lP jiff Riding each l0 fucL lial pwidcnfc and Secretary have both removed from Riding the Richardson presided at the Wing Esq of Newmarket pro torn After considerable it was dictded to hold a Convention to select a candidate at Hall on Wednes day of September The Executive Committee will meet at 1030 in the forenoon to offi cers and transact business and Convention proper will bo held at J in the afternoon After meeting was over we learned from current talk that was likely bo quite a batch of can didates for the position and the feel ing was very strong for a local candi date The following have solicited to take the field Mayor Cane of New market and should he positively de cline Col Lloyd is after the position Isaac Esq P Ox bridge Sanders Esq ex- War den Mossrs Mowbray Richardson and Hoover of Pickering The names of Janes and Kerr of Toronto are also mentioned Possibly however a dark horse ntav be winner in tho race a the century of the bold oil typo could scarcely furtlier also the jrtioples t arc Jinked with the as of crimes that send them to the instead of holding seats in the p- oils of the country In thin it the Stars present extravagant of reasonable and practical of national development with conditions inureing to the countrys advantage by the pri- and powers retained is in striking contrast to its unmistakably open support of the late i8try in the of 1890and too in the face of the fact that during the period between the pre- general election and the contest in 1896 both the annual expenditure and the public debt of the Dominion had been very nearly doubled and of further expenditure made involving milliona more than the pre- Bent Government has asked parliament EDITORIflli NOTES Tut faot la in a by Sir Owen Roberta who acted s chairman annual meeting of the Society for promoting the Employment in Britain that there are more women in that country men made difficult for to obtain work It that Cart- of Trade and Commerce id to apeak at a political gathering in To ronto on next That bis address will be more that merely political goes without saying Those Who have the op- to attend will be both and interested in the way be will treat pub- ho relating to the eoeral welfare of country if- to sanction We can understand a journal taking an independent along certain lines in regard to if- the administration of the affairs of the country and reasons to J sustain theories but continuous and promising hostility to the general policy of the Government of J- the day is quite a different thing and J- does not harmonise with public of independencfi The it cant of the when re- to the public expenditure under the Administration and also of Hon Foster and the Opposition in Parliament was com- in the closing hours of J- the session jubt held Replying to Mr Fosters premeditated deception Hon Mr Fielding pointed out that in one year economical gentlemen who now talked of and who now relied up items together Pabijambnt was prorogued on Friday last Opposition talked to kill time until they found the Premier was not dis posed to favor a salary grab then their loader left for the Old and most of his lieutenants threw sponge The Minister however white plainly intimating his mortification wound up with a want of confidence resolution that expressed only a part of the troth It was voted down by the nana majority iv House in 1894 votes of various characters aggregating Yet they and their friends pi would constantly refer to fcditure of the country as being in Later on Mr fielding presented another striking fact that while the estimates contained appropriations involving the Opposition had only with 32000 is significant and when our tew cries out about bleeding the country to death it shopjd remember that as an journal its criticism Is not sustained by the votes of ihthV public debt three years of lie hi lien In to Hon Mr Fare- well effort on the closing day of the re- session of Parliament the Globe ob serves The Senates championship of gerrymander of secured his great- eat source of satisfaction for it moved him to he facetious over the obstruc tion Both the Senate and the monstrosities and it bat natural that tbe one should defend toe other But apart from this fellow feeling there is no intelligent reason why the Hen- ate should interfere with the representa tion of tbe Commons Tub case of the old man Id Toronto who seriously another the same with him in No I Police Station calls for legislation if such be It appears that three Mr Justice ruled on a case that dronlteo persona need not be searched has led and be very this line bat drunken should be de prived of weapons M wall as other prisoners if are to be kept from doing harm to other persons and the law be made giving authority to Tfut Num referring to the act that West Ontario will soon hold a election to fill the vaoaooy created by untimely of Its late and further that Biding a Reform hive constituted soon by the gerrymander upon them to introduce by Domina tion a local candidate The Ne likewise tbinka should be a resident of Township it moat important municipality in con But why away one side of the Hiding fa more important than we fall to sea Be this as ft ay the decidedly to a Toronto candidate even if he hould- be eg i chief at the iffy 1f would Keep I thj hew wb waylaid by the Opposition I and shot Iieirfjwdmea hi Ifc i the victim wiHrecoYor A firh V Miaa visiting f Miss Matty is visUlog In this woek Mr Bert Lloyd teller in is off for vacation A lot of Newmarket people spent Sua- day at the Lake Miss May Gray spout a few days at Lake this week Mr visitiog in Uzbridgo week Mrs several days last week at the Lake Dr Webb a company of ladies to the last Saturday Mrs Or Wesley was visiLing mother at Weston last week Mrs of is vieit- log her Mr Mrs andchildres are upend ing al Oat Mine Bertha leaves ftir the to join her parents Mr Waller Triveti spent last week at the Lake the guest of Mr at Saints Real Violet of Toronto is apendiog vacation In Town tbe of McCormiok Tbe Hughes daughter of Mr Hughes are spending a couple of at Miss Clara Manning from Bradford also Miss a cwnple of day a last week in the city Mr Fred was taken at Canes again last Tuesday and bad to be driven home Mr Geo Wesley who went eat West with Mr Ed Taylor In the Spring It back from British Columbia Miss of Chicago left for borne Monday altar spending two with MIijb Mr J J Kelly star goalkeeper a couple of days at his home in Town this week Mrs John Bird sister of Mr Job- Manning from Indiana also Mr Manning of spent in town Mr Winter of Niagara came hereon the and a week very pleasantly with old friends Mips J Williams com- special at Angus last Sunday with much promise of spiritual Mr J Miss Lush end represented Newmarket at of at Stouffville on Fri day Miss Hooter of daugh ter of Mr J P Hunter came hare on Tuesday for a couple of weeks with relatives Mr organizer for the CO P was In town for a few days and added two new members to the here on Toes- day night Miss Calkins of Niagara Falls panted her Mr N on the excursion and will remain for some time The Misses Potter of Hamilton who have been visiting at Mr Archie Thomp sons for the peat three weeks left for home Saturday Mrs and family of Toronto who were rusticating at Morton Park spent over Sunday at Mr J on the way home Miss Minnie of Sutton Weal is spending a few days in Town with her sister Mrs Morton iog for the North- West Alderman J Hughes of Pyramid Lodge has been appointed DistrictDeputy Grand Matter of the for North York A party composed of of Messrs Geo Boss J Dickran Jos Wesley and John apeot Wednesday at Lake Mr of the staff at listen spent over 8onday with Mr at the Lake and is calling on old friend a in Town week Dr Patterson of Barrie was in Town a couple of days this week of Mr Angus Williams He was after acme work on his vault the Cemetery The familial of Mr and Lawyer Robertson with visitors had a at Hollow on Thursday of hut week by special permission of Mr Mr master of Newmarket High return ed home week after spending vacation at Pork London and other places In Western Ontario Sun thanks are ex tended to two players who left us at tret of the season We have got Doyle boys their places and better players never wore a Uniterm Stewart who passed nil examination at College Winnipeg Town last Friday and seat day id see his father in To ronto Ha aspects to see mote of his friends in Town next week AC and of Newmarket form a yacht with of They anchored at the foot of Avenue and walked Into town and took In took a trip down to Severn with the of of visit- Jogrloudy I Mra to Toronto to visit her granddaughter Toroutofs C GrlodVli of- Toronto is guest of Warden wife Mrs Lewis and daughter of Toronto are the of J Maud Wallace of is visiting in for a couple of baa returned after a very pleasant trip to Hamilton apd Toronto Mr J and family of spent Thursday at the Lake Battle of Manilla Out is visiting her Miss Jessie The Misses have returned borne were delighted with Deacon of Toronto waa the guest of Mrs Albert Travias on Mies Rosa a company of people at last Friday night Mies Nellie Ryan is visiting in town guest Of her the Mc Caffrey Miss Taylor of spending in town guest of Mm Grabber A BIG SHOE BUSINESS We have been doing a tremendous Shoe Trade this season- sales more than double any previous year We have just completed a big purchase from an Eastern house of New Goods at about on the dollar www Miss Mary spending a couple of in Now York gnest of her Mrs Atkinson of Vandorf Was visiting lam week with Mrs Timothy Mis Flanagan are spending with at Stir ling and Toronto Mr and dieter with two of Toronto were the of Mrs week Mrs of Bradford and Miss Smith of have viaiting Mrs Marshall on Millard Mr Jack Gibb left or home in after friend Mr Oscar for a couple of weeks A number of people were enter tained at Mr T spacious residence and grounds on Tuesday even- tug Miss Low who baa been be at home leaves today for farrow sou Windsor resume icwher next Monday has been teacliiig at Harrow since Christ- man to be doiog well Mr has returned from a tour up North buying apples He viait- Dontroon and repons that ap ples are plentiful op there Richmond Hill Mr A Coombs MA- who baa been of our High for past three years baa been appointed to a similar poeition in the Newmarket High School Mr Coombs many frienda will be pleased to learn of bis appointment In a three teacher school as tbe work will doubtless be lighter than in a two master school He baa been very auo- easeful as a teacher here and in societies and other institutions no one will be missed more than Mr Coombe Here are a Few of the Prices Mens Dongola Kid Gaiters Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots Mens Fine Dongola Lace Boots Childrens Lace Boots reg per pair sizes to at Ladies Kid Button Boots at Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots Kings make 3 at Ladies Oil Pebble Lace Boots reg price 125 at JO 40 A BIG CLOTHING BUSINESS This Aug is the fourth time this summer thai we have had to record damage done to property id this district- by lightning but the damage done by yesterday mornings severe thunderstorm far sur passed any previous one About this morning people were awakened by loud of thunder and found formidable looking sky over- head The storm broke a short dis tance west of the town with the fol lowing results Samuel Webster barns and contents burned also eight horses including a valuable driver for which Mr Webster paid this spring bags of clover grain of acres nine head of cattle loss 4000 insurance only Johnston EMU Township Ops seven sheep billed Cameron sheep killed Hartley Ops killed Mrs Martin Viotoria road barn burned toss unknown Reports of other buildings burned in this district could not be verified We must make a big clearance oi the Clothing Stock week Prices Cut Almost in Two and as you know we never sell poor clothing Mens 500 Suits reduced to Mens 800 Mens 900 Mens 1000 7 90 Mens 350 Fine Worsted Pants at Mens Very Strong Tweed Pants at 00 Boys Suits that were 50 clear at 00 A BIG DRY GOODS BUSIN Pure Table Linen inches wide special at Roller Towelling good weight yards for 7c Grey Cotton a thousand yards this week at White Counterpanes extra large reg at Cotton Cashmere per yard Dark Prints inches wide at Dark Shaker Flannel at 7c Ladies Blouses that were at Mens Cotton Underwear thai was at We do the Leading and certainly the Biggest Dry Goods trade in Newmarket and depend upon it you will serve your own interest examining our Goods H E MADDOOK Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Churns own made the ben used on sale JOS The Tomb Id on eon of Mr Albert Homes aged dy Smith 2nd of at the reel- of Mr Aug used year Interred in of England Icg ground Newmarket At ate Toronto on J6tb only eon of Mr P Bra 1 Main Newmarket All Orders will The Cradle In King Saturday Aug of Fred of a Davis In King on wife of of a eon At Lawn Aurora on Snnday July the wife of Oscar Stephens of a ion Meads Id Town to Mr and Mrs Joe Meads a daughter Fletcher In Tows on Aag to Mr and Alex Fletcher a daughter In on Mr and Arthur Wilson a eon The Altar Bowser In Aurora on Tuesday Aug Charles to Nellie Billing both of Aurora Mr Alex Stewart aged was struck by a railway train at Wood stock and killed Out Aug 12 A very heavy thunderstorm passed over this place this morning Light ning struck the Beck Mfg new lumber yard setting fire to the lumber and consuming about feet Loss from 1600 to folly covered by insurance r Leading Undertaking House Toronto Aug 1899 Wheat per bushel a White Wheat per buahel us- a 0 TO Wheat per 0 63 bushel per bushel Bye per bushel s Butter roll per 16 Potatoes per bag old do do new per Hey per ton SAVE MONEY By buying your Suits Lundys Tailor a a a a a a a a a a a a CO OK 0 A full stock of Black and Blue Serges a Choice Lot of Tweeds for OVERCOATS and PANTS per owl ft Beef ice pair WC a a a a a TOO 007 Oil I For Dining Room One an outfit Ot and heavy tare fat this we can salt yoa but for the majority ibis Is the case Therefore we are the finest offering of dlnlnR room ever shown values are unparalleled Styles in 8baraHuderB J Opposite Royal Hotel V- n Flour per barrel White Wheat per bushel Red Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bujhel I Barley per t Oats per bushel PcasperbuBbel per Duller roll per lb Potatoes per ha Apples per I a a a a a a 083 000 p I- I I TTftdortakitiff grabainvlng Wool per Hay per ton mm Beef per f Gcfeper lb I eft per per jot GRAHAMS GALLERY CLOSED TILL 1st September I Premises be Enlarged a island Renovated a Scenery Etc 0 Graham OLD 00 4 a a oil CO a a a a a 0 a

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