Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 8

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3 4 I mi ii One J Wli story When yonr bead and you feel bilious pstd and out tone with jour itoraaca soar and do buy Moods Pills take ft from to bo surprised ho tberwllldo work car your and biliousness rouse liver and make you fool happy itfoeate Sold dealers I ft J Capital rf Total nearly HEAD OFFICE ft- I A Branch of ibis Hank la at BRADFORD deposit arc of and I paid make a of Discounting Farmers Notes And Notes at LOWEST RATES Information apply Si ELLIOTT ft ft- ft- I- ARE YOU INSURED TBI Standard Life ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED I It Total Assurance in force over over Annual Revenue over paid Matured Endowments over 2800000 Investments in Canada Deposit at Ottawa or security of Canadian Policyholders over paid lives of without extra premium Children over of age J Button Balfour WIDEAWAKE lEBPOKDEhTTP TO RECORD AURORA Mr George of Chicago was hero last week visiting motb- Mrs I J Haitman Mrs who been travelling in Europe for the past six months arrived home last week B son of Chief A left on Tuesday for River Valley Manitoba as a mission ary sun on Mrs Downs and Greenwood of Newmarket are guests at Dr Green A Magistrates court was hold hereon Monday Justices Cole Evans and Jackson Davis Lyon- were examined un der oath and Thomas Lyon fin ed 5 and no fees being The fine and costs amount ed Herald Children Cry for CASTOR I MOUNT The ami clover have a failure aeahwi to tin extreme and alio winter The has greatly improved by a new roof a coat paint and a now Mr Oliver of ville nearly lost a valuable horse on Sunday- The animal was tied in lh Church and Rot up in the in iodi a way that it when rescued The plan of the Mount Albert Meth odist circuit as follow service in Mount Albeit morning and evening every at oclock Holt- every Tuesday evening at second Sunday written at Special Rates Manager Charles Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A fe word Purity on our their ever a 1 and Its presence you Look and for it Plant Spray Plant Spray cooialoB do Paris Green Sure death to all Insect life to only Sheep Dip a preparation lor the cured akin and or laaheenand cattle It Is highly and its work with no drastic or Ir ritating effects Endorsed by leading sheep raisers Horse Wash Is prepared to toe akin diseases llartd for them of all pests It has a the pelt and In a thoroughly healthy condition Price per at can Pig Wash aJI of tor dc- vermin generally KeepB the akin Id healthy condition and a healthy appearance In the tor market I if Hen House Spray and Powder lieu House Spray and Poultry derdeatroy ihe Act as a fOClant and purifying the atmosphere liberally proved and kindred Purchase these goods from Druggist for Newmarket Wo CO MCI Limited The Argonaut oarsmen returned from Henley arriving at New York on the Wo know its little early but too early to think of preparing for the busiest brightest business year Canada that alacrity l sir I can flU that How strong you will feci to cater up- year If you can aay I can flU tton For will be going tboso good the kind we prepare young people- your let us tell you bow we can you one of the fortunate ones Start any time No vacations i TORONTO Children Cry for CASTOR I A VIVIAN The Presbyterian garden party on Tuesday eveiinc was a decided suc cess in every respect An excellent tea provided by the Jadies and the guests attentively waited up on by Vivians fairest A well contested football match was played in the evening An attractive program consisting of anthems by the choir by Miss Marion Armstrong Miss Lena Spalding a duet by Miss Spalding and Mrs Mc- and recitations by Misses Atkinson and of Vivian and Miss Flossie Forrest and Mr of Mount Albert The pro ceeds amonnted to nearly thirty dol lars BRADFORD Mrs is visiting friends in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Stewart and their children of Newmarket spent Sunday in town Arrangements have been completed for a grand excursion to Niagara Falls and Buffalo on Tuesday Aug under the auspices of the Bradford West Agricultural So ciety The annual Excursion of Trinity Church congregation and School takes place on Wednesday Aug 10th to Jacksons Point and per steamer Enterprise On Saturday afternoon last Master wheeled out to the Settlement and on entering Mr Dan Sutherlands farm gate was bitten by a dog in the calf of the leg a good sized portion of the flesh being re moved Several hours after the wound became very painful and was obliged to lay up and submit to medical treatment On Tuesday afternoon Mr Bolton Metcalfe in the employ of Mr Herb Carter of Bond Head experienced a runaway while in town Bolton was making a call on his parents and left a little boy in charge of the Suddenly the animal took fright and started off on a ran taking with it ft load of gem jars It took a around end brought up at the Hotel sheds with only the shafts attached to it The gem jars demolished The boy was only slightly hurt Always keep your temper it worth more to you- than it la to any one else Fischer of the Orange Free State arrived in Pretoria to consult with the Transvaal Government pre sumably with regard to ilr Chamber lains proposal for a joint commission over the Transvaal franchise Hie Void Child rens Service tot Sunday morning The church looked much credit is due the ladles who c deoortei It with flowers and evergreens The children acquitted admirably which re flected great praise on those who train ed them Our pastor a vory in teresting talk to the children which was enjoyed by all Hills house has received a fresh coat of point which adds much to its appearance ORCHARD BEACH On Thursday afternoon of last week while working at something on the in his bare feet Mr Arthur Addison stepped the point of a nail and it ran some distance into bis foot Dr dressed the wound and though it a great deal of pain the wound is nicely Senator Murphy of Washington who occupies a cottage adjoining Bay View Ville is having a large addition built on the north sido Taylor Bros of Sutton have the contract Dr Imrie of Toronto and his broth er from Hamilton had an exciting ex perience on the bay last Saturday They wero sailing with a skiff There was a pretty stiff breeze and a good big swell corning down the lake at time Tb boat capsized and the occupants were thrown into the water went out from lioRcVa Point and rescued Bailiff of Newmarket was here in hifl official capacity last Fri day seized crop on the farm to satisfy the mortgage of a named Mr D is in charge Children Cry for CASTOR I A Mrs Eleanor of who is about years of age fell on Tuesday and fractured her thigh bone 1 is to be hoped she may soon recover use of the limb Even team ran away from the Zoo on Monday and made for Dear as oats are the crop of runaways this week would seem to indicate too much of that cereal When a once learns his strength he had better be driven the best appliances available and by a competent driver Mrs was badly injure on Monday afternoon Am she was driving along Street at Mr Starks the horse bolted into the ditch and throw her out She got entangled in the lines and was thrown against a post being considerably injured about the head and face Dixon who was also in the vehicle was thrown out but escaped injury At oclock Tuesday moraine fire completely destroyed the outbuildings on lot eight concession Tp seven miles from this village The property is owned by Mr Henry tenanted by David son The loss will be about which includes barn stables imple ments and twenty hogs The build ings were insured for the con tents for Included in the con tents of the barn was a considerable quantity of this Reasons crops The cause of the fire is unknown While Elijah was prepay to load brick on his wagon at the station on Tuesday and was in the car having the lines in his hands the team took fright at a train and before he could get into position to hold them he was jerked out of the car and had to give them the reins They came east Main Street at a break neck speed till opposite Block when they ran into the rear end of Elijah Pennocks gravel wagon with the big greys attached which made them play giraffe in doudte time The greys were advanced a few steps to liberate the runaways when it waa found that no damage was done Tribune speaking a kiss is a conjunction When a mans parents have kept themselves poor are all their Uvea to give him a good atari he generally calls him eel a self made man The Executive Committee of the Brotherhood of Trackmen interviewed General Manager of the Grand Trunk at Montreal was informed that he would grant mere than the ten cents advance on the main lines as already announced Weak a explodes carry- and with It every body soys why we thought it was enough It must Have had a weak not somewhere I When a man who has the out ward appearance or sound and strong sudden ly falls prey to disease friends why we thought he was all right He must have had a weak spot somewhere The fact has a weak spot somewhere and dis ease are always looking for weak spots If your stomach or your liver won do its proper if your body fails to get Its lull nourishment from the food you cat and your brain loses part of the sleep It ought to have no matter how big your frame and muscular your limbs may be youwillgive out disease will find the weak spot end nature will give way to to the world Hint Pierce il proved a to me believe I be la Golden Media 11k Mr Ellen Bacon of Co Mum a CDurtou Dr V Pierce of Buffalo Prior to September 1 bad doctored for trouble for several years through a course of treatment In Sep tember 189S had rick and could cat but little I commenced in September to lake Dr Pierce and a time I could eat and I gained pound in two months This glorious Discovery gives the and power to do their nat ural work regularly and completely It makes healthy blood and steady nerves It builds up the weak spots sound and strong is the only medicine that can he relied upon to accomplish this promptly and thoroughly nine times in len the nlngaaa of the dJMase When tcniene is Dr Picrcvn should be In the Discovery thj5 two- v V i sunshine fulls on the window all ABl the itiir open rteor old wife Goes and forth fetUlfeu With plate putter- fork and spoon Aa every Is Wont to do Ana On homely tabic set sot two Oh the bread like the sea white spray And the saowu From the pantry to the stoTa The dear old wife era her errand goes morula glories over porch Id a riotous tangle run cat curled asleep on a chair The old dog blinks at noonday sun But dear old wife Is today the morning hours bare seemed to long For her Are of ego When old bouse with mirth and song When the hoys merry girls Came trooping in through the door Some wander now neath an alien aonie will come back more no more are empty against wall Aud wide old rooms are still The day la sad though the falls Like gold on the window sill And dear nlA wife In her quiet way Doe the homely taaks abe la wont 10 do But team faxi sadly tblnka Of the table set tor two SOUND OF THUNDER To may by THE BURKE BROS or MINERAL and all kinds of Butniner Drinks of the highest Orders for Picnics and Demonstrations promptly attended to corner Slain and Huron Street Goat in Kansas City Mo Aug of goatn have been mar keted in Kaunas City during the past few weeks During the month of July there was one consignment of head and another of head all being Angora grades The have been slaughtered in Kansas City and the Times states that all of this goat meat has been put upon the market as mutton A United States inspector at the stock yards explains to an interviewer that the United States Government in its regulations of inspection takes no of the goat as a food product hence the inspectors have no thing to do with goat meat when it is passed through the packing houses and put upon the market as mutton fln Enterprising There are few men more wideawake and enterprising than E Leh man who spares no pains to secure the best of everything in his line for his many He now has the Agency for Dr Kings New Discovery which surely cures Consumption Colds and Coughs This is the wonderful remedy that is now producing much excitement all oyer the country by its many startling cures It absolute ly cures Asthma Bronchitis Nausea and all affections of the Throat and Lungs You can test it before buying by calling at the above Drug Store and get a trial Bottle Free or regular size for and Guaran teed to cure or price refunded i The house of Knox Wolfe Island was burned Inst night Through mistake gasoline instead of coal oil was put in a lamp ex ploded and the house and contents were destroyed There was a small insurance on the building DUtanoa Which It liny R ffvard Tan In with to establish a number of Government stations for reporting the phenomena of thunderstorms It Is stated that lightning be aeon and He Illumina tion of clouds and mist may be It Is miles distant rarely audible ten miles The thunder from distent storms there- lore seldom reaches the ear Hence every las to be recorded a large number of stations will needed probably one for ever square miles would sot be too many A few stations would at least for the nl time for reporting of ibe direction and of case of distant lightn ing of greut uncertainty In audibility of thunder la not bard to understand It not merely on the Intensity of but quite an on the of the observer even as In the quiet one will feeble sounds that escape th our In a Perhaps the moat curious and Important condi tions of audibility in that the thunder ware of shall not be refracted or redacted by the layers of warm or air between the lightn ing or by the layers of wind swift above and alow below ho as to entirely over or around observer its wavelike oblique ly through layers of air of different densities la subject to refraction and this may occur at any time and place Thus at the topmast of a frequently hear fog whistles that are Inaudible at sea level those on hilltops hear that cannot be beard In the valley those In front of an obstacle hear sounds Inaudible to j behind It rolllpg of thunder like that of a distant cannonade be largely due to special reflections and refractions of sound Again the greater velocity of air at considerable altitudes above ground sound wave shortens the limit of audibility to the leeward while Increasing It to the Wind ward Dispatch JAPANESE POCKETS Nursing Mothers dread hot weather They- It weakens end hoy this effects the baby AH such mothers need Scotta Emulsion them and makes I the babys food richer and more abundant Wcandlt Alldroiguts Vf r A I English Spavin Liniment re moves all hard soft or Lumps and Blemishes from horses Blood Spavin Splints Ring Bone Sweeney Stifles Sprains Sore and Swollen Throat Coughs Save by use of one bottle Warranted themosfc wonderful Blemish Cure ever known Sold by Lehman Druggist Another unusual case occupied the attention of the Court Wednesday The Pharmacy Act provides that no person but a druggist duly qualified shnll sell or dispense of any kind ex Green Purple This act has not heretofore been and an Inspector on be half of the at AG Bnokbame hardware store and purchased He at once handed the proprietor his card and the merchant dorm to the Court and fine Mr made secret about the article did in tend practising an eyas oh of the law wBramptch j Advance of by Tham Perhaps the best proof of the advance of the Japanese In la to be found In use of pockets The Now York Evening Post The people of that have usually or eight cunningly Inserted In of their wide These ore always filled with a curious common as the twine in or young Americans la the prayer amulet written on sheets of rice paper and posed by the bonzes In accordance these amulets are swallowed like a in cases of mental or physical distress Another essential seldom mis sing la a number of small squares of silky paper These are pat to unexpected anon to hold the a tern of a lily or lotus to dry a teacup or to wipe away a tear Among the Chinese and nations is used instead of a pocket This was also the case In western Europe In the Middle Ages and for some time afterward The pouch was attached to the girdle along with a dagger and rosary It was called an anlmonlere or gl pole re Is was often ornamented wltb carious patterns gold and alls threads coats of arms and relig ions sentence A dramatist of the rime of Henry wrote From my girdle he plucked my pouch By your leave he left mo never a penny however hod at an early date In an old play written about 1611 It is mentioned that a roan had plaited aa If they had SO But pockets did not attain their proper position until the adoption of th modern style of mens garments Wish waistcoats a great opportunity for presented Itself Later they wars made broad and deep wen cov ered embroidery and burtons In the reign of George III waistcoat pock ets such a size in they became objects of rldlonle that they Boon began to resume more moder ate proportions Are Itinera Most of the early The Emperor or Austria rises at In summer and am in the winter The German gets to work at and starts out for morning ride at The Kings of Italy and Sweden and Norway at oclock The Queen and Regent of Holland are also early riser but the lata Pedro of Brasil broke all records In early rising being In the habit of gut ting up for the day at am and visit his friends between In Jrmiiaui During the last nearly have Jeratalem and the arrival of another host la said to be Imminent the railways are opening the between toe and and and a Hebrew mlgratloa on a may aauss Syria to become maw or van ta fel I for Infants and Children Is a harmless substitute for Castor Paregoric Drops and Syrups It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic It Is Pleasant Its is thirty years us by Millions of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Castorla cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic relieves Teething Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates the Food regulates the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children giving healthy and natural sleep the Children h Panacea The Mothers Friend Castorla an excellent medicine for Coatorl Is o well adapted to children Children Mothers have repeatedly lod me that I recommend it 10 any Its good eiTcct upon their children known to me A M V THE FACSIM1LE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER ejrT SI a The Buffalo AliSteel Disc Harrow la the only Disc Harrow Canada independent of the any amount of iipoo the Inner of ihe operator Jiv action la aecurecf and tbe ground a uniform depth cure- fully and compare with The Cultivator 1 A OF TBeooly made thai both or will cur Co even depth Id the imjund Examine and you trill see The only with a move able tooth eel ao that the of teeth can be regulated condition of can be to act differently on every requiring It The are carrfnJ the of behind lo lighter draft mat- la furnished with grain and graa require It ha reversible diamond points for the teeth alo extra wide ting can Hand you ting points can will buy no oth THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs Wo Introduction Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture in use Canada fbe only Drill with lever for and perfect resrulatioo of deptb of all kinds of soil while team lain motion Sows absolutely correct to set every kernel deposited at a proper depth to grow Purchase only tbe and you will be satisfied We alio manufacture Binders Reapers Mowers Rakes Cultivators and good the boat Send for illustrated catalogue Bros Limiied OntaOanadd ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT Do you think of BUILDING THIS SUMMER If you do write MS- LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows a ILL TBS Artistic Effects in I nside Wood work Largest in Canada Cor the ot PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES Wo sod Repair all kinds oh IB The Wm Cane Sons Co- UattTIO NEWMARKET ONT i Jan for r j

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