hKWM A CHINA AUG 1899 A couple of Crates of Dinner Sets bought at a Snap Our oustom- ors can have the benefit But colon your choice regular A in Toilet Sots printed pieces several colors your choice reg ular GO BOOTS SHOES The Beat Value we have had Very neat and the latest stylos Want of room prevents us carrying a large hut it is complete and our prices are right GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart jar regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality lb now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb eel trior Coffee is the Best Try it A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts WHAT AND COIl FIND talk of rebuilding both the hotel and that burnod week last Sunday morning Mr Embury was in the this on business concerning the rebuilding of the hotel Accommodation for the travelling and commercial public is scarce in the now Mm Van and another lady wore Mr Geo Foggs last week Old Mrs Wright Fogg though still poorly since the fin bet ter Mr A still moves around on crutches from the sprain of his ankle Mr Wright is building three fine carriages Mr Fred one of the finest flower and vegetabJo in and around He has a line young poach tree that grew the pit without planting endured tin hard frosts of last winter without protection Mr has ever die fire that his was caved and no doubt many other that the fire ended whore it did The story about burglars ban precious little if any foundation whatever Mrs Baternan and children contem plate returning soon to their home in State Mrs and daughters also in tend rejoining her husband in the North West this fall Mr and assistant have boon repainting the exterior of Mr John fine residence Mr says Mr Groorne is one of the best he has over seen Mr Ed Parks who is working for Mr on the sidelino south of a team bitched to the barrows run away in the field one day last week while he left them stand a few moments Two of the three harrows became detached from the double and the warn came to one on each side of the gate post or the consequences might have been serious The harvest in general is the most abundant for years Not a few around have already threshed fall- wheat Mr Win has a fine new- threshing machine Mr Jake Smith intends raising bis new barn as large as the old one this week or the of next attended Quar terly Meeting at Wesley on Sunday Thompson and Hutchinson were calling on friends in place on Saturday Miss Bertie of Clove land and two Misses Vernon of Manchester for their home on Monday after spending a in our midst The two Messrs Milk of Toronto were of Mr Homer over Sun day fill Dunning of Toronto was calling on hero on Sunday RICHMOND HILL Mr E A who has been principal of the High School here for has accepted a similar ap pointment at Newmarket Mr Coombes commands respect of the whole village and his departure much regretted Father picnic and sports in aid of St Marys Church building fund will be held at the fair grounds on the 23rd This is an event that is looked to by many and will no doubt as in years past draw together a largo company Complaints of tint inattention to timetable by the Metropolitan Hail- way are profuse Mr J Sanderson and wife ac companied by Miss are away taking in New York and it vicinity OAK i COLLEGE CORNERS The sole of interest seems to be centered on the workings of the Metropolitan Railway and if one could judge by gossip the cars would have been run before the ties were laid but it is now an accomplished fact as the engines at the new power house were put into motion last week for a trial and as Friday is considered an unlucky day the huge leather belts were not adjusted until Saturday On Sunday one of the dynamos whs given a trial and several cars were run up as far as Bonds Lake It is hardly expected that a regular service can be given for a few days yet on account of the electrical apparatus not work ing to the satisfaction of the electri cian who comes from Pittsburg Pa and has charge of the dynamos for throe weeks after they to run Mr J hardly get Mb barn fipiaheoViQ Juno for harvest ow ing to carpenters being elsewhere but bear eight Started aid it go up rapidly Eves Easy to handle but to catch It seems that some citizens ace very rauoh annoyed and frequently out Whos pelting stones at my door and on the roof at night As peer out into darkness can be seen but heels meeting tails half way going at a break nook pace It must be the same coons that pelted stones into the windows of School No About pan es were broken Its a shame The long continued dry weather is things up about here Spring sown grain needs rain badly f as it is ripening up a little too fast Some have went a little halter skelter since my absence but it is alright now Miss A- is spending holi days under the parental roof Mr Thos who came from the with a lame has en tirely recovered Mr Parks and wife of Button are spending their vacation with friends and relatives here above met at Harris Hotel Members all Lemon in the The following bills were paid Lloyd legal advice J culvert gravel J Billings salary A culvert 50 road repair gravel A- J gravel J Ballard road repairs do A raking stones Badger gravelling Story gravel cards i THE LEADING School Childrens Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of Optical Department Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Jewelry Store NEWMARKET KNOWLES Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE Two North Furniture Main St The Corporation have bad the side walk replaced where it was destroyed by the recent fire We understand that Mr Embury intends rebuilding immediately Our band attended the excursion to on Tuesday and report an excellent time They have lost the town hall for practicing in flow but we understand that an other place is obtainable The assist ant leader J intends on the His loss will be keenly felt by the boys as he was a jolly good fellow also a great help to to the band Visitors this arc Mr Pearson and gentleman friend from the city atthe Master George and Miss Jessie of Toronto also Miss Dorothy Pollock of Dry town at Several from here spent Sunday at the Lake Mr Ralph Drapers little child from Ravenshoe wan interred in the Cemetery on Wednesday There was some little difficulty in locating the telegraph office but the new instrument is now ticking away at McFarlands store The Fire Insurance Inspectors were here last week and settled the claims The services of praise in the Pres byterian Church are wonderfully im proved under the direction of the en larged and efficient choir Rev E preached to an appre ciative audience of children from Solo mens choice of a wise and understand ing heart and to the adult congrega tion from I Cor leading the children of God who were present to realize that in nature in standing in experience in labor and in victory are partners with God and how all the resources of the Godhead are at their disposal A Fresh Supply a Week of Pars Famous Hams Lard Ac beat bed Mildest Oared on the Market today A trial will con- AUo Flour Rolled Oats Corn Meal Es Cneeas Potatoes Pickles Bait Canned Corn Peas Tomato Pigs Feet Ram and Honey Soap Orders filled on the shortest notice Mr of is out He bought a canoe that had been stolen The thief not yet been captured Only two rulers of Russia since Peter Great have died a natural death Catharine It and Alexander III the father of present czar Some miserable wretch went into a pasture field a few evenings ago and plucked the tail of a horse nearly bare and docked On Sabbath last the Methodist Church here was closed owing to the Quarterly Services being held at Pot- At a service was held in the Church and at p to Rev Mr Robinson of 8obotnberg preached and immediately following the pastor Rev Mr gave a second ser mon Tbe afternoon services were held in the grove adjoining the and musical part of services were under supervision of Mr Love assisted by and choirs It is needless to say a very pleasant and profitable after noon was spent by a large concourse of people Mr baa again leased his farm to Mr Herbert Ed wards of tbe con Messrs and Blackburn have leased Mr D farm on the In the of your paper last week I noticed that oats had grown quite long some places but I had the pleasure of measuring some that grew Mr A Hamiltons farm that measured ft in Let us know if can beat that Mr Wiles has just completed digging a well in the Kettleby Ceme tery To correct an error we made last week concerning the weight of Curtis threshing team I would say Stephenson informed me ho only weighs 199 so that will bring down the average of the team Proctors outfit will begin threshing on Thursday Messrs Herb Kirk Fred Henry and A of Toronto spent Civio holiday with Mr Curtis Mr and Mrs Thomson nee Jennie Seymour of Toronto were the guest of Miss Aggie last Sunday Mr E of Toronto spent holiday with his cousin Mr Lloyd of The harvest in this vicinity is being gathered very rapidly though some are kept back by the grain not ripen ing Fall wheat and barley as a rule are housed The new bouses are point of completion next thing will be something else the required furnishings and but not least an extra pair of lily white to set things in proper order If the whirlwind is any sign of dry weather the time is fixed several whirlwinds have been noticed A man from Baldwin tried results with bike bronco and while in the antics came very nearly puncturing bis scalp besides receiving a few other slight erasures Mr Arnold was a guest in our midst not long ago Harvest is passing rapidly week up with threshing in this burg An average turnout Tbe sportsmen must be turning tbe wheel of fortune as the indicator to another of those fine moon light excursions the Tbe whooping cough become epidemic Another midnight rambler A bad cat occasionally dines on chicken hash for a change He should be taken in to custody before further damage is done flies the dumb brutes pest are certainly bad so much so that the cows seek shady nooks and some stand in water up to their necks and fight Not a bad idea is it A recommendation for Holland Landing As passed through the village was thoroughly impressed hat it is fast becoming an enterpris ing place with growing industries viz 1st suckers 2nd Cucumbers baking marsh hay supplies all the with employment As the berries are still hanging on immense supplies are being put up to be put down in future consumption A goodly number attended ex cursion to Niagara and report a lovely time fire at did mar the appearance of one of fairest villages in Ontario Some from went to see the and came back with saddened thoughts apple harvest wont take long to gather this year Since so much destruction is re ported by the fluid as well as other fires general public intend to insure more Mr Geo Smith of is prosecuting work in that line road work Flanagan cedar and work Reynolds gravelling M Brown repairs hill J Courtney work road roach E Clark A grant 1st con culvert Campbell road repair Kitchen hardware Dove road repaim A do cedar road repairs Tustin gravel and repair- Bros road repaii- J Badger ditching cost of culvert R Smith road J repairing hill J Boys road repair OBrien work road Fred Webster grant C Walton gravel E for shovellers J gravel t J for rt cedar J T Davis work road machine J Jennings grant Gibson road repair Kirton plank and work Ira balance of grant Tatton culvert J Edwards heep claim Dove do A printing were granted on town line be- King and East north of Bradford road Man in Dew Com wa given to Mr Elmer Da via to obtain what gravel he want- from Irelands pit ThoH Foster was appointed path- master in con in place of HARDWARE STORE We have a Complete Stock of Screen Doors and Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of TOOLS PARIS DASH CIMRNS CREAMERS MILK CANS I BICYCLES HI BICYCLE J A ALLAN dealers in Shelf and Hardware Stoves and CO Tin a ire Every Yard of SUMMER DRESS GOODS To be Cleared SEE OUR REDUCED PRICED J Grantham A Armstrong barrister Toron to wax appointed to take charge of the defense in the suite of Mabley vs King and the appeal of the Bell Tele phone Co No to appoint for finally passed Next meeting of the Council will be Watsons Hotel Loch Erin Aug TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE Aug Mrs Cunning ham of Yonge St Arcade met with a painful accident while wheeling east of here this morning She fell from her wheel breaking her leg just above the ankle Mr C Thomas a prominent resident and exreeve of Anderson township was severely burned by explosion of a lamp and owing to ex treme age and shock to the system failed to rally and died in great agony BRIMSONS CARRIAGE WORKS 7 Street Aug The intense beat today caused a fire in a fac tory which was totally destroyed Three firemen a workman were injured CiutflAtf Aug threshing engine of Mr Charles 6ticWes8ei ere barns of Mr J P of another leaving the animal to bleed at The buildings to death Next morning the owner and made the discovery flow of Caught up by a Balloon Aug Mill er a boy aged years was caught by one of the guy ropes of a balloon just as it was ascending here last even ing and was carried high in the air in that perilous position Tbe eighty- sixth anniversary of battle of Fort Stephenson being celebrated and a great crowd was present The boy was standing to the captive bal loon As it started one of wrapped tight about one of his arms In a moment balloon was rapid ly Going skyward and then the throng about uttered a great yell The lonist evidently did not understand the shrieks of the multitude and com menced to perform on bar and while hanging head downward discov ered the boy clinging to the ropes He had intended make a parachute leap but when he saw boy he opened a valve and allowed the air to escape which soon started the ballon downward He had ascended over five hundred feet before the downward start was made Both and boy reached terra firma safely The lads arm was badly bruised but he- that he did not Fireman J Griffiths of Toron to was billed In a collision at Buffalo j Mr William merch ant gone to gl63 look after the interests of himself three brothers and mother estate of left by a re The proprietor takes ihie opportunity of thank log bis friends lor their liberal patronage in the past and hopes by Square Honest Dealing j To merit their trade in the In the early part of the season I did not piece my orders for yehictes as soon as I should have done with that Bab Me Aug With lightest of hearts amid laughter and exchange of merry comment for so many of them were known to each other nearly a score of excursionists ran to death at Mount Desert Ferry today A gangway broke and let people into fifteen feet of water Manila Aug General Mac- Arthuia force consisting four thou sand men advanced fave mites beyond San today and encountered and defeated a Filipino force of six thousand men Tbe enemy retreated leaving many dead and wounded The American killed and wound ed was twenty Ont Aug Yester day afternoon at Pickering Harbor a barn owned by Mrs Gardner and oc cupied by Mr was totally de stroyed together with upwards of worth of this seasons crops They were threshing in the barn at toe time sparks from the engine are fluppossed to have started the fire No This is the third barn burned at the same place one about three years ago and one a num ber of years before that Conn Aug The most frightful catastrophe recorded in in Connecticut for nearly half a cen tury occurred shortly after this afternoon on the Strat ford extension of Shelton Street Railway Company when a loaded oar went off the trestle over mill pond at about six miles north Bridgeport and in the flats forty feet below Thus far thirty six people are known to be dead and several more injured Only per sons are known to have escaped is believed- that Old Reliable Firm Cnprlciae Co Of have had the honor of representing in this section After experience selling ooda ihe only conclusion I can is that this Co are leading in the carriage trade They commenced right Their flea resolve was to make nothing bat reliable work an have it- The is bat tbe know ihoroogbly well that a vehicle of any kind by Mo Lanolin Co is standard goods for Canada in and uptodate in every particular There are statements made like the following you with a rig equally as good as for leas money tots be tikea with great caution aa many persons have been sadly We statements disappointed and ruined by experimenting with inferior vehicle There is Nothing to be Compared with the McLaughlin Make Any order with me can be filled promptly Sample and new pais to choose from be seen at my Booms Inspection and comparison invited Soliciting a of yoor favors I am yoore siooerely JOHN BHlMSON Repairing in all its braocboa attended to with neatness and The Laws Of the Land Do not protect you from Spectacle Vendors Protect yourself by only resident and Opticians Oar optical department is At Your Service We make for t3ting Your Eyes stopped wheat biisbcls uncle Edri k banned is of barley werrty three s Drag Store CENTRAL TillOS SHOP OiPdep FOR A Summer Suit lor Light Pants i NEW GOODS just in Splendid value Call and See fc i Jas R McLaughlin I