Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 5

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ft I ONTARIO BANK Toronto Manager HEAD NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT IIMlllKH It TNT DRAFTS ISSUED Aug lfith OF CHRISTIANITY- AT ft II HI Til nit sod Anerlih and Golden will put my Spirit YET IT ENCIRCLES THE EARTH within you INTRODUCTION The fortunes of Israel had as wo have seen id former lessons fallen to their lowest condition The temple was in ashes the city was destroyed the throne of David was cast down a mournful silence was brooding over the wasted lands and all that was left of the chosen people was a Transformation of So Minds by Hi Called I Hi an of III leclt of of dela ted death it be was giving friends an account of bis early lllo Ho My father In the United 0 put ad end to rebellion a cabin boy and won along him I wear like old Salt I- could gamble In of I know nil there was at that abroad One day my- father elenrud oat of the cabin except myself mid locked door Ho said to ere you bet said J urn going to follow the sea follow the and bo a poor miserable druukon sailor and about Hot Dr world and of a In a morning J Ob no I an id Father I unn UlfJ Dp fllfpediOlebb a foal I G V iHtrtlii- J hi 1 1 en Aug took for hid Ho not bo Unit- I will tread tho bo consulted with and coiiimnnri ai you do No Of in in He said I David ray father paid David A dethroned and blinded king lay pining divination by that ban your and Nebuchadnezzars prison The lL will the the will of took a bundle of jwk or command Mr picture Which representel the elate of pm together mixed thorn the Mir after Israel before the eyes of the mourning tip forth one and by the la- prophet was that if a valley white on It what city he with skeletons of a dead host By J t f slain and by the lighter or darker command of began J or darker prophesy giving to the dry bones or was inferred Jbatu the divine promise of returning life i meaning of the f od can do what iiriposslble work gradual and progres sive uses men as his agents There la a spiritual death as there in a physical Such a state seems hopeless it would be there were no the author of spiritual life DP t I II lull I hurtIt PAINTING llMiifi and Hanger In all Die Kill HHiaiilenol In Wall 2nd door North of the Jlouati Hanging irijfiitly and in Willi wlili a and tie at Hard war- i Hid Mr J head of Jut fii Bolton Ho made bright ho with linages be lookid In the liver Stupid delusion And ret all own with delusions uotni as If world to bo hoodwinked the delusion of the toil only a a vast number of I upon the human race the latter part of the last century Johanna forth pretend ing have ill an prophu- had built In her honor and dlwMiM fonvard to follow A bout roar before the birth or But limn and the promise is vai he Mmi tihail Jive I forth ami Avo being must be this human utterance J wwdlnje it rlclr the and of the divine power Not that God fcntl 10 the noedg it He honors good man by giving him a share in proph tic work He loo will give him a reward As on the day of Pentecost and thousands of times since the Spirit of Clod has breathed upon thousands who were dead in trespasses and sins and restored them to life Vhy lo a general is well to recognize the hand of coming forth to the in the accomplishment of our amoie and he wanted to find was going to be in victories The outward form of godliness is answer came forth from the not without inward In that If yon put the I the word never It means thing and If you put the God does not cease work for re- I afur tie- word it means Another having deceased brought to resurrec tion The oracle veil multi tudes of people Bitted In the temple of Apollo jargon from which people or or lh were of a nature that von them demption A Card C Simpson Main tit Fancy Goods Money to At per farm and village properly by Davidson Commissioner lor laklDK J Conveyancer and Heal Agent fee Agent for the following reliable Liverpool end London and Globe Norwich Midland Mutual and Standard Life Co and Co Block Mount just opposite raWRc from the Delphic to the genera was Go forth return never In lutile iiu1t thou perish If ha was that was according to oracle If lie home that was to the Ho the ancient the We undersigned do hereby people Tho of thow auguries by agree to refund the money on a twenty- flight of birds or by the intonation five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Of thunder or by the appearance of animals fortune or mis- Pills if after threefourths of or nations The of they do not relieve doccifod the jtople The sibyls Constipation and Headache We also to be women warrant that four bottles will and who th sibyl- cure the case of Constipation or no pay when Wills English Pills are used by bar ihjy a man In Now York pretending to be being and played hi pari so lather went out him said to him 2 will cbangu I will never again I will drink I Will gamble and by the boH of I have kept throe vows to this time I soon after that a Christian and that decided my fate for time and for eternity Another captive great Christian delusion There of on at fall gallop Where is he going To He wants no better play than to stand and coats of who are children goes the man This he is he going now Going on the road to die for ihoy tried to whip it out of him they tried to bear It out of falin they thought they would enough of It by putting into a wlndowja and keeping htm on small diet and condemning him as a criminal and denying a clung and howling at through the uwl but they not It out of and they could Dot It out of him they tried the of the sword and one day In ha was tho mightiest Intellect of the years of tbe worlds hoodwink ed by the reli gion Ah that la the remarkable thing about this delusion it over- jjowere the secular and of this together and put a vote to as to which id greatest book Written by majority they Will IaraOlae Who wrote fine of the fools who believed In the Bible John Milton purreDdered to this delusion If may judge from the let ter that ha iu 1 nomas bog ging him to destroy tho Age of in manuscript and never lot It go into type and writing ofterward In bis old days Uf this of I to say that the system of he left and the religion he bus are the best things world has ever or Is likely to see Patrick Henry the elec tric champion of liberty by thin delusion so that lit book worth all other put the Hush the leading physiologist and anatomist of bis day the great medical fiolantlst what did ha B7r Tbe only true and perfect religion Is Christianity Isaac Newton leading philosopher of his time what did ho say That man to this Money to Loan At hive per cent on Security by Lehman Druggist Newmarket well tbnVweuHhy merchant became his of religion crying J Y David taking Affidavits Eft- Conveyancer of Etc Agent for following Queen London Citizen Montreal Gore Mutual la also Liverpool Citizens Montreal lilairlut Mutual Confederation Life Anaocialluo To for the roe to lid and Lot iireeta AGENCY Red Bird and threw their fortunes into Ms keeping And so In all ages have been necromancies Incantations Witchcrafts sorceries magical arts en- Newmarket divinations nod delusions The one of the text was only a specimen Scotts Pharmacy Main St occurring in all ages the world None of these del u- de ceived they pauper red people they wepo They Aug The Daily Mad opened no they healed no publishes the following despatch from wounds they wiped away no tears they A distinguished native officer no terfdom i i ft But tbtir are who that all a subahadar Major with the Valley column was shot with the delusion now abroad dead by a Sepoy The latter was in world delusion of the Christ- mediately shot by a ten religion That delusion has today sump dupes It proposes to encircle commissioned me same regiment flttB called delusion has already overshadowed Appalachian range on The Appetite of this side too sea and It has overshadowed lv all CaucaflloD ranges on the J envied ail poor flJde feug whose and are out Of and the United States This cbarn- All such should know that Dr this hoax this swindle of Kings New Life Pills the wonderful it forth to islands of the Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a Call and see at Carriage Repository AIko tew wheel In stock THE rtTOCK IS Pacific and Melanesia and Micronesia splendid appetite wound Malayan Polynesia have already regular bodily that inheres to the delusion Yea it perfect health and great energy Only and fc w Borneo and and at Lehman Drug j lw Store it for the heat to young ROBERTSON Manitoba BEST Flour Patent Winnipeg Mao Aug Albert Brown a hired man was probably- fatally shot at Union Point today by I his employer named Jenkins They quarrelled over the sum of cents and it resulted in Jenkins pull ing a revolver and firing it at Brown Borneo and Sumatra and Celebes and In the Fiji Islands where there are 120000 people have already become the dupes of this Christian religion and If things go on as they are now going on and If the Influence of thla great hallu cination of the ages cannot bo stopped it will swallow the globe Supposing thafedhrifltlanityls the of the centuries as some have pronounced It I propose to show you what has been ac complished by this chimera this fallacy his swindle ages And In too first place I remark that dbluslon of the Christian religion of all kind Timothy Clover Mangel Carrot and Seeds of the LIME AND Portland and Ontario J Cor Main and Huron For the Bake of Pun Mischief is Done A vast amount of mischief is done too this people neglect to keep their blood has made wonderful transformation of pare appears in human I will go down the a w ndiuoo and other flilmeots This mis- ho were profligate profane chief fortunately may bo undone by the unclean of action faithful use of Hoods which drunken and lost But by the power of cures all originating in or promot ed by impure blood Hoods Pills all liver ills Bag wishes to the public that be has moved to House on that be has bat Celebrated Co with all lute Improvements to date and he re pared to do Beat Work In Rag Carpet Call and Bend your in Early this delusion of the Christian religion they been completely and now they are kind and amiable and gonial and loving and useful Everybody sees the change Under the power of this great hallucination they have quit MlXSKAPOLlJImn Aug former and whereas tbey once Hanson finished his one thousand mile found their chief delight among those ride at this morning gambled and swore and raced time beating the record by fln among who fiO to prayer hours and minutes The record w w the deiu- for the distance was held by A Tea their own families have of England who wife has noticed it and CASTOR I A OLD Office per lb In sale at the lots over lbs For Infants and Children J if n and for education Is a man All who know say there bar len a wonderful What la the cause of this change This great halluci nation of the Christian religion There at difference between ho now and what he once botwoan- rose and a pa between a dove a At between day and delusion I Admiral of most ad- of American aarlt out The Dhilonopby on earth Is the philosophy of David Brewster at ths of name the world over un covers head David Ob this religion has a groat light to mo a very great ligbt all my days President tbe great French states- man acknowledging that he When he said I invoke the Lord God In whom am glad to believe David Livingstone able to conquer the lion able to conquer tbe panther able to con- savage vet by thla delusion this hallucination this great swindle of the age o whin they find him dead they find him on his William Gladstone the Intel lect in England unabla to resist this chimera this this delusion of the Christian religion went to tbo house of every Sabbath and often at Invitation of the rector read the prayers to the people If mighty Intellects overborne this delusion what chance Is there for you and for me Besides that I have noticed that first Infidels cannot be depended on for In the proclamation of their sentiments Qoothe leading sceptic so wrought upon by Christian- that in a weak moment be cried out My belief in the Bible has saved ma in my literary and moral Me one of the roost eloquent of infidelity spending his whole life war ring against Christianity cries out majesty of Scriptures amazes me Altemont the notorious would think he would have been safe bis delusion of tbo Christian religion Oh do After talking against Christian ity all his days in bis last hours he cried out Oh thou blasphemed but most In dulgent Lord God hell Itself is a refuge If it hide thy frown Voltaire the most talented infidel world ever saw writing publications and of them spiteful against Christian ity himself most century one would have thought bo have boon depended upon for steadfastly in the of infidelity and In oho war against this terrible chimera this delusion of the Gospel But no his last hour he for Christian burial and asks they give him the of the Lord Christ von cannot depend upon thefio firbtrata you cannot depend upon their power to resist this great of Christianity- Thomas Paine the god of a piles bis birthday celebrated in New York and with great en thusiasm Thomas Paine the paragon of haters Thomas about whom his brother infidel William Carver wrote In a letter I at my homo saying that be dmnfc a quart of rum a day and was too moan and too dishonest to pay for It Thomas Paine the adored of modern infidelity Thomas another In and brought her to country Thomas Paine who was so equal Id and so loathsome and to drunken and so profligate and his habits sometimes out of the ditch times too filthy to bo picked out Thomas would have thought that ho could bare been depended on for stead- fastness against this great delusion But no his hour he begs the Jesus Christ Powerful all delusion earth- lug the Obi yea it goci On UU to Impertin ent it so overboarlnir of gospel thai baring conquered the great ffallariea world the old matters and young masters It la not until It has conquered the of World Look over program of any magnificent musical festival and toe what are groat formanoes and learn that the greatest of oil subjects are subjects What was It whan voices were ac companied with a vast number instru ments Israol in Egypt Yes oven deluded until be wrote the high In major Haydn deluded with this religion until ho wrote tie Cfea- Handel deluded until he wrote the oratories of am and Sanl and in and the Messiah- Three thousand singing of a deluaiotf deluded hearers The In South the men of del the men of Australia putting down tee of then and clothing In decent undwr the of this delusion and Doty and and and the missionaries of the cross turn ing their back on homo and and comfort and going out the of heathenism relievo it to it to help it tolling until dropped into with do earthly comfort about them going into graves with no epitaph when they might have lived in coun- try and lived for hem selves and lived luxuriously and been at last pat Into brilliant What a delusion Yea this delusion of the Christian re ligion shows Itself in fact it to those who are In trouble Now Is bad enough to cheat a man when be Well and when he Is prosperous but this religion cornea to a man he Is and You will be well again after awhile you are going into a where there an no coughs and no pleurisies and no consumptions and on languish take courage and up Yea this awful chimera of the gospel to poor and it to them You are on your Way to vast estates and to dlldendH always declarable This delusion of to tbo bereft and It alien of reunion before the throne and of cessation of all wrroiT and then show that stop at nothing it goes to the dying bed fills the man With anticipation How would bo to have biro die without any mom hope than swine and rata and Shovel Mm under That all Nothing more left of mm He know anything again shovel him The soul Is only pan of the body and when body dUlnternteri the soul disintegrates Annihilation vacancy Why not present all beautiful trine to living Instead of coming With this hoax this swindle the Christian religion and top dying man anticipations of another life until some In the hour have their hands arid come hare and some hare sung and some have so overwrought with joy the could only look ecstatic gaiHK opening they thought diamond coronets iiaxh- hands beckoning orchestras bound ing Little children dying be lieving saw departed parents that little had been so weak and feeble and sick or weeks they could not turn on their dying pillow at tbe last In paroxysm of rapture uncontrollable they sprang to their feet and shouted mo am coming And to show tho immensity of this delusion this awful swindle of tbe gospel of Jesus Christ open a hospital and I bring Into that hospital the death beds of a great many Christian people and I take you by hand and I walk up and down the wards of hospital and I ask a few questions I ask Dying Stephen what you to say lord Jesus reoelvo spirit John you toeayl The best of all Is is with us living what have you to say I float In a sea of glory Dying Bradford what have you to say there be any way of to heaven en or in a fiery chariot it la this Dying Dr Thomas what have you- to say This Is heaven begun Dying soldier In tbe last war what you to say Bora I ant going to tbe front Dying Paul what have yon to I am now ready to be offered and time of departure at hand I have fought tho good fight I have finished my course I have kept tho death where is thy sting grave where Is thy Thanks be unto who glvetb us through our Lore Jesus Christ my Lord my God what a delusion What a glorious delusion I Submerge me Wtb it fill my eyes and ears wltb It put it under my head for a pillow this delusion spread It over me for a canopy put It underneath me for an outspread ing wing roll It over me In ocean surges fathoms deep If Infidelity and If atheism and If annihilation are a reality and Christian religion Is a deloslon me tha delusion f tip T v i TEACHERS OF BUSINESS They are those who have been a way and do jump into The of tin- cultire pp-ii- a in affair TV in iriuoraphyx type writing practice the kind bat in opera- lion in ami yra of n ill ariiJ bow We lbr iic Urn tabbing of this gives you pancilary our of imly am many useful aol iiiiit I i- for the if you colbfc time British American Business A lidg Co Chartered ASONS FOR Increasing Our Trade 4FOLD H KENYONJ The Leading House Sharon I yos arc I hey are what want prices are fight Cell and See TED fim SHU Just as Good Made in Styles Sizes and Prices Note No Letter No Cap There is not a business man using the Shannon File that would be without them after finding how convenient they are Lawyers and Ministers find them just as Ladies would not be without them if they knew how handy they are to keep accounts and letters well household should have them The Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited Factory Newmarket and Bay St Toronto 1744 Notre Dame St Montreal Wear The Sultan of Turkey is always seen attired In pale brown garments the of Austria affects gray The Krcneror fans What may be called a loud In and Is never happy as when wearing the showiest of or hunting cos tumes indeed when attired in the Utter he looks us though be bad stepped out of a pantomime so extraord inary and fantastic Is bis getup on these occasions The of on the other hand likes simplest dark est form of unborrU and he habitually wears that wbloh became so familiar In all the photographs of his Into father an ourloh The stomach of an oitrloh Is often made the receptacle for strange things One of these birds died at a California farm and a poarmortem was hedd It bud followed about a gang of mop who were buying wire fences and fallowed the bit of wire chipped off from time to time HOME BAKERY The of is to be derived from the peculiar rule by an English livery stable keeper named His horn stood In a long row and each cuiton In turn was obliged to take the nearest the door Tale was By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to turn FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Speciajty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock 9 ALBERT BOGART Proprietor oxo I take this opportunity to thank many customers for their paa and ask a of favor patronage and

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