Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 3

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V74 ill J- j WHAT Of HI Open Hip Concert Serenade by Town on in front of the night to with pleasure by bo that almost block ed sidewalks It nearly ten oclock before they the pro Borrows visits Newmarket and Holland the The Ensign a beautiful Lectern in the 8 A entitled Prom Borrow to Joy or The Girl one is to attend at the meet Getting Reedy The old are pulled down and a Rang of are at work ready to loom on the Most end The is here for fence bat that work will be delayed for a few days the Board is negotiate for of more land and to enlarge the grounds before eroding tbe new fence Band of the Own Toronto engaged for two of tba Fair The Quarterly last wore largely and vary profitable by pastor wore and in tbu evening service bio by the exceptionally good The adjourned Quarterly Board mooting taken place next evening and it that every member will make an effort to attend have completed an ex cellent job for the foundation of the new factory and the carpenters have to a enow this week Among many on for early shipment one from Public for An immense number line has boon sold iho style and is what does it poll Pair Dotes t Toronto Newmarket Kept 19 by a new of Mr lb 1 Bolton Oat I and J and Dont Put Off Buying as late crop is almost a failure We some vory nine early at a basket Yon to see those lovely Blueberries at tiOc a basket for Saturday perm Produce market last Saturday and hotter aiillgoiuK up way paid though was the ruling in good demand at and New potatoes dropped to per peck or by the bushel currants lOo inert Gooseberries Go raspberries Co lb 10c a box or for a quarter Harvest apples basket halfbushel or 75c barrel Home grown green corn made its first and sold at per Large for So bead Shelled Kreen peas for Carrots for So Large for Cabbage S and lOo each- Ripe Tomatoes per Live docks per pair Live obickena 30 to per pair A good deal of complaint is made about farmers tying their horses to along Street delay and inconvenience when rigs want to pass If a horse be frightened and start to ran away there woald be a good deal of wreck in that yioinity practice cot be allowed Oar hotels have good yard accommodation and there no reason why it should not be used Polled to Register The following paragraph appeared in the Toronto last Mrs Delia of avanne a a coo pie of weave ago from New market a notifying her that proceed ings had been instituted against her in the Division Court by Edwin Martin through hie counsel J Merchants Bank Chambers Toronto charging her with breach of the respecting the regiatra lion of copartnership and business firms Mrs it appears is trading under the firm name of Co and the writ alleges that she has failed to comply with the provisions of the requiring all companies to register the names of the different partners In tba firm For neglect there a fine of one hundred dol lars half of vrblob goes to the informant The Aot itself was passed twenty years ago bat a large number of firms in the oity are quit unaware of its provisions and are liable to hundred dollars fine for infringement Mr of Newmarket in forms as that the above party has nothing whatever to do with fall store bare and is no relation though several persons have been making reference to the matter if he was oonoeroed in it The is Mr Martin of credit or of shaddocks of Ave Toronto that is ail there in It Fair last pandty Cody in Mrs Lush Organist Mrs Cane gave a splendid reading by Mr Low and daughter end by Mrs Lewie Tha part of the was there a of young men Royal Templar provide program next Out ToDay The results of Departmental Exam ination hold in the High daring the beginning of July were made yesterday is that the examiners were their work two or three weeks ego and why the eleven thousand candidates should be kept in all time la one of the things that nobody knows except the Education Department There is too redtape about theme there yet The Excursion to Niagara Falls on under tho of the Firemen of and Aurora was the most for years Nearly were sold at and tbe train was ran in two sections but the from Aurora was a little late in getting Into the and boat would not wait for them This was a great disappointment and caus ed a division of the excursion the Aurora bad to wait for two hoars for the boat It appears that with whom all arrangements were made never notified tbe boat officers about the end the second section of the train late Captain no notice of what anybody are annoyed with the Co because they had to put up n extra guarantee for boat The Bail Lake Ontario in the morning was delightfully invigorating and day was thoroughly enjoyed at the Falls A deputation of the several Alderman and Firemen altogether number- about thirty from tbe town of Niagara Falls met the Firemen at Queens too and escorted them to the Hall where an inspection of apparatus was made and an exhibition given of their Water which courtesy altogether unexpected and duly appreciated The weather was delightful and the music of Newmarket Band was also enjoyed Quite a of went to and still others remained In Toron to till next day on returning to the city trip the Like in the evening was not so pleasant to people to walk on solid ground and many were called upon to unceremoniously retire into solitude or feed the fishes It was a quarter to when the first train got baok and it was raining beautifully The second train was some time after oclock a pretty long day however the was thorough ly enjoyed and the Firemen will clear a little sum there being nearly a thous and people on excursion High A meeting held on Monday afternoon to tbe appointment of a Principal in lieu of J Dickson A- resigned Every member of the Board was viz Rev Morris chair man and Messrs J J Pearson Geo Rose A I C Webb J Proctor and L Jackson The Secretary presented applications of 18 candidates and the whole afternoon was in reading testimonials and weighing comparisons Finally the list was reduced to three any one of whom would apparently fall bill to satisfac tion namely Mr John of Sterling of and Mr E Coombs of Bill A ballot was taken stood to in favor of the latter It was then moved by Mr and seconded by Mr Rose that Mr Coombs be engaged Principal for year 1st Sept next and carried unanimously The Chairman Secretary and Mr were appointed a committee to draft a testimonial for tbe retiring Principal and present it at next meeting of the Board for Committee of Management were at rooted to prepare a resolution to the effect that engagement of all teachers shall terminate on the of Jane in future of the of Deo The Committee on repairs were instruct ed to report on the probable of placing a register in the girls hall for heating pur poses Board adjourned till Aug 16th at 8 pm It seems rather strange that the Metbo- shootd get their preacher the School Board their the High Board their principal from Hill Bat from all accounts every man fills the bill Mr Coombs a and also obtained honors in the of Pedagogy He a Specialist in with seven years School ex- four of he was principal of BUI High School and during which time the school more that any previous Mr Coombs to Newmarket highly recommended ft young man of excellent pang ambitious good disciplinarian and very popular with the pupils both In and on the play ground ftik0r at bridge the th Fit and OoWmlifeS- Intend tail of V- -V- iv1 Repared In ft few ago a tree fell down in Mr yard on LydXa ft abed has now been stronger than eve and ft new walk laid to front door of his reel- in British Columbia Word has been received here that Frank Mills a man wellknown In New market was drowned near Arrow Head BC on of Aug His remains are expected here today and will be Interred in Newmarket on arrival His mother and brothers reside In this town It is some two years deceased left Newmarket Cones pootopy The took advantage of the Holiday on while engine was shut down to make the eery chang In boiler house so that the boiler lately put Into position be brought into requisition They were at the work yesterday but hoped to bo roonirjgagalo this morning- This will give onethird more earn power While the was quiet some improve ments or also made to the dryklto passage where last firo alerted ijws are in and third of the new building and there will be a general move of maoblnery long paint department moving into the third of the new at Canes Factory this week The Tbe engines tbe Metropolitan Railway at tbe Lake Power House tested last Friday for the first time Two cars of ties arrived Tuesday evening and were delivered on Wednesday They were placed in position as fastaa they were hauled and night the rails were laid and almost to tbe floating bridge An other carload of will the rails to the Water- Works Engineer were In town on Wednesday afternoon and com- laying out Main at ready for op erations Everybody is anxious to see firat car ie folly expected to reach here to morrow A teat of the dynamos at Bonds Lake waa made on Sunday when five care were run up from Toronto to Bonds Lake following each other much Mntfr Messrs iddeda new it- chine keepaheftd of At Market last were boxes ftt and the a Io buyers wore Newmarket Factory sold boxes at Next on Aug Depot speotal train tbe members of the Canadian Aesooiation to trie number of eighty five peeked tfa rough Tuesday afternoon for the coast The train consisted of four firstolaia and a car Passenger traffic is so heavy on this vision of the that for past ten days and PaolQo have been sent through In two sections From tbe June to July more passengers were carried over this division than for tbe period last year Freight is still very active People woo own residences or have any kiod should remember that paint is not only a but a preserver as well It pays to paint as a saver of dollars and One of the hucksters on market was brought before Warden Woodcock on Sat urday but the case proved to be a misun derstanding and waa dismissed An adjourned meeting of WCTU Is to take place at residence of Mrs Cane Tuesday afternoon East Council meets at 8haron on the Mr Walter J Wiaon a couple of pleoeaof neat feucing on bis premises Main street good deal neater for its scraping The wereawf ul dusty since show er on night was appreciated The farmers needed the rain Alt Albert are to play here to day Meatrs- Toole have put up a neat of wire fencing on Eagle along Barrister Lloyds property Rural open a week from Monday Holidays drawing to a close The covering bridge is in a very rickety condition A family jar on Niagara st on Wednesday afternoon Mr Jack McDonald nearly lost the end of a finger at Canes Factory last week It was cot the bone Labor Day is next holiday three weeks from Monday- Mualin regular for Colored Piques for regular for regular for Cotton for Cotton regular for c die a a Comfort Eclipse Union Jack Bar Crash regular for Mens Knitted Books regolar for Ladies Fast Black Hose 10c for Mens Flannelette regular for for Many other Lines at Special Prices GROCERIES Sliced Beef tin Blue Epsom Salts Royal Salad Dressing Canned round tin Choice Salmon log I ALWAYS THE LOWEST AND ALWAYS THE BEST W A BRUNTON corner store never fail when using Bruntone Baking Powder WE ARE SELLING Ready- Made Clothing and Gents Furnishings At Greatly Reduced Prices for the Next Two Weeks Quote a few Prices Suits for We Mens Dentist Death of is oar duly to chronicle the demise of an and dentof Newmarket Mr Viumiui wbiob event on alter- noon laat It not unexpected For weeks he had been and gradually making More than ago he was by a sunstroke al though he partially recovered being able to walk about a Utile the effects con tinued aod the end waa really a happy re lease from pain Deceased was born in County of Kent in He came Can ada and settled in Toronto he engaged in the batcher It was while in that he married Maria Holliday in i860 whose lamented demise took place about eighteen months ago Afterwards be two or three years in Aurora In the same business and finally moved to Newmarket where he has been a respected and honor ed oltfzen lor years For years he carried on the butcher business Newmarket with remarkable His shop and residence in de tached buildings on the prem ises where Dominion Hotel now and to the Are which swept the west side of Maid a from to Mr A Smiths store he was burnt out He than decided to go into milling business and for five years rented Lukes down by depot At the expiration of hit lease he ranted and operated old Bed mill at Holland Landing for six years and then purchased the Lukes mill which ha afterwards enlarged and thoroughly overhauled making it one of the most complete roller mills in the Prov ince In the milling business he bad vary- Jog success and but he was true to his integrity in the most trying and never took advantage of any process to shift the burden of lia bility By energy and un daunted courage he overcame financial dif ficulties and was able to spend his closing years in comparative Woodlewn the beautiful homestead acres was purchased short After the fire in and he built the residence which he died He leaves four sons and five daughters to mourn a kind end affectionate father Mr grocer and wholesale dealer Newmarket Mrs Emily Car- ley at N Mr Eli at Winnipeg Mrs Bella atToron to Mr Fred dentist Mr Henry miller Newmarket Mrs Bailey end Mrs Maud Lewis of To- and Miss Eva not married- takes this Service fats lata reaidanoe at and at Cemetery It is with regret that we la to be- ToTxin Council Regular meeting last Mondy even ing Present Mayor Messrs Robertson Hughes and Following bills passed Express Co Minutes of Co Council 3 6 a a 500 650 850 1000 1200 1500 a a a 2 3 50 95 8 00 8 75 9 75 MONTGOMERYS Roche at Power House HThompson do do do Jno Gill ThoB OHearn sidewalks do So do A B and W J Wilson Cement Registry Office reg ByLaw American Copper Co Express Co on Dr fit tings paid by Cane hemlock plank Cane Bona lumber 07 Royal Electric Co F A freight Hunter days water ing streets to J Pay Sheet No The of Isaac Cook was referred to the B Com The claim of J HMillard for damages to goods by Street Watering Cart was referred to B Com communication from J Lundy Inspector Industrial Home ro Bell Telephone Co was referred to the Com The communication from the Eureka Mineral Wool Asbestos Co was referred to the Com The Treasurers report of the livery of the Office Specialty Co De bentures tq the Ontario Mutual Life Association on the 19th July as follows Net amount of Debentures Bonus on 00 Accrued interest on amount 124 THE CHEAP STORE Co SUMMER REDUCTION SALE OF SUMMER GOODS per Cent Discount Total 16274 which amount has been placed to the Corporation at the On tario Bank Newmarket was accepted as satisfactory The account of L Jackson for was ordered paid lesa The Mayor Mr Robertson and Mr Smith were appointed a Committee to act on behalf of this Corporation in connection with the agreement be tween this Corporation and the Office Specialty Co re Bonus the was authorized to advance on the order of sums as be required from time to time as the progresses Council adjourned i feet of the Kingston jail wall fell on Wednesday 3 with It a perflon of the old A total disregard to profits on these lines Mens and Boys Straw Hats your choice of our whole stock at Half price Just half what they are marked i Hats for Hats for and Boys Linen Hats line for 50c line for line for line for Mens Colored Shirts were and 60c now Mens and Boys Ready- Made Summer Clothing Hardware 10 per Cent Discount Ladies Parasols at Clearing Prices without profit to us Ladies Blouses were 75c and 100 These Prices Vinegar Spice Prices Pure Black Pepper ground lb I do do Pure White do do do Pure Cayenne do do do i 9 whole ground whole ground pod Pure Allspice whole or ground Pure Cloves do Pure Cinnamon Cassia ground Pure Ginger Jamaica ground do do root Comm6n Ginger ground Pure Nutmegs whole 5c Pure Mace ground or whole Pure Pickling Spice whole or mixed lb Pure Pastry SpiceA ground do do in tins Pure Mustard in bulk Keens Durham Mustard tins Keens DSF do in tins do do in lb tins White Wine Vinegar per gal ioM Cicfer Vinegar per gal Farmers Cider Vinpgar per gal ROQHf I

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