Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Aug 1899, p. 2

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fata By aw and pm lae Toronto and am pm and off at iff- EXCURSIONS S On and Hill to and for LoayoTurtuio 530 end pm ft evening V Hill and at for Ji leaving as iKGRAND TRUNK RAILWAY ft I- til RSirM taw a- J S I LBT8 UP I BUT WITH AUG 1899 The Senate is Wrong The irrepressible Senate led by Sir Mackenzie vetoed the Redis tribution bill passed by the Commons the ground that it unconstitu tional to alter the electoral divisions of the Dominion except upon the oc casion of a regular decennial adjust ment The leader of the Opposition although not a gentleman professedly learned in the law assumed the re sponsibility of being an authority in interpreting a grave matter of consti tutional issue and called upon his po litical supporters to reverse the action of the peoples representatives thereby preventing the Government from right ing a monstrous wrong a previ ous Administration bad created During the past week a legal opin ion of high constitutional authority has been received from England stat ing that the Canadian Parliament is competent to legislate alon the lines proposed independent of the decennial adjustment Sir Mackenzie and the Dominion Senate majority to the contrary notwithstanding Fol lowing is a cablegram to the Toronto The Senate having thrown ont the re- dliUlbotlou bill on the ground that it is to legislate in the direc tion of the electoral ex cent upon the occasion of the de cennial the following opinion it interesting It speaks for Oar opinion it whether it com petent to Parliament to legit late at proposed and independent the We are of the opin ion that it competent Blabs Canadian Agent under the late Govt Formerly Home Secretary Edward for Ireland in he late Government Cecil Son of Lord Salisbury At one time In the history of this JDo- leaders in Conservative circles pat ted Hon Ed ward Blake tor hit independ ence in politics legal eta etc now that he hat declared the majority all wrong in regard to the- power of legally to legislate gerry- of one of existence once if 0 determine Mackenzie real mean end declares that ijyryepatoit wont allow Mr they woiit vk is very Mis Lena tpoUt was vfaltlng in tL Mr of Toronto In Town last week in and Bradford Mist J la visiting this at Mount Albert Clay of Toronto spent neck with friends hero Mrs Wernharn of Mrs Donne Sunday In Mr of Hamilton is part the vacation at Mr Mr and Mrs of Toronto are spending a week at Mr Mist Ida Howard of Bond Head visiting with her cousin Miss Proc tor Miss Gertie it in Aurora and little Edna hat gone to Hamilton for a change Hies of Aurora It visiting with Miss for a of weeks Mr John Warren wheeled to Toronto to tee bin brother Jo who is laid op with of Montreal a ant of Mr C is spending a week or bo in Town with her Mrs John and her son Fred are visiting I at Bowman- for a month Miss A- accompanied by Mitt spent Sunday at the formers borne in Mist Richardson and Miss Mag gie were the of Mrs at Orchard past week Mr and Mrs Qartloy of Toronto also Mr and of Hamilton were visiting in Town over Mr and Mrs and children from Toronto wore over Sunday with her Maddook Mr Miss Living- alone and Mist of Toronto spent over Sunday with Mr Millard Frit Prut Ida Barry of Newmarket and Miss Belle of Barrio are spending their at home Miss Emily Meads who has been visiting with her uncle Mr Meads left on Wednesday for Ax Lake Mr Albert Anderson of Toronto a former employee in this office it speeding a week with relatives in Newmarket and Aurora Mr Edmund who wat laid with a billions attack for two weeks at down on Friday for the flrtt time in Fritter of Indiana and Mr Donald Grey of Bradford tpeot an even ing last week with Mist Goon Hol land Landing Mr and Adam nee Minnie Peck of Toronto spent over holiday with her unole Mr Peter Graham of Mr and daughters have secured Col cottage at Beach tor the remainder of the reason and left last week to occupy it Mr and Mr Hunter and their children Olive and Nellie of Toronto were flatting with Mr Robert Hunters father oyer the holi day Mrs J P Hunter of Toronto spent over the holiday with her brother Mr Brodie Her mother it also here on a weeks visit with relatives and old friends Mr Irwin olerk of the peace of York County and ton of Mr Irwin of Newmarket left on Saturday afternoon for a trip to Halifax He will be gone Abont ten dayt Mr J of Collegi ate Institute and bit brother Edward of Grand Mich were in town week vititiug with their father Mr Advocate recently employed to the roller mill here with Mr A Campbell hat accepted a similar in Newmarket to whioh place he will go next week Mrt Edwin Hunter is back to New market after an absence of over a year which baa been spent in New York Albany Island Lindsay and other placet She intend to reside on the St homestead Mr one of the most prominent bnelneat men Newmarket BO years ago visiting friend in town over He ay1t it great mis take to let the come up Main roadway is widened Messrs- Doyle Doyle J Kelly played lacrosse with Markbam on Monday at St Catharine and defeated the home team by a toore of to The press reports says Markbam put good ex hibition the national game being swift and Rood combination The following from Toronto pentover the holiday with In town Reuben Wilson and children Dolan Fred and Bert Hosier Osborne Jat Jos James Fred Prior Henry Jones Mist Clara -v- The lends and ftcquiintanoes of Mr Holt will regret to learn that itoco- death gradually failing in health and is now he abiit Ai to any par physician to be it i l4niieUcaivln Witting Mils friends Mitt guest of J Dr Holt has returned from a trip Lakes The Willis and Hunter families spent civic the Lake Mr Alex Leo Toronto is of his lister Mr Eastwood left on Saturday for a few weeks visit at Mr How of Toronto was the guest of Mrs Frank Stewart on Monday Mr- Herb Lewis was here from Now York week calling on friends Miss Rogers a friend of Miss is vititing at Mr The Millard of Torpnto yie their father Mr J Millard Mr Montgomery on Saturday after visiting his sou at Syracuse A but load of tho and Green- side Monday at Morton Park Mrs A and family at The Roachs Petal Mr A Caldwell of at Mr bit father Mr James daughters are in Toronto visiting their aunt Mr J P Hunter A number of people wheeled to the Lake on Wednesday to tpend the holiday Mrt C J Smith and family have re turned after a month visit with Mr Mist Birdie of Barrie Is vititing with Mitt and other friends and Maw families with visitor from the spent holiday at the Lake Matter returned home Wednesday after upending three week in the Mr Job of Lexington Mich a few dayt at Mr A at Mr and Mrs Arthur Low of Toronto the holiday at Mr fiaoons Niagara t Messrs H W and Dr spent holiday at Point Mr Cane entertained tome friend at Lake 81mooe on Mr and Mr Andrew of Ham ilton a taw with Mr and Martin this week Bailiff and wife also Nettle and lady friend Wed nesday at the Lake Mr Donald Morrison la representing Pyramid Lodge t Grand Lodge in Toronto this week Mr and Mr Brown and daughter of Toronto pent over In town the guest of Mrs Ben of Toronto returning from is a week with her brother Mr Martin Mr Ben Hardy of Toronto wheeled op last Sunday and tpent the day with bit brotherinlaw Mr Martin Mr A A is taking a boll- day run on bit wheel aud will be away for a week He was at Point on Mrs of Toronto accompan ied by two of Mr Will little boys spent Sunday and Monday at Mrs Mr Gibson and bride of Toronto spent the holiday In town with father Mr John Gibson Mr John Win ning and son Harold Dr Grace Hospital Toronto who has been taken of Dr patient while fa was on hit holidays left for New York yesterday Our Toronto Letter atrial oMqi week from Monday fiftro managers that Fair of interest On ing grounds will open to the public and a monster tattoo given during the display of fire works Toronto want another representa tive in parliament end will ask Ontario to give Liberals the power to make selection of a can to succeed late Sir James Edgar Now sou if this is not a pretty shrewd guess A scaffold on a factory on Berkeley at broke on Saturday Win was on it at the time of the accident and in his fall had threeribs broken The civic holiday was simply one grand excursion In every direction cars and steamboats wore crowded Mr John Miller Deputy Minister of Education has returned from a re cent visit to cities in Massachusetts where he has been making enquiries respecting technical education He comes back filled with the notion that every large city and the larger towns should be to have a manual training department in connection with their High Schools The papers state that Mayor Shaw is in favor of giving a free icecream lick to citizens generally as part of the format opening proceedings dedicating the new city hall and most people say Pshaw Ferry Co are presenting free exhibitions at Point this week including a number of views of Queens Diamond Jubilee Proces sion etc Albert a youog man who brought from Musioka to St Michaels Hospital on Sunday suffer ing from blood prisoning caused by an ulcerated tooth died Tuesday mom- ins The furryfifth annual convention of the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of OddFellows opened morning with large attendance In trying to lean from the upper deck of th Island ferry Shamrock to St wharf Wednesday evening Shea a sixteenyearold youth who resided with his parents at Adelaide St east fell between the dock and the side of the vessel and was drowned Work on the St Lawrence Market improvements was commenced Wed nesday The whole building will bo down in two weeks The item of for diverting the Don and dredging in Toronto har bor was passed in the House on Wed nesday night A BIG We have been doing a tremendous Shoe Trade this season- sales more than double any previous year We have just completed a big purchase from an Eastern house of New Goods at about on the dollar Here are a Few of the Prices Mens Dongola Kid Gaiters Mens Fine Buff Lace Boots Mens Fine Lace Boots Childrens Pebble Lace Boots i per pair sizes to j at Ladies Kid Button Boots at Ladies Fine Kid Button Boots Kings make reg 3 at Ladies Oil Pebble Lace Boots reg price 125 at 25 A BIG CLOTHING BUSINESS We must make a big clearance of the Clothing Stock This week Prices Cut Almost in Two and as you know we never sell poor clothing 3 is It 6 Mens 500 Suits reduced to Mens 800 Mens 900 Mens 1 000 Mens 350 Fine Worsted Pants at Mens Very Strong Tweed Pants at Boys Fauntieroy Suits that were 350 to clear at 50 A railway collision in France on Saturday killed seventeen and wound ed persona Charles Perry a London boy has lost the sight of one eye through the explosion of a bottle of pop a fragrant of entering the organ Montbbal Aug A terrible occurred at oclock today on the Canada Atlantic Railway a short distance the station of St by which five persons were killed and ten injured The train left the track Aug The Banji robbery mystery which- caused such a sensation last fall has been cleared tip and the supposed robber now behind the bars The man charged with the crime is John Anderson employed as junior clerk in the bank at time of the robbery and latterly as accountant with the Clary Manufacturing Company His arrest was affected through a detective who came at the instance of the bank The detective engaged as clerk in a leading dry goods store and ob tained board at the same lodging house with Anderson They became bosom friends and Anderson finally confided his that he was in possession of a eunV of in vestigation followed on was arrested to day rlt understood that the- amount of stolen money was recovered having hid don In a Aug Mr William Wil son of concession of the Township of Albion met with a terrible accident yesterday morning He was operating an partus used by farm era for ele vating racks The machine in some manner was thrown of gear and the unfortunate gentleman went up in the mow of the barn to remedy the defect While doing bo it was set in motion Mr Wilson was entangled in the operating ropes and upper pari of his body badly He boo urn bed to his injuries during the after noon A wife and family are left to mourn their loss A BIG DRY GOODS BUSINESS Pure Table Linen inches wide special at Roller Towelling good weight 5 yards for 25c Grey Cotton a thousand yards this week at White Counterpanes extra large reg 125 at Cotton Cashmere per yard Dark Prints inches wide at Dark Shaker Flannell reg at Ladies Blouses that were at 47c Mens Cotton Underwear that was at We do the Leading and certainly the Biggest Dry Goods trade in Newmarket and depend upon it you will serve your own interest by examining our Goods H E MADDOCK Pasture Fields TO LET THE SEASON A Few Blanobford Churns Oar own make best churn used around bars on sale JOS The Tomb On at Joseph Godson was a zealous admired nd esteemed by Ml who knew He was of the to and Society placed a floral wreath on casket as a tribute a effeo He leaves a widow and two bis loss the of sst Jbly Mary years Interred the Church of England burying ground East the lost Dora of Albert McNeil iged four months and ten on the of Aug Vincent in Main J i Ml drdeis win receive TV J- Cradle In Toronto on Aug to Mr and Alex- Ganc a daughter and granddaughter to Mr At on the wife of Edmund White of a daughter Monday July in Whit- the wire of Barton Ward of a daughter In East GwilUmbury on the test to Mr and Mrs Belter a In East GwilUmbary on the net to Mr and Mrs John Oagh a daughter Leading aud Undertaking House The Imperial limited train on the P bound east was delayed on the mountains by a land slide on Tuesday Portage la Aug 7 At 9 oclock this morning a man who was stealing a ride on the Imperial Limit ed was instantly killed while jumping off the train as it entered the station He hit the platform and was thrown under the wheels Toronto Aug Bed Wheat per bushel White Wheat per bushel JO Goose Wheat per bush 03 Barler per bushel Oats per bushel W Peas per bushel Bye per bushel J5 Potatoes per old do do new Ray pet ton Beerforeqrs Beef hind Chicken per pair 40 r SAVE MONEY By buying your Salts Early at Tailor A fitock of Black and Blue Serges Also a Choice Lot of Pine Tweeds for OVERCOATS and s W C LUNDY pot the Dining One wants an economical outfit Of wont sod heavy tare for this apartment we can suit you the majority this Is hot the we are now the finest offering of dining room sets ever shown The latest Styles in Opposite Hotel- r 1 UaOfttng ffin Auk ffhlUi Wheat per bushel Bed Wheat per bushel CO Buckwheat Barley per Om per bushel Peas per bushel per per lb Potatoes per bag Apples per Sheepskins Wool per lbriM A Pork per s per V per Chlckenapef pAlr a Ducks 9 a GRAHAMS GALLERY CLOSED TILL 1st of September Premises will Enlarged and Renovated New Scenery Etc T Graham 1

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