J I 4 I Of I v The Thorn Comes Forth Forward ft v It Railway covering railway to extent of worn introduced in the Commons on the by Hon A Blair bur policy of the present Liberal Government instead of money being handed a pure also benefited my Dresden Out Mil NvVir JIU ths Sir to with Moods to jaK3QN Best Advertising Medium York County per llm for Aral Insertion coma per Dm insertion flPA Inobcs inch ll MO a jo MO moo I 100 point of disease Is an ache or pain Bat the blood Is the feeder of the whole body Purify it with Hoods Kidney liver and stomach will a Kinu respond No thorn in point ai will Paine- I bad ssverejiaiui IP important service Go- iTuiSf Ottawa correspond- and ft me wall and atroDg I ynl follow- It to ray baby with rtiolU I am glad to outline of tho W A in Mmr the prupc- an compared with policy WrMc rulo until and gained it Under the of Canada contractors and charter- waxed on the voted them the Parliament of the country and without any but a purely formal circumscription Be usual Bum of per a bonus former Government handed the maximum rates for the transportation of militia mails and Government j It computed that under I tliis the of Can ada is paying out each year about to railways which were largely built with money The new policy is that from this time for ward public money voted in aid of railway construction shall no longer bo a puro gift but morel an investment iu consideration of which the railways shall annually render servicer to Government in the free carriage of mails Government stores militia sup plies etc to an extent equal to intermit on the money so advanced by the Government Hereafter the rail ways are not to be the parties to fix tho hut shall bo bottled by the Government These important provision entirely do with the gift or bonus feature of railway subsi dies and convert them simply into construc tion and the development of the re- sources of the country and at the same time providing for full and ample compensation for such advances by companies being required for all time to perform free of charge services for the Government to an extent equal to interest on all public moneys so ad vanced them The action of the Go vernment is certain to be with satisfaction by the people of I Canada who until today were com- polled to sit idly by and witness their money being voted to do little but ad- van the interests of railway projects ore Under the Laurie regime Can ada will get money value for money spent In addition to the foregoing provi sions the resolutions further set forth that the various railways to which subsidies are granted shall not amal gamate with other railways or lease their lines bo other companies thus insuring the country running however over said Hues may be granted to other compan ies but even for this privilege an Or derin Council from the Government must be first had and obtained It will thus be seen that the interests of the country have been completely safe guarded NOTES are la the or Provincial of British Colombia Martin both east In the At acooauti name was freely mentioned a to Mr recently were an at hearing a report that bad again broken oat in herd of ewioa and that bad followed report denied and the officials lliut the is only cleaned up- Nervous Dyspepsia fl Young in ton from Suf fering SOME HINTS TO THOSE WHO CONTEMPLATE TRIP TO EUROPE- understood the Govern will work of Dominion in detail at an- Paris May Ontario of Art lo Ottawa in con imitation with of Quebec and in regard to exhibit of two loatructlcjijd until forbid and charged aMirdlufly will unci- month If For tl than each month he paid for tit Chanst for contract be In the by noon on for Farina lo Article and Found etc ra when no will for a No aiwilon to tnle rule J Robertson Public Strew Newmarket good t Woyd Solicitor vtti of King Money Court Ontario p Knocules Solicitor Conveyancer etc with c Toronto carutuUy and made Money to loan at low cat ratce Main St Ncwtnaraet ace Morgan S doors South of Of Herbert Aurora will be at Newmarket on Saturdays and Court J Co Bankers and Ontario Hank Aurora Fonda Load A of the Australian coIonteH ie now The reaalt of voting on the question that orerwiielm- have been both in and In Viotona in- returns give votes favor of Federation and in for and against a strong federation will now bo formed at tbe Tut Hamilton sizes op Alas- between Canada and the United States on a large the land that Sam enclosed as a back yard you withdraw your claim says Sam I may be induced to grant you of way over a email portion of what you At proof of magnanimity Johnny la ex pected to faint with excess of gratitude Tua London remarks One of remarkable tidal waves that bav long puttied noted the sooth shore of Lake Superior The water in a short time although the wind was blowing of shore Many renin were flooded affluent streams were filled up to as t When wave receded day morning tbe water was mot botow normal level Low barometer southern motion produce a rise of water prisoners are kept busy at work at the Central Prison A city paper In tope department nearly a hun dred men are employed With present machine more fibre is span than the rope- making machines can get through In order to use all tbe fibre spun the contrac tors are patting in additional rope machin ery will mass tbe output about six tons per day while the rope walk of late has only been taming oat a little oyer five tons say that they away behind their ordars SRI KRBBCMT Dunn inc Manning Arcade King West Toronto JHomey fo Barrister Reformer Block Honey to Loan ppank for the Co of cold on commission Terms able Farm attended to A trial Street Newmarket MARRIAGE LICENSES tH You May Bead the Sapling hat Not the Tree When disease baa become and Weep seated it Is often to euro it That is reason why it is to take Hoods when disease first shows itself in pimpled headaches or other tronblss which tells of poor blood weak stomaob or disordered liver or kidneys This great medicine reg ulates the whole system It never disap points Hoods are the favorite family ca thartic To a correspondent who asked how automobile should be pro nounced New York Sun replies Auto should be pronounced as if Greek and mobile as if French After learning Greek and French therefore the correspondent should have no further trouble Hot pom the Quo Was the ball that hit Stead- man of Newark Mich in the Civil War It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years A pbess despatch from Montreal states that suspended Marie has settled its shortage with the clearing nooses and commenced to redeem its notes The present of the banks notes does not exceed which am ount ia protected by the Government for over In a few days bank will be in a position to redeem alt Its or hilts oh bear interest at per cent from the suspension to the time of re demption trill be some time before it be known whether depositors will re ceive their deposits back in whole or in part In case of a deficit the shareholders will be assessed under the Doable Liability Act She suffered Untold Agony from Troubles and Sick Headaches Williams Pink Pills Cured Her From Courier Trenton years ego we reported esse of Win Pickering Trenton being cured of locomotor ataxia He was nob able to move and was confined to his bed for weeks Upon advice he tried Dr Williams Pink Pills and im mediately ohtained relief- He is still free from the terrible excruciating affection and enjoys health We have just learned of an other positive cure through using Williams Pink Pills It the case of Miss Way who has been an acute sufferer from that common foe of humanity and the foundation for many other ills dyspepsia For nearly eight years Miss Way suffered untold agonies with sick headache and pains in the stomach tried several doctors without any material benefit A ago she came to live with a friend in Trenton Mrs Derby shire and was so reduced that could not sit up an hour- feared her trouble would drive her crazy She was advised to try Dr Williams Pink replied that she had used a box before and they had done her no good It urged thai she could not hope for relief from one box and she commenced them again She continued using the Pills throughout the year with the result that she has health appetite is good she has gained flesh rapidly and is able to attend to all ber household duties She volun tarily offers this as a bute of gratitude for the benefit she has de rived with the hope that others suffer ing as she has may be induced to try his health rwstoring remedy Mrs Derbyshire adds her testimony to tbe of the statements of Miss Way Allow me to add that for fuur or five years the editor of this paper has suf fered from an itching rash that attack ed all his ints and all the ointments within rem failed to banish it He took Dr Williams Pink Pills year and is nearly well Dyspepsia rheumatism sciatica neuralgia partial paralysis locomotor ataxia nervous headache nervous pro kidney trouble and diseases depending upon humors in the blood such a chronic erysipelas etc all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr Williams Pink PiUs They ive a healthy glow to sallow com plexions and build up and the entire system Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co not he persuaded to take some substitute Cable Car Fell Six Thousand Waal CarryHow Tranks Art a 8eoDd and Third Clin by the Way To those unused to travel who a trip Co Europe for the summer or for of year or more Mrs A a hints as would hare On arriving at continental port with out able to either or German a person feels prrcatlj distressed But is quite unnecessary if you will have precaution to core folly mark all trunks and boxes with names of their place and destination Then tip to a to make sure of tbelr afe transfer to the freight station care and will bars boon of the thing to decide Is to hotel to go and bow to get there an Indispensable and reli able guide a of which tour 1st must secure as early possible tor of country will give list j of reliable hotels with price named If von travel by Cooks or tickets the or second hot mentioned on few practical been helpful to her when standing face to to face with a trip abroad- If one under- appointed at the flrat bow to It a trip to En J will guarantee and all la two or three and core In a few At all dmjgurbx a rial Quids to Health and advice ree 1C06 Arch fct PhD Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private Papers issued at private residence Arnica Salve cured him Cures Cuts Burns Boils Felons Corns Skin Eruptions j Best Pile cure on earth a box I Cure guaranteed Sold I Lehman Druggist Town Carting Mich July Bert Kimball of North Adams Mich an aeronaut was drowned at Bawbees Park yesterday afternoon His The Ontario Government printing con tract has at last been settled succesH tenderers being firm of Warwick Bros At Rotter Poor firms were after the which mechanical work of the printing paper and stock being supplied by the Government It understood the figures at which tbe con tract awarded amount to Methodist Book Room stood second viz while the third and fourth competitors were more than the farm to whom the work has beeo given The contract for three years and as with previous one the Govern will save about IS per cent per to the action of the In voting Redistribution of Seats bill adopted by the Banner makes ibis observation A Ben- ate that passed two Redistribution bills carving constituencies of the Dominion in the most Infamous way fa order to hive the Grits could have no possible ground of fault finding with the bill sent up to it by the Liberals and so It fell back on the weak that the bill was ont of if there could be any time limit to the undoing of a wrong to one of the people The Senate by keeping successive on statute assume the responsibility for these infamous measures and shows that it is willing to make Itself a mere wash pot for the Tory party rope la not onehalf so formidable an as to prepare for the summer at home especially If one Is to go with the family to the mountains or seaside or even to move Into a summer cottage for vory last thing that a tourist wants IB an extensive wardrobe and a of trunks On contrary lightest possible marching order la best first things to think about must be by what line to sail In what month to make the trip what to wear and bow much baggage to take along where to go and what to do At least four months ahead of the time of sailing yon should engage pafituge In some good reliable- Most people tbe largest ones belonging to tbe several lines jet old experienced travel lers agree that travel Is quite an comfort able going by smaller the of steam or a or even The crowd Is not so the of travel Is less and as a rule the are pedplo of brains rather than of manor You are apt to meet on the smal ler steamers people have learned through travel experience thnt crowds and comfort do not go hand In hand So far ok of travel Is con cerned there Is little choice Compart ment steamers of course must bo allow ed the first place June July and August are months when yon may a smooth and delightful passage If have reason to fear seasleknet Is tbe time to go A good sailor prefers how ever a trip that offers exhilaration of and high seed some part of the war In making the conventional European trip to see the most poilbIe in shortest space of time you will do to consider the plan of leaving Pari London last in that If you sail one of the German lines and In Antwerp see a good bit of Holland make your Way Brussels Berlin and Dresden take tbe Rhine trip then on to Austria and Italy through France and Switzerland to Paris to London to sail homeward from Southampton Or if wish to do the Kingdom can sail from as well All of these things must be considered be fore scouring What to wear Is always an Important question For steamer use by no means new and nice costume A woolen of moderate thickness which has of European hotels As a role balls and reception rooms art shabby and dull looking the hulls often lumbered with baggage that it to find a but rule art- good rooms are the table excellent and service admirable It per fectly safe to go to any hotel mentioned by Baedeker or Cook You will And car riages standing near railroad stations arid Take any of those bearing name of the hotel selected and up your baggage without fear of being lost At the landlord or hotel clerk is sure to speak English Through him all necessary arrangements may be mode tor carriages for seeing the city A boy will be ent along to way Tbe arrival of the hotel coach bringing announced by a bell calls to the vestibule the landlord or lady sometimes both greet cordially each and during yoor stay there seems to be a special and Interest In the welfare of stranger within gates which delude you into believing that yon are being received as a guest rather than as a stranger In a strange land Before starting Is a good plan to be provided with at least of In the country where you are to arrive first and to find out beforehand relative and specific value of the coins a study which is continually forced upon the tourist In city where people are intend ing to stop several weeks it 1 better espeolallr for those who dislike hotel Hie and for ladles travelling In company to secure a borne In some wellrecommended boardinghouse It In much cheaper the RHEUMATISM TWO LOTS On Situated near the old Woollen Factory For on Tenon Apply to K JACKSON Estate Agent- For Sale or To Rent acres Lot in in cleared Well and good buildings Klines Zephyr Acres for Sale half of East bull of Joi A in tea Con of state of culti vation good fence grind buildings Plenty of water from Newmarket Pine Orchard For Sale or To Boat bot a in the rear of eon ion of Whitchurch containing For Fur ifcer apply KNOW IE ISA Newmarket FOB SALS In good being usually over or apply to Acre in Lot I lothesth North of Albert There train on property also good outbuildings place is ell watr and condition- For a except In where Is more costly ami hotel rates relatively higher- There are so many people throughout in all large and you meet in travelling so many people bo know where the Lest accommodations are to be fonnd that after the first plunge into a foreign land you begin to op the necessary points and after a little time become quite courageous and To be able to speak German or French French since It Is the uni versal conttnectoJ Is a great help In every country Nearly all well educated people on the continent speak both German and French and English likewise AH sensible folk travel second class in There Is little difference Mount rt FOR Ail kinds of Teaming Notice and Terms DAVID j chute rfropped in the of Baw- A grand garden party will he hold ft Vroomonton July To A rioh lady cured of Deaf and in the Head Dr NfobolsooB Bar a wellknown farmer of fell from a train and broke his neck Working flight and The ratghtioa little thing that ever was made Br Kuje Every pill coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength to energy brainfag into erv Theyre the NaWi Only Bold Viekka July 28- A frightful catas trophe reported from in the Austrian Tyrol the health resort where the Crown Prince Alfred of grand eon of Queen Victoria met hie death last A party of was going up aide of the when the cable by which the car moved broke while car near the summit The car was filled with a di8tance feet and was dashed to pieces in the valley below of the passengers Prof the violin was in stantly killed George von a popular German novelwriter so badly injured that he cannot re cover There were in car Of these five are fatally in while the othera are Buffering from broken limbs and bruises and from prestation of the shock The is one of the high- eat mountains in Austrian Alps At foot by the River Passer and is the town of a celbrat- health resort containing in habitants It is noted for grapecure and Here also is Dr sanitarium the place where Crown Prince Alfred of sent to recuper ate been used one season and put In good between first secono Hate tier fllteOaal the and a little extra of gilding which really Best the on St On Farms very Desirable IflO acres being lot In the 1st King Well well wattrd good orchard good hams and other from Terms For further particulars apply JOHN P s about to extend their Pipestone forty mites this year 9 Pa July Annie a comely wing woman of this place has been found at Until a abort time she was cook at the Pennsylvania itary Academy here Last winter say- eral of the cadets were made ill over eating at a turkey joke the cook was baying put son in food becamegeaily and ieripualy reiterated she did do whaiehe- wis was until recently the- woman- became and left the college and went to under the belief that the police were after her Tho ended her life ay a- result of joke l board With tbls you need a good warm ulster not too beary If the trip la made during he summer months a shawl of moderate thickness a bead mantle a steamer rug a heavy double will do well which If you travel In fall winter will be useful a down pillow a cap with a good visor to protect eyes from of sun a supply of veils and gloves rubbers and water proof for stormy weather and wet deoks a field glass and blue glass not buy a steamer chair Hire one at the wharf a special company pro vides them at or less apiece At end of the voyage yon will be glad to bo relieved of so unnecessary a piece of baggage A goodsired steamer trunk will hold all you need for a three months trip In this sure of a travelling dress of good materia made In good style also a plain silk and a flannel dressing sank or Ton will need at leant a halfdozen suits of underwear with plenty of foot furnishings Make sure of two pairs of easy well supporting walk- In for sightseeing will call for a great deal of walking even though you may use carriages freely The steamer dress may be discarded at the end of the voyage since on return trip yon will probably have a well worn dress for that use Do not be dismayed at tbe posjllbltfcy of needing a new dress while travelling In any where you may wish topend three or four days a dressmaker at less cost than it can be done in this country will complete a costume Or you may buy at a reasonable figure well fashioned and desirable readymade suits Toe dread of seaslokness robs an ocean voyage of Its but a good healthy philosophy that only people who need It are seasick and that It ought not to be considered a misfortune to a good thorough Internal Turkish bath from the sufferer recovers a thousand better for the application Trunks are simply an on the continent are an extraordinary expense and bother which no tourist of experience will himself or herself to he burdened With verj person I met was a man whose wife and sister Insisted upon taking a trunk along so that on arriving at hotels they might appear at table dhote In fresh ond becoming coi- A and span tourist a misfit While travelling the Alps we a Pennsylvania coal- merchant with his pretty wife and a Saratoga Among barge for carrying baggage the steep railways The big trunk was taken op the and the husband having paid enormously for decided to get some personal benefit oat of It So next rooming be donned his bearer bat and a fresh with white necktie and Went meet fellow tohr- Every looked wonderlnirly at rib shine of fain and of kU attire AfUr taking one turn he so by Ut that be to bU room his beaver into box donne4 his travelling suit and senVthotrrink b slow to J with the expressed hope that It might- be lost on the way If It Is to take along a It fa far bitter to or fxpry w By providing yourself wth clothing from time to a trunk you travel Willi only a band bog nd- strap counts for To Bent Sell of Exchange FOB FARM PROPERTY Art raid la Lara Cities la A gentleman whe Just returned from Paris says that most wonderful thing be saw while In that was artificial oysters Not mock oysters meat done up in a patty but a bivalve to be raw In look appear to be genuine American oysters but when one eaten the difference Is at once per- usual price paid for them Is three cents each or cents per dozen At cheap restaurants may bo pro- for two cents but are apt not to be fiesh at that price When brought on tbe half shell they look as nice as any oyster and one wbo is not a judge of oysters would eat without ques tion only genuine thing about them is ths shells The buy secondband shells at a small cost and fasten spurious oysters In with Only half a fibell Is used In that shape they are packed In tiers and dis played In windows to be served without shells are put up In jars of to The imitations are consumed In such qualities that dealers urge keepers of hotels and restaurants to destroy shells and even pay and welters liberally to pound them In pieces acres on Gorbarn St Newmarket on which Is situated good Brick Dwelling House with hard and soft water at the door Good Barn and underground stabling an excellent orchard consutUDg of apples pears above property ceo be rented or a apply to plums for one year or ft term of years For further THE PRAIRIE GIRLS Shi Takes a Trip Rat Direct I Mar As the prairie girl has grown op with her training along practical lines so she asks only of her lover that be shall bo manly and true writes Charles Moreau of A Girls Life on the Prairie In The Ladles Horns Journal Thousands of acres of land do not make A fortune and social degrees are practic ally unknown The Wedding It nearly always at the brides home Not one in threescore times is It at the church near relatives and a few dear friends are the guests white wedding gown la simply made Bnncheaof or roses deck little parlor or sit tingroom and from the organ comes the wedding march Seldom docs a grooms man or a brides attendant take part in ceremony and more seldom there reception afterward Fortunate Indeed are bride and groom If they can canape a vociferous serenade for the chart Verdana the of ro old shoe customs on toe plain The papers usually add to of After the supper and tbe happy couple drove to their own borne whloh had already been fitted up for occu pancy It Is not generally known that sugar usually considered as a sort of luxury by those not Informed very Import ant part on our physical organism have gone so far as to that sugar la poly of strength in that as are formed Into before diges tion and bodllystroogt It been faond in that men Work more they receive which when oomb had with fruit I- I immMisk L L Farms for Sle The Executors of the Estate or the late Ed win Hunter propositions for the pur chase of the farms acres West half lot con acres East half lot con acres East halves Iota 32 and Hrd con King J Acres South halt of 3rd conKing acres Part of Northwest quarter lot 2nd con King acres Part of lot tbe con of Wbitcbnrch Apply send to J Barrister or to Mrs Annie Hunter at Street one mile West of will be relet as leases FOR SALE Several Rebuilt Secondhand ENGINES good as new tor work our of them be seen at my place on St Newmarket Call and See Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT to be shipped with other machinery and freight I will make it pay for you If Above Engines are not sold they will be let to run on shares A THOMPSON- FOR SALE A GOOD CARERS OUTFIT Street Seed Store Best Gold Pill Best GLOBE OPTICAL GOay Yonge street Toronto