Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1899, p. 3

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J Local WHAT ft ox in a about A Baldwin waxed by a loam last afternoon in Borne he spool tore closing game before ft oat Another bore on Monday to V expressed fldvonoe In Rateii The telephone rale from hero to Toron to advanced from to lor era and from to for ra A for the pm to am to bait rate made but in no case will a be Iowa than Another loaded with Toma toes Mask Melone bere Raspberries Thimble- berrieB Celery and California will be off at Starrs ioda Friday First come get the The Cheese The supply of Milk holding oat well for the warm weather made on Monday Barrio Hoard met yesterday bat Newmarket only boarded and inteod to bold the rest anticipating a high later in the Presbyterian Charon The pulpit will be for the next four by Mr eon of of Point Edward Mr is an under graduate of Toronto a and will no be an acceptable supply daring the absence of the pastor Mr The rVIetitopollten Work is still delayed for waul of Ilea The rails are spiked as far as the corporation of Newmarket and considerable ballasting done The poles are erected to Water- Works and the to finish the wiring on them last night President Warren was in town last Saturday and he first car would be run to on I2tb if not before A carload of ties arrived yesterday v Toll Mr Cod of sent at bit oats on whfph feet Inches In and heavily loaded wlb grain i can beat It High School A meeting of the Board took place lam Friday when the was ineraoted to advertise for a Principal at a salary of The on Repairs also instructed to have a doorway oat in the boys hall at the rear bo as to give to going Into the girls hall This now being made by Mr Brown Board adjourned till next Monday after noon to Wednesday morning per sonal applications had bean made for the vacant position and there ovary possibil ity of the school continuing ita progressive record St Pauls Church During the of Mr for the month of August Rev J from Wisconsin will conduct He v Mr Blaokler scholarly and ntnuLsarc highly appreciat ed by his congregation who are pleased know be Intends residing in Town on bis return in September For faithful attend ance and excellent choir of this merits all praise and has woo the reputation of holding its Own with many of larger towns Last Sunday evening las delighted her with a beautifully sang Mr ex pressed hope of hearing her again in the near Next Sunday Mr who has a tine voice will assist the choir and a aolo doring the offertory Both Miss and Mr are papHs of Mr Bradley of Toronto Conservatory Mr having recently won a scholarship Mr McCaaaland will in Newmarket during August Thieves Some during Monday thiol entered the back yard on Mr premises and stole two gentlemans from the It that even the shadow of the it Is not sate In Newmarket to leave goods outofdoors night Picnic The Sunday were treat ed to a plaoic in Williams grove on Wed nesday afternoon and a fine time was en joyed was a large attendance were and given for all hinds of races for boys and girls of var ious aw Refreshment ware in abundance and it was about halfpast seven before the children left the Methodist Church Tho sermons by tbe pastor are very ac ceptable and congregations are Increasing Large attendance last Sunday evening Quarterly Board met Tuesday evening and appointed Mr John Curry as delegate to the District Mooting in Aurora next month A Financial Committee was appointed to revise the list of contributors and report to an adjourned meeting of the Board on tha Inst The regular AngoBt Quarterly Meeting takes next Sunday Love Feast In the School Boom commencing at a and at the of the morning sermon Alaiays on Top The Era Is still growing in popular favor Wo bad to print ooples laat week to meat the growing demand We have jest added to oar establishment a fine new Folding Machine as to bo equal to any Call in some Thursday evening and see it work ing A lot of new type of the moat modern desEgua has arrived and we are not able to tarn oat best quality of work with greatest despatch bat oar prices are low as any other office We are now printing the Constitution and other work for the Wm Cane Employees Benefit Society oar tender being lowest There came very nearly being a serious accident at the corner of Main street and Park Ave On Thursday afternoon o last week soma children playing on Lot street frightened Starrs horse while man was delivering bread and at the above mentioned it contact a buggy occupied by woman and from the of East bad a narrow escape from being thrown oat and the woman was badly frightened boggy wheel was damag ed and both axles bent Some repairs weio to Starrs rig On Saturday night white delivering good at the North end two men were and ran into Mr Starrs rig breaking both shafts of Edgar Speaker of to Toronto Monday night ho an- city on Tuesday morning fell a among of constituency for although it known ho ill the impression prevailed that he was on road to recovery Goners regret is on all aides hie constituono but all over honorable po sition which ho occupied Speaker filled remarkable ability and judicial impartiality and although failing in health for a long time he loyally kept to post only giving up when it was physically impoesiblo for him to attend to his duties any longer Deceased a thorough Canadian a gentleman in respect and a dis tinguished scholar His death is a great lose to the country the Houao assembled in Ot tawa on Monday evening Wilfrid rising said It has been often my duty during the pres ent to announce sad news to i in Toronto firat in with the present Canada Bit Hon Strong afterwards with County Crown and for many years as the head finn of He creat ed a Q C in by the Ontario Government A His political began in 1871 year or oftener with varying and defeat and with narrow majorities Mr Edgar fought election after election It was in that he- first the field That was in the local Monck and he was then a young man of thirty Mr now a Senator beat him in first of a aeries of battles be tween them by a margin of four votes In August of the next year Mr Edgar again nominated to carry tho Liberal standard This time be successful At Ottawa in bis first session ho was chosen whip At elections in caused by the scandal dissolution he had again to face his old opponent who was the strongest man in the riding He down but the majority this Fancy Organdie Muslin regular for Colored regular for Wire Prints regular for Crash Towelling regular for Mens Knitted Bocks regular for Fancy French Sateen regular for Faotory Cotton regular for Cotton regular for SOAPS Ladies Fast regular 10c Mens Flannelette Shirts regular Special Cornets regular for Many other Lines at Prices GROCERIES a 10 ft c for for 4 0- o Comfort Union lb Bar e Sliced Beef tin Blue Epsom Salts pure sardines Royal Salad Dressing Canned round tin go Choice Bed Salmon ALWAYS THE LOWEST AND ALWAYS THE BEST W A BRUNTON corner store never fail when using Baking Powder JStiuse and I feel moat painfully time also waa only four the necessity under which I am of During that year the question of again being placed in the position of settling with British Columbia for an performing very aad duty We extension of the time agreed upon been really living in the shadow of when the Province entered tho Con- death ever since session waiopen- federation for the construction of the Death has been unrelenting and Canadian Pacific Hail way came up it has ita victims the for arrangement Mr Edgar was WE ARE SELLING Ready- Made Clothing Good Entertainment Opeo of the Royal Temp on Friday evening fairly well attended The program was a good one nicely varied and wall anBtaloed through- oat Mr Wood of Aurora Deputy Grand Worthy Patriarch of the Boob of Temper ance occupied the chair and cabled upon all id causa of temperance to work a will Ha referred to the re cent plebiscite vote a matter of en couragement than discouragement it showed thai the sentiment of tbe people was strongly in favor of a prohibi tory law Addresses were given by Weeks and Mr Weeks com plimented the Royal Templars and kindred on the good work they had done and were a Mil doing and expressed hie with them Prohibition he was the goal in view and expressed hope hat the plan proposed by the Do- minion Alliance would prove a basis upon which prohibitionists of the Dominion would unite for definite action Mr Culloob gave a atirriog address He Bald We have reached a oriels temperance reform and it is for us to show the legisla tor we mean Dullness that we are deter mined to make all party preferences Bab- ordinate to the great of prohibi tion and called upon all temperance workers to gird sn the armour anew recitations filled time Hit after tea oclock The Royal Temp- are jo be congratulated on the good program presented Form Quite an ordinary market last Saturday The demand for batter and aa high was paid and was the usual price Eggs were firm at and Live SO to pair and live ducks from to SOc pair Large quan tity of raspberries sold at and per lb and by the box a box Red 5c a quart and currants 10c a quart a quart Goodsized apples a pail Vegetables in abundance New potatoes and 20o per pock from to by tbe bag Green peas in a pock shelled a quart Green beans in pods a quart Cabbage from to lOo Large beets and a bunch Cu cumbers for each no cumbers in Fruit Season Is in full blast Buy your at Starrs The best quality of glass at and dozeo lbs Brown Sugar for SI lbs beat Granulated for inost useful and experienced to go and accepted the office of House At the early opening During Mr Edgars absence the of the and before the for South Oxford falling vacant from the throne was delivered we had he received the nomination of the and Gents Furnishings At Greatly Reduced Prices for the Next Two Weeks Quote a few Prices Mens Suits for We 2 3 50 5 95 00 8 75 9 75 to deplore the death of a once respect ed member in the person of Mr Wood At a later day we had to deplore al most simultaneously tbe deaths of Mr Ives and of Mr one a mem of a former Administration the contest with Mr McCullum and other a member of this Administration i other narrow adverse majority Liberal convention The election tool- place while he was on his way back from British Columbia Colonel Skin ner also a Liberal was elected Mr Edgar had another election an- i If J A Slick beware of an advertising faker who wants to for in a number of frames The is how he drew 930 or out of the merchants of that town Toll merchants he represented that he would put up 100 frames in hotels bar ber shops and business places fa and Allendale stations of the between Newmarket and To another ha raised cumber to In nearly every case Connors asked for a apace and far as the learn ha did not succeed in getting five but merchants signed for amounts varying from to 4 nine paying cash two giving trade and one agreeing to pay on Aug In order to put op frames he would have to get 100 printed oards for of the 12 advertiser In stead be got primed paid for cards for of the advertisers and ex tra for two of them Connors then made one frame and called each adver tiser collected money and some esses gave or cards stating thaf these were over after making up the frames On Friday morning he left town bound train to work another town Cod a young man about 35 years of age standi feet inches blue and now we have to deplore the death of the First Commoner in the land The news ha just reached us that Sir James Edgar Speaker of this House has departed this life I have no words to say how great the loss is to us personally to me especially and I am sure the House will agree with me that to the house generally it is a most painful loss Sir James Edgar had been up to the time of his election as Speaker a strong party man but I be lieve a fair opponent Since he had been in the chair I believe it will be the consensus of opinion on both sides of this House that he discharged his duty with great dignity with fairness and with peneral acceptance To his loved ones to bis family the loss is simply irreparable I have very little indeed I have no to say but it muat be my sad duty to move the ad journment of the House and to move that when it do adjourn it stands ad journed until tomorrow at oclock Hon seconded the motion for adjournment and in gener ous terms testified to the high charac ter of deceased as well as the fairness and equity with which he had filled the chair Since the election of the present parliament fourteen members have passed away PERSONAL HISTORY Hon Sir James David Edgar was the only son of James Edgar of Quebec and of Grace his wife daughter of the Rev Fleming Minister of Lin Scotland He was born at the of Aug ust and- was educated at Len- and at Quebec J was a Doted one- in Edgars of from Sir James was descended They were Jacobites in the troublous times following the THE CHEAP STORE ijoving west to Ontario jaw Hon John Hill yard Cameron to the In 1876 he ran in South Ontario against the Hon and came within of victory Again in he was nominated in and was beaten by only 1 vote by Mr In the same year Mr Edgar also contested Centre Toronto against Hay and pul- the majority down to West Ontario was created and he received a seat- by acclamation He has since continuously represented West Ontario In the general elec tions of 1887 he was opposed by Mr John Miller sr of Pickering His majority was At the election of 1891 Mr Edgar was opposed by Mr P White a Liberal who lost his deposit and went down under a ma jority of During the years he had been in Parliament Mr Edgar bad been one of the busiest and most useful mem bers He commenced to discuss the question of Canadian copyright in In the session of he acted with in conducting the investigation and the same year he was given charge of the impeachment of Sir In the session of Mr Edgar introduced a resolution favoring the settlement of international disputes between and the United States by arbitration Ho per haps the first public man in Canada to denounce the PP A movement When the Administration came in Mr Edgar was appointed Speaker It was in journalism and in legal work that Sir James first tried bis While a young man he served legal editor of The Globe and- of the Montreal Trade Review Then he publisher an- annotated edition of the insolvent act 186i a several other law He also Wrote- on- for the press and was early elated of the Ontario literary Society he pub- For Goods that we will not this season Mens Colored Shirts 67 only Mens Colored Cambric Shirts with Collar attached regular price 50c and to Binder Twine Blue Ribbon 10c lb Shades for summer wear in Bows Knots and prices were to your choice to clear Mens Lacrosse Jerseys 35o each Fine allwool Cashmere in Cream and Cardinal to clear Summer Gome Bat gains Fishing taokle lines reels baits hooks floats sinkers bait boxes rods eto All at clearing prices 2 per cent redaction guaranteed on these goods Hammocks only a few left cost price will them Croquet Beta balls clear 109 I Base Ball Bats Base Balls 14 to dear Girls Croquet Sets regular now Toy Carta Toy Wheel Barrows wood l Carriages reg 126 ilOW Baby Carrier Large Balls now per i Rubber Balls Tops each Leaf Fans for 14 10 1 10 jWcn Boys Hats Bargains One that were to Two lots regular now One lot It Straw Hats at just half what they are marked to sell at liadies Parasol Bargains Plain Black with Fancy Handles your choice Plain Black Handles 76 ana your Plain Black with Handles your Plain Black with Fancy Handles your choice Black Handles your choice 1 FanoyBlack with Fanoy your 127 to from 19 Class pruit Jars Pints 40o Quarts I and Boys Stimmer Clothing At Your Own Price Suits coats coats and pants odd coats odd pants odd vests in Ceyloa Flannel Lustre Linen Flan- Cord Serge Duck Light Weight Tweed Tweeds etc Prices guaranteed to please Hunters close buyers J I Blouses In Percale Print and Mulins regular price choice cents lOjper cent DISCOUNT

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