Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 4 Aug 1899, p. 1

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jr Era gives more news t I NORTH INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 PAGES roe liberty to know to and to argue freely according to above all other Liberty No paper sent outside of North York paid it advance ZZ 1 Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday Aug per annum if paid in advance Preserving ettles All Sizes and Styles in best Quality of FARMERS AND BUILDERS PAINTS OILS GLASS Eavetrouffhing Furnace Work and General Tinsmsthing NEWMARKET ALLS Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Thing Groceries At Very Closest Prices AND Every wise housekeeper knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we sell J Our Toronto Letter Jake champion oarsman of the has written Aid who is coaching the Ottawa Bowing Club that bo will row any person in the world for the championship at a regatta to be held at Ottawa provid ing he get says he like to a young man after the would like to raoa of Australia or Ten and September 15 as a suitable date is going to have the money raised and have the race held at Miller a man of years of ag is in General Hospital ferine injnrics which will prove About 11 oclock night Miller attempted to get off a moving car at He was- thrown to the pavement alighting on his face His nose broken and a deep cut was made in his forehead DENTAL A I Post Office Block the Air for II Dp Ortllla be ib office or Porter ever INSURANCE J A Agent for fir and Annie Money Loan at Current the Newmarket I A Stouffer A A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent of Sight- Staffing I Low Halts on Farm and laolated Town Property Violin Shop Newmarket Tuner of pit and all loatrumtiun p Arthur Oliver Of Conservatory of Ohio OP PIANO and tit A gut Hint of iu Now to cult iho People Id am- or fancy they may have what kind at rig like NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Before Ordering Alton Id rK they like they are Odd fellows sure If they dont think roomy and the for anyone who and Comfort com Si ibbvealfioa lot of aod two wb for sale A GO YEAR8 EXPERIENCE Trad Murk a AC- KSitiM and Aeaalption aj oar opinion ttooa on tat frea Adtac for aeenrtna afonn A Co in PATENTS PROMPTLY SECUI Writ for our Interostlnjc books and axe nda4arotLSztkavn or model of roar invention or and we will tell yon our opinion to whether it If probably patentable We make a specialty of application rejected in other hands Highest crcnocs furnished ft VXPXRT8 A of at Eoaincrii9 in aaioditlon England Water vauuktml aVt Canadas national Anthem I A of t op Sold rear rati Aim And SSSS the Blue Coat and Gray In Union and Con- fed rate wounded lay in a id Shenandoah Valley the mother of one of the latter rode ten miles over day to ee her boy bringing little com- ahe could Her houe was burned the in ruins rumpled down by the army One day carried him tea Every drop was precioQH for it was with great o the beef from which it was made sat watching her boy aip the steaming savory broth her eye caught the eager hungry look of a man on the next cot was a Yankee per haps one of the very band who had burned her home She was a bitter But she was a noblehearted Christian woman Her eye stole back to the ale and she remembered the words of Master If thine enemy thirst give him drink After a moments pause and with pressed lips for it required all the moral force she could command filled a bowl with the broth and put it to his lips repeating to herself the words For His sake for for His sake for His sake I do Then she brought fresh water and bathed the soldiers face and hands as gently as if he too had been her son The next day when she returned he was gone having been exchanged to the north Last winter the son of a senator from a Northern State brought home with him daring the Christmas vaca tion a young engineer from Virginia He was the only living son of Mrs 9 the boy whom had nursed having been aiUed during the later years of the war She had struggled for years to educate this boy as a civil engineer and had done it But with out influence he could not obtain po sition and was supporting himself by copying Senator Blank inquired into bis qualification and finding them good soon after secured bis appointment on the staff of engineers employed to con struct an important railway The senator inclosed with the appointment a letter to Mrs B reminding her of the farmhouse on the and adding I was the wounded man to whom you gave the broth The divine principle embodied in this act of the truehearted Southern mother was never better exemplified and the fruit of it like those of eyery obedient divine was a natural re sult and fulfillment of the promise that Bread cast upon the waters shall be found after many days The Manitoba BaptisT College will be boated at Brandon Chicago July A wealthy wes tern merchant whose the police behind the- fictitious name of George Edwards rob bed last night of panel game in the house of Miller jKattPgMeE The money of seven bills This is the largest amount of money ever in a Binullar robbery in the district The Miller woman been arrested Edwards fa a merchant whose homo is not far from He came to the city with in currency cheques and drafts and after a brief to go east and fell as or tub author huh In days of yore the hero Wolfe Britains glory did maintain And planted firm Britannia h On Canadas fair domain Here may it wave our boast our pride And join in love together With Lily Thistle Shamrock The Maple Leaf forever Maple Leaf Our emblem dear The Maple Leaf forever God save our Queen and Heaven The Maple Leaf forever On many liard fought fields Our brave fathers side by side For freedom homes and loved ones dear Firmly stood and nobly died And those dear rights which they maintained We swear to yield them rally round the Union Jack The Maple Leaf forever Autumn time our emblem dear Dons its tints of Crimson hue blood would dye a deeper Shed dear Canada for Ere Sacred rights our fathers won To foemen we deliver Well fighting die our battle cry The Maple forever God bless our loved Canadian homes Our Dominions vast domain May plenty ever be our lot And peace hold an endless reign Our Union bound by ties of love Tltat discord cannot sever And flourish green oer Freedoms The Maple Leaf forever On Merry Englands far famed land May kind Heaven sweetly smile God bless Old Scotland evermore And Irelands emerald isle swell the song both loud and Ion Till rocks and forests quiver God save our Queen and Heaven The Maple Leaf forever Judgement for Publisher At the last division court at Glen- the case of the Free Press Co va Edwards was tried- It was an action on account to recover three yean sub scription to the Weekly Free Press Plaintiff proved that defendant had taken the paper regularly from the The Editors Shears Police Magistrate Deacon of Brock viile seriously injured by a fail from his bicycle J pot office and therefor- entitled to The City of London has paid the pay for it Defendant alleged that he never subscribed for the paper that lone Carson Adair who lived on the now occupied by defendant and iu whose it been wot bill for expenses of the militia called out during strike Mr James H Eraser of London suddenly at Port of apoplexy had ordered the paper that when be w he present of I To and fa ft laborers paper to defendant and had Vt a j railway nave for high- the to deliver t to defendant who had imagined that Adair had paid for it otherwise he would not of taken iu The judge held that defendant having taken the paper the benefit of it and should have stopped it if he did not want it Judgment for plain lift for and Victory wages awards of cattle have been stole Middlesex County and the daring the past few atbs Hodgson t aged nine and Edith Judge of were at on Thursday evening while bathing Christie a farmer residing near Tynemde was thrown out of a rig and killed near the Grand Trunk crossing at Caledonia She was an elderly iady as she seated herself on one of the stools in store and asked to be shown j some she remarked that when Mrs Albert Goodwin of Bow she was a gaJ she thought she was manville died in a dentists chair powerful lucky if she got sixteen yards in a dress and thought it a sinful of stuff to put more but she bad just heard that Mrs to fortytwo yards in her new ker an she hoped that there might be a cloud burst in seventeen minutes if that air woman would stare around in church and make remarks about her clothes You bin cut me off while under the influence of chloro form undergoing an operation J King who weeks ago left tis mother and sister saying they could have the farm com muted suicide near Georgetown Tonnes a laborer residing at Grafton Manitoba committed sui cide at the Scandinavian Hotel a Tarns Ill have it made by taking carbolic acid pin back fashion with a over dress an nil an bricklayer em- a square mainsail an a flyin an a then I jtsl like see ancouver have gone on strike a protest against the employ ment by contractots of Chinese la that put on airs oyer me What is Good Fire in Chatham street Mont real did damage to the pre mises of J saw mill and planing factory Holmes bos- makers and D and door factory On Monday afternoon Mr Arthur had a narrow escape from re ceiving if not fatal injuries While working the planer in the Factory the knife of the planer suddenly broke into four pieces One oi the pieces struck Mr in the chest and removed a small piece of flesh Fortunately no thing more serious happened Mr recovered from the shock in a short time and was able to resume his work Bradford Witness Pa July The most revolting murder that has startled thia county for years came to light when the discovery was made that Mrs Fannie Stevenson colored of had crushed her infant childs head with an ax after which the threw the to some hungry hogs by which the remains were de voured The murderess is only old She has fled with her Joseph but detec tives are searching for the pair Trenton Ont July Last night about 11 oclock while George Little about 15 years old was wheel ing homewards two men stopped him to buy a ring He replied he had only five cents and started to get on his wheel when one of the men drew a re volver and fired at him The bullet struck him on the left side of the head entering the scalp and grazing the skull coming out above the ear The wound is not serious a hot chase the men were captured this morning July A ac cident oocured on Salmon Island Lake about a today when the 9yearold daughter of J Stuart Grand Organizer of the Order of Foresters lost life by drowning While playing on the rocks she fell in and her little brother jumped In after her father and an elder bro ther hearing the screams ran to the rescue jumped in after the other two The father through excitement became helpless and all four would been drowned had it not been for Percy Clark who came to their I- nCuAD rtiai Wwrm lb i el Boat The were first to Intent the In hordes of on tbf ahonss of sourhtro Carta and inrtrpi the the of the Chine border slid overthrowing the Ming could offer no adequate ftnoe lor while Corea been at peace for several centuries and the science of war had received comparatively little at- WQtlon the of Japan had been frreat battlefield and the army of men that landed on all The Japanese were- with firearms which had never seen In therefore the Japan aweps northward the capital and the King fled by night along the road to Chinese border came face to face with a hard uncompromising fact She must either find some new means for holding the Invaders In check or she must go to the The stimulus was sufficient and in the person of Admiral found the tolutlon of the problem The had penetrated the country as far as and were awaiting an army of reenforcement from Japan consisting of 100000 men before advanc ing to the conquest of China- Admiral perceived that it was only by destroy ing this auxiliary force that be checked and he realized more- aver that should it once swt foot on Careen all hope was gone This grim necessity resulted in the Invention at the or tonolaeboeV called because f Its to that In the illustration which has been preserved to us In the biography of we see that the boat was covered with a carved deck of plates and was with a rata two things formed and equipment With this boat whose speed was exceptionally Admiral boldly attacked fleet of COO ramming them right and and as be passed on be left the struggling Japanese In the water to be dispatched by his followers in the ordin ary boats of the fleet The enemies deemed the tortoiaeboat to be a work of origin and bona melt th along the Crows Pass have destroyed upon thous ands of feet of cut logs belonging to the Canadian Pacific Railway the river bank near and will probably destroy great deal more before the firea bum out Millions of feet of fine standing tim ber have also been destroyed during past two weeks The old town of and other settlementi were on ly saved by the strenaociB eflbrts of the l is real I asked in musing mood Girder said the law court Knowledge said the school Truth said the wise man Pleasure said the fool Love said the maiden Beauty said the page Freedom said the dreamer Home said the sage Fame said the soldier Equity the seer Spake my heart full sadly The answer is not here Then within my bosom Softly this I hear Each heart holds the secret Kindness is the word Indians to Death St John July 28 The coastal Virginia Lake from Labrador reports that twenty Indians on the coast starved to death last winter while trying to reach Davis Inlet in quest of food journey was at tempted owing to the scarcity of game Frightful tales are told of the misery endured by the Indians during the winter to the fact that the Labrador coast bis been blocked by ice the news of the sufferings of the Indians has not sooner been reported Mr James Thomsons flour mil on the Barrie road was destroyed fire on Tuesday night about twelve oclock The structure was burnt to the ground The cause of the fire is a mystery there has been no fire of any sort in the building for six months There was an insurance of on the mill and on stock Wash July A Kyle who was the leader of a party of twen tyeight who wintered at Arctic City was a passenger on the steamer Elihu Thompson which ar rived here yesterday He says that between 25 and thirty prospectors were drowned in the River last Their names were un known to him No gold was found on the Kowak The old church at is being removed that operations can be commenced on the new one The contract for the brick work on the new edifice has been let to Mr Brooks of this village that for the wood work to Mr Herman Dyke The contract price is for the church and Bun- dayschool room Work on the new building will be at once finished by two late to save the life of men who on guard night and the will be little the first of November the Chicago sausagemaker who was serving a life sentence at Penitentiary for the murder of his wife was found dead in his cell The verdict of the Court of In quiry in connection with loss of the Portia is that Captain was to blame and his certificate is sus pended for six months- Ont July At a barn raising on the ninth line of on the farm of Barret a young farmer named Edward was killed instancy by a beam falling on bis head He was married about a year ago Berlin July A despatch re ceived today from re ports that a cargo and a passenger steamer collided in the River Volga and that the latter sank drowning persons The captain of cargo ship has been arrested disregard ing signals Words are little thinA but they strike hard Wo wield them so easily tliat we often forget power Fitly spoken they fall like sun shine the dew the fertilizing rain but when unfitly like frost the hail and the desolating tempest Burglars entered the jewellery store of Mr J Hicks at Perth A hole was drilled in the safe and the door was blown out but nothing was taken out of the safe as inside door could Dot be opened About two hundred dollars worth of jewellery taken oat of the store Soukd July Work was begun on McMillan property on Monday This is the firsi of the Im perial Copper Companys operations and the results so farare phenomenal A few feet from the surface ore fully as rich as the beet ore bemgSnined The outlook is most encouraging Germany July AtaV late hoar last night the great fire which broke out early yesterday at was got under control and eventually extinguished Fifty were destroyed the gymnasium and girls damage will amount to several marks Y July a wellknown lawyer cf this city and a native of Montreal coin- V Buielde by jumping from a- steamer running between New York and New Haven Saturday night He left a letter stating that he was deeply financially had re- solved to end his life ii-

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