Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Jul 1899, p. 8

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v IVY a it A r ft Is Often Warning hat Is torpid or More serious For a precept efficient care of and all Urer troubles Hoods WhlU liver restore full regular action of bowel they do not or pain do not Irritate or Internal organs bat positive tonic effect at all by mall of Co Has Standard Bail of Canada HEAD Paid Op Total rlv A BRADFORD I- varan anil current run Discounting Farmers Notes And hi LOWEST RATES For ARE YOU INSURED S ESTABLISHED Tumi in force over Annual paid by death and Matured over Canada COD- WORTHY TO HOLT The have organized a lam ana now think they can do the that lost the game on While Mr Marvin was returning from village company with Mr John the cart gave way and feet wore caught in Ho wax Imdly jammed Mr Frank barn wop on Friday 1 being engag- Thompson and John captains and Thompsons won At the nerved some in Children Cry for CASTOR I A Cant of tin of for ft few Jin- on Friday Ihhi on Fair HUKitxof 0iiKiiil was Ittkio part of Hid of of IS in tint lion hf in of and Mrs pan flgaappo it -v- away on Friday night MraAVm Boll of Newmarket id visiting her Biatr Mrs- Mr arid Mrs Boil of London are visiting hie aunt Mrs amateur choir are taking a outing at Lake 7 v j- A UPON aid of- man alraaea who flbusps cbaragrcicut His PONT KNOWWrtAT THEY WANT Thai I- Hit far to la to Trat BALLANTRAK D hold an inquisition at on Friday last to enquire into tho cause of alleged death of Mapes deceased infant of circumstances of the indicat ed dense depravity wan out five hourn and brought in a verdict of died from natural opinion that Council should take action in tor and it any of an end tj immorality l the neowssftry forthwith MOUNT Mount Zephyr school boy at hnsijball on Fri day by a of Hi to Mrs Moore of Cleveland who an vixit at tin- of her brother Mr entertained a number of to a farewell tea on Wednesday even ing laxt made the Mount factory for the first half of June at per that for the latter half at We understand Tin are too rauoh a harry groat task Id wo that lib having boon so bad the dominant Luton Would as or at all QvontB after a Tory hi lot struggle would arqulcdoo In their They for got that though role aW than lhat of the fought us for four roars not out of much as out of a to be let alone aro lighting Just as daooltn fought with the that i wife follows with deli- ice cream Presently the man has thai unpleasant feeling io the atomach which is the beginning of a dyspeptic con His nerves become unstrung and he makes mother wife and daughter mis erable with bis moodiness His liver Is torpid blood is being by the impurities which the brokendown or gan are incapable of taking care of He la in Just the condition to receive the germs of any disease He a shining for the germs of To that dis ease loo he becomes a victim one day or another unless saved by the use of such a remedy as Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery This will put him on his feet again It ia a tonic and appetizer a blood purifier a liver invigorator a nerve re storer a strengthener for the weak a for weak and bleeding lungs bronchitis OF BUSINESS STUDY BUSINESS ail- that all these diseases the stomach and nu- no medicine can cure so but when you remember vrM with bonng factories Bold Koine of their Children Cry for CASTOR I A system and that Golden Medical corrects that fault or meul at the starling point it isnt so strange all that it does so R Bacon of Co writes I firmly believe I should io i very bad now If hail not Here Prior to 1 had for my stomach Irnutilp tor nil throiiK a course of treatment without any real In and I Golden Medical Deposit Ottawa for of Canadian icy holders Profits paid The lives of Females Insured without premium Children over of writUu at Hates J Balfour Manager Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO M HUNT Inspector J A Agent iH for Purity wbeu uii It lor tliulr and you Iron inferior fur Spray Plant Green Sure to all lo only reliable Sheep Dip yjifti lb lor tin cure rtkln JldeaKea anil lliv eradication vermin In cattle It id highly mill lo work with or Iy leading Horse Wash The of held their garden party on the of Mr Smith The event was well at tended The principal feature of the afternoon was cricket match between and The home- team played a very fair and de feated the visitors hv a score to alao put up a strong but the acoro tells the tale was another feature hut was eclipsed the cricket How ever Mr Devlin of de feated the local player Mr- Brown by four points The ladiee provided an excellent and kept attending to the wants of the inner man A refreshment tent also cater ed to the tastes of those present In the evening the grounds were illumin ated by Chinese lanterns which gave a que appearance to the place The Choristers aided by the of of Aurora gave a fine pro gramme Mr Geo performed the duties of chairman very creditably Messrs Wood and Holland gave short addresses along the line of temperance work AH enjoyed themselves and the of of are to be congra tulated on the success of their garden party Proceeds Children Cry for CASTORIA prepared la lor liar for of all in sect peal and vermin It ban a the and the skin In Price per HI AURORA A was given in the Templars Hull Monday evening under auspices of the Orange by the Mr Bluett a Catholic The ttttendance waa small Pig Wash all of and Tor fttroylQK lice and verinlG generally Keeps condition and uree a appearance lor Hen House and Poultry Pow der vwroln on or a tJfied liberally roup kindred for Invite correspondence THE on JLImiiedi occurred in A 1 We know early but none irly of for year Canada baa Keen How you win reel to cater up on tbat ear If you aay with cheery alacrity Yea sir I can fill that posi tion For they will be Rood positions kind we prepare young people for Head us your name and let us tell you how we can matte you one of tb fortunate time Wo vacations The vital registered with the Town Clerk for the year end ing July 1st were births es and deaths Most of the deaths were those of old people two being one two one and one A meeting of the Public School Board was held Monday evening for the purpose of fixing the amount ed for school purposes for the coming year They decided to ask the Coun cil to raise hem in ex cess of year On Thursday night of last week thieves gained an entrance to Bonds barber shop and stole razors and a quantity other stuff They appar ently entered the shop with false keys and locked the doors after they came out On the Sunday evening previous Mr J Bonds store on Wellington was entered and a quantity of stolen services in the Methodist church last Sunday were conducted by Rev and Mrs McKenzie returned missionaries from Japan Mrs Mc Kenzie addressed the congregation the morning giving an interesting ac count of her work in that land the evening Rev Mr gave a brief history of introduction of Christianity into Japan rapid growth The rev gentleman who been in Japan for years and borne on d very address for We regret lo announce the death of Valuta the bright little threeyearold daughter of Mr and Mrs who to an attack of on Thursday evening last Tho interment took place on Saturday to the family burying around Holt Much sympathy is expressed for the family little Valma being their only child The result of the entrance show that six of the candidate from our public were successful in passing There are two who special on Ethel Rowland who obtained marks out of a pos sible thereby obtaining a scholar ship and Lillie Miller who is only years old We append the names and standing of each Ethel Rowland scholarship Prescott Woodward Rosa Miller Miller Ernest Hays Emma The ok inhabitants of this locality say that they never saw a brighter prospect than there is at the present time for an abundant ban est A large number of young people as sembled at the residence of Mr Eli last Monday evening to say goodbye to his son Aimer who left the next morning for Manitoba Miss Nellie Lemon has gone to Winnipeg to visit her brother Messrs Joseph Alex Lemon Mr George met with a pain ful accident last week He was cut ting some grass for his horse and was about to throw it over the fence when he stumbled and fell on the scythe in flicting a painful wound below the knee cap About seventyfive of the members friends of the Lemonville circuit met at the parsonage last Friday even ing to welcome their new pastor the Rev I G Bowles and his amiahle wife A sumptuous tea was provided by the ladies of the to which justice was done by the largo Assembly After partaking of tin good things so liberally provided Mr Thos Mahon who had a unanimous call to the chair made a neat little speech and Maggie White retd an to the new pastor Mr Bowles replied in feeling terms on behalf of himself and Mrs Bowles Speeches were made by Mr David Pretty Mr A bettor armed that have In genurnl loader whom trust or fear and that they a cough and kindred ailments of forest warfare as skill- if neglected improperly treated Jul as that enabled the Maoris so up to consumption you long to bold at at bay It Is true build auoh as New did but trenches tiny the are actually upon them and a diIIm defer to carry while whoa the doe not the moral which In Asia us In ujjn victory in battle warfare the men and be further by dlfBouHler with of wo have not bad to They guttle and do clearly what it they wont Their are not up to their Work and keep on lighting as if victory In a would a hohl the country do not apparently any kind of A letter 1 io tin order and whether JJepaMuitnt of Agriculture win or lose hold the ground Prince Edward civil QUM that the Russian at once it with troops cut had made appearance that roads or waterways ami thus acquire locality The spread of the Weed at all events support of that incalculable damage to tht- agriculture goDoraluinsfl 1 wants of all w but the depart- go on with its uncustomed life and pro vide It own in It seems j that no dlffcuky Will be- probable too 10 on this side in nipping it in the bud i Do not think you can make a success of business knowing little about business More than ever in the history of the world employers demand of their employees a practical know- ledge of business affairs l The teaching in thiB College is the kind that con forms with tho practice of business life We impart an actual knowledge of bookkeeping stenography and type writing based on business principles Hundreds of success- ful business men and women are prepared to bear testimony to this fact Handsome calendar beautifully illustrated and tell ing how successful men owe their success to the teaching of this college will give you particular of bur method of study and many other useful and helpful si hints It is yours for the asking if you mention this paper Students can enter College at any time British American Business College A Cor A Toronto Davis Chartered Accountant Principal I had little take Mi i eat and twenty in two The Thistle that General Otis Is a bad He seems to think to fight their war through a Is equivalent to conquering it he should proceed posts or forts an he on rends and setting op a authority In all ha should set himself to reglmenU who spare his Americans fatigue duty who know country who will divide native interest and all who will not die eft like flies In winter The Idea current in American news papers of raising a hundred thousand men and crashing the rebels once for all a most foolish one Such a force would only cost millions and accomplish nothing You cannot manoeuvre a hund red thousand men In a tropical forest or feed them either Ten thousand regulars well led steadily from home and aided by native auxiliaries will do the work much better If only it Is once understood tht work to be dons Is not to kill or hang ur provide reputation for General Otis but and protect a government in district occupied a government Intent on restoring order and troops should not ho there to but to see that orders and policy of the district are carried out so that all who are qui and pay their taxes may of protec tion What specially move the in their straggle we do not know for have naver ben free It can hardly bo passion for freedom but they are human beings and Asiatics and if experience anything It teaches that Asiatic peasant l govern ed leniently taxed and struck down whenever they resort to arms will the end subside no mutter with into decent citizens Black men do ft even in Africa and the Philippine Islanders have far more wish to lead comfortable lives than Africans It by good administration supported by fores and not by force alone that the Philip pines must be and changed into lands In though the people ore half savage external order is complete and means of becoming prosperous are In all mens bands The moment quiet the Americans can disarm the people perfect comment cations organize a police make agree ments with Influential natives and so render Insurrection next to an The are not better fight ers than natives of Northern India nor Can we anything In their character or circumstances should wake them more difficult to govern London Spectator and others recitations by Miss Nellie and Miss The Betheada Choir enlivened the by their excellent singing Vebv All business men in all lines speak most encourage ingly of the prospects for fall and winter trade and some predict that the business of last half of the year will be in volume to that of any year in history of trade then why rtop SCOTTS EMULSION ft Imply wmmcr feep it- It will heal your lung and make for TrothefwlrtUr rt IT CONSUMPTION for Quilt Princess of Wales has just broken an Invariable rale In accepting a work quilt the work of Mrs a woman rear old The quilt is com posed of octagonal pieces of colored effectively arranged Her Highness has acknowledged tbo gift In tho following terms Miss Is desired by the Princess of Wales to thank Mrs Sloans mucb for the beautiful patchwork quilt and to say that al though it Is against the rules of Her Highness to accept presents she Is willing to make an In this case the quilt being the work of Mrs own hands and tho gift being offered in and loyal spirit The receipt of letter has given great pleasure to the old and her In lb thistle a source of great to the it has assumed startling proportions and to gathered and burned in quantities The weed of a tough prickly nature and if uncheck ed grows to a very large size R Thousand Tongues Could not the nature of Annie of 1125 Howard Philadelphia Pa when found that Dr Kings New for con sumption bad completely cured her of a hacking cough that for many years had made life a burden All other re medies and doctors could give her no help but she says of the Royal Cure it soon removed pain in my chest and I can cow sleep soundly something I can scarcely remember doing before 1 feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe So will every one who tries Dr Kings New for any trouble of the Throat Chest or Lungs Price and Trial bottles free at Lehmans Drug Store Every bottle guaranteed Fighting at Close Quarters Manila July News- has been j received here from Geo Smith at Island of of a severe fignt on Wednesday at be tween Byrne of the 16th Infant ry with men and a force of who surprised the Ameri can troops One hundred and fifteen enemy were killed as is shown by the actual count many were wounded and one was taken prisoner The American loss was one man killed and one wounded The fighting was mostly at close quarters with bayonets and clubbed Runs A considerable stock of supplies and arms have been captured by Captain Byrne who is in command of the bat talion operating at La in the district of CASTORIA THIS If you do write TO Wl Km Shs M0 LIMITED NEWMARKET Ana get price red I m Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match try Flouring Screen Dours and Windows ILL Artistic Effects in Inside Woodwork Largest Factory Canada tor lbs PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES We construct and Repair alt kinds on short Doric The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT If you are not a subscriber to tie Era Send 25c for a trial trip of months 7 What Mr of Barker prizes most highly is a pot frog This is rather a strange pot but at the time t la a great curiosity The fro weighs about pounds and as high as a mans knee Mr Coleman feeds the frog but a coal and this It in operation always Visitors- are nuraerom when the frog on and many long way to see it The frog a number of has taught For Infants and Children Solid Geld Best Gold Fill 100 perfect GLOBE street Toronto FOR SALE TFIT R Has got a Fine Display of Buggies Id Now and striving to suit the People In any Style or fancy they may have Different people nave different notions In what kind of rig they like but they arc odd fellow b If they dont think those lovely roomy and are just for anyone who and Comfort com bined IbaveaLoa lot of and two A A GOOD CARTERS Apply to Street Seed Store YEARS EXPERIENCE it Halifax July The dwelling of John a rich and aged resident of was by fire last night and the owner who lived there alone for years was death July A ne gro captured neat Iron Sty last night and who was identified as one of the assaulters of Mrs J last Thursday night was at day light this near Soffold Two other negros who were arretted yester day at Troy on suspicion of being im plicated in the outrage were found dead I imajboseenjedb our aid FOR SAL Several Rebuilt Secondhand guaranteed good as new for work of them can be seen at my place on Gorbam St Newmarket Call and Bee Them or leave your order for a OJJTFIT to be with other machinery and freight I will make it pay for you If above Engines are not sold they will be let to ran on shares R THOMPSON AGENTS WANTED For and Admiral Dewey the greatest hero by thb and admirer of the nations and book over earl halftone Illus trations Only demand Outfit Chance a lifetime The Chicago Tradi Dcbignc Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description soertln oar opinion tree whether Is probably CommaD ibly JIn5bookoo tent Oldest Patenu A Co racial in Scientific American A handsomely of Laifft3t ctr- Tenni a Bow all ft New b Washington PATENTS 1 PROMPTLY SECURED Invent- Help and How you ore or model of your It Is Invention or Improvement wo free our opinion to whether patentable Wo specialty in other I Highest ON ArQ A of School of fiogtaemna in merles Works Assoc of 1 I W I f A

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