CHINA HALL JULY 1899 A of Crates of Dinner Sots bought at a Soap Price Our custom- ore can the 98pioce Dinner Sots printed colors your choice regular seta A Snap in Toilet Beta printed pieces several colors your choice reg ular BOOTS SHOES Too Heat Value we have had Very neat and the styles Want of room prevents carrying a large stock but it is complete and our prices are right IS -V- of- the North York Commissioners lakes plaos Sharon this stiornooa at ISO It ex peeled thai one or two deputations will wait ilium Two junior teams went to Richmond Hill week on two separate dsys both were that accounts for bo ye bo mom Ibcir rotorn Take boys better look next time GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in jars regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality 1 lb now Hlbe for Fine Quality of lb Excelsior Coffee is iho Best Try il ft A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts School Childrens Eyes Supply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Jewelry Store NEWMARKET KNOWLES Wholesale Retail PROVISION STORE wo doom North Furniture Store Main Newmarket A Fresh Supply Twice a Week of Park Hams Lard j The heal and Mildest Cored Meats the Market 10day A trial will con vince yoo Also Flour Rolled Oats Cora Meal Etfgfl Potatoes Salt Canoed Corn Pea Pickled Ham and Tongue Honey Soap o Order fitted on tut notice G The Specialty is slow on the new bonding but the Office Co evidently know the value of a substantial The now faotory will bo built across the race and in to make a permanent job the is being all removed also the Jogs that spanned the raco an of brick and will be built the whole of the buildup Is what the are now working at Wedding Bells In John a Church Newmarket on Monday morning Mies Mary Ryan of To ronto was united Mr Fred Dallas of the Dominion Toronto Father Morris officiating The bride support- by her sister Mies Lucy Ryan while the groom ably by Air Frank of The happy left by the 1006 am tram for a months trip in the Lake Dis trict Bond Serenade Toe Rand will play on the Primary Grounds this evening about Following is the program March Royal Fleeting Shadows Hall Serenade Night Walla Hells W The Squadron con to a Waits Doris March Cuban Liberty Williams The Cheese Worket The price cheese make patrons ol tbe Cheese feel relieved and encouraged At tbe Market last weak boxes were offered and all sold from to Sj cents per lb Newmarket boarded and the make that got ins top Seven factories sold at Four buyers were present and Liverpool cable that morning snowed an of shilling ainoo the previous sale The next Board will be at on the of August Prompt Capture On Thursday night of last week Barber at Aurora was entered and a number of razor and other articles stolon On Friday noon Mr Fred Browning of Aurora of Browning on new Specialty Building here paid to a stranger for a razor Noticing the name of a resident of handle and aware of the robbery be showed it to Constable Bavage who tele phoned Mr Bond for a description corresponded with the article and at once arrested two strangers on found razors bicycle tool bag clippers shears and other wol oh were identified by Mr Bond who wheeled up from Aurora at The prisoners who gave their names as Freak Stark and Joseph Long were once pat on trial before T J and Joseph Millard The evidence so con- ctutrive against them that tbey pleaded and were sentenced to three months each at labor The light fingered gentry dont get along well coming to this Our guardians of the peaoe nearly always them and they bad better stay away Cones Factory The work of getting ready for the ma chinery in the new wing continues to pro gress slowly and the are about complete in th boiler house Orders to pour in as many as fiye cats being required to All those came in on Monday and Tuesday Poring past three years the firm has had a contraot with an Insurance Corpora tion whereby all employees have been in sured against accident benefits ob tained by the workmen this have proved very satisfactory but claims paid by the Corporation have been so large tbat they have paid out more than twice premiums received The Cor poration asked for a more equitable basis and sobmittted propositions for the men to vote upon by ballot The propor tion most generally accepted and which will go into effect the 1st of next month is follows One per cent of the wages is retained by the firm and paid to the Corporation in return for which the Corporation agrees to pay the following when at work only Jo event of Accidental Loss of Bight or Lots of Two Limbs a anna equal to onehalf of yearly wages For loss of band or foot one of yearly wages Weekly for total disablement by Accident Typhoid Typhus Scarlet Fever Pox Measles or onehalf of weekly wages for for one claim if hot not exceeding per week Iveni Qbindani rioighobrhoo and bere tyvjf weather favorable flattop for fall wheat A splendid congregation was pres ent at the on Sunday Mr Botterill thanked again and again for the helpful sermon preached School IK OF JUNE HO 1st tablet to Part 2nd Ada Wiley Clarence Wright Cranley Eddie Mamie Rose Willie Wright Laura Howard Brown Katie Byron Mabel Milne Roy Wright Ida Average Attendance SI Total Roll BiitciiAKD Teacher BARK IE William J of in trial on a charge of having criminal relations with the daughter of his employer An American viaUor to tows woe talking friend in a hotel on Wed nesday last and turned her for a moment leaving her containing on a table A sneak thief hap pened along about that time and the purse disappeared Elliot the ten year old son of Elliott fell from the roof of a woodshod a few Jays ago alighted on his and His left arm broken IkiIow the and his fore head cut He was alone at the time of the accident and lay for tome time before found R Worthy man Gone In tbe of James J which occurred on Sunday last Mark- ham village baa lost one of its oldest and most highly citizens The deceased was the son of the late George of Whitchurch and was born in Scotland being in his year at the time of bis death He came with bis parents to this country in settl ing on lot concession Township of which farm is still owned by family James the subject of this memoir left home at an early age He spent the best part of his life in Town ship of being and for many years in that municipality in which position be gave utmost satisfaction He afterwards purchased a farm in the Township of near where he and bis family resided for some years finally retired to Mark- ham Village where he spent the clos ing days of his life He died highly respected and deep ly mourned by all who knew him As one ofthe oldest settlers in the county there were few men more widely known than he especially in North York The deceased leaves a widow six sons and three daughters Two of are practising physicians three are veterinary surgeons and the other one a druggist all of are doing well in life The daughters are all married In religion the deceased was a Pres byterian and in politics a staunch and consistent Reformer Toronto for rising hod language the was levied thyminimum fine and costa amounting to George Richmond Hill pleaded guilty of William a who Is in charge of a car in that village and was also allowed to pay and for the trouble James Wilson a Grand Trunk car cleaner was struck by an engine at Niagara Falls and kilted Jacksons Point defeated Brad- ford at Lawn Tennis on Wednesday of last week winning events out of eleven Poisoning said to be caused by American canned fruits made over a score of in a London hotel ill One man died Bishop OConnor laid the corner stone of a new House of Providence in the grounds of Josephs Hospi tal i A Brock girl named May while playing at fell and had one of her torn out by a protruding nail THE CHEAP STORE I argain FOR MER GO Prices hold good as long as the Goods last OHX A named was shot and instantly killed by a in i atrtset railway conduct- or at Clevoland Frank preached on Sunday to the larLt as sembly in Grimsby Park July Henry Christie a farmer wan instantly kill- ad in a runaway accident here this evening Hi horse became frighten ed at a I train and threw him a ot SummerDrrink Bargains only few July An explosion in the coal mine of tbe Redstone Coal Lime Fruit J nice V Croquet Sets A fassJla to Company near Brownsville Pa to- Lime Fruit Juice day three men outright and en- size tombed others many of whom Syrups Raspberry Base Balls I a believed to be dead Strawberry ft Pine Apple pint to clear Three more of the crew of the a French Cereal Coffee have reached u I eminent pints in safety are Stanley George and Rogers They know nothing of the beer the est of the crew The drainage debentures Pattersons Camp Coffee Essence of the township of have and lwiii sold a Hamilton broker for Crosse Black wells Coffee Es- premium of on M000 1 7 only bearing interest at per cent is Symingtons Coffee Essence considered a pretty good thing Lymans Coffee Extract and Sanbornes Condensed Germany July Dunng I 2 a yesterday forty per- Brand Coffee Cream sons who were leaning against a wire Sugar railing at the cycle Reindeer Condensed Milk track were struck by Three Owl Brand Condensed Milk were killed and 20 were severely in- Lemonade Tablets per bottle 1 Girls Sets regular now 19 iv Carts 5 A Toy Wheel Barrows wood j Steel Doll Carriages 1 j Hi Baby Carrier Large Grey Rubber Balls now Jack Stones per Jack Rubber Balls each Tops each Toy now Palm Leaf Fans for for 21 Ihn Bright Yellow Sugar for Granite Preserving Kettles 29 am O US yc 0 Men StrrauiHats One lot to clear ado Two regular lit now Hi One lot Straw Hats at just half what they are marked to sell at 10 and Print r More serious riots occurred io Cleveland in connection with the street car strike The militia have been out A car was blown up by and four passengers badly hurt The mobs stoned cars and policemen fired several times July Ward a farmer from Harvey Township while Mortons Lemonade Ginger Beer Powders per box Summer St Drug Bargains Citrate of Magnesia per 0 08 Powders doz in box Tartaric Acid per Summer Reading Copies J One lot colored Dress Muslins i were to clear One lot colored Dress Muslins were to clear The History of Professor Paul a J One lot Fancy American Prints novel by Stuart Livingston J I and Gingham Patterns to clear pages in neat paper pub One lot Fancy Linens price 25c special for this Stripes were to clear lot Fancy Ceylon Flannels regular 0 to clear driving a load of hogs to Falls this afternoon was descending a hill Epsom Salts per lb a Big July In a lacroose match in the A series played here today between the Excelsiors of this place and the club latter lowered the vaunted Excelsiors colors by the score of goals to Between one and two hundred accompanied their crack team and from the grand stand cheered them on to vic tory Not the least attractive and im portant personage was little Bob Pur vis the mascot dressed in in a profusion of colors and carrying a huge of flowers There was a barrel of money wagered at evens on the results and besides having the satisfaction of a very pronounced win at Brampton as well as now holding the championship of the central dis trict many of the visitors departed from Peels capital with their well lined The game was played throughout in a most friendly spirit making he duties of Freddie Thomp son referee of Toronto very pleasant A couple were to the fence but this was trivial unlawful cheeking being the cause Brampton took first and third games while the second fourth fifth sixth seventh eight and ninth went to Although a big majority of the went to the visitors the play was even throughout in fact it was only work of gaol keeper Kelly of Newmarket aw bis team thai oyer Kelly is of very best if the Very best gaol keepers towa- The team well ever man is a player go victory hero is not them for when he lost control of his team and fell to the ground between the horses One of the animals stepped on him and the heavy passed over his body His recovery is doubtful Curtis Chapman a porter on the car with the American Press Associa tion excursion was arrested at Win nipeg charged with the theft of from one of the excursionists Mr Guy Owen It believed he lias stolen from other members of the party the amounts aggregating Buklixgtok July Dick La- son of Solomon La- force of this place while off the wharf yesterday struck his head on a rock rendering him unconscious injuring the spine and causing par alysis of whole body He was rescued from drowning by Fields who was with him at the time Slight hopes are entertained for his recovery Andrew Rankin was sentenced by P M at to two and a half years in Kingston Peni tentiary for the burglary of Mr residence on July Be also found guilty of stealing watch from Stewart and of perjury in connection with the burglary case On the latter count he will be sen tenced at the expiration of his present term July One of the moat remarkable on record of after syncope occurred heretoday Arthur ArmUage aged 17 whilst bathing went beyond his and being unable to floundered helplessly around and went to the bottom Bernard Wilson a teamster being apprised of the fact by some hoys gallantly in bis clothes on and brought him to the surfaceafter the lad had been five minutes under water Medical a this time on hand and strange as it way appear the boy was restored WW walked home apparently none the worse of his immersion Celery Bitters reg special Johnstons Fluid Beef Cordial regular 126 special Hutch Dyspepsia Cure Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw berry Perry Davis Pain Killer Thomas Electric Oil A L Liver Pills 12 Chases Kidney Liver Pills Rhubarb Soda Pills good summer pill Hoffmans Headache Powders Ague Fever Cure Pills Howards per oz Tablets grain 15 for Dr J EmeryCoderres Infants Syrup Mrs Soothing Syrup 25 Castor Oil bottles 3 Sticky Fly Paper double sheets for Men Boys Summer Clothing Bale each Bijou Victor Series of popular reading all by famous authors each Elite Series comprising the best Standard works of Fiction 12 mo size thread sewed large type good paper attractively bound regular retail price our price by mail a copy extra Parasol Bargains Blouses In Percale Print and Muslins regular price and choice I Summer Dres Goods Bargains Plain Black with Fancy Handles reg your choice Plain Black with Fancy Handles reg and your choice Plain Black with Fancy Handles A your choice Plain Black with Fancy Handles your choice Fanoy Black with Fancy Handles your choice Fancy Black with Fancy Handles your choice to choose from Summer Bargains Grand Rapids Carpet Sweep er Clothes Wringer up Large Size Wash Tubs Clothes Pins Peelers I Globe Washboards 20 per cent off regular prices and in some cases more Suits coats and vests coats and pants odd odd pants odd vests Machine Oil in Ceylon Flannel Lustre Linen Axle Grease in lb tins Flannel Cord Serge Duck peerless Axle Grease per box Light Weight Tweed Fanoy Tweeds Harvest Mitts from etc Barrel Churns Latest Im- Stock is far too large for this time of the season and must and will be reduced if Pbice baa anything to do Cost will not govern the price in this sale ldoz 1 ea 25 19 up Summer sport St Gbm Bargains proved White Lead in Oil Prong Hay forks up and Fishing tactile baits hooks floats sinkers bait etc All at clearing prices- cent guaranteed Fruit Preserving Bargains Quarts j J Gallons Pieces fancy Summer Dress Goods regular to clear 17 Pieces Fancv Summer Dress Goods reg to to clr Pieces Fancy Summer Dress Goods reg to to clear Pieces All Wool Black slightly damapefl and now y Pieces Fancy Fold Black Silk Grenadine with colored silk stripe regular 8 per yd now Summer Groceries Bargains Robinsons Patent Special Robinsons Patent Groats Special Mince Meat in lb pkgs Special Shredded in oz res facial 1776 regular Special for Gordon Salad Dressing Special Dressing reg Special Salad Dressing Special 17 jPof Phosphate I Baking Powder Special Windsor Cereal Coffee lb Tins Special Fruit Sugar Special lb Icing Pattersons Chutney Special 19 Clarks tin Pork k Stewed Kidneys Vienna Canni tin tin tin J these goods pest Granulated Sugar DANFOftD A