LOW PRICES Pique White and Fancy OrgandiiS ces Embroideries Insertions cm Give NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER AND AD Ihc to know to utter and to argue according to above all otber liborty I Single Cent Newmarket Ont Friday July 28 1899 Preserving Kettles Letter from All and in best a- A BRIGHT OUTliOOK- fioiMvAiN July 18JJ FARMERS AND BUILDERS no Me of the latter upwards of Thinking that of your were sold which the farm- would he interested to a little on an average Binders cost about province at this time of to Mows 55 waggons year now write to tell what pros Why am I an Independent A Editor Em Am less a Conservative than I was I think not When first came to Canada in I did not like form of Government but I soon the fault was Dot in the Government but in corruption of parties that carried it on- first time I did not support the Coo party was in I re- Alberta Sample List of Prices 9c Potted Ham or Tongue lc Finnan Round Tin Dome Black Lead Epsom Salts per lb Royal Salad Dressing English Breakfast Coffee pep lb ml I the v the With sum roe all parts 10c 3c 25c 15c i CORNER STORE discoss VRE SELLING J PAINTS OILS GLASS Havel Furnace Work and General A NEWMARKET receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AND now poets have here first place I will Hay have neve In I such good prospect for ten year -1- we now This of course i- wimtU- have bud this spring June bus a month On hi started to fall continued until the morning of Uh which rum full to a ikp of ww at that and many though would In- drown out very little was voty Hat Jand it rained uhnusL every day for l bat and been very in shade Thin a very iant growth and a we still have showers almost day there is prospects of tbe crop wo over had in ibis part of Manitoba Our wheat and oats also are going to be very tall as some of it now meas ures feet high and is just in the blade It will not be out in head until the or of July Perhaps some figures will show what an agricultural Province this is There is this year under cultivation which is made of wheat- acres barley acres Oats acres and other cereals and roots acres waggons because they had brought to Plows from to justice for the murder of Scott according to hind About twothirds of the machinery here is Furnishings an imperative duty the neglecting of which proved unfit to can goods the duty on which cause came into the to lie much higher that lt and also failed to do their duty should be lbla respect This and their even p As to our voun if more corrupt handling of jpjat week the TWO Weeks just started up ow that they as Mm- about half of were ever who died leaving There are two butchers two reftdy to Country and pno- three and m bakers implement shops one ma- j ior There be a full chine repair shop hardware stores In the Imperial Act of 1791 are j parade on Sunday one furniture- and words There be an when Exhibition lishment bar- Executive Council for the management opportunity to see in of the affairs of each Province It city was under this clause that in a Government brin resolution the advisability of We bur elevda grocery and general stores four one mill lumber yards two feed stores and seven elevators with a elevators with a capacity of responsible Government about bushels and three Baldwin and carried 3 50 1 a vouni of six fll livery minv and feed stable three This principle was extended Muni- JS and three surgexns in the same year and formed i built of stone at certain that the preservation of local a cost of Home people in the East imagine this is a wide stretch of land with a house about every miles You could at almost house in this neighborhood count or HO io sight g that it is not near as lonesome as tome people believe Our churches in town pay the four ministers four thousand two hundred dollars a year The church of Eng land and are built of stone and the Baptist and Presby terian church are frame In the burned in and i in a livery knows Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger ly investing them in the of Goods we sell class J McParland are Last year the figures were Methodist church is sitting room for cultivation and The church was built in acres in ljfti Hay going at a of llS00and is now bo a very heavy op if it 1 lie cut about two thirds paid for There is I and assuming other local rights and Thesloughs have water them yet into church for all purposes again by the late attempt of the of the Turkish Building iu name it eoiHtruei new mid Russian bach selfGovernment is to our l0 An named Thomas Federal Union Without the differ- street opposite the a near local governments the Union would the City Hall soon break up by reason of great r ry extent ofonr Country and diversity StUCfy Of w of interest between its parts The lh recognition of the of Provinces The way aid Hi by the Federal and of smaller com- knowledge of art is to n munities by Provincial Governments traced periodical of day yesterday in complete independence save in those person should be distinguish London who in the federal is con between sketchy and is the only guarantee we have drawing iHn CaWn and the w and John McDonald are siJting trial these rights is proved by or The the for our fering 7 the irritation caused by the violation of these principles by the Ontario Government in making appointments over 54 000 per year It square inside LB 50 some places a foot deep so that will cause baying to be very late There has been a large area of prairie broken up this year and also large tracts fields to summer fallow Breaking to town fc0 finished and fallowing is now under feet minion Government to force legisla tion in school matters on Manitoba drawing art- about the sue of the cut of such i was of on acid over a train Hid The fifteen feet Hi- was up for realy sketches in black and dead hut io haw no white but an- made as to provide irrui than wounds Dominion Day was celebrated at attempt cost tie Conservative usually not so a Clothes No gentleman is so well equipped Tor the summer as when our Perfectly Tailored Garments make up his wardrobe They are not only made for bodily comfort but are made rightly for mental satisfaction If you have any peculiarity in your desire for perfect clothes we II fit that peculiarity N MY TAILOR way I read in the last Spring about the display of agricultural implements in Newmarket I wonder how it would with Last year the agents here sold 125 binders and about mowers beside hay rakes wagons plows harrows and racing lacrosse and football The Battle of the was celebrated at a town miles east of when a very large crowd assembled to hear the Fife and Drum Yours etc Frank Boissevain Further trouble among the Path has voted to raise SI Era with any other weekly for home news DENTAL A I Post Office Block opposite Air The old Presbyterian Church at was destroyed by fire INSURANCE r Dp p Porte win Dr HPorUir Brad ford Monday of aad Violin of and all Instruments J Agent for and Money to interest at Current the Post Office fl A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Low Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Shop Nevrmarket Oliver or Conservatory of btcr Ohio or PIANO PJPEOIiOAN and Queen NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stories Call Before Ordering Allan on northwest frontier of India is roporten Fred Thorpe ageJ fourteen of Winnipeg was drowned Wednesday at Portage William aged twenty drowned in the Thames near Lon don last night Donald Graham years of age while playing in Root ham on the of King got his feet entangled in a pulley He fell 17 feet to the ground breaking his forearm and dislocating the elbow joint The joint came through the London July An explosion on board the torpedoboat destroyer Hull- finch on the Solent during her trial today killed nine and injured four of those It was the worst naval accident of this nature that has occurred in the navy in twenty The victims were terribly in jured steam and boiling water filling the engineroom The Bullfinch is one of the latest designed thirty knot torpedoboat destroyers A Vegetable Diet To eat less meat and more vegetables at this time of the year for general health is a standard physicians prescription At present in our market can be found an abundance of fruit such as berries juicy musk and watermelons several varieties of etc While beets peas beans squash new potatoes and other garden truck are to be had for a a little money The succulent green corn considered by many the most palatable of all summer vegetables is also here to help the dyspeptic To enjoy it thoroughly it should be eaten from the not withstanding that polite society questions its being in good forni and in accord with etiquette the bone the meat applies equally in to sweet eaten from for a new electric light plant The baa been sold in St Johns for salvage expenses The receipts of The Briars garden party at Sutton last week were sua Th colored race of Western On tario will hold their grand Emancipa tion Day celebration this year at Chatham a stonemason aged was shot and killed on nesday night during a disturbance near St Eustache Felix his nephew was also shot seriously per haps fatally A carload of machinery arrived last week for the peat works at The boiler and engine have been set up in old foundry and the rest of the machinery will be plac ed in position at once It is expected manufacturing operations will com mence about the 1st of August A certain editor io an obituary of a man who died in the community said A long of friends followed the remains to their last roastinu place Of course the family rushed to the newspaper office to have the error corrected The editor ex plained that he could not correct it until five years back subscription the deceased owed had been paid It happened in a crowded Lock- port trolly car A seedylooking man from the country of course much the worse for liquor rose to give his seat to a lady when a robust man slipped into the vacant seat leaving the lady standing you you fellow you said the boozy but chivalroiu individual as ho sway ed to and banging to a strap I Im but Til get over it I horse- Then in the North West Territories both parties ignore these principles acting as if we had no rights plunder ing us not alone for tbe benefit of Dominion but more especially as a means of rewarding their partisans a policy that if pursued for a few more year3 must end in our ruin as the natural wealth of a country is neces sary to it for its building up We are a Colony of the and are treated by her worse than England ever treated Ontario whose people are groaning under the burden of local taxation Municipal rather than Pro vincial but where would they have been today had she been plundered as we are being and not had her natural wealth to meet her Provincial wanes The enormous powers of our railroads and other corporations are a constant menace to this country Their influence being used to prevent its being opened up where new lines would compete with them It is true that at present our Government can not be trusted with the administration of these matters on account of their corrupt political condition but this will not last forever far as I can see both Conservatives and Reformers proclaim themselves to be the party of reform and progress when they are out of power but no sooner have they gained the ascendancy than they be come the party of fraud whose whole object seems to be to advance and re ward their partisans instead of making it their business to study and effect the prosperity of the whole country What the parties may have been in the past and they both have many honorable and some even glorious tra ditions today there is not a partiole of reform in either of tbe old parties any reform or energy there may be is in outside parties and is extinguished at the polls by the political machine When will Canadians grasp situation and emancipate themselves from the party machine and either compel the old parties to justify their continued existence by making tbe country their first consideration or rise in their own might and form a truly patriotic Canadian party and make the polities of this part of the great British Empire worthy of great a nation much as in tin HOW TH mi Windsor The are reproduced by photo graphed the photograph Wing after wards thrown with the aid of a trvci on a copper surface which is hi Company of with acid Thse plates which are technically known halftones fore the at Winder and are more expensive and more delicate than the zinc plates made from pen- andink work Photographs are reproduced in the same wav as a wash drawing To get a color effect for a or a frontis piece two or more plates must be used day vrUb customary a telegram them hope that all of who delighted with selection from LobtfQgrlJi birthday arrive homo after The arrangements for the musical carried oat mak- Two plates will give from two to four log trip to Windsor Castle an va color All this study of picture is inter esting and tends to develop ones ap preciation of the beautiful and to more delightful honor A special left 1 oclock the carrying Mr Nell Forsyth and all the members of the opera company were to take part with the exception of make one appreciate color proportion de and Schumann haroonv It alo has the and effect of making a person more at Windsor at ant The more one see in life about the more he is able to enjoy it The man who cannot appreciate a pretty picture in all iw details is not fullv educated The onlv Canadian From castle wti and other conveyances of the company orchestra etc by the train carriage the Including the 6 except for the principals a foil publication which regularly employs both penandink and water color is the Canadian though penandink work of a less artistic character is to be found in most Canadian dailies rehearsal the whole performance took With car and were entertained by Mr Coll man Her Majesty a inspector of the will but you youro a never over it hoar and J am of opinion that the time has arrived when we in the West should stop party strife and combine to force legislation suitable to the West the Dominion Government This Wonders will never cease the realm of electricity Cars can now be refrigerated without the aid of ice and by an electric current generate by the revolution of the car axles Sudbcby July Quite a sensation was caused here today by all the men employed in the mine of the Canadian Copper Company about nine hundred haying gone on strike for higher wages July One of boilers of the Austrian torpedo boat exploded today while the ves sel was off the Island of Torcoia in the Adriatic Sea killing a lieutenant and four members of the crew Tab Mail to remark Every Government ought to be able to the which elects it may be true bat the Government did not appear- to have that notion and gerryman dered the Dominion to make politi cally by hiving The wrong then If no recreated by the men to power to day would bo more than a political blonder it a u- crime for by the of the electorate were of honest represen tation In parliament j i At oclock dinger was the dining the entertainers prepared for the performance which took place In the Waterloo Chamber with port- ralca Wellington and of fleaia for Her Majesty house hold and the directors of the Royal Opera Company who were 19 were the dais draped wjih cloth upon which placed tor the Queen and members of the royal family The wa decorated with choice flowers and foliage by the Mr Owen Thomas Who had also arranged floral the whole of the chamber ten minuted past the enter- the orchestra played the national anthem The performance and terminated just SO before midnight wai Her Majesty for the singers of the company and ihe and after ejcpreaiing presented them with special royal gifts bestowing upon Jean de Victorian Order delicate white enamelled Maltese To de the Queen a pitcher a flilver cigarette ease Mr to Mma and with the loiters in add to other Jf The whole of the company then left the castle and with the exception remained aor up to London by a train tig Windsor at and reached at