Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Jul 1899, p. 8

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fees pi If your liver is of order canning Sick Headache Heart- Constipation Hoods Pills On wIWdjj and tomorrow your organs will bo regulated and will bo bright ready for kind of work been experience other it will bo yours HOODS PILLS are told I all dealer oU Standard Bask a Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO Paid op Opus Fund Total poena arc SI and P intermit Wo a Specialty of A Brunch ibis flank BRADFORD arc received of Discounting Farmers Notes And Male LOWEST RATES ItilcirmnUori apply JOHN ARE YOU INSURED S if e ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED Total Assurance in force over Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured Endowments over Investments Canada Deposit Ottawa for security of Canadian Policyholders over Profits paid holders The lives of Females Insured without extra premium Children over years of age written at Special Kates Ramsay Manager J Button Balfour Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District Inspector J A Agent Tola word copyrighted guarantee for Purity and Strength when boco on our goods It marks Inem the standard several and presence protects you from Inferior goods Look it Plant Spray Plant Spray contains no mineral arsenic or Paris Sure death oil lifts to vee tat only reliable Sheep Dip preparation ibe urcof dfMAGS arid the eradication Of vermin iu cattle It Is medi cinal no drastic or ffMtH sheep ratters Horse Wash AND WOfiTUt TO SUTTON Miss Fountain is in The garden party will be held on the The crop of to ex pected to be one of the largest in years Tuesday afternoon during the thunder strm Wm Motheral while working on a new barn on the farm of Mr Lyon Virginia was severely stunned by lightning but however recovered in half an hour Mr John Kay barn was struck by lightning On eaioe BRADFORD J A Burgess in at Niagara on this week playing in the ten tournament During the thunderstorm last Wed nesday afternoon the Johnston resi dence at Pleasant was struck by lightning but fortunately no serious was done further than that a chimney was knocked to pieces A lady Mrs Churchill who was staving in the house was stunned for a time but has quite recovered from the shook All the world so to speak attended the farm of Mr last Friday afternoon men were engaged in the raising and the spectators were likewise numerous A jolly outing was enjoyed by the crowds and Mr and Mrs Evans hospitality was quite equal to the oc casion- iSunday He v Mr Bowles our new pastor preached a very impressive sermon from 3rd chapter cIuuho of the verse Last Friday J 2 od oclock during the thunder storm which passed over this locality the chimney on James Grays house was struck lightning knocking a portion of piaster off the room in which his son David was sleeping No further damage being done Friday while returning from the reception of Rev Mr Bowles and bride Edgar Gray and sister Ada and a friend while driving up the line the night being exceedingly dark and the buggy coming in contact with Simpsons tie post almost demolish ed it and breaking the harness Edgar held on to the horse although he received a bad gash in the forehead requiring the doctors attention other occupants escaped without in jury Tribune AURORA The members and friends of the Baptist Sunday held their an nual picnic at Lake Wilcox on Wed nesday Mr Wells is making consider able improvement in the grounds of the Queens Hotel Master Smith son of Mr George returned home from Denver on Saturday He had been spending a few months with his aunt the late Mrs Clark for the benefit of his health when her death caused his return borne There wore applications for the position of teacher for the third de partment of the Public School here Too for hit The arc good- their monthly Gospel Jlonday even ing Brace of Suiton West is to give ho address of the evening A very interesting last Sunday evening The meet ing by the new Presi dent It Is that the meeting next Sunday will bo addressed- by of the ministers from Mrs Dr Is going to attend tho League Convection In dianapolis this month She left this week Intending to spend a week with friends In Toronto before starting for the Convention Mr preaobed in the Methodist Church last morn ing to a full house His sermon was very practical and was greatly appre ciated Elder Clark a formft postor preach ed in the Christian Church last Sun day morning He also addressed the C meeting in the evening dap of And wlico chrm W be pow erful lo day of A aUbciiffb an a and procures a love lag that the great- love charm of U is the beauty of perfect health is reach of every from the cauaed lose the beau ty of form and fair ness of face which men admire they may cure the trouble and renew strength and beauty by the use of Dr Pierces Favorite ttou It overcomes all the Ills peculiar to women It Imparts delicate organs restores the color to the cheek and rouna- riess to the form It brings health back end health itself is beauty It ia for the face to be or the figure shapely If there are pains displacements ox weakness in organs of womanhood t had female badly writes Caw lime WW t 8 Admoii or Fir bed part I Hut prepared pecu liar to for ridding of all medicament fiool vermin It a the pelt Id a thoroughly Price Pig Wash In fiucceasruily ued for lice iud vermlo Id licaltby condition nod a healthy In the animal for Ponder a putifJng Had House Spray Hen House Spray and poultry Pow der destroy peculiar to ibo fefltherad on abed germs and atmosphere Ueed liberally they roup and kindred tbeee from Agent for We Out THACHERS -AHD- are Invited to Improve their holiday fteti- by our SESSION- few during July and will any teacher while tree months study- will qualify any vmduate to All a good mercantile Open year ms enured by Onaid- Address THE etwcorecdf made vacant by the resignation of Mies Rogers The Board decided to engage Miss Jennie daugh ter of Mrs of this place Mr Fred Lone son of Mr F Long of this place who has been in Dawson City for the last year or so arrived hereon Tuesday on a short visit to parents Mr Long ia on his way to Ottawa to secure a patent for a new gold rocker he has invented and which he claims will do the work of fifteen men with the rocker at pres ent in use If this should prove true there is a fortune in it for Mr Long He says the amount of gold in the Klondike is not overrated and that the amount brought out this year is beyond all anticipation The severity of the weather is exaggerated and the difficulty of getting in and out of country is much less now than when be first went in Mr Long had sev eral nuggets of gold with him and he presented the entire staff of the office with a nugget each as a souvenir of his visit He intends returning to Dawson in the course of a few weeks Mr William Proctor who has been in Denver for some months past for the benefit of his health returned here last Monday afternoon and is now with brother here Mr Proctor- Although somewhat better he has not improved as rapidly as hoped for saw mill which has cut feet of lumber for Messrs Marsh below here left last Week to- fill a contract for Mr Marih at which will bo last fob for this eon Duncan is building to bis stable Fred Wilson is re shingling and dwelling are pleased to note that A Lehman of has returned frvtn Toronto successfully undergone a surgical operation D McLean took ill on Sunday with inflammation of the bowels A substantial stone kerning is being laid in front of Todds Block Miller is getting repairs made to the walls of Mansion House The of the Methodist will beheld on Sun day July Rev Geo- Brown of will officiate morning and evening There will also be a lecture on Monday evening July by Rev G Dewey of Aurora and the church choir will fur nish select music for the occasion Win of ave who has not been in good health for some time took a stroke of paralysis on Tuesday July which rendered him unconscious He remained in this State till about last Wednesday evening when end came Deceas ed was in his year The funeral will take place tomorrow Friday at p to the Methodist cemetery Victoria Square Tribune Children Cry for CASTOR I A EVER8LEY A team of horses belonging to Mr Walter had the misfortune to break through the bridge over the mill pond on his farm but by prompt as sistance they were extricated without any injury Mr Judge who has had the contraot of putting a stone foundation under Mr Geo Fergusons barn has it al most finished and by next winter Mr Ferguson will have stabling to com pare with any in the Mr John happened with rather a serious accident a couple of weeks ago He was putting in win dows for Mr John Page of Concord and in reaching for some toots window no fastened fell over bis head the frame resting over shoulders The smashed into fragments mixed through his hair and clothes cutting his face se verely Nothing serious was thought at first but bloodpoisoning set in and Mr Leigh is now cenfined to bis bed under medical attendance but we hope for his speedy recovery Mr Peter who has been ailing for a length of time passed over to the great majority on Thursday of last week His remains were fol lowed to the grave at King cemetery on Saturday by a large procession of relatives and neighbors Children Cry for tired all the time could n0t do my housework and schw all over I commenced falntuuspdli backache In ray left tide I would He down Dr Favorite Prescription and had not two when I able to be round again and to do my work with no pals I am now reeling better than for years Dont you want liable doctor book customs and mailing only you will get by return mall a free copy of book 1 7 ataraps to Dr R Buffalo to cover cost of People Common Sense Adviser Illustrated pager in Medical Cloth bound arMnot la J A brief be of at aiaya tlo pat Britain world hipping Her la than that of World together her ablps parry fltooljththi of deepwater freight afloat and jht bora and the cargooa on lbs ocean Her no It ly not been duo to chance grown from spirited Interest In and token baa In corporation known the Bridal or dorolnatea every Teasel no matter what nationality In foreign trade In flat of shipping bat stamped or omitted to stamp of sffry vessel afloat It baa beep meant of centralizing marine In surance to an extent British carry aorenolhtba of the risks of world For years since the days when underwriter and men connected met at the coffeehouse Lloyd In London applied the of marine Insurance taught by the British ship owner have sent their ships to sen wltb of absolute safety for they hold a paper underwritten at Liny la as In cose of accident to their property The board of able corporation represent entire shipping of Britain It In various ports the world with of ships In general whose duty It to report shipping news Ait a result Lloyds tremendous power the words of ex perts are accepted before Parliamentary Dr Pierce as truisms and Its authority Pleasant Pel tut cure In the of has given control of the world BLOOMINCTON reopening of the Method iBt Church will take place on July The Aid of the Christian Church will at the of Mra A Law on Friday evening Spring crops are in a favorable condition in locality I of I gave a interesting report on Wednesday night last at the Christian Endeavor of International Convention which was held at Detroit VI George has returned to his borne in with the result of a six weeks clean up In the Klondike whither he will return CASTOR I A a It pays to advertise in the Eh July 14 A Grand Trunk freight car was shunted over the end of Windmill Point wharf early this morning and fell on top of the tug and then rolled into the riven Four tramps had taken refuge in the car for the night and closed the door and when the car went into the river they had a thrilling and narrow es cape from being drowned like rats in a trap v a Winnipeg July 16 Robin son of London Out has purchased three valuable heifers of Premier shorthorn herd paying each for them This is the time of year when in door worker experience that tired feeling want to get out in the fields and roll upon the grass For this feeling they should take a day off The liner Manchester Port from Montreal bo has had a collision with an iceberg in the Straights of Belle Isle and has had to put into St Johns Newfound land for repairs London July 16 Mr Kiplings right thumb has been bitten by a dog and is considerably inflamed He carries his arm in a sling but it is not thought that the injury will have serious consequences At the barnraising of Alex Fer guson near Arthur Court ney received a smashed toe by a fall ing timber a nail dew into Joshua Courtneys face and made a gash Fred Leonard his ankle and J Harris wrenched his hack Winnipeg July Rev Mr and Mrs Cleaver formerly of Toronto and Miss Roberts while out rowing in the of the Woods Saturday were caught in a storm and their boat cap sized All managed to to the boat four hours when they were res cued woman arraigned in an United States court recently was asked by it she had a clear charaoter was silent Then the judge putting the question in a more direct form asked Have you ever suffered legal punishment Yes answered the defendant What was it I am married At this the judge jury and spectators alike broke into irrepressible laughter Fred Smith employed by Mr John of King farm hand brought someirrain to market for his last week He performed his errand too well however as he received twenty dollars on it after say ing that Mr was in need of the money He then deserted the team and vanished reappear ance would no doubt be followed by prosecution Smith is a home lad we believe who were better left in the country July Tenuis at- the Jamestown Hospital in a seriouB condition the result it is alleged of received while being initiated into Jamestown Tent the Terry has th matter in the hands of an attorney and demands financial injuries It Is claimed that his abdomen Is injured bo cause inflammation of his spine was and one of front v Hurt In lounging In grout or tread among toe ununited throngs pushing all authoritatively and Here too gathered all people without any who appeared every week at the on Tiber for grain who fought for lottery to the circus who their nights in rickety bouw in beyond he their warm daya under covered mid In foul eating houses of tbe ulmrru in the bridge or before the InHulae of great where from time to time romnanta from the table of ware thrown but to them of all portions of these always took advant age of that the Roman noblea who desired to shine natron of the public to make It must be remembered shut In a by the number of clients who in the morning and saluted him as hi appearance on the balcony of hid they lounged for the remainder of the day In the and porticoes of the They away tne lagging bourn which separated them from the hoped for Invitation to with their patron b scratching rode and an the waJU or which they leaned or by tracing on the ginning tables to play of Hr An dialogue between a wo man and a railway wbloh the woman got the best of It Id reported by Philadelphia shall ham to you for a ticket for boy maam gueaa not too old to travel He a whole eat and crowded Jhurn people standing Jbataali right I havent lima to argue matter maam Youll have to pay for that boy I to never paid for him yet and Im not going to begin It Youve got to begin doing some time If you havent bad to up any fare for youre or also you dont do much JbafaoJi right YoaIl pay for that boy num or 111 slop the train him all light pot him off if you thins thats way to got anything out me- Yon ought to know what rules of thU road are am How old Is that boy I dont know I never flaw him be fore If yon ticket for hlra yond better enrleman down the He got on with him An Outfit The Australians outfit adapta tion of the The colonial grown a pommel and a high tooling the mild English In Australia a firm deep inch pad and even hack of the thigh is held in place by a fiolld flanga sewed upon bis aaddle so the of the It Is Englishmans moulded and strengthened to sterner usage The mild end mostly ornamental becomes a ten foot and terribly effective- stockwhip the doable rein and all the mora or less fancy fijuiohments are strip- pod from the bridle In favor of the snaffle a and single rein of leather so substantial as to doty the roguery or terror of any ordinary horse to break Crupper breast- plate martingale these are used or left aside according to the tricks and temper of the mount with a single eye to usefulness and no thought the I speak of a workaday attire and sad dlery not of the fleeting glories af a holi day and speaking It be said the outfit la planned with a eye to ptUIty Karat known a the telephone and areof corn the origin tho nipiea date many years In name of to in apparatus to render eat wands- audible and In Ui5 ex tfivmg In weather W by Taylor while for a system phony l I V 1 fc Trrrri Ta f I itieroodandBefiula- BtfStojDjdaflhfl Imams OF WOT OTIC a aaaaaaaaasa Remedy Sour Worms sh- and LOSS OF SLEEP Signature of NEW YORK old Dos IS ON THE WRA OF EVERY BOTTLE OB EXACT PPM la pat ali It III not sold in bulk Dont alio to tall alia on plea or It 111 Jutt wlU answer rBoo that too get ataa do hk of BUILDING THIS SUMMER If you do write TH WI Sons fjE LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And gel of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows M Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest in Coftda tor the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS EtjC BICYCLES We High Grace and Repair all kinds on abort notice The Wm Cane Mfg Co NEWMARKET If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of months A Has got a Floe Display of Bungles In Now and continually striving to suit tne People I any Style or fancy they may have Different people nave different notions what of rig they like but they are odd sure if they dont think those lovely roomy and Good are ate just Big for anyone who trie and Comfort com bined hare also a lot of two cows for sale A FOR SALE Several JHGIWES new or work of them can bo seen at place Sea Them or leave your order for a NEW OUTFIT be with and save freight I will make pay If above Engines are not sold they will be let to on r WAKTKB and of Dower ATENTS Mark ate Handbook on Patents aent arew7 Patents taken charge la the Scientific American A of any JnUfla looraiL a rear Bold by Sail Outfit Chancy of a lifetime The PATENTS SECURED Write for iaWreaUng books Invent- Help and How yon are a or your Improvement and we will tell of ttn Befool of fcis1ntarti wbeloa lo Applied Un Works Wort htctty r

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