Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Jul 1899, p. 7

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pa 1 yam wm auk mkj r J ffllNA 1 fl A HALL JULY 1899 WHAT IS IK A ABOUT The Editors Shears A couple of of bought at a Soap Prion Our custom ers can have the benefit Dinner Sets printed colore your choice regular seta A Snap in Toilet pieces colon jour choice reg ular CO BOOTS SHOES The Bent Value wo have had Very neat and the latest stylos Want of room proven us carrying a largo stock but it is complete and our prices are right a Picture Jt It onh while or anybody to walk to the Cemetery to the rookery It in all bloom most beautiful Serenade Town Band tor a big School last Friday evening and the thoroughly appreciated The making themselves very popular by their In various parts of the Town CXI At meeting last Tuesday the following resolution was passed and Instructed to forward a copy 10 llou Borden Minister of Militia Ottawa and also to the local proas That the of New- market rospeottutly protest the farther or issuance military of Jiqoore for whether la military schools potion barracks or earn- drives a dandy new delivery waggon Mr Arch Goring slipped on a banana skin aad bis wrist laying off work for a few days Big at Miss Longs Concert on Tuesday evening John charged with stealing a pair of boots and a revolver from Held was committed last week for trial at the assizes Garden Party at villa a week from Tuesday Mies Booth Staff Band to bo here again next Sunday Now oroesing at of Main and Park Ave and new sidewalk in various places two occasions- the Ottawa has intimated that round robin aye been dor- the heard mor aboafc or of anything thereby Mr A TWood one of the oily call the the recent demise of the late Booator landlord The conteet therefore in bow on between Hamilton and Toronto Wood Jonei It la currently In at Ottawa that Mr Jones of to who at week will be named for the vacated by the death of Hon Mr baa rendered good service to the Lib eral cause and his recognition bo ac ceptable the party Tub Mail remarks An honest Gov ernment no gerrynlaoder This is bat the remark implies that the Gov that gerrymandered West Ontario and hived acoastltaenoy out of four old was dishonestand yet the Mail Is daily flinging the praises of the men who perpetrated that gerrymander 1 i raoK the daughter Mrv Thomas dropped dead at hot Tuesday night A man can riflo and not a bit But if to mind the baby iniitea he is fagged out Toronto James Falrlesa of who died on May last willed all his ftn SIT dor provocation during an aitor- of which is Id real J employed by Mr Centra a barrow from death one yen- last fiho was carrying a coal oil lamp through the house when exploded igniting her clothes and burning her so badly that was un conscious for several hours old man James Hut ton who killed his son with a pair of shears in a tailor shop on Victuiiast about two years ago was given hi liberty last The crime was committed J wan in a 1 cation when en frenzy The project to present Sir Wilfrid j fire in with a present of Thursday doing Jt abandoned S Wilfrid re- to any further to raattor Los A gallant railway laborer saved j people the a disaster on the Canadian entertainment given the visiting racks at by swimming cadets the twice across a stream to warn u0 proaohmg trains of the of 12l int 20 lbs for 1 We have a big stock Glass Jars They are worth buying Cheese per lb Extra Standard Granulated Sugar WHY Because every Jar is perfect Pink Salmon per Fresh Lobsters per tin Fresh Pickles in bulk 2c quart -IOJt- bridge by fire Severe Friday last Premier Hardy re ceived friendly call from GOO or Bartons Baking Powder in quart regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excfcleior Coffee is the Best Try it A raasa from Ottawa inat Mioiiter of Interior has the of a to of farmers in Weal attaint the owners of It In tended that the will perform duties them and report all with tho view to legislation dealing with the subject next of Parliament A to Toronto Tele gram from Camp Canadas began well at the of team doing highly The report team feels confident of somo vlotorfce to credit of the Dominion Every man lb Id of spirits and enjoying good health Conditions to the present been in their favor led by a great downpour of rain flood- on interrupting railroad He showed them through occurred on Wednesday of last the prevailed for several hour bounty grand and petit jurors who will be A Chatham township man has I summoned to serve at the and discovered new potato bug which in county court which- Sept 12th his activity the old one Chicago deb left for The blood of a bluiah color and has jn q BEACH GROCERY RESTAURANT 76 1 00 A SMITH The Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy He who has lost his sight best knows its value Hundreds suffer loss of sight Timely attention might have prevented it Examination free Satisfaction guaranteed L GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson Co Jewelry Store NEWMARKET Wholesale St Retail PROVISION STORE Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor and Messrs Robert- eon Hughes Smith and Road house The following bills passed Win OHollerin lookup ao Win days at Pow er House Hamilton Engine Co F L freight and cartage day at Hughes fire Smith taking reel o to and from fire P J Anderson for rig for Hook Ladder carting Hunter drawing oar coal Jacob Buck do Packard less freight G freight on above 16 Stark carting ExpreBS Co carting goods Jos Inland Revenue Dept inspec tion OHearn dye account do B 1 OHearn sidewalk and culverts 1 John Gill 1 day do David Fardy cleaning and cutting weeds charged to lots Can Gen Co shades do lamps Roche A Co goods referred to J Anderson and to be paid if found correct Pay Sheet No R The report of the Inspection of Boiler No was accepted as satisfac tory The letter of Ontario Mutual Life Assurance Co re purchase of Specialty Debentures was accepted The letter from Mr field in reference to the erection of a new building in place of the old shed in rear of Mr Bruntons store was re ferred to a committee composed of Messrs Robertson Hughes and Smith with power to act The Treasurers statement was re ferred to the Finance Com Air Robertson presented report of Special Com on the agreement with Office Specialty Co accompanied with the agreement executed by the together with copy of By- Law Ac Adopted of A Binns which A from states that Pure and are under atrial their arrival at Nap jail both and and brood iheir recap- tare authorities have placed a day and night watch oyer their cells and small have made io the opposite the that the move- of both men can be watched with oak their anything about it blistering properties similar to the Spanish fly The old fashioned pota to bug is scarce this year bnt fellows are and do more dam- age An expert they are the genuine article as potato pests and is looking up their history During a heavy thunderstorm around Wetland lightning struck residence at and killed Mr Anger and rendering Mrs and Miss Jennie Beam both unconscious Saturday The mournful anniversary of the Jewis calendar called was observed Saturday evening and Sunday morning in the at synagogue It commemorative of destruction of the first and also the second temple when thousand perish ed by famine captivity and the sword Israels glory was overthrown and the Jnwish kingdom destroyed County Fisher ami Canned Goods Pickles Salad Relish Cheese During the past week two Provincial of visited PonetaniQieheQe where made a thorough examination of the reformatory there While these gentlemen have little or to of their visit to the northern town it is believed that Gov ernment has about decided to make an asy lum oat of reformatory and the new reform school in Oxford County for which grants amounting to something like 910000 have been made By doing this the asylums would be relieved of tbe lightning ran down Norman accompanied by Warden the stove pipe through the stove and bridge over through the wall into the next room j thp Black River at Baldwin on whece Mr Anger was sleeping En- The structure was found to one foot it ran up to his head a dangerous condition and re and down again He was killed in- Jt begun at once Tiudgeon aged years a Stewart Wilson charged by John retired farmer residing of late in the Phillips with appropriating funds and village of was stricken grain the property of Coffee Co of with paralysis on Tuesday last which Aurora was arranged before caused him to be unconscious He Ellis and remanded till 21st remained in this state until death took He waved preliminary examination place on Wednesday evening Two amounts of money are involved ceased lived for many years and was and It is also charged highly respected in the vicinity of that he gave a false receipt thereby Victoria Square in the Township of converted to his own use 319 bushels The remains were buried of grain The Crown fixed the amount in the family burial plot at- the of bail at 1500 Cemetery Victoria Square on The contract for dredging a mile of You will find our complete with Supplies all kinds for or Cottagers Our Teas Seasonable Fruits on Hand and Coffees Cherries are Highly Currants Recommended Raspberries Large Bananas a Dozen Our Restaurant is Taking Well Delicious Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda Ice Cold Drinks Lemonade Lemon Soda c We have just supplied our Stock with a large quantity of Candy Delicious Chocolates Maple Cream Angel Cake Creams Puffs HoneyComb Candy Opera Mixtures Crystal Jellies Filbert Cream Bars Prize Pop Corn lc Package Provided Parties Co In reply to Sir Charles Topper a few days Wilfrid stated in Parliament that never for one moment had the Government wavered in its well intentions of introducing a resolution for Senate reform at this cession of Parliament He members understood the thoroughly and Sir Charles himself most have been pretty well advised judging from his com me ate On the in the early days of the session resolutions he might be ready this week This enaonncement fairly away the breath from Charles who complained of the length of the session already the Government quietly intimate that it was the Opposition side of the House that waoted the time Ik Parliamentary from Ottawa New Era makes the following allusion to the modest of a lawyer presented to the late Conserve Government It says The public can form an Idea of the way a government is fleeced by manner in some of presented to it are made up In the Public Accounts Committee the other day it was necessary to examine a bill presented to the Jate Government by a lawyer and here are some of the In it To one days service to readmit blue book A bide book it may be explained a government report so called because the cover Is always blue paper Whether It contained pages or was not stated bat as most people are content to read blue books for must be admitted that this lawyer had something of a snap Friday afternoon A most distressing drowning ac cident occurred at Long Lake in Mayo township the victims being Miss Ella Maxwell daughter of Mr James Maxwell who resides a short the channel in the Bay has been awarded to McKamee and Simpson The harbor authorities hope it is the beginning of a general dredging but want to see the Don diverted first Manager Hill of the Toronto distance from Bancroft and a young has received assurance from Director Blue of the Ontario Bureau of Mines that a large display of miner- als from North Ontario shall be made LEADING man named Albert Hannah The water was pretty rough and in turn ing around Miss Maxwell lost her balance and fell overboard Her the approaching fair companion in his effort to her upset the boat The young ladys brother anoj Hannah- father wit nessed the accident from the shore but were unable to render any assist ance Winnipeg Man July 14 Winni peg was crowded today Ameri can from the neighboring states nearly crowded having come in over the Northern and Great Northern lines The streets have been crowded all day and pro For the great Military Tattoo at Point Toronto Island on Wednesday and Thursday July and special excursions will be run The tattoo which is of the most beautiful and impressive pageant yet devised by military genius of British Army ha been introduced in to Canada by Major General The Toronto tattoo will be given on the largest scale yet attempted and soma bands bandsmen and al together men in uniform will there are more Americans here eQ ed today than at any time before in the j citys history excursions have always been success- and ones of today have proved the biggest kind of successes From Northern points fully visitors arrived in trains covering country between Grand Forks and Winnipeg attendance at the In dustrial yesterday and today will WHEN CALICO There was betwixt the or straight am prim And these when mode with despot way Two doors North Store Main Newmarket A Supply Twice Week of Park A Coa Famous Bacon The best and Mildest Cured on the Market today A trial will con Also Rolled Corn Meal Bolter Potatoes Canned Tomatoes Feet Honey Soap o Joseph aged seventeen a porter on steamer was was referred to tbe Property fc mi Coin was ordered paid as The account of the Electric Co for 5160 for repairing trans formers was passed The Mayor was authorized to ft Proclamation Ub of Aug ust a Holiday for the fire men Council adjourned Orders filled on the iBigfire in Quebec early Tues day morning Over sixty homes des troyed lose Jdhn Reach of com plicity in bank has ben commuted for trial ft Ottawa- July Gordon Heron son of late Major of the Inland Revenue Department and the late Gtorge Brown who was for somany years connected with the Globe performed an act of which him to the of the Humane 8b- ioupg Heron but 16 of age Ho went out with plank five ladies drowning the on Ottawa edbof too to return were on to Leads woman captive Vet nut Mhvodred year ago When wore calico haro light Through a reel The hove autX danced at To addled aweet revels were they The were m the flooring reogh and grey The wua spread of clover bay com the loft to fro yVruretty la display of fireworks and illuminations to add to the effect The bands which will take part are the Queens Own the Royal Grenadiers the High landers of Toronto the York Rangers the Battalion of ton the 19th Battalion of St Cathar ines the Rangers the Battalion of the 77th Battalion of Pipe Band of Highlanders the Bugle Band of Queens Own the Royal Grenadiers Bugle Band the Highlanders Bugle Band and trumpeters of the Governor Generals Body Guard and Toronto Field Battery We have a Complete Stock of Screen Doors and Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of GARDEN TOOLS Also PARIS GREEN BARREL DASH CHURNS CREAMERS MILK CANS BICYCLES BICYCLE SUM J A ALLAN CO dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware Stoves and Tinware go then- t to una gles Unweighted by latest fell lu love i know In lier frill a fold A currcts over And of coral mm f And- rosy Hade loves air mid pestle rtnds Jitc JptblaiiiK prjeiejis law The residence of Portage la has been destroyed by fire During parents absence at a picnic the children Every Yard of SUMMER DRESS GOODS To be Cleared outgone to think of preparing for the brightest Canada seen on year If you can My cheery I can fill ToTfoeTwllJ positions kind people for- ua your and lei on of the SEE OUR REDUCED PRICES TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE -iTV- I- f J Ww belonged to Ottawa- The Era for iftS

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