any- papers in Worth to vFfee gives home news ft NORTH YORK INTELLIGENCER ANT ADVERTISER 8 PAGES Give mi he liberty to know to utter and to argue freely according to conscience above all other liberty No paper sent outside of North York unless paid in advance No Single Copies Cents Each Newmarket Ont Friday July 21 1899 Preserving Kettles All Sizes and Styles in best Quality of Granitcware FARMERS AND BUILDERS HARDWARE PAINTS OILS GLASS Furnace Work and General NEWMARKET A E PEAT ED Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and hoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AN D Every wise housekeeper knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we sell J McFarland Terms per annum if paid in is His Fight a Panther BEAST TO SAVE UTILE SISTERS Comfortable Clothes No gentleman is so well equipped for the summer as when our Perfectly Tailored Garments make up his wardrobe They are not only made for bodily comfort but are made rightly for mental satisfaction If you have any peculiarity in your desire for perfect clothes we II fit that peculiarity N MY TAILOR DENTAL INSURANCE A I Block opposite the Methodist Church Vitalised Air for Painless Extracting Satisfaction Guaranteed Dr p Poster be at the office of Dr every Monday A of Sia Violin Tuner of and all String Instruments J A Agent for Fir Life Companies Money to interest at Rates Of the Newmarket p of of Ohio or PIANO and THEOByxfl Queen St A A Fire Insurance on Farm and Isolated Prop ertr Shop NEWMARKET LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Elsewhere Our Paul or in the Boer vernacu lar Paul Kruger of the an import ant character in South African politics the one man whom he British have not been able to beat down He stands like a atone wall in the way their aggressions and backed by his sturdy Boars has suc ceeded in defeating the of forces beat the Brit ish in armed conflict and feels confident of doing so again but wise ones even those whose loyalty to the Boer cannot be questioned their heads sadly Conditions have changed greatly since dispute between the British and the Boers is a simple one The Boers have a rich country the British want it and are trying as they have been trying for years to get possession of it All the Boers is to be let alone in the enjoyment of their own They no hostile demonstrations save when their homes and liberty and poverty are threatened Efforts have been made to goad them into some over act of hostility that would afford an excuse for crushing them but these have been unavailing The Boer is slow and phlegmatic but he is no fool- He fights only when it is necessary to repel invaders and the British have learned by sad experience that he is brave and can shoot straight President is today the soul the Boer republic This remark able man was born Oct 10 His parents were Boer farmers resid ing in Cape Colony too poor to provide Paul with shoes The future ruler of the South African Republic had to trudge over the African veldt in his bare feet He was J Paul Kruger but the two initials were soon disused though President Kruger uses them in signing state papers WITH Fear was unknown to Kruger from boyhood When he was in his seven teenth year his father asked him to take homo his span of oxen and an empty waggon He was accompanied by his little sister Paul said bis father take care of your sister I will he said simply In those days travelling in Cape Colony was anything but a picnic Wild animals were plentiful and many a traveller became a prey these beasts Everything went well until Paul was within miles from home Here a large panther made his appearance The oxen took fright and bolted The jostling of the wag gon threw the little girl to the ground where she was at the meroy of the ferocious animal Without a moments hesitation young jumped from the waggon and ran to his sis ters assistance The panther stood with gleaming eyes over the prostrate was but without a moments hesitation be engaged the panther in a handtohand battle It was a fierce battle Time and again the angry beast clawed but his courage and strength never failed him Like a bulldog he held his grip upon the panthers throat until he strangled the beast to death Kroger was badly lacerated Blood flowed from many wounds but his injuries he carried his faint ing sister home This exploit made him the hero of the sturdy Boers in that section It was the first indica tion of the late powers that dwelt in the coming ruler of the Transvaal From boyhood hated English a hatred which only in creased with years His boast was that some day he would raise an army to fight the English When was young his people moved to the Orange Free States and late Trans vaal OP The first time I met Paul Kroger was at Pretoria in Though past fiftyyears of age he was a Hercules standing oyer six feetin his blockings and strongly built- ounce of on his body He ana were then the Boers for the great strug- England in securing for the right of In days was poor com pared with tie wealth of today He oyer fifteen years later although the President of the Republic he was as in earlier days He asked me to be his guest and in hip Sartor in Pretoria we talked of old ays had acred considerably in the fifteen years He stooped some what but the fire of youth gleamed in his eyes and age unable to dim his ardor My conversation with him was carried on through bis secre tary Com Paul can speak Eng lish fluently but under no circum stances will he carry on a conversa tion in that language This procedure when in conference with British of ficials gives him an opportunity to col Wagons Loaded with Cold Fabulous Brought from the Klondike ONE Oil Seattle Wash July 13 The steamer arrived ihe north yesterday with the heaviest gold cargo received this year It took a dozen wagons to transport it from the steam er to the office and the banks There was nearly a ton and a half of the precious metal in the City Items Dawson June 17th 1890 The Salvation Army are running a wood yard The Editors Shears EXCHANGES I rt of some The richest leot his before replving u m man out this year wan J The motto of President for who pound of years has been Patrick Henrys mem- utterance Give me liberty or give roe death This sentence Of the entire population of the Yn- The Brooklyn Saw Yard Dock kon territory there is one Chinaman I No has and be only arrived Saturday His name is Woo Lee and he comes from strike started in Portland Ore Brooklyn Sunday Saloons have nearly all cut from The of Geo Hain- fifty ceut to twentyfive of wiu diownwl in a well on cents Friday Hundreds are leaving for the Cape si wminglj think it Some country by every steamer a Jo let the pane light translated into the Bore language hangs handsomely framed in his parlor This heroic ruler is almost de void of hearing What education he has was hard for to secure Yet he has baffled men of learning by his sagacity Hie knowledge of human nature is wonderful Once in Johan nesburg there was an elected board of health which was becoming daily more powerful The members were mostly English among them being a Mr Holt who was ultraEnglish in his views This board was the only hope of the British element for securing control Johannesburg In Novem ber 1894 President issued an edict that only the Boer language could be used at the meetings of the health board and only those who could speak the language were qualifi ed to be it members The English fumed but there was nothing to dc but resign The Boer language is as Chinese many are making the trip in boats and boat through from Beonet began arriving to great urn if and here the last of the week and are con to do so Two frugliL trains collided brought iuuu worth He an old miner of the Yukon and hi the output of claim for two A party through from Edmonton at June- A Ban Francisco of three men via and Porcupine rivers A on by travelling from came in on the after a Mich cows thai formerly in y cost Trunks and hand boxes are taking and now days the New York Sun the place of dunnage heretofore brought into the country Every Chief steamer is unloading cords of them b W of the Mass- winter were fiM spending hundreds of dollars over the gambling tables and in the dance- July are now looking for a chance Townley aged died at his to work their passage out home today He had no relatives The firemens ball to Seattle in ten flays Last year the river trip was not in than days is The cleanup in the history of the Klondike in over and dust by ton stored in Dawson awaiting ship ment by the lower river This im portant news is brought by J Bel- who left June He the output will be double that of year and many others confirm the state- was a great suc cess a large number of guests were Walter a farm hand that it will purely reach and a thoroughly good time had working for James Dennis near Fifty souvenir spoons were presented ton fell off a load of and broke Over has already reach- to two rilrs Seattle by the upriver route is on the way from St Michaels on the and The second trips of these vessels will bring the bulk of the hard to learn as the I output Shipments by the lower river are In November 1894 I was President insured and booked to the guest when he drove home the last spike in the Bay rail way which connects Pretoria with Bay It was an inspiring scene when the Presidential train arrived at Brook- Spruit As the old President stepped from his special oar he was greeted by hundreds of Bosr farmers In the distance could be seen the three grouped graves of the rear guard of the British Regiment In a few words the Boers to stand by their country never to it up to a foreign foe As he made this appeal he turned bis eyes toward the last resting place of the British soldiers i i Accident at the Raising of One July 13 One of the worst accident that have ever cured in this part of the country hap pened this afternoon at Douglas barn raining His farm adjoins this village The first bent had been rais ed but owing to insufficient propping the heavy timber came crashing down carrying everything before it and men probably two or three Ego and were hastily summoned and found Duncan tyre unconscious and suffering from broken collar bone shoulder bruised and chest hurt internally When found almost the entire weight- of the bent was resting on chest Henry had ribs broken hip injured and severe internal in juries Fred Brown received a severe blow on the head with probable injury to the brain which may prove fatal- Another man named re ceived a severe cut on the side of the head The great wonder is that a number were not instantly killed for there were one hundred men at the raising- It seems nothing shore of miraculous escaped The injured are receiving attention and at last report were doing- as well as could be expect ed aasay office in this city Hund reds of small goldhunters are going down the Yukon on big scows Many will be compelled to wait there a long time as there are not enough of ocean boats to bring them to Seattle FIND OP Cards are out announcing the mar riage the Rev Albert and Stella Alberta Swan on June at noon at the Methodist church Campbell of the Oregon has twelve milch cows with young calves coming in by the first steamer He baa made arrangements to keep six here and the remain der to the Forks where fresh milk will be furnished the citizens there There was a rumor of a strike and stampede on a tributary to the Mile the firt of the week The find is supposed to be about miles from MV Dawson and the route up Swede July Victoria BC July News over the divide forenoon while Rev has reached here of the of j Rents have taken a hard tumble on rich goldbearing sand at Bay about miles from on the that rented all winter for 12O0 Gordon of Ottawa aged 15 rescued five Jadifs who were terming at Chelsea and who got beyond depth The remains of the late Henry of Kingston have been found in Salmon Lake in which lie was drowned autumn A mob on Saturday gained ad mission to the jail at Ga and killed a white man Smith who was imprisoned charge of murder- iyptrtifttttahea- When J met named Loveless was seriously wounded by an engfcqM Friday Samuel died in Hospital from Lock Jaw He shot himself in the hand on of July There have been from Lockjaw in this city since I With one excep tion all have been- oases of boys who ware injured while celebrating the of more than a deaths from lockjaw within of west coast of Island and less than one hundred miles from Vic toria The beach has been staked for miles by the settlers who have abandoned farming and all other occupations for that of washing the golden sand With only the crudest appliances of home manufacture the sand is yielding a day to the man much of the fine gold being lost A prospector who came over from to test the truth of the report took- one pan of sand from which he got Ow Toronto Letter fa A city paper publishes a rumor to the effect that Rev Dr Tracey of St will go to St Catharines to succeed Rev Dean Harris who has requested the Archbishop to transfer him to a smaller parish on account of illhealth Cant say what truth there may be in the rumor and only give it Harry Taylor a 9yearold lad liv ing in Darling Place was sitting on the track at the Pape Saturday afternoon when a shunting engine running out to Little York him The boys head and shoulder were badly battered He was taken to the General Hospital The Archbishops of York and Canterbury have declared the use of candles and incense at ceremonies in the established of England to be illegal and have forbidden their use i Comes from Dr of Washita He writes Four bottles of Bitters has cured Mrs- Brewer of Scrofula which has caused her great suffering for years Terrible sores would break out on her head arid face and tie best doctors could give no help but complete and her is excellent yhip shows thousands have pro ved that Bitters is the beat blood purifier known Its the su preme remedy for eczema salt rfauerii boils and running sores It stimulates liver kidneys and bowels expels poisons up Only cents Solo I per month is now renting for 200 and the wail going up from some of these landlords is heartrending in the extreme The number of gamblers fined on Tuesday was and the total fines at amounted to Twenty men left on a raft Thurs day for the neighborhood of Circle City to engage in cutting wood A fire that proved disastrous to many occured on the hill hack of Dawson Wednesday at about noon Some to cabins were destroy ed and in many cases the contents the owners of which in a majority of cases were either down town or up the creeks Klondike Miner Port July This iner was holding service a sneak thief into his residence and stole Miss Gardin gold watch and other gold trink ets and made his escape If r srn The lightnings Strange Freak New York July Lightning played a strange freak with Charles of during the severe storm on Wednesday night His father had been sitting under a tree in his grounds watching the ap proach of the storm and the young man bad been near him in a hammock- The father to suggest that bis son had better come in and was astonished to ee that the lad lay like one dead He was carried into the house where it was found that he was merely stunned When he recovered a peculiar discovery was made The pores of his skin on the right leg were filled with a hard me tali substance s if molten lead had been poured over it The lace holes in bis shoos were stopped up in the same manner and finally a half dozen little were extracted It was indeed led A match safe which young carried in his pocket had been melted by the light ning boy is fast recovering rohs effects of the stroke Joseph White overseer the Bruce County House of has been sent for trial on a charge of open ing letters addressed to inmates The Government of Queensland has offered Great force of mounted infantry with a machine jjuny for service In case of war being declared with the Trans New York July 16 It is esti mated that the theft of George Valentine the defaulting cashier of the Middlesex County Bank at Perth will amount to about or more Valentine has made a confession by which he says every cent of the money was lost by him in stock speculation July A accident happened last night the vicinity of Kirworthy F clerk in Mr Samples store at Sparrow Lake lost his life Mr was out walking with the Misses on the track and when the excursion train drew in sight Mr step ped to one side the young ladies tak ing the other As the train approach ed Mr cross over to the side the girls were on but mis judged the distance and the train struck him neck and leg also fracturing his chjeekbone Loweix Mass July A rob bery and assault today at the residence of A B Puffer in Middlesex village when two masked burglars en tered the house in the absence of Mr Puffer and dragging his invalid wife from her bed choked and clubbed her until she told them where she kept her money and other valuables Then taking all the money and several ar ticles of jewelry the men made their escape leaving their victim uncon scious Mrs Puffer is in a critical condition as the result of the assault and shock to her nervous system The police have no clue to the of the robbers It is often ft great surprise to find how short a time some of the most common of out conveniences have been in use Take the postal card for in stance To us it is familiar enough to almost seem to have been part of the earthly plan for ages Yet the thirtieth anniversary of the invention of the postal card was but Vienna Postal cards first in they were introduced by the Austrian gov ernment They were by a professor Vienna it is maty thai are now transmitted the mails of the A t