-Writ- L- The Era gives more home news v a 4 J me t libert to totter and to argue freely to above a other liberty a INTELLIGENCER AND ADVERTISER 8 PA No paper sent outside of North York paid in advance XLVIH No Single Gents J Newmarket Ont Friday July 14 1899 I Thumb per annum I if in IS PUREST IS STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST TbiBTrudoMurk on you on 700 FEET TO THE LB THE STANDARD METAL ROOFING Promotion Examinations BLUE OIL STOVE Will give you Solid and Save Yon Many Dollars GIVEN ft ft ft ft ft AND BIDING IS SURE PROTECTION AND LIGHTNING The largo difference in cost of Insur ance must also bo considered See Samples and Get Prices HARDWARE STOVES FURNACES PAINTS OILS GLASS Plumbing and General TinSmithing A NEWMARKET EPEATED ALLS Are what we are receiving continually from those who like to have The Newest Things in Dry Goods The Best Values in Boots and Shoes The Freshest Things in Groceries At the Very Closest Prices AND Every wise housekeeper knows the Dollars received for her Farm Produce as well as her Dollars in Cash are made bigger by investing them in the class of Goods we sell J McFarland DENTAL A I Dentist Post Office Block opposite Cburchi Vitalised Extracting Satisfaction Guaranteed J INSURANCE p Dentist will be at the office of Dr Porter Brad ford every Monday fflp A of Culture and Violin Tuner of and all Instruments 4 1 f Atfthui of of Woo- fiter OhloV OF J R Agent for Fire and Lire Aasarance Money to Loaninterest at Current Rates At the Poet Office Newmarket f flL A Fire Insurance Agent Low Bate on Farm and Town Property Over Hodges Tin Shop Newmarket NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS f r LATEST IK To Editor of Qiobs editorials on appeared last week touched upon points of groat importance and dealt Id a liberal spirit with Ideas by the action of the teachers of South York Per mit mo to say that your views of an ideal education and the methods bj which that education should bo obtained appear to me for port almost We have at prcpcat however to deal with the and prevailing stand ards methods When wo across a maq of true culture pertinent ques tion for us not how ho might have reach ed his oulturo refinement but rather how did he attain to these and thon how beat shall wo under existing conditions out of our raw material in our crowded schooJroomB and under many difficul ties that modem life imposes lift rising into the of truly educated loyal citizens It is only favored few who can enjoy the teacher of high culture in congenial surroundings with natures modols mysteries and treasures to stimulate strengthen but how may the teacher of rural and suburban schools hope to develop in good measure the culture and refinement that favored ones have secured The children come in the mass with varied capacities some from environ ment many from unfavorable surround- ings and the vital question is how shall these masses be made to live to staud on their feet to become an invincible army for their home their land and for God How shall their slum bering faculties be infused with true power to master difficulties to analyze compare contrast generalize aud moralize with ap preciation accuracy ambition and rapid ity Without attempting to discuss at length best means to reach this great and true end of education it is only fair to look at the actual conditions under which teachers teach in rural districts They have from thirty to children entrusted to each for live or six hours a day and for five days of the are as a rule obliged owing to serious differences of at- or capacity to divide each form of the four into two classes and not infre quently are forced to take up fifth form work in addition The lowest of these have to bo instructed in five or six different sub jects and in the higher classes these run up to ten In addition to the perplexities arising from the number of subjects of capacities of pupils of dispositions they have the very serious one of irregular attendance The attendance in the counties for wasonly for the That is to say op an average a child is present one day out of two To these difficulties may bo added in many cases hindrances from defective accommodation defective seating lighting ventilation etc Then of course public opinion has set up certain standards to which a teacher is expected to attain Ho must promote ra pidly from class to class and his highest class must graduate by the entrance exam ination into a high school This standard is of course recognized by law and any teacher who fails here cannot hope to hold his position long How is the teacher to meet the public demand Is he to say This pressure is hurtful I shall settle down to the develop ing of real culture and true character in my pupils and let public opinion care for it self That would amount to self immo lation and that in the present temper of public opinion would only add to the flame To serve his pupils best the teach- mast make a compromise and while making but unappreciated effort for the manhood of has children he must grind at the mill of Is it not true that our utilitarian and too demo cratic systems in Canada are more and more hampering the interests of true edu cation Who be enough now to introduce legislation looking to the ideals of twenty years hence England Germany and in part have legis lated lor the future We too to meet the present sentiment of the masse not to promote the Ideals that and all thinking up a a wo And no or in more I uexpeAence4 narmot as good work ox deal a wisely with the subtle powers and Heart as the experienced Bat desire learn to rival the beat and gladly try to learn from them In York the teachers have in convention every year for years to principles and methods of work ambition to excel in their They ha disc the evils of irregular undue and opinion of- too of have the development of true the that there were advantage for eleven years under the simplest regula tions consistent with aod have never taken the character of compeiitive teste The are prepared in dupli cate by a committee of experienced teach ers to cover the leading features of the school course but at the time to give encouragement to the development of mindpower rather than cram Another committee selects questions from sets prepared Values are assign ed so as to roward intelligence more than mechanical work though this is not over looked as in real life neat mechanical work has high vsluo The teachers hold that two examiners are better than one especially where one is without experience To avoid charges of favoritism the teachers of neighboring schools have exchanged each conducting the examination and the papers of the others pupils but always meeting for consultation over special cases and re ferring important once to a committee of revision Cases of nervousness illness or any other specialty are to this committee and the inspector who have always leaned to the side Term work and term examinations have always had weight in determining final standing The teachers claim the following among other advantages from these examina tions 1 Protection from undue pressure of Protection from charges of ism Stimulus to intelligent and accurate preparation and recitation Better grading of classes Guiding and stimulating young teach ers in methods economy of time etc Preparing for the inevitable entrance and other examinations l7 A check on promotion on pot subjects 8 A coordination of school work and modern methods in the inspectorate 9 Ability to express exact thought in exact language the mastery of ideas A community of purpose and sym pathy among teachers esprit corps Ill to regularity of at tendance Note The attend ance has risen to since promotions were established The teachers of South York will not ad mit that these examinations interfere with the individuality and allround develop ment of child On the contrary they hold that he is bettor prepared for the work of real life by his being induced to study even distasteful subjects to some ex tent A precocious child may move for ward every term though as a rule that is unwise A dull child will bo encouraged in every reasonable way yet will not be held back though failing on one subject He will get the stimulus of promotion with out the honor a full pass on the at of the committee of revision and inspect or Their system of promotion is a growth From time to time the localities were compared with those of whole district and great care taken to meet rea sonable objections In this way they believe they have placed their inspectorate in the front rank of those who to meet the demands of the day give a sound intelli gent literary education on a that will encourage the pursuit of mental culture and refinement for their own takes while the development of moral character is sub ordinate to nothing under the system Toronto June Aguinaldo and His Cabinet The only contribution by General Merritt to the literature of the SpanishAmerican War is an on The Fall of Manila which he contributes to the Youths ion of July The article valuable for ita revelation of the attitude which and his principal colleagues bore to the Arneri cans following Battle of Manila Bay Copyright by Elated at in gathering an insurgent array had proclaimed himself president of the Filipino Republic and established ex ecutive and legislative departments his evident intention being to secure complete and independent control of the islands Through the efforts of one of my staff officers I was able to gain some knowledge of the personal Wreck on the neap Delhi Delhi July Westbound train No engine No of the was wrecked at this morning about two miles of the station Driver Frank Bowen was instant Fireman Ferry and inson were badly hurt Conductor Griffin and the other who were in the coach escaped unhurt The engine cab was completely de molished and remainder of the en- was hurled into the ditch upside The tender was turned com pletely over and four cars were oiled up in front of the engine and four be hind all being completely The track was torn to pieces and ties were made into toothpicks The cause of the accident is un known but it is supposed that some part of the engine dropped causing the engine to be lifted clear of The condition of the track shows that something had dragged for nearly half a mile body brought to the Delhi station where Undertaker Church was called lived at and leaves a wife and family to mourn his sad and horrible death An inquest is not deemed necessary When the crew which was left un hurt found Fireman Perry he exclaim ed Never mind me find my mate Dr Wells attended the wound ed He reports them in a favorable condition- The wrecking crew from St Thomas is at work clearing the track and it is expected tliat everything will be cleared by pm so Funny In a Pullman cr on an English railway recently says an exchange a waggish young man noticing an elder ly trying to put on a light went to his assistance While thus engaged the young man observed a goodsized whiskeyflask protruding from one of the old I attributes of and his so- J l Monuments and Head Stories ifiPA evils that are so often Advocate The late Sir Frank one of the most brilliant advocates of the English bar was famed aliko for bis and An Instance of bis ready wit which the Manchester Guardian gives came to hand during one of his autumnal visits to Scotland It a custom with Scottish terri torial magnates to be known by the names their estates Thus Mr and aire Cameron of the im mediate predecessors of Mr and Mrs at a sooial were announced as and Mrs Camer on The Wily gave in his own name and his wifes as Lennox Garden and Mrs Lock- wood Touching a remark as to the ex- tooxdiriary of certain men occupied the judicial bench Sir Frank related in the following words within his own experience A had stolen a spade- tried before a but willmeaning and magis He carefully looked up Criminal to find he could convict and punish the word spade said he- I man was convicted foifflieaUag a Then loping over Jus padded had a- bat now I called cabinet was de scribed to me as thoroughly honest and sincere not well educated but a natural leader of men and possessing considerable shrewdness and ability He was very popular among the com mon people who had implicit confi dence in him but the opinion among the better classes was that he had not sufficient education or experience to make a suitable president He was at one time governor of a small town in one of the provinces and it is said that be was formerly a schoolteacher The position of Secretary of State was at this time being held open for a prominent native citizen Arellano reputed to be the foremost lawyer of the islands He was not at Manila at this time although repeatedly Bent for he could not get through the Spanish lines He was reported to be an avowed annexation ist who had little faith in the ability of the Filipino people to govern them selves Next to in point of popularity was one Trias Secretary of Treasury He had been VicePresident of a former revo lution A former schoolmaster a of Aguinaldo and man of little or no ability Secretary of War and the secretaries of the Navy and of the Interior were reported to me as honest capable men Aguinaldo had gathered about him as personal advis ers and councillors quite a number of efficient men principally lawyers more or less naturally or by edu cation to fill the positions assigned to them My informant designated one of the cabinet officers as a swelled dunce land one of fore- most as a t vicious unedu cated ignoramus and highway robber from which it be that the personnel of cabinet was not such as to giro lis much confidence weekly for opportunity for a joke Having help ed the stranger on with his coat there fore he pulled out the flask and said Will you take a drink The old man did not recognize the bottle and drawing himself up re marked rather severely No sir I never drink It wont hurt you insisted the wag its the best Young man said the old gentle man speaking loud enough for all in the carriage to hear if you persist in drinking whiskey you will be a ruined man at forty It is the curse of the land When I was a boy ray mother died and the last thing she did was to call me to her bedside and say John promise me that you will never touch a drop of liquor Oh well in that case said the joker I roust drink it myself whereupon suiting the action to the words he pulled out the cork and took a good drink A moment later he dropped the bottle with an exclama tion which certainly didnt sound like a blessing and yelled Ugh ugh My mouths all raw I Then it was that the old gentleman discovered his to the amuse ment of the other passengers said Ah young man you will be care ful before you take another mans property again I am Doctor and that bottle contained some quinine and iron for one of my patignts The young man got out at the next station the with any other At Aurora on Sunday a cow be who had It assistance would til him The animal caught the man on Its horns him about six feet high alighted on tho ground attempted to gore with its horns in fact he sustained pretty sever bruises before being res A son of Mr Jacob Wilson To ronto was killed at while boarding a moving train Clarence Robertson aged of was drowned at where he was spending his vacation Paul Minn July 7 Eight lives are reported last at and much damage done all through the Red River valley by last nights storm r St Mo July B of St Louis and Miss Hartley of Stockton Mo were while riding on a Union it rounded the park loop this afternoon The pur pose of the minister and his bride in being married in such a collar place was a desire for novelty both the bride and groom appeared to enjoy fl Sham of Cot Fur The sbaw of shawls belongs to the Duchess of Northumberland It form belonged to Charles of France and was manufactured entirely from tbe fur of Persian cats Many thous ands of were utilized and the weaving occupied some years The shawl measures eight yards square but it is so fine that it can be Com pressed into a of a large coffee cup Advice to Boys and Girls Be frank Be polite Be prompt Be obliging your parents Kirp yourself tidy Refuse to do wrong- Never use profanity Never learn to smoke Be useful about Never cheat in your play Keep out of bad Spend your nights at home Never laugh at a course joke Learn yqbr lessons thoroughly Never make unnecessary noise- Never be disrespectful to age Be kind to brothers and sis ters Take the part of those who are ill- used Never make fun of another because he is poor Never play marbles for it is gambling Fail if you cannot your ex aminations Never tell or listen to a story that you would not repeat to your mother Hints on Advertising is tbe insurance of busi ness but you must keep up the pre miums or the policy will lapse successful advertiser must be always on the alert and must never take bis hand from advertising rudder Advertising is business medicine and should be taken in such at such as it is need ed All men who advertise are not suc cessful but with rare exceptions all successful have been advertisers The a man spends for news paper advertising the more positive he in bis belief in the results it brings The newspaper is sometimes blamed for the ill success of an advertisement when the real fault is right in the store A man who advertises a little bit and then quits is lose his money and is sure to get erroneous ideas into bis head The best paper in to adver tise is one which the con fidence of the community in the high est degree A peculiar thing about the road to business success is that it runs uphill if you stop pushing your ball it will run down Advertisements are becoming more truthful every day Business men know that their news must be true or it will faiL People read advertisements more than they did a few years ago The reason is to be found in the advertise- themselves Usually the things that cost the least are the most expensive Advertising that costs very little usually amounts to very little Dont think one paper high priced because the is a dollar an inch and another low priced because it is ten cents an inch The first advertising that is done is merely preparatory introduces the advertiser to bis it gains for him Business Booming Probably no one thing has caused such a general revival of trade- at mot Lehmans Drug Store as giving way to their many easterners of so many free trial bottles of King New Discovery for ConswnpUpp Their trade is simply enormous taV this very valuable remedy from that it always cures and never appoints Coughs Colds Asthma- and all throat lung are can test it before a fcrttl bottle free site and Every bottle warranted vv perfectly man much the spectators correreJ