Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1899, p. 8

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Hoods Pills prepared from mild laxatives and while gentle ate reliable efficient They ivs 1 1 r Bouse Liver Cure Sick Headache Bil iousness Sour Stomach and Cbnstipation Sold everywhere per box Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE op Capital Fund Total 1 v I A Hunk In at BRADFORD Where deposits are of up rates make a of SNQvVflALli 1 WJIAT AND TO LINTON Saturday was a day here be ing Lintons ninth annual The day was all that could bo desired The friends who came far and large number of teachers people from neighboring sections were welcome and helped considerably to make the afternoon pas pleasantly band arrived on scone with their enchanting melodies ZEPHYR On Saturday met with a serious cam ran away with coming in contact with Ufa post hind leg and had to be shot also unfor tunate in horses lust week Mr lost a valuable man Mr Lapp and Mr Wake were also unfortunate AURORA Discounting Farmers Notes And LOWEST RATES For further Informal lull apply to JOHN ARE YOU INSURED TBI LSI ASSURANCE CO ESTABLISHED Total Assurance- in force over Our former and most esteemed pas tor Rev G Dewey paid us a flying visit last His many were glad see him Mr Jenkins photographer of Kes wick the picture of the- public school scholars on Monday as well the band boys ami viows Borne mean low lived sneak pried up a window in the of the church last Friday night and all silver out of free- will offering cash box leaving only the copptro and the demolished box behind Mr Herbert has sold bis fine house to Mr Good who is coining to the village to spend the re- of hie days in and comfort Mr A is meeting with better with his than ho anticipated are now patrons who are supplying milk and number is daily increas ing- Mr Bingham who attending the Baptist College aVWood- stook has received a call to toe Bap Church at North Bay for sum mer He has been spending a week or so with friends hero before going to North Bay and service very acceptably in the Baptist Church Sunday evening WAIL eh I in em nod tog a Aid thty si cup f ilnyn in tier brifait do world lo Nor In worW we left behind wliat our nigaienloiar cry out- of tUc mind We tit comer the old Inn lie of to our COM We fair and bad etaauce to The dice God were loaded and we r We wander wander and the down With atarleaa and the run by town we drill as on the windy Hope la the fading of the A throwing up wJld She led uk on with at dead fouuiilna In r A Children Cry for CASTOR I A BRADFORD On Wednesday of week Mr William had the thumb hand bitten by lacerated The excursion of the Presbyterian Schoul is announced to place on Thursday J to Big Bay Point per itcamer Mr Blight of the has the contract for erection of Mr J A Wood new barn figure Annual Revenue over Claims paid by death and Matured KndowiuetitK over 2800000 Investment in Canada 110320 Deposit at Ottawa for security of Canadian Policy holders over Profit paid policyholders HO00000 lives of Female Insured without extra premium Children Cry for C I A MOUNT 1 I were in the Mr ankle irnrr ut I of I iOO for work and material badly while playing basebull memory ox Wil liam is to celebrated in tin the coming Twolth of July by a grand demonstration and procession of fir- from all over the country The Bradford lodge have decided to fraternize with brethren on the occasion and to thin end have chartered steamer and will run an excursion from the Brad ford bridge Children Cry for Now all our are hut try for art weary of petty la there not In A we the of life Where we can he night wlud blow a well Where then- la no more labor no Nor any fliih to reel the Tooth of Hell Our feel are alldlng mid we old and ie Come of Agea and the dream the worn tin There Ik no new road tf dead Mile Wild are we euiony the Wild heart are we wholly break linger on though gone the of and Kid fume fh all Ami lei 6lir ilrlla Let dead nto dik of MarklLiin over years of at M Manager J Secretary Charles Hunter Chief Agent Ontario GEO HUNT District J A BASTE DO Auent a word amulet tor Purity on It lor ticvirul presence you and Plant The Methodist and Presbyterian Sunday schools intend holding their union at Jacksons Park on luly Mr Davison was thrown from his wheel in a collision with another cyclist and had bis knee in jured Geo Haigh A Sons are daily receiving large quantities of wool Nearly lbs were brought in one day last week ladies of the Presbyterian church intend holding a Garden Party on the grounds of Mr Watts on J The afternoon will be voted to out door sports of different kinds Friday evening June on Mr Rowlands lawn will be the annua strawberry festival of Methodist church A first class pro gram has been arranged tor It Spray yll lttBOCt only reliable Sheep Dip in a for I hit fakln the or vermin lufthotrpnnd caitiff clnal and work no drastic or rltnttUK by iLudiuy Horse Wash Children Horn a for cure In or all In- and vcriuln It the iiult and lieullby condition Price Pig Wash iilly in all dlatusts of swine for de an voruilu KefUBtUfeukln In liealib en- a In the lor market Powder lieu Splay Poultry to lot feathered Block on lowlorluKbcdfi ua and purify log the aiuiuayucri flhunilly tuvy roup K for Newmarket We invite TICK Hen House Spray There a crowd at the on Tuesday It was a great success financially Proceeds over The celebration at Jacksons Point no Dominion Day this year will be on a grander and more elaborate scale than ever before Mr Hugh has about finish ed the repairs to the old post office and has rented the main store to Mr of Little Britain who will move in next month Mr has bad some difficul ty in getting the engine in his boat to work satisfactorily this summer On close examination he discovered that the was cracked it having been done late last fall by frost just before taking the boat out of the for the winter He is replacing the cylinder by a new one when everything will be ail out Limited r TEACHERS -AND- STUDENTS are Invited improve heir by ttticndlnjf our SESSION- A few weeks durlug July and August will teacher while study will qualify any to All anytime Oct m HAW A fierce electrical storm passed over tbU neighborhood on Wednesday The rain fell in torrents The high winds that accompanied the storm levelled a number of feoceB to the ground upturned a number of trees and blew down Mr Alex Fergusons bam that was jacked up destroying more or less of the new atone founda tion Wednesday Juie the village will welcome and entertain a large gathering The occasion is the an nual mass meeting of Sunday schools be held in the shed sneakers for the afternoon will be Rev J Neil of Toronto Dewey of Aprpra and the local clergy The musical of program both for afternoon and evening will be render e by- Miss A Toronto White Bros ton and the Bolton Band nd J J lilD wijl in y 5tJf iq CASTOR I A The league will have social on the lawn of the Methodist Church the evening of Monday The Single men of Villago de feated the Married Men at a game of on Wednesday afternoon by a score of to John hud the misfortune to have two of his toes taken while on duty on the GTR While going down the hill on Mill street Mr Wicks had the to step on a rolling stone causing him to fall injure his knee badly We an sorry to say the pickling department of the Vinegar Factory will be removed to Toronto on or about the 1st July freight rates from being the cause Mr Strong who been run ning a grocery for the past six months has l pulled up stakes here and removed to Toronto The Market Syndicate ire excellent progress They now have the plans and drawn up and arrangements are now well under way for the erection of a fine new Town Hall and Market south of the Fire Hall Locust Hill creamery receives lbs of milk per day Young man dont be afraid to ask her brace up The semiannual feast of the Dunk- ark body place on Saturday and Sunday next at the church at Conn- ley June The case of Oaten clerk and treasurer of Gravenborst came up for further hear ing Rogers the auditor being the only witness called He stated that having gone through the clerks books he found a shortage of about The defence asked for further adjournment which was opposed by the Grown After some diseussioF Oaten was committed to stand at Bail was asked and as only was forthcomif ha was taken to cured bail yesterday Giving reduced to summer cows noted for hanging weaken and lungs and to trifle with Take SgoitsiErnvlslori at It heals MARIE CORELLI Writer i of Vanrlliin I H1HII nil In the figure la world I of her and parent- but a matter of she an Italian of Venetian tr Hoe Va very by Dr Muokay author and at Ma death loft In ahlp of ftlaokaya Krlc Mao- the In congenial Marie up to womanhood with a for music She was feWun a thorough education and to devote to It but all of a bad a to write and so out upon A Romance Two hook before was ytura old Its Instantaneous her a position in the world ami herself work on and la tin of a mansion with u backyard upon which window her atudy la alight very delicate Her hair gold and her complexion the purest pink and white When you tell rmr that you sup posed all wore dark she will remind you that Venutiun fair Her coloring la o delicate yet mi I that might bo a bins for window Her hands art beautiful They are and perfect In shape in talking them Marie Is a woman of force and marvellous Imagination warm southern blood In veins giving her that creative power wbloh can only belong to the tropica Is a painter a and a musician putting the art of all throe In her literary Work When at homo which Is nearly all he year the authoress Is always exquisitely droned favorite color being pole blue white drosses frequently In a gown of blue satin trimmed with beautiful lace works constantly and never happier than when at her desk Although a great Hon in literary world Marie goes out but little and then only to visit the or an exhibition of paintings Sh is do- voted to the work of her stepbrother and finds no greater joy than In praising his celebrated work The Love of a Violinist for is a poet of no mean Worth It la a marvellous thing about ilnrle Corelll that she has visited countries of which she write She bad the of Sun whan she wrote nor had any worldly when she penned that worldly book Vendetta Deadly woman who la addicted to the terrible habit koowstbat she Is rapidly the steep that leads to death There thousands of other en down same Incline but they do not know it They find themselves suf fering from nervous ness headache spondency irritabil ity and a other Symptoms of female troubles relief they turn to the many alcoholic stimulants mall extracts and other compounds so widely advertised to cure ailments of women These a false stimulation and the Ends herself compelled to take more and more as time passes soon becomes an unwitting slave to atrong drink What i a weakly woman needs is Dr Pierces Pa- Prescription contains not grain of opium or a tingle drop of alcohol or other dangerous stimulant It acts directly upon the womanly restoring displacements and having wonderfully beneficial effect upon the general health Suffering women who wish to consult Dr V Fierce himself can do ao by malt addressing at Buffalo He makes no charge whatever for advice Mr Henset of Stark Co Ohio writes I had been troubled chronic cooitlpattoa and female and doctored with of whom teemed to help saw one of your advertisements and J thought 1 would try your medicine I did aud with good results Took two bottles of Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery and on bis Favorite Prescription and I can am cured of my troubles to Or Fierce and his Thy do a of good to those who give them a good trial If you want a book that tells about all womans diseases and how to treat them at home send onecent stamps to Dr Fierce to pay customs and postage and he will mail you a free copv his great j ihouandpage illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser For a heavier hand some tiding stamps It is Use grandest medical book for popular read ing ever written Do you If you do write TS ME NEWMARKET ONT And get prices of Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ILL TUX I Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork to for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS PINS Etc BICYCLES We and Repair all kinds on short notice TWO TOWN LOTS Gorharn near the Woollen Sale on Terms Apply to To Rent Sell oi Exchange FARM PROPERTY The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET tit Newmarket which hard at door Good Horn and underground an excellent orchard of appkti Ac The pi can he nloti or one or term of yean For run her purlieu ttrn apply to l A Fine Residence AND Ideal A S Sivy ftricj strong fini-h- Meet of rate- pay ere Farm for Sale Office Specialty Mfg Co Limited lrlri Julia They a story of a who was well known In County who had aomo local note wit On of friends was fond of having a joke on They met one day at where there was quite a crowd waiting for tbe distribution of mall had just arrived Nice day Father said the man It Is a nice day Indeed air replied the priest I suppose you read the new of the queer doings down In replied the interrogatively not replied Father Whats going on down there Theyre all the priests and In replied the joker Well well commented Its for that you and are not down there Pittsburg OIK- the Russian oil durtriotbf the average dally prude Id was over barrels of than In and ay number Of In the year was tbsh In latter the average Increase per day was HO barrel J X pntiiia To care for a person who has fainted lay person ifownkepp lOff the clothing five of fresh bo Jc water the face Wlt3 mi rtlimriobta only retUTbt How Jftarnal J The late rcdiuentrr situate Just South of ilie Corpora- llTitis of Newmarket ttreet acres of land with a good Brick House and frame Barn and Stable j a larre orchard lust at me aye No Town taxes This Is a place particularly suitable for retired farmer Possession be at any time or not until fall to cult purchasers The NorthHalf of the Went acres of lot Si la of Whitchurch containing acres The House and Barns are fairly Soil Is a clay loam pur chaser would take subject to a lease to Joseph Coates two or a seitlement could he made with him to For particulars and Conditions of Halt ply to Rose and Webb Ex ecutors of Thomas Coat Estate or to their 16 Newmarket The following Valuable Properties are hereby offered Lot one Four The North half Lot Conces sion of West acres of Lot Concession of East excepting a strip of feet North East quarter of he East half of Lot 10 in the Third cession of East The West acres of Lot the Concession of East The Easterly half of Lot of East The Easterly acres of Lots and in the Concession of Whit church Lot in the 1st Concession of East East of St Lot 182 in the 1st Concession of North The Sooth East quarter of Lot Con cession of East Village in the 2nd Concession of East Gwillimbury Village lot number in the Village of Mount Albert Most of said are well located as far as markets are concerned The Temple Factory Newmarket Out Head Office and Bay St Toronto Branch Notre St Montreal Makers of Office and School Furniture The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow or be by the means a Uy flexible opeVeo1tho upon the loner ends of SJ by the foot of the operator By this action is secured and fully and compare with others The 12 Cultivator IS located as far as and schools For further eg John BarrU A y OF only Culti vator made that both lines of will cut an even depth In the ifroond Examine it and you will see only Cultivator vltb a move able tooth let so that the of the teeth can be regulated to suit any of he regulated to act differently on every seo requiring are between tbe wheels Instead of behind as In other This m chloe Is with grain and bos when required It has reversible diamond steel points for the teeth also extra points can you will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE Over C0XrlUs and fieederaot our manufac ture in Canada The Drill made with and perfect of depth of hoe in all kinds of soli while team motion Sows absolutely correct to scale saves seed as kernel Is deposited at a proper depth to Purchase only ttfe best and you will be We also manufacture flinders Mowers Bakes Cultivators and as good as best Send for Illustrated catalogue Co Limited Canada ELMER Agents NEWMARKET PATENTS and Achievements of Admiral Dewey the world a reofeat by friend the nations 00 a stance a Write for oar books Invent ors Help and How you axe swindled Send a ketch or of your invention or wo I you our opinion as to whether probably Wo make a of applications rejected in other hand a Highest furnish A refiiae7s0ndaitsf of the Polytechnic fchtlor AttX FsWntX ASfOelsUoa AiocUQoa Water Tvrorii A EXPERIENCE Stents idol nicest and be it book CO halftone lllue- ilOtlrc Chicago Ift- firrjcu- nr vm New The Ira till Jan for

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