Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 Jun 1899, p. 2

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feldpLaflghlin Carriage- Summer Supplies Decoration lay Cemetery for Sale Auction Sole Co Free- Little Men ami Hook Lost ForBalo Powell Found- Cbripiian Man Wanted Barber P for Liberal took Milton evidence offered of petition and the court the At long erring of untrue contained in the petition turned out to be baaed an urmteoa Another po litical for Hal ion now oloaed to Iho flyer tram III iiliioot on the an editorial with and no daoRhtefa aro pd Mr of nor aa last Mr Job of Button was In town yetroroay He report that nearly all the on the aod the accommodation Is or from the let of July new coitagea have boon built aeaeon rt Rev Mr and wife returned a 1 from Japan are via ting at limited liver the continent the was a By and put w pacific River another proof of a to keep abreast of the of and to expand with ihu growth of Dominion a piece of commendable enterprise and is in keeping with policy that has by the road its was first undertaken The Iyer will shorten the trip from ocean ocean by hoars it OOms only It is mated that a protest has been filed i excursions and ttloUmond Lira filohmoiid Hill 7 a Leave Toronto 380 WO and every evening Toronto Hill rotorn leaving OI at for GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY a a K OB Pill f sir S a a is I It ft a the return of Mr J Liberal in North Waterloo security with tbo accountant of tho Supremo Court on Tuesday last Of course this protest has filed under the new law of of the Ontario Assembly and report It that counsel and court are at variance inter pretation as regards Mean while Mr is away up in Mew Ontario on the excursion of legislators who being feted aod feasted by denizens of that part of the province led on by Mr who repreeente the district trl 5 J Oof Society U en 9 14 04 fe Mr 8 Mr at Newmarket a num ber of years ago and married a girl who was a of Mr Mob- lay Mr A St Germain of St Germain Park is at touring between Mont- and Quebec among his French rela tives bis return to Toronto ho will proceed to the West to vinil relative the of Illinois Ne braska Colorado Arkansas etc The Normal at Ottawa publish ed a Magazine and we that Mr Jaa our former townsman designed the cover on the June number and also contributed a poem on The poem is more of a parody but the cover artistio in design of having tbe oldest Or angemen in Canada Mr C yre lives with his Mr Robert Gordon Ho joined Orange Lodge at age of and if ha lives until the of July it will be his walk lie is hale and hearty is able to walk with them but in honor of him are having a grand carriage for him to ride In the procession He is years longer in the than Mr formerly of Holland Landing She Bra BUT BRIGHTER EACH ISSUE all FRIDAY JUNE Am Ottawa despatch save that Hon Mr ia really a very sick man and his have ordered him abroad Ha left this week to seek skilled medical attendance and a change of climate Hie daughters accompany him the members of the Ontario Legislature who are now away on a of Hew Ontario to make personal obser vations respecting mineral and timber richness of that part of the Province we notice that Hon Ross and Hon- E J Davis represent Ontario Govern ment A notice n Ottawa announces that fihinie by new or other apparatus without leaae or license from the Minister of Marine from some authorized officer of the Ontario Government ia prohibited in Province Of course this is not intended to interfere with the ordinary snort of hook and line in inland waters Am Associated Press Despatch appeared this week In the New York Journal which alleged that Canada had aereved notice on Great Britain that she most choose tweenthe Doited States and her North American Dominion of the Alaskan dispute This apatoh la simply a silly and can art It Is one of most glaring takes of which the New York press has been charged with In years Friday last tbe Legislative tourists who have gone north to explore New On tario struck the Boo and visited the pulp mill erected there The corres pondent haw this to this in The chief interest of the dy IfUtered in lo the pulp i This is a tremendous five hundred nothing hot pulp and of that hundred tons a day The Messrs who with them several American capitalists whose aggregate wealth is slated to be hundred and seveutyflve dollars have already Invested two dollars On Canadian side of the river farther have in view are out their their be five lime millions before many lava paw- to erect to conneotlsn with their works a large paper mill a chemical todnairies with a duplication their palp mill would provide em- for a thousand additional the total number of Mrs is viaitiog in tbe city Mrs Lloyd and son are away up on a Mr Dan of Toronto is home on a visit Mr J J of spent Holiday in Mr aod Mrs Fred spent Bun- day it Mr Howard Cane left on Tuesday lor a trip to Miss iu visiting in city for two or three Herb of Toronto iu visiting bis Cecil Rev A Terry and wife of were in Town over 8unday A number of Newmarket people the Holiday at the Mr Ed Lehman is back from the Normal at Ottawa for vacation Rev P Will of Toronto wee in Town a couple of days last week Mr Will Foster here this week owing to his mother Mr Charles of Mount Albert spent Sunday with Mr Wall artist of Toronto wan in Town a of this week The entertained a juvenile party on Saturday afternoon and evening Webster of Toronto was visiting at Mr J Smiths on Friday of last week Mias Grade Cane entertained a party on Monday evening IS children were present Mr Green eon from paid his brother Mr J Green a other day Several Bradford people attended Song Service in the Methodist last evening Miss Strong Miss Sutherland and of Bradford were the of Mr Hewitt over Sunday Messrs Hughes and Herb Wil son attended Commencement Exe rentes at Whitby Collage this week Mrs of Montreal left for after spending a month her mother Mrs Mrs VacNoatrand of Toronto also Mrs Johnson and daughter are guests of Mrs Geo- Richardson for a week or so Mrs Cane Co President of the organized a new union at Som- near Toronto on Thursday of last week Mr A Gibson one of the young men at Canes Factory married on Wednesday to Hies Agnes of street Mrs J A Allan and her mother Mrs also Cameron left Yesterday to visit her brother Dr of Cherry Creek Mrs Thos Moore and daughter Mrs and Mies Clayton left yserday morning to Friends Yearly Meeting at Pickering Messrs Manning Ed Doyle and Walt Cain lacrosse on Wednesday team against Touin Council Regular meeting last Monday even ing Present Mayor Cane and Councillors Smith Following bills passed Water- Works part to Express Jesse Cook cedar scantling 17 A Dions Fire Light A A Y Ramsay Ins on Town Hall PaySheet Mo and Bridge The bill of A referred to the Property Commit tee The first distribution of the License Com for 1800 with cheque for was accepted as satisfactory The agreement with the Office Monday a woman on a bicycle ran down an aged woman named Mrs Elizabeth The wheel- woman looked at the prostrate form of the old lady on the ground and then remount ed her wheel and rode off At first it was not thought the injured woman was seriously but after being taken to hospital she suddenly be came helpless and died in a few min utes had no relatives in this country Hon Mr tiauliain AttorneyGen eral of the North Wert Territories is in toe this week There wan an exciting scene at a Church Bt boardinghouse on Monday about noon when a runaway horse crashed into a window and for a time obstructed the sunlight pouring in on a temptingly arrayed dining room table During the confusion someone rang up the fire brigade The fire men soon arrived but instead of hav ing to quench a fire they went to work goodnatundly with ropes and Boon extricated the frighten horse from its awkward position The west wing and part of the storehouse of the Toronto Glass Co gutted by fire on Monday night Damage mated from to Lawyer Roche formerly of had his bicycle stolen this while in Hall on legal business Harry Best of bad his overcoat and valise stolen from the Union Station on Saturday City crooks are not particular what they take if they only pawn it While running a machine to the factory of Christie Brown Co Herbert a young man liv ing at Oak street place got his hand caught in tbe blade and four fingers were cut off close to palm Bert Scott who wan taken to St Michaels Hospital last Monday suf fering from blood poisoning died Bun- day afternoon Two weeks ago at band practice he noticed that hie lip was cut or bruised He hud playing on a brass instru ment A few days afterwards the sore became inflamed This was just after he had been swimming in tbe Don Blood poisoning set in and on Friday Scott became delirious then pass ed into comatose condition remaining bis death He was years of age A lady who went with the Wardens excursion to Niagara took off a diamond ring before washing her Newmarkets Leading Store iiaiiAisliiiaiaifcAiiA GREAT JUNE SALE a We carry the largest stock and do the largest business in North York A visit to this store will pay you even if you live twenty miles away Read the following items and then come and see the goods These Lines go on Sale this week Specialty Co came up for discussion as the Co have changed the plans since the ByLaw was voted bands She forgot to put it on again on The Mayor and Councillors Robert son and Smith were ap pointed to make enquiry regarding the same A grant of was passed to J Robertson for services in connection with tie Metropolitan By Co the same to be presented to the Co for payment A resolution was passed abandon ing that part of Warehouse St on the South of Timothy St and will offer no opposition to the Office Specialty Co building thereon or using any part thereof for their new building Attention was called to certain re pairs required on Huron St and Pros pect Ave bridges Council adjourned at pm in f at with tbe home The game ended in a tie Mr Annas William and wife left Monday for to at tend a Christian Endeavor Dr and wife of accompanied them Re of Newmarket baa paaaed exam with ai Win nipeg He ordained at Conference and now stationed aboat South of Man Mrs lingers Toronto of Mr Albert guard at the Central ponding a week at Mr John Rogers Si Mrs was her acd remained a few longer Mr I wan in the of and now located at Broadview was a few Several have occurred Southern India He that brings up his son to nothing breeds a thief Tbe County Council of Essex has voted towards the establish ment of a house of refuge The bar of the Eagle Hotel Wes ton was broken into by burglars on Sunday night and about one hundred dollars worth of liquors and cigars was stolen Elk River in British Columbia is in flood near the P track A large sawmill dam has been blown up to save the mill which is badly dan The river is still rising The Northwest Mounted Police have sent out notices to miners on the various creeks that it is dangerous to bring gold to Dawson without an arm ed guard It is claimed by the officials that there are a large number of high waymen in the country Three drowning accidents were re ported in Winnipeg on Sunday A little son of A Ferguson fell into a washtub and perished the daughter of J fell into a well at and A was drowned while bathing in dosa June Light ning this morning struck tbe belfry of St Lukes partly destroying it and a portion of the interior walls The dwelling of Parks west of the city was also struck and set on fire hut the downpour of rain the flames cards containing al legations as You have prornisedi and do riot perform- plainly you do not intend to pay attention my letters- or your are nonmailable matter and contain language obviously intended to reflect injuriously on the character or con duct of tUo person to whom and has not seen it since The Alabama Tress Association consisting of about 100 editors spent a few hours in the city on Saturday White at work Monday at the cor ner of Queen and streets assist ing lay a new asphalt pavement David Hartford who lives in New market was struck by a trolley car and seriously injured about the head and body The ambulance removed him to St Michaels Hospital A disputed wilt case was quickly set tled by Judge Tuesday morning The will was that of the late Mary Ann Kennedy of who left some 16 acres and two houses to Christ Church and also directed that her body kept four days before burial and an incision made in her chest In the will were five codicils four of which differed from the fifth Judge Douga decided that the four codicils expressed the testators wishes and fifth did not H B Owen who was one of the delegates from to the Anglican Synod and at one time rec tor of St Pauls Church Newmarket died very suddenly on Tuesday night from heart trouble The most fashionable wedding of the season was celebrated in St James cathedral Wednesday after noon when Miss Ethel Mnlock youngest daughter of Hon William PostmasterGeneral of Cana da was married to Mr Arthur Ernest of the Crown Lands De partment Toronto The service was folly choral and the ceremony was performed by bis Lordship the Bishop of Toronto assisted by Rev Anthony Hart rector of St Marys About 400 guests were invited to the wed ding among whom were Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurier together with moat of the members of the Dominion and the Ontario Cabinet and leaders of sooiety in city Strawberries are plentiful On Tuesday evening one boat brought tons from Jordan Beach is shipping from 10 to 15 tons a day An 18yearold lad named Samuel Bailey employed in plan- mill was fatally injured by a cir cular saw last evening He met with the accident while stooping down to dear away the sawdust under the platform which the saw work ed His skull out from ear to ear and he died in St Michaels Hos pital about cm hour after the acci dent The Scott act repealed County the majority against the act j strike of masons is in the in Berlin involving is feared that the strike will extend Staples Check Ginghams Fast Colors yards Kxtra Heavy Cotton the regular price this week by the web 5 Extra Large White Quilts regular at 64 inch half bleached Table Linen 50c this week Bath Towels worth per pair 25 Three Snaps in Blouses LOT I Fine Muslin and Gingham Blouses 50c this week LOT 2 I Beautiful Blouses worth 1 each this week at LOT 3 Your choice of any Blouse in stock at 1 t Mens Navy Serge Suits at 2 Mens Solid Tweed Suits regular 5 all sizes Mens Good Tweed Suits this week Mens Fine Clay Worsted Coat and Vest made in newest Cutaway Style with Extra Fine Striped Pants regular price of this Suit is this week at Mens Good Wool Tweed Pants this week at Boys Stylish Suits price was this week Mens Bicycle Suits price was 550 this week Mens Shoes 1 Mens Standard Screw Sdjes SollcJ- Buff Lace Boots at Mens Fine Dongola Lace Boots Mens Box Calf Lace Boots regular this week Boys Strong School Boots special this week I 2 MADDOCK J ago Carnal dressed j Vc tprptinces WZra The Cradle At on Wednesday Jane the wile t a daughter Id on the wife Alfred Walker a Id North the to Mr and a daughter In on the 16th to Mr and Newton a In East on tbe to Mr and a BOO At Amaranth Station Ont on to Mr and Mia M A Colacnoftftw- uarklj daughter Pasture fields A Few BlaoelifopA Oar own make beat chore aronnd here on sale JOS Finn lire and House The Altar At by Chaa TO LET FOR THE SEASON- to If tea Delia beet of Mr A happy gone to on their wedding trip McMorcbie June by Rev Cooking aeaiated by Rev Mr to Annie of King Between attended the wed ding after aboat 60 accom panied tha happy to King Station where they took the train for CoUtngwood and other northern porta Be a ml On lost at the retdeooa of Mr dot- ton lw of the bride by Powell Freda nek John of Toronto to Miw Mary Henry of Mr of Satton BiDaBBo- On Jane Slat at pareonafce by Rev of Toronto Mr James to Aggie both of Newmarket The Tomb In Town on only of Mr George aed months and 19 daya- Dont You Enow St J F Main St North Newmarket receWe Careful and Prompt Attention That many of the Vital Points of a garment are A fine exterior may a multitude of defects in a suit of clothes It sometimes does but not if we make We give both and ap pearance We believe it pays us to do so we know it you Everything outcome of care and thoroughness the result of yearn of study erf the Art of making clothes Our Stock is wellassorted and we would be pleased to have you call and see what we can do for you fi NEWMARKET Jane Ittft Bed Wheat per el White Wheat per a For the Dining Room One aneyouoruicaiontfitr Of per if rial and heavy per tare for apartment we can i but for the niajorit not the Therefore idling the fineat rlngot shown are Latest Stt lea in Opposite Royal 1 per Butter per lb Potatoes per bat Apple per lb per Id a a a a a OU jot KCO TOO Oft OH en pit a em a a sot a a a a a a a Flour per barrel Whit wheat per bushel Re Wheat per Goose Wheat per Buckwheat Peas per bushel H MlHti 47 pool lbw Beef per per pair SCO 006 W a a a- a A a a soa a a a a ft a a ft 07 a of a

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