Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1899, p. 7

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5 HAL KIP STYLE J Tr Id I Vj Srt- 1899 Complimentary While at on Wednesday a compliment to York Ran re ho to Colonel Yon ought to bo proud to be In command of soon a corps officers and under you The Contrasts list and of Oflloo Co in town on day and lot contracts for their now Mr Ed of Now- has the work Mr Drowning of Aurora mason work and roofing and conducting pipe will extend feet Booth of Timothy at from tbo railway East work of hat and bail ing will bo proceeded bo fait as the can bo got on the grounds A of of Bets bought at a Snap Irtc Our custom- era cm have Din per oats printed colore your choice regular Beta A Snap in Sots pieces several colore your reg ular BOOTS SHOES Beat Value we have bad Very neat and the styles Want room prevents us carrying a largo stock but it is complete and our Conference the last draft at Methodist Conference Id Owen Bound Rev B Matthews from North Toron to to Rev J young man on the Circuit Rev George Webber goes to Depot Harbor Parry Bound Jtov Drown of Bradford ap pointed Chairman of Bradford District and Rev J WiIboo of Bond Head is Secretary Next Conference to be hold In Toronto NEWMARKET I see in your valuable opinion on Hallway I agree with from Bobbin- to and by main veiled- to the bo of county on ThlirdaMaet in justices of couaiy They township Stick and James of Two trolley cars collided near Park on Saturday night giving Vviorl itf on J I in tire line then 1 North to the sideroad at passengers a shaking up One lot then a mild East then a j women was cut and bruised so badly GROCERIES Bartons Raking Powder in quart jars regular for Half Price to clear Prunes finest quality Jo now lbs for fine Quality of lb Excelsior Coffee is the Rest Try it littto North to up creek to 3rd lino through lot to lino then by the road to corner This is the and easiest made route in mostly thickly settled part of King Township- and would bo free from drifting in Winter A largo local travel would bo done to Aurora and Lake and the time from to To ronto would not be lengthened much If the road should bo built to at Bonds Lake or oven King City this local travel will be lost as Now market is looked upon as the coming County Town know Company ie compos ed of honest honorable and upright business men who will take the best and most profitable route they see their way dear I hope that for tho of the public and Com pany they will connect at Corners instead of going by Mt Mel- look and Ridges By inserting thin in your valuable paper you will very much oblige Your humble servant Jab A SMITH The Leading Grocer Main Timothy Sis When Children should wear glasses When their eyes are not straight When they cannot distinctly see the blackboard When reading if they squint the took sideways or too close When the tire easily of reading studying ure eigne that great benefit will derived from wearing glasses I guaranteed L At kin soh OPTICIAN Co KNOWLES Wholesale Retail STORE Two Main A Supply Twice a of Park Cored Meats Market A trial will vinoa Rolled Meal Bolter Potatoes Salt W Ham and Tonoo filled on tip shortest of T The election of officers for the coming terra ae follows Mr Wm Belfry Vioo Chaplaio Walter See Mir E Lush J Fred Andrew Hauler lnatallatlon in July School JI Mies Gertie Phillips Albert tick wood Slit Maggie Osborne Ada Claire Thompson Ethel Clara Brown Harold Annie 281 Anna Smith Ida Hill Margaret Herbert Roy Cody Carrie Edward Gertie Mary Blanche Clifton 281 Claire George Ada Frank Danoao Nora Percy Treves Stanley Spring Jr Names in order of merit Herbert Wright Annie Roy Garnet Mabel Edgar Ero Flossie Forater Carson Morton Edith Stewart Fannie Bertha Trivelt Nellie Graoie Cane Roland Fred eon Charlie Cecil Taylor Wedding Bells The of Mr and Geo the scene of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday lust when their in marriage to J DD formerly of and recently of Brazil A large number present among those from a distance be- and Miss and Mies of Toronto Mr J J- Collins of Catharines Mr and Mies of and Mrs of Montreal Rev A of A performed the ceremony The spacious drawing room whs tastefully dec- orated with ferns and Shortly the bridal party entered to the of Mendelssohns wedding march played by The bride handsomely attired in white brocaded en train with veil and carried her hand a large shower of white Her sister Mies Helen as Maid of Honor wore white organdy with pink and carried a of pink roses The groom waa ably assisted by Mr J Height barrister of Waterloo The wed ding presents were numerous well After the wedding breakfast was partaken of the couple left on the evening train for Chicago followed by the well of a of friends will spend a month In Chicago when will take op abode in the city of adeas California Ink Drops Party tonight to Parry next Civio Holiday in Newmarket Only two weeks more school The Toronto Confer adopted a resolution sympathy with the Grand Trunk era first Dominion Christian is to bo toft for which ate now being made 0 York County Council Every member was his seat when Warden Woodcock rang the bell which opened the June at the Court House Toronto on SI nday afternoon As usual the clerk had many com munications to Councillors and prop w- that a rraot of bo made to Argonaut Rowing club to in de fraying expenses of team which viH at the Henley this year but the had few Councillor Evaoa thought that persona with proclivities should pay for own sport and said he expected that they would be wanting money for prise fights next Mr Stokes thought bi cycle baseball football arid rowing clubs were nonsensical and not likely to advance cause of the farmer nevertheless the Warden and the mover ad seconder of the motion in sisted that it would be an advertise ment for the country motion job I The County Commissioners report was It recommended that the indemnity the late High Con stable Jones entitled to should go to hie widow It staled that the claimed from the Railway Company in lieu of tolls had been paid and that as directed an agreement had been made with the Metropolitan Railway whereby the Railway Company will pay onefifth of the cost of filling In with atone and brush in front of river Other matters reported on were the Countys action in asking Toronto Junction to pay a portion of the expenses of the Land Titles office the obtaining of legislation which gave tho Rouge bridge to Ontario- county and the attention to various bridges hi county The Subject of education occupied moat of the day A proposition to re- the resolution passed in January last abolishing promotion examina tions iu South York provoked good deal ol discussion A deputation of appeared in support of the proposal rescind but vigorous speeches were made on the side by Councillor Evans and others Councillor Gibson produced a letter from Minister of Educa tion that County Council has no authority to prohibit promotion examinations Motion that the for mer resolution be was lost on a vote of to six Inspector stated that in 8outh York had been spent in sal aries during last year and 59221 had the schools includ ing etc There were male teachers and female teach ers in the inspectorate and the aver age salary of males had been and of feraalett These sal aries averaged the lowest in the past year school population is and ha been an average attendance of In North York the teachers salaries have been even lees than in South York the average for males and females Mr Davidson report waa largely a recommendation to introduce the teaching of or the the relation of one person to another in tho State and various obligations that arise if relations Mr said that children should impressed with the aide of education continually urged towards Government has heard a deputation from the which for legislation intoxicating to far as provinces have power in as to need the services of a physician Michael Hayes proprietor of the Union Hotel and one of the beet known hotel men in the west end died at Emergence Hospital on Sat urday night as the result of being crushed between two wagons while riding a bicycle on Queen St In try ing to avoid colliding with another he ran upon devil strip be tween the wagons bis handle bar struok one them and be was thrown under wheels of the other sustain ing a fata fracture of tbe skull He was years of ago and leaves a wife and he Ontario Medical Associations annual meeting is being held in the city this week With the advent of decidedly sum mer weather comes inauguration of Sunday School and Church excur sions On Tuesday two steamers car ried excursions to Grimsby Park and one to Center Island A tobacconist Avenue was fined in the police court this week for selling cigarettes to boys- The New Ontario excursion com posed chiefly of members of the Local House left here Thursday morning Reports reached here thai pro minent localities along route through have arranged for suitable demonstrations There were over 30 members of the Legislature in the party together with prominent officials and press reporters An injunction fljrainst the city is threatened in case the Council pays Mr Robinsons bill for professional services ExAid trial for bribery ha virtually been abandoned The alleg ed took place in and the Code declares of this charac must be prosecuted within two years Application was made the Sur rogate Court for pr bate of the will of the late Jae Wright farmer of North who died in April last leaving to bis wife and child- defeated at La last Friday by to James Giddy aged 12 waa caught between two cars at Port Hope day night and killed The General Assembly of the Church in Canada con vened in the the Chatham F George while engaged in pruning was in the face with a falling limb and one eye was completely knocked out At Paris Baron Christian who assaulted President with a cane at the races was sentenced to four years imprisonment Madrid Jane A terrific Storm has swept over the town of Sao Pedro in the province of Valladolid Over houses were destroyed and a num ber of lives were lost Mount surTred a heavy bis on Sun lay the new residence built two years ago 1 a cost of was destroyed Jit he tun of I tins as the ofan accident on Monday even She was burning some paper in front of the stove when her clothi- caught fire She rushed out of the house into the a mass of flames assisted by the mother tore off her burning clothes but not before she had been terribly burned She angered in great pain until this morning Athens June Greek divers are working on the wreck of Russian flagship which was sunk in Grecian waters in say that the bulb of the vessel is literally filled and silver coins The at tention of the divers directed only to the gold coins of whioh 11000 already been recovered and the sum is being largely added to every day The divers say that the bottom of the about ibe wreck heaped with silver of the size of a dollar to gether with jewels swords other articles of value June A fire in the works today destroyed the gun shop gun shop and the shell shop About fifty quicker- guns areamong the ruirja- The lossw- at The five was the biggest that has occurred a century The whole district wrapped in dense smoke clouds while vast sheets of flame ascended from build- While Kipling vaBoJoorhoi- IstrJnIndUho hot probably npTcrvfJUbe Bin publishers while bo Was his once issued of hip but both bo and bU considered them too Immature and they wore Ond of had before It was but the other entitled IuUora of Marque won but known of India that the And what bo said of Amber Queen of the city Toy Slnfzb bade Mi people slouch as snakes cast skins The Globetrotter will yon that It roust bo done before anything else and the Globetrotter li for onoe perfectly correct Amber lies between six and seven from pore among tumbled of the bills nod Is so a as a tlocaftbnr so a ono as ad elephant Ho Is provided by the mid the who make India their prey aro apt to accept bis services as a matter of course very early in morning before the stars have gone out and through the sleeping city till the place to cactus and sand and educational and Institutions to mile upon of semtdecayed Hindu temples brown and weatherbeaten running down to the of Great Man Lake wherein are more rulQed temples palaces and fragments of cause ways The water birds have their homes In arcades and mugger nuzzles the shafts of the plllurs It I fitting prelude to desolation of Amber In the half light of dawn city sunk between hllU and built round throe sides of lake Is dimly visible and waits to catch the bunt that should ride from It as the day breaks The In the valley Is bitterly chill With growing light Amber stands and the traveller Hoes that It Is a that will never wake A few live in huts at the end of the but the temples shrines the palace and the tiers on tiers of houses are Tree grow in and split open the walls the windows are filled with brushwood and the cactus chokes the street The Englishman made his way up the of the to the that over looks everything the fort of guardian of Amber Am the ele phant iwung up rood with stone and built out tin- rides of the hill the englishman looked Into empty bouses where the little gray squir rel and itseftn The upon the and the blue pigeon roosted within He under Ironstudded gates whereof the were oaten out with rust and by walls plumed and crowned grass and under more gateways till at lost he reached the palace and came suddenly Into a great quadrangle where two blinded arrogant stallions covered with red and gold trappings screamed and neighed at each other from opposite ends the vast space From top of the palace you read If you please the Book of written In stone upon hillside Com ing up the Englishman bad seen the from a level He now looked hearts the heart bad ceased to There was no sound men or Or To PtffuTitreeBDoihing out the cooing of she pigeons At first it seemed that tho palace was not ruined at all that pre the women would come up on the housetops and the bells would ring in the temples But as bo attempted to follow with his eye the turns of tbe fitroeti bsuxwa Wood tangle and blocks Of fallen stone and that some of the houses were rent with great cracks and pierced from root to road with boles that let In morn ing sun The of the eaves were captoothed and tracing of the screens had fallen out bo that zenana lay shamelessly open to the day On outskirts of the city the strongwalled dwindled and tank down to mere stone heaps and faint Indi cation plinth and wail bard to trace against the stony Jh shadow of the palace lay thirds of city and deepened the We have a Complete Stock of Screen Doors and Windows in all sizes Oil Stoves Ice Cream Freezers Sprayers Rubber Hose Lawn Mowers and all kinds of GARDEN TOOLS so PARIS GREEN DASH CHURNS CREAMERS MILK CANS Mil BICYCLE SliDBIBS v a J A ALLAN Shelf and Ilea Hardware Stoves and Tinware For Uptodate Goods We Lead the Trade TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE shadow who his bent oer the dead W Of Which Byron knows the man blunted a it neglnfl to fade The fiame hideous look on the face of jhe Queen of Pass and when once this realized the eye won ders that It could have ever belie red In life of her She city whose grave set in tbo side of the pit and her company Is round about her graves of Jthros and No Moved by a thoroughly Insular in stinct the took up a piece of plaster and from the palace wall Into dark streets below It bounded from a housetop to a window- ledge and thence Into a square and son of Its fall was echoing as the sound of a In a well Then closed Round till In the the roped began ficrvanJ afresh There may be In groat Indian Desert to westward there Is desolation open wa bat desolation of Amber in the either of land or sea FLOW and From the most SEEP HOUSES PHARMACY When In doubt the beet thing to do keep quips Poets paint with words and painters spcit The village ministers tudy Is how make both end meet snob always overrates himself and underrate other men A man Invariably feels put out when he flods he been taken In tunnels ryountalna faith Is figuring on moving them Nina out of ten when a man talks grammatically he Is tiresome Men admire women not because they are women but because they are not men- V- Many a man a to altar and Imdersilp too wages of look sua- like fat dividends on watered When people of a dictionary with the NEXT POST OFFICE- PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED Invwit- for our books Help ekQon or med of ted we iviU leu you u to l it How you ere or mod probably of appllcatloas relet out wad months to cerjdid Salvations free but It Is easier gold into WO qKnlAlty fa iinds Highest references furnished MABIOW ft A Litmi itatci9 Caw Worts Wort Alloc AoLUon Amoc t oaj tt It will sing I- MISS ni- POINT Parlor loom and for the pebUc nearly wilt of wort probably of Ibe trust promoters hot been to It on band Meals bLDirawBPAPES For sale at oocyte- per over lbs in Tailor Shop Is removed to 11 1 J j 1 Door 1 DAVISONS GROCERY 1 r Urn Leave youp Order for of our J m Nobby Spring Suits 1 J I lundy 1 i i 1

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