Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1899, p. 6

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the tfWIUtraEAWiJKE AND to I J MCMILLANS CORNERS oozy well kepi hot enough to hold all the blessing God had to His people yin Sunday evening A was at hie host and the bo Rev vBo will Sunday eve who disobeyed OAK RIDGES- ftj UNION STREET SOUTH- Mr Boyd brido of Kings- ton New York ace visiting his father It Boyd Messrs and B wore in Toronto last week The people of No- purpose holding their annual on day Juno in Finders grove Wo regret very much to illness of Mr Davis Ho v our most ardent A number of the young people of ibis vioinity attended the Social at Wexford lust Friday evening vroport a very enjoyable time The road en vastly fid of Mr Wm Mortimer and Mr A Evans A MAN Mr of Thy opening of- the to wore the of Sir extension last j by on Quite a number attended little party gathering coriawtirig of the GampMeetlng at Pleasant- Mr A last Sunday president of the Imperial Bank Mr Miss Marsh has returned home Mrs Will Iain Ramsay of Boa ter spending a year in Ireland Miss Mr and other places War rflh pros Wont road No Sabbath School on Sunday asjand Mr J the superintendent Mr at the lake the was given a sail on steam yacht Mre P Lyon of Barrio paid a short visit at her home On Saturday A of trip was the operating of first ear by steamer made her first for this season at Morton Park and Belle last Saturday SHARON has had It newly paint- and other improvements made children s ot the Bab- The Saturday trips to per bath School was held hero on Sunday steamer Istoy commences June Mr Webber and Mr Mr of Baldwin of King addressed the children Sunday at Mr Bays and Mr AJ Hughes furnished the A HOLLAND LANDING At Christ of Maude fourth daughter of Mr West lo Percy Wilson of Toronto took place on day lata at pm was beautifully teased in cream riuntied with valencitnne and music The service was very interest inff Alius Morton of Newmarket a few Jays here this week with her sister Mm A Fenian Mrs Way ling is visiting at We were sorry to Mies Sarah from our midst but we join in wishing her much happiness Mr Bead and of a love y bouquet of red roses with red ribbons completed this most being Moderator of See Presbyterian Church at Quoeh bis pulpit was supplied by Rev BoUoriltfrom Queensville His discourse founded on lOor and was an exposition of the word fellowship Many texts were quoted to establish the teaching that we are partners in the nature standing enter- prize experience and fi victory MAN KILLED ISOIiTKIXO Walter son of Mr John of township was killed by lightning on Wednesday afternoon about oclock on Mr J Howards farm one mile from here Deceased and Mr Howard were put ting posts under the barn at the time he was killed and Mr Howard was knocked down and stunned by tho shock The South arris Wis Attraction Is SMITH BROS showcase It con tains some of the finest photos to be found in Canada Everybody stops looks at It Dont be afraid to drop inside and look around as it will cost you no thing and you will be paid the same attention as a cus tomer Have a look at their enlarged work A very il tho homo of Mr Mm J on Wednesday J uuo7lh when their eldest daughter Mary J was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr J Jounaburough second son Of Mr Wm of Lindsay ceremony porformed by A The brido was dressed in white or and a veil orange blossoms while bridesmaid Crone was attired in figured or gandie Mr J Brother of the groom performed the duties of groomsman The over the guests repaired to the dining room where a wedding awaited them The bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly prcsonts The happy couple left in evening for a short trip to the South mid showers of rice and good wishes thence to their homo iu There were friends present from To ronto Richmond Hill Newmarket and other places A number of grooms friends were not able to bo present owing to his brotherinlaw being struck by lightning and killed The funeral taking place the same day becoming costume Nettie Wet the bridesmaid wore a gown of muslin over pale blue and a of cream roses Miss West acted A3 Maid of Honor and Matter Dr of Toronto assisted groom FarncomVe honey moon here renewing scenes of Miss Lizzie has to New market to learn dietsmaking Mr and Mrs A Wilson of New- market Monday hern with bis aunt Mrs Graham beiug her birthday Rev Mr Matthews deliver a Mr and Mrs Wilson left in the even in for a trip to Minneapolis sermon to the Masons The Child they will reside eetinghouse here i Sunday next Marsh has Ikkjii sen- f ill we re to hear she is a few days hore with her sister The Presbyterian Church at Ml gladdened by the Com Service last Rev A from Albert was present bong Moderator of the Bee- sion The is always pleased to honor His servant with pleasant to kens of His favor Obedience to last word of the Lord brought its own rich reward Rev E M will be present next Lords day and preach from The death of a old man Are the Largest Makers of Farm Implements Under the British Flag MAILCOWTRaGT the world oyer Over Binders and boon ordered and shipped to for harvest of which loud for the Companys goods Oyer Canadian workmen given em ploy meal In goods Binders or feet out I Rakes Sharp Tiger Mowers or rear out or Drills boo hoe 1416192S feet oat I IB teeth New all Steel I Disk Harrows- or disks Also for Tolten PeaHarvester and Bencher the Steel WindMills for Power and Leaf Grinders- Iron Pomps with Braes Cylinder the Toronto Grain and Seed Cleaner sod Grader Fanning Mill Plain or Monitor Clover Stone Croebera Bain or Speight Wagons Verity Wilkinson and A Full of always on Hand B SMITH Agent Square Newmarket I it i v Waybig Mr Captain Burke of ban been father Mr David Sunday here with her father Mr A Miller of spent Willoughby the past- Mr and M of Toronto j Mrs of Union re vwiting at Mr Luck a on spent Sunday with Mrs E The member of Church in tend holding annual Garden Party on Juno in Mr Jonathan V a i Mrs J Hughes Webb a will bo in friends Newmarket provider Newmarket Band attendance- Coma one all Pansy pent Sunday Arthur Mr It has moved again in our midst is visiting in BETHEL flats are alive with this weok up the long dplayed MOUNT ALBERT i Mias Bertha Wesley of Newmarket is visiting her sister Miss Wesley Miss Leek is appointed principal of the School for the fall term The junior department is now vacant Mr Crawford has moved from Toronto and occupies Mrs Gil bert Longs house Dr Forrest is attending Medical Council Meeting in Toronto this week Ho is accompanied by Mrs Forrest Rev W K is attending con this week He remains here I for the next year J Wesley and bride return- last Thursday evening from their trip Mrs is confined to the house owing to a accident having lust control coming down Main and colliding with a railing A Strawberry festival will be held by Methodist Church Choir on the evening of Friday 23rd iost on tho spacious grounds of Bow- J- land Esq A program will be given of the Presbyterian J Congregation ye their annual Gar den Party on Saturday July 1st on the premises of Mr Watts when an entertainment of unusual in terest will be furnished also straw berries and ice cream The scholars and teachers of the School Lake on Saturday of this week The difference is Are we going to have one at all of preached in the Presbyterian hero last Sunday His was founded on and in hie own way he showed Gods nearness to and the safety of Gods beloved His evening sermon based on and was an unfolding of Gods everlasting love under the division the the and attraction ht the love of God The service in the Presbyterian usual to see seeding operations in one Church was special in its measure of field and in the adjacent Held wheat blessing and in the in head words of the Moderator of the Session j Many of tho fields of fall wheat are Rev A last Sunday wonderfully the last The tender of the Messrs William Master was made very helpful and fiaye large fields he Lord was known to many the breaking of bread The Sunday The fipring the School Session was omitted that her re children and teachers could come be- fore the Lord with minds unwearied Mr Botterill will preach next on Signs of the end of the World Now that the many alterations have been at I he Cedars Mr Geo had the ill fortune to lose her whole flock of young geese Sir or some chap is the cause Rev Powell is attending Conference and Mr Gilpin of ably fills Bain is to be congratulated on appointments Rev Powell leaves visited Tuesday morning but the explosion failed open the and they got Council of Essex has tpwardfl the of ft house of refuge Young of Owen Sound overboard from the having one of the coziest and est homes in The new coat of paint with its well chosen tinting admirably suits the Swiss architecture and the small lawn care fully trimmed and flower fringed makes the home of comfort also a home beautiful A laryo crowd of our villager at tended the school picnic at Morion Park Saturday The QRBC failed to put in an appearance several of the members found it impossible to at tend So the Churchill team succeed ed in capturing the prize cup The boys are that they could not he in the competition Several of our band boys assisted the Zephyr baud at the Mr Greenwood had an extensive barn raising on Tuesday Several from here attended There was in attendance Mr Duke Morton and Jimmie spent Sunday at Keswick Mr and Mrs Jas Crittenden of Keswick spent Wednesday at their daughters Mrs of Avenue Our brass band is practicing twice a week now under the leadership of Sanderson They will no doubt soon be able to compete with other bands Mr J and are proud possessors of two new wheels What a row in the village over an old hen and her brood j The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give their annual Straw berry Festival on Tuesday June on the beautiful lawn of Dr Pearsons residence which has been generously at The will be delicate and pleasing and the presence of the brass and quadrille bands an even ings entertainment greatly to- be- en joyed Old and vitd and at larprtcoi l us for a Toronto charge at the end of thia month We are sorry to lose him but must bow to inevitable They will find our a man of God one of whom the Methodist Church should be proud We bespeak for him success in his new sphere of labor Building operations are in full sway these days Mr Thos Huntley has begun new house Contractor Mr Cook of Zephyr Mr Jpo Reed with the Taylor Bros in charge has made a start Messrs and J have their barns framed and raised Great crowds were in attendance at the Free Methodist Camp meetings in Hamiltons grove during the past Trust good done was in direct proportion to the attendance There was a large attendance at the baptism at the lake Monday afternoon A good number of the people of North took in the picnic at Morton Park on Saturday last The Zephyr band the proceed ings There was no attempt at com petition for the best TurnOut The football match Newmarket and fil was well contested and fell to the latter by to The tug of war did not materialize beiog fouled teams contested Keswick and Pleasant began the contest and ended it Space forbids a description of contestants it Ray many were of age when Messrs Geo Rose Price were active dominies And what means this commotion among the Bethel Church ladies Wby these ladies and they are intelligent refined most sociable and ever zealous in eyerjr good Wee have set their upon a grand Strawberry Festival on the commodi ous towns of Mr Harry Bennett on Friday of June The past ef forts of the Bethel people assures the of a most pleasant and profit ableevening A in program All invited Monday a man south on the concession picked up a kneespread and left it at Mr store No doubt some tired traveller had been nodding and did not realize lobs till too late Brass Band was reorgan ized on Saturday evening and will play at the on Saturday Mr Bert has been appointed leader and Jos Wil son Secretary Practice on Monday evenings at present We was much pleased Mr Editor to see a number of sample copies of your paper at our Post Office and cant but think your efforts will be rewarded for we find a good many people that would like to take a good local paper but have not previously had an opportunity of seeing the Era We regret to relate that Miss Mag gie Spink has been necessitated to go to Toronto to specialist con cerning an affliction in her ear and sincerely- hope it may be remedied A fraternal visit will be made to Aurora Order of Good Templars next Wednesday evening by Kettleby Division Among the vuntorv this week in section we note Miss Sarah Spink and Miss May of Tor onto with Mre Alfred Mr and wife of the guests of Mr and Mrs J Curtis Mrs of Aurora at her sons Mr Ja Mr Newberry took the pictures of School Sections No G on Thurs day last There were no services in the Methodist church on Sabbath as Rev supply could at tend Scaled tendons to and iniktd Tender for Mall Service will be received at umll IB oclock on of July for conveyance or her Ma mall under Tor years pur week each way between Benin Da wood the District service to commence upon cloae of navigation In the rail aud to continue until opening 01 in the following oJ yir be by sleighs rtruwn by dogs or ky or partly one way and partly other the conditions admit of as tbe PostmasterGeneral nmy to time determine the being require the whole service to be per formed by sleigh and drawn by horses soon as the opinion of the it can be so and In tbu INFORMATION OF THE- More comfortable lor shopping in hot weather cannot be found The store is airy very cool Shoppers whether purchasing or are welcome to step in and rest themselves Our prompt delivery relieves of carrying 0 used for the all parcels and it is always a pleasure to fill orders to oor care performance portions of service I as can In way be performed times of arrival and rt departure to be us subject however to a right of the to alter the should be deem It advisable so to do Mails shall leave Bennett and re spectively per week on such and al such hours as the shall name shall arrive at Dawson and Bennett respectively within twenty days or such shorter period as having regard to the condi tions effecting the service the shall from time to time determine contract la to cortlnucfor four years unless the same be sooner terminated by the PostmasterGeneral which be may do If In is Judgment the contractor shall substan tially fall to observe any of provisions All expenses on this route tolls ferries or otherwise must be defrayed by the contract or Each tender to state the price asked per sonum in words at length to be accom panied by a certified cheque payable to the order of the PostmasterGeneral for the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars which sum shall be forfeited should the tenderer depositing the same refuse to the con tract if called upon do so by the Postofflce Department The successful tenderer Jo addition to the depositor twentyfive dollars shall deposit with the PostmasterGeneral ihe further sum of twentyfive hundred dollars making together the sum of five thousand dollars as security for performance of the contract Like tenders are also invited for a service twice per wee between Bennett Lake BC Me tie to leave Bennett and rcepectlvely twice per week on such days aud at hours as the PostmasterGeneral name and shaU arrive at and Ben- net respectively within three days or such as having regard to the condi tions affecting the service Postmaster- General shall from time to time determine Mall Service Branch Postofflce Department Ottawa June ABTHUH LINDSAY Choice Dairy Butter cooled by Spring Water Ice per lb Large Pineapples at Strawberries of Excellent Quality reasonable at Choice 10c Large Bananas extra large 15c at Fresh Fruit Sugar lbs for Seasonable Goods Smoked Chipped Beef Devilled Hani Tongue Turkey Ac Mince Meat freah package English salads etc Pink Salmon per- tin 10 Another Big Lot of Roll Bacon Hams And Bologna Sausage to sell at Japan Tea lb y Mocha Java Coffee with richness of aroma Richmond Wis June 13 Indescribably sad are scene of desolation wrought by last nights tornado that lias practically swept out of existence the prosperous little town of New Richmond Out of house and store buildings composing the place fully 300 were wrecked by the or destroyed by fire Al most every family has one or more members among the dead injured or missing and little groups are seen everywhere searching by the light of lanterns or torches for loved ones who may be buried in the piles of debris on every band With energy search ban been conducted all day and up to oclock tonight bodies had been found although the number of dead certainly will reach 100 or more I Dont Forget the Chemist and Main St Newmarket respectfully informs the Medical gen tlemen and the public of Newmarket and vicinity that he has in stock and is receiving weekly from the whole sale houses and manufacturers a gen eral assortment of Drugs Chemicals Patent Medicines Perfumery Dye Stuffs Etc which ho recommends as being genuine and of first quality to year old fit for use Lot York PO WASTED hoi A old Sow Astray on of May- A WHITE J Medium ftlie Information to recov ery Particular attention is paid to tho of Physicians tions and Family Special attention is called to tbe Seed Department where you find good fresh seeds Garden Seeds turnip Seed Also aur own Preparations such as Liver Pills at per box Kidney Pills at i- per dot Co Syr To ound arry Via Penetang takes place On Wednesday Jane 21st 1899 Trains leave Station at am calling at all stations North to j Pare for Round Trip Adults 1 Children Railway Age Tickets Good to Return on the For further particulars see Posters ABB President KEITH Secretary GRAHAMS TILL 1st of September WHEN Premises will be Enlarged and Renovated New Scenery Etc OT Oraharn JOKES OLD STAND CENTRAL Consider when fiuying Li by dealing with you Save Money we have wooleoB to your from which are up- Wo thing ran flo Call and ro- McLaughlin i i J

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