Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 16 Jun 1899, p. 2

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Co ftVWtat You A Dions Doors Windows- Allans Arthur Lindsay End Attraction Bros A Smith Family liorso trunk railway tit ft 5- ft If 3Ko ft c Is if ft ivunO ft ft ft plight to pay more than terimoinont calls Toy This is quito Bo- fore that into at all the offered to treat a suitable building do and convenient at a cost not to hoy also offered as an alternative proposi tion to remodel the Adolatdo Street Court House by another storey thereon put in slovators god nil modem appliances at a cost of under but the city would not hear to it A new court house after their own ideas with up yearly as to eating lighting etc so M to go for the was what they were after and Ihis the county authorities to invoko Legislative authority so as to being imposed upon by having a maximum sum fixed beyond the city could not legally tres pass and recent clearly demonstrated they wisely in thus protecting county interests in this regard Of course it Is all very well for men who in the light of subse quent events fault the judgment of those who under the light of circumstances and disabilities of fifteen years ago but considering the men they then had to deal with in Toron to and tho influence of the city in the Legislature the wonder is that the County got out of the combination as well as it did Even the courts were invoked to force the county to accept some conditions to they object ed SPIES Ontario for out The Printer at Toronto baa for Si newspaper Bgoati Montreal very Newspaper Di rectory by splendid map of of the j A to Toronto gives to the rumor the Capitol to that Sir Top per will not bo loader of bo party tho next Dominion election are brought on If so It is ex peoied Hon Mr Foster will bo the Conser vative chief annoonoed thai Ontario Gov ernment have adopted a number now and are alio iho o placing a royalty on From by campers the new do not interfere with ordinary angling Twelve bass is the limit for any one per son in one day also pickerel or four or brook trout la limited to an aggregate of lbs to person and to fitly in number v I Wit LETS UP OUT ND WITH EACH FRIDAY JUNE 16 The SqueQhng Tho Star had an laBt Friday proposing that unless the County give a larger annual per towards new court house maintenance than agreement between County and fevplty calls for that application be to the ell for a charter which will allow of a divorce of the existing judicial district point of fact a separation be- tween county and The Star al so says Under the agreement in the County has the whiphand in its financial relations with the City yet we have county who go into the lamentation busi ness on account of this very a oity authority declares gives the county the whiphand over the oity Our also The Legal Department of Toronto is looking up the statutes preparing for arbitration with the County authorities in respect to the amount the County should pay to- j- wards the cost of the new hall I- The 1884 agreement fixes the total cost of the new court house at least that portion thereof required for the district of York and this means all that York County is in at upon which total the county is to pay an annual rental but in no esse shall ft that rental exceed four per cent on the maximum If the two councils cannot agree as to the pro portion the County shall pay as an honest rental for such portions of the new building as the courts and officials the judicial county need then said to be determined by The process seems to be simple fair and without the whip- 0 hand advantage referred to by our If the council has allowed arobiteot Lennox to go on without rhyme or reason to swell the expenditure from to mill- Ions this is no concern of the County neither has thVoity even the remotest claim to County Foryeara the city press has called attention to the lax supervision and blundering of the city authorities and it would be a travesty on justice to expect the county ratepayers to in and pay for city negligence and mismanagement The very re sults have followed which the County authorities of 1884 predicted ancj then them not to enter- upon the erection of a new court house under joint authority and y vision The oity i8 always great on I- plenty of gush and all that sort of thing bat when it comes to administration with aildue re- pcctwe say it County men as a rule shown the discretion and iff the greater evidence of economy and Our is alto when it rental of a very poor biijdfng then by inferenco loads to The Canadian Tariff The general reader will remember that in introducing the tariff Of the Minuter of Finance assured Par liament and tho country that it em bodied a marked reduction of duties an compared with N imports that point of fact the pledges given to people during the general elec tion of 1896 by the leaders of the Liberal party hod been faithfully maintained This statement is denied by the Conservative and World last week its reader with all soberness that pledge was to the effect thai the last vestige of protection would be wiped out so soon as the Liberal party to power statement is misleading what leaders of the Liberal party pledged to do was To wipe out discriminating features of the tariff give to the people a large re duction in the taxes paid through duties and practically frame the tariff on a revenue basis This has been the aim and purpose of the Government Each succeeding session since the Hon Mr Fielding first pre sented a modified tariff alter the genera election changes have been effected along the line of taxes for revenue only and notwithstanding the carping of a certain section of the Opposition press the changes effected are more marked and practical than politicians are prepared to admit or willing to concede- Especi ally with reference to farming interests the question of advantage is minimized Below we present a table showing the old tariff and the new An an alysis of the figures demonstrates that the new tariff makes a reduction of per cent in the case of iron an article which enters so largely into the manufacture of all farm implements and from five to ten per cent on the other articles reduc tions made entirely in the interests of the farming community It is simply a la candour to contend that changes have been effect ed The and commerce pulse of the centres all over the Do minion furnish Abundant and un questioned assurance to the doubtful Thomas along this line The table is given from official documents Ait ties Old Ken Tariff Tariff Iron scrap or steel per too per ton Iron ii Iron or angles Axea per cent 25 percent have reoently been made in the staff of the P Mr Van Home retiree the general management and by Mr Sbaunessoy Mr become ant manager and anooeeded by Mr Robert Kerr of as passen ger traffic manager latter gentleman is well known on the old Northern line from bis former therewith as general agent Mr of Chicago Mr Kerre place at Win- and the latter moves to Montreal There are other minor Ottawa cornea a despatch to the that the Dominion Government pur pose introducing the of certain municipal at the Capitol The bill of Hon Mr Fielding given notice so re port will make an appropriation of a fixjd many dollar local improvement- In view of the that were it not for the Beat of Government be ing located In Ottawa and for the farther fact that of dollars of Dominion money expended there by Dominion cm oiale Ottawa probably be we think the Government ahoold before committing the to any local maintenance Saturday in a p of Brampton- by to T the call of Presbyterian Newmarket and waooilbu will W place on tbo Ws stated Mr Simon who baa been very ill for more Is slowly improving an to brother at week for a change of air attended to Niagara on and and ifrii Wesley Mr and Mrs A Evans Mr and Mrs Jos Mr James Kavanach and daughter Mr and A ft Watson Bailiff Lloyd Inspector A John Montgom ery and Mr Beverley Woodcock and mother weather and the greatly en- Joyed by all The Ntas of Marie following regarding the firet meet- Jog In yean of two Newmarket boys A meeting in poet Monday between Hewitt avant of Gortons and Chief The two are and bad not seen each other since meeting waa accidental Mr Hewitt baying gone to poatoffioe to transact Be was Immediately recognized by Mr Mr Hewitt bears the reputation of one of beet theatrical represent lives In country and an aooomplleh gentleman having travelled In every Btetlon of tbe continent and Id many places abroad We commence tomorrow SATURDAY MORNING OUR ANNUAL June Sale of Summer Every department is crammed with New will be marked very low in order to reduce the make this a recordbreaking business month Goods that stock and f I 25 Farm Road or Field if Windmills Horse SO Portable Engines SO 11 Thresher 30 t If Potato 35 11 Fanning 25 Hay Tedders 8crewe 35 1 25 Toole Gut Vails lb 40 per lb Wire Kails news in regard to the Trans vaal is of a nature It understood that Great next move will ho to make a demand as the power upon The meeting of tho Janderefor he of position taken by the com to take ivithotit from the Boers Our Society Column PERSONAL POINTS PLEASANTLY Rev Dewey of Aurora was in town on Mrs J A ha gone to Kew on a month MIbb May Gray of Brentford home for summer vacation entertained a party laat night back from Niagara Falls for a week or so Mr and Mrs Fred of ff- spent Sunday at bis fathers on Queen street Mr Reg left for Philadelphia on Monday to a month with bis Miss ranch and her mother have gone to to spend a month with friends Mr Theodore Bolton a couple of friends from Toronto spent over Sunday in town Mr Frank Foster home from New York on aocoaof of of bis Mies Eva home on after spending a couple of weeks at The Band are at Mr Ins from city sereigtb- en lead formerly Roberts of here on a mouths visit Mite and Mie Verity epent In King the of Miss Erne Webster Mr and also Miss of Bradford were the of Mr Hewitt over Mr John and daughter were in this week to visit her who was in hospital Barrle Examiner of visiting the Mliae Wil liams Clappertop at Miss Nettie attended a roar riase near on Wednesday and play Wadding March Mr and Mas Jaokson left yeeter day for to visit her brother Mr Wright for a few days Oliver of Toronto and Mrs of Betheads spending a coup of at Mr Olivers Dr Hooter from Texas is spending a few days town and vioinity in with his estate the Edmund Hunter Mr George Smith played at on Saturday with the home team Hill defeated them by a score of to iV Miss Strong nephew of spent a of days with Mrs other Bradford today It is with rauah pleasure we that Mr Arthur has his final exam and- entitle J to add ftfterbie He has on in New York and he wiUrrialie his mark Fire in the Lang tannery at Ber lin did several thousand dollars dam age on Sunday has ordered a to investigate postoffice affairs The Congregational Union meet ing at Brantford discussed single tax and a motion to abolish At the Methodist Conference for Manitoba and the Northwest Rev elected president William Bryan a prisoner in says he is in Ont for murder of Policeman for Marion Brown was recently hanged The first Manitoba Government crop bulletin for the year shows a gratifying condition of the growing wheat plant and that the area under this of grain makes a very favor able with that of last year in spite of the late An ocean liner ran into a steam ship loaded with a full cargo of sogar on Tuesday off Long Branch a fog No lives tost hut the freight ship was and the passenger vessel had to return to New York for repairs Mr William had an interview with several members of the Manitoba Government and it is that arrangements were prac tically made to extend the Dauphin line into Gilbert Plains this summer a disnco of miles The United States troops had a prolonged and desperate fight with the Filipinos on Tuesday near Las The Americans were met on their ad vance with a galling fire from both rifles and artillery and suffered a loss estimated from 80 to men The insurgents were ultimately repulsed The P has given notice of its intention to apply to the Manitoba Legislature for power to construct and operate a railway from a point on branch near southwesterly to the western bound- of the province and also a line from a point in Colonization Railway between and Pilot in a ally southerly direction to a point on international 50c BARGAINS Ladies Blouses about five dozen in the lot price was and Sale riCC I I a I I I Ladies Wrappers price was Sale Price Summer Corsets reg Sale Price Seamless and Stainless Cotton Hose pairs for Extra large White Counterpanes 125 Sale Price Girls Straw Hats reg Sale Price 20c Ladjes Sailors reg Sale Price 45c Dress Goods will be sold at Colored Dress Goods will be sold at 50c Dress Goods will be sold at Lace Curtains the price should be Sale Price 1 Odd lots of Wall Papers at half the former price AH Remnants of Goods of any and every description at about half price BARGAINS Mens Suits that 450 Sale f Mens Suits that were 8oo Sal Pa Mens Suits that were 790 Sale Price 6 50 Mens Finest Black Suits that were 1275 Price 00 Mens latest Style Waterproof Coats 800 Sale Price 5 00 Mens Braces at Mens Braces at 20 Mens Ties for Mens fine Summer Shirts and Drawers at price reductions BOOT SHOE BARGAINS We carry the most complete Boot Shoe Stock in Newmarket Ladies Low Shoes 100 Sale I ICC J Ladies Low Shoes 25 Sat Ladies Button Boots 150 Sale Price Mens fine Buff Lace Bootsf reg Sale Price Mens Donjjola Kid Boots Sale Price Mens Box Calf Lace Boots 275 Sale Price H E The la town or the Inst to Mr nd Mr Bohomber on the 7tb Inst to Mr and Mrs Alfred Walker a eon Id town on to Mr ana Mrs Ball a The Alta the residence of bride parents Victoria Avenue June by Rev A Dr of Brazil to Mies Emma of Newmarket On May by Eaton of Toronto Ida darjbter of Mr And Mr Geo way of to Mr Fred of Toronto Jemima At the the brides father on the of Jane Mr John to Mies Jennings of Mr Jennings Lloyd- town At the residence of the brides father on Jane by J of to Sod- don At the residence of she father Mr Pater- son Toronto by J A Mr to Miss Dont You Enow M YEARS That many of the Vital Points of a garment are A fine exterior may cover a of defects in a suit of clothes It sometimes does but not if we make We give both and ap pearance We believe it pays to j do so we know it pays you Everything the outcome of care and thoroughness the result of years of study of the Art of making clothes Our Stock is wellassorted and we would be pleased to have you call and see what we can do for you If I Trade Marks Design c- feather Scientific American Leading Pain me and Undertaking House Pasture Fields TO LET FOR THE SEASON A Few Oar own the best here on sale tlectric By Leave Toronto OPH y Crowing and end pm put on and taken off at SPECmU for fc5c children Leave Jim 7 and 8P and every from Toronto and return Fop Ode ap Of If you want rich heavy lure lor c6 you ban for the majority ibis not case Quest of room sor shown The value are Ltort Style In Opposite Hotel Tomb In on rellot of John Griffin aged year Hospital To ronto on June of Newmarket aged As Perth on June Haggle of formerly of North York aged years At Vivian on year old and respected resident of and was buried Cemetery King on Jane 2nd Emma or in her lot coo- JO KinV on the lost Jsme Cherry in after a a Toronto June Bed Wheat per bushel 0 White Wheat per btiabeJ Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel per busbal Bye per bushel it per lb Potatoes per bay- Apple per Shepeldna lb a Hay per ton SCO TOO Geeseperlb per pair Oil to loo a a OCT OH a a u a r a a a a a a a a a a a at t j OSS Main St North Newmarket All Orders June per barrel a Hi to Whit Wheat per Bed Wheal per bushel Barley per bushel Pea per Bye Apple per lb- 8 a 0 0 to a 6 CO lb oc a Chickens per pain a 075 Turkeys per a Bran per ton a a a a a a a a a a a 9 on 000

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