WHAT IB OK IK TOWN Mr Geo Lemon of was in Town last Saturday and bought nine heavy to to Manitoba at an age price of Mr Wesley sold a for Mr sold throe of horeea and Mr- Richard- on of was one of luoky asllors- Party Strawberry Festival and Lava Party announced by the Ladies Aid Church for Tuesday the will bo bold in yentriee of church iho lawn adjoining Booths will be erected for Bale of etc lbs Band during evening Christian The Christian ana mil continue lHlh with the at Mr It and wife Mr Millard Mr A William and wife Mr Mr Lehman and from 1 hi- of CI iliitiih Day will bore On On- in Iuu- A Word of Caution Owing 10 people wheeling on the side walk up to application was at last of bury Council to pasa a bylaw prohibiting the practise For want of time the Coun cil did not deal will the bat we understand that if further is made thpf intend to pass a bylaw will apply to all sidewalks ia the Town- ship Binder Guaranteed ft to a lb IJo another grade at Wo It will pay to drops card to Jaod Mount Albert- Special Prizes A a meeting of the and Direc tor of the North York Agricultural Bo- it decided to add aovoral new to their prize list such as Floral Department open to only for the following Collection of Verbenas Sweet Pose Pblox Aonuala Hand Bouquet Floral Design for Table Collection of Plants etc Several other new classes will be published shortly their new Prize It is to be hoped that all interested will enter into these competitions with goal and energy there by largely increasing the membership and helping to make this years exhibition a re cordbreaker amounting to They to the ConooU noil week pornbiao pigbV acres more land to Improve the supply water for the Home The Cemetery At the Directors meeting last week it decided to hold Decoration Day in the early part of July It wai alto decided to soil vacant lot now held by the Company and apply the proceeds towards the bank im mediately north of gate Will sufficient funds this bo a very handsome approach Another Boiler Canes Is getting in another new bolter this weak It is the same else aa the other throe being 125 and therefore the capacity to horsepower All the boilers are con nected that be individually or collectively new brick building getting along The are up to and the carpenter work is well It is expected that tbe building will be ready to move into next month Tbo brick are coming from to com plete the structure Those Dress Skirts Are In great demand at M Hughes Open Air Concert The Serenade by the Citizens Band last Friday night most thoroughly enjoyed Tbe Model School wee a scene of activity Baud occupied chairs in a circle and boys and girls were abasing animated pleasure while tbe sidewalks wore lined people who listened to the music with delight and watched the of the children The grounds bad the appearance of a City Park on a holiday- Tbe Band played whole program announced and deserve for their splendid execution Tonight tbe Band will not play oat on account of other attract ionu going on Court of Revision Adjourned meeting Monday evening Ail members present Bell Telephone Co to Rev Matthews reduced on in come A number of chance were made where persons have moved from one part of tbe Town to another ainoe the Roll was com menced Tbe following were added to the Roll Alfred Edward rammer Weeks Keith J Ed and Following were struck off Chid- ley Mrs Reynolds and Dr Campbell Court adjourned till June 19ih at p Dr Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every extraction A Womens Club We clip the following from the Littleton Colorado J pendent as the Mr and Mrs Clark mentioned therein were formerly residents of Pine Orchard and wellknown in this One of tho most delightful afternoons by the Womens Club since or ganization was at the hospitable home of Mr and Mrs Clark near Fort Logan last Friday After a pleasant drive a moat cordial welcome awaited the ladies not only from the president Miss who to entertain but the whole family On entering the a large bouquet of carnations tha club flowers in pink and white the colon Beamed to- give a greeting of welcome Tbe of the was interspers ed moaio and poetry Nettie Palmer played an instrumental piece while Mr Arobie Mr H Susie Mackey and Miss Essie the ladies with vocal selections- Bach present gave a quotation from some being the last regular meeting of the year the program for the next year was submitted by program com mittee and adopted It takes op the same line of last year some entirety new features Instead of events will the place whole prograVn is more varied and wider than laatjear- Tbe ail feel i that moat enjoyable year e one iuatolpaed and foot with the At tbioloprhVmetig re- daioiUy the cake Primary School for May in order of merit 2nd Collins Aus- man Freddie Belfry Bertie West Willie Sherman Brock Flossie Thom son Walter Stork Vera Stork Elgin Wright Edna Muir Allan Turner Lush Harry Alma Boaworth Jr 2nd Johnnie Knowlee Oswald Jones Fred die Smith Frank OBrien Eva Oaborne Cora Frank Emma Holmes Violet Maggie West Davie Tablet Albert Holmes Rose Armi- tage Martin Leslie Edward Turney Ada Methodist Church Tbe prayermeeting on Thursday evening of last week conducted by the wortb League Mr Charles presided and excellent were read by Mr Alfred Miller and Dr Richardson The being in attendance at the Owen Sound Conference the pulpit last a Sunday was supplied by Rev Mo- Brien of Thornton a young man who is to be ordained next Everybody was delighted witb bis presentation of the He logical has a pleasing good voice and is likely to be a very popular preacher Next Sunday Rev Webber of circuit will preach morning and evening At a meeting of the officers and teachers of the Sunday School last week Miss Eva LuebWBe elected organist In place of Mies who has resigned after fill ing the position with moon regolaxlty and great acceptance for seven or eight years A resolution of condolence and regret was unamimously Not having reoeiv rates from the Metropolitan Electric Railway the question of Ere ore on was not definitely decided bat it is expected that it will take place the third Wednesday in July to Centre Park Toronto age had bis left the- Beyond Beat CUiaiWy on Wednesday- piiaipg a with the J i iftflt tertalripd a party of ladles and Skylark After a good at old party took all now at In the Jersey where Sky tar A at present moored It wee an ideal day for yachting Skilful Treatment Roy the young man who had head so badly out at Canes about three weeks ago Is getting on well that he est up for a abort time last Sunday and is gaining strength every day mental vigor is aotlve as ever and there is every that he will recover entirely from effeota of the accident though be will carry soar as long he Uvea Bis recovery is a tribute to local medical treatment Only about one In a thousand live under of Praise The Service of to be given by the Choir of Cbarcb Ibis Friday evening promises to be one of the beat musical events of year will again assist singing in and Among Master urn bo re will be Handels Angela ever Bright and Fair and The Holy City Other Interesting numbers will be Unto Him song by the Choir unaccompanied also the Ladies Lost Chord and I watted for the Lord by the Choir witb two by and Mrs Dr Irwin A full program appears on page of this two for Childrens In over a dozen colours and at two also a lot of extra value in Ladles this week C Gospel Temperance The T provided an excellent program last Sunday Mrs Hughes presided with Mrs Lush organist Mr J H assisted in tbe devotional Splendid were given by Rev W MoBrlon of Thornton Rev and Mrs of and Mr Geo Good reading by and by the Thompson sisters If Mies Booth ia on Sunday the usual Gospel Temperance Meeting will be withdrawn in her favor bat if not League will provide tbe program A supply of new hymn hooka for tbe of the congregation has been purchased and will be appreciated by audience A very pretty wedding was cele brated Thursday June 1st when graduate of Trinity and Victoria Toronto and now one of Cleve lands Ohio most prominent surgeons was united in marriage to Mrs Emily Keller Perkins at the home of bride Dorchester Ave Cleveland the performing the cere mony The bride was attired in a beauti ful gown of white satin Dr and are prominent in East Side society and have a host friends After the wedding breakfast the bride and groom left for an extended tour through Canada Lakes la- landa Lower Lawrence The congratulations to an old Newmar ket boy SpcolsltyN every There was out grain car pickles A car square timber icar end care merchandise The and slao heavy J Word came mgbt the strike of trackman was over and out went to work again Monday morning but it only for day and the strike still on Remorkable It Is a great wonder that more farmers in North York do not grow a small field of far fodder Lest Saturday Mr of Pine sent a sample stalk from hie field which he commenced catting the day before and It measured feet 1 inches in length Mr Informs that be usually geta off field every Be feeds it green and finds excellent retails Mr also brought as a asm pie of strawberry which a bright clear stalk feet in length It like a topical growtb and how luxuriant Canadian soil la Improvements That the and a good many people woiald like to see made Huron Street stoned op to Morrisons corner Eagle stoned out to Street Park Ave opened to Yonge Street All streets lying of and running parallel Main Street made through from Eagle to Huron Street Metropolitan Railway extended from corner to Sobomberg Alee from Newmarket to Lake Permanent on Main Street The Dominion Hotel changed into an Arcade through to the Market and Proprietor purchase and open the North American Main Street widened where it can be a done without removal of School Report of Div III for the month of The following obtained over of total Lena Atkinson BIS Rhode Willis Grace Wallace Nora Mildred Pearl Smith Arthur Thompson Herbert Atkinson Helen Robertson Annie dwell 637 Ken 626 Carrey Walter Hill Laurence Lepard Leslie Will- eon John Kennedy Ross 588 Welt Codling Roy Cane May Cane Amy son Neither late nor absent during the month Lena Atkinson Florence Belfry Currey Annie Caldwell Janfe Cald well Lily Mildred Spring Wilis Otto Brim- son Arthur Thomson Scott A SALE to Begin the inch Print regular for Latest American Cambric regular for joe French Sateen Fancy Blouse Patterns were 20c now our 50c line for for 50 a Metalic Satin Fancy Plaid Dress Goods i regular 50c for y regular 20c for ice Ladies Blouses do do do do it for Ladies Fine Black Cotton Hose fast color for 5c Mens Whipcord Shirts for 50c Mens Flannelette Shirts for Special Values in Lace Curtains Art Muslin Cretonnes and Art Sateens always Lower than our neighbors W A BRUNTON The Best Cooks use Bruotons Baking Powder CORNER STORE Some We buy as low as we can Thats business sense We sell as low as we can Thats progressive sense You buy as low as you can Thats common sense When you buy of us Thats dollars and cents for both of us Groceries Boots Shoes Clothing Hats Caps Gents Furnishings MONTGOMERYSf Danford Roche Co THE CHEAP STORE The Cheese Factory The Cheese Board reorganiz ed at Barrie with the follow ing officers Graham ViceFree BeoXreaB Newmarket Doyle Blaine Look Perkins Wood A motion carried appointing a com mittee tore vise the bylaws with a view to having tbe incorporated the Ontario act The of freight la a live one with the dairying interests of thle section and the Secretary was instruct ed to obtain rates from the different Factories to Montreal for the of the Board There was very little May made bete this season Only boxes were pot on the Board being about half the amount offered at this time last year Four buyers were present Newmarket boarded and sold the highest price paid being cents higher a year ago Two factories sold at and fused offered hot were allowed to Bell off tbo Board Much interest was manifested and the Board to meet on the At I and The Volunteers Co No of York Rangers in command of Capt Allan assembled at tbe Market Square on Tuesday morning and marched to the depot for the oclock train They quite a soldierly appearance and left for Niagara Camp where they will pat in lays drill Mr James won tbe Captains prize for and neatest appear ance of and accoutrements The daily routine for tbe boys is as fol Iowa Reveille 5S0 am Breakfast 680 Report let Drill 2nd Drill to noon Dinner pm 3rd Drill 20010480 Evening Parade Tea 980 Last Pott LighteOot Corps 9111 bo detailed in for target practice To the York Rangers doe the honor of first on ground arriving shortly after oclock their parade elate botog men all told which is seven men over Apreaa report They have wjth them a fine band of twentysix pieces Qaerrie The appearance of the 12th Battalion men fully one hundred per cent and many warn com- favor and ijew vigour WWaMoWpaaeed the fori at Niagara the band played of to J to ooata aoroaa the Church Appointments Following draft of the Sta tioning Committee of tbe Toronto Confer- regarding the appointments tor next year commencing the first Sunday in July Newmarket Geo from Rich- mood Hill Aurora Geo W Dewey Bradford Brown J- Temperaooeville Strschan Brook- holm King Cooking A Brown A Bedford Lemon villa J Albert vf and ford A St raogwaya Button A P Brace from The following mtniaterial brethren well known in vicinity are changed 8 from Newmarket to Centenary Church North Toronto Rev Wellwood from Thornbury to Richmond Hill Rev Lea from Temperanoeville to FHs Rev P from to Star- 1 Rev G Powell from Button to King Toronto Per Cent Discount ON ARDWARE Lawn Mowers Scythes Swaths Grass Hooks Grass Shears Lawn Rakes Digging Forks Garden Rakes Garden and Field Hoes from Solid Steel Solid Steel Spades from 68 from 270 up it 18 from 36 up it Manure Forks from 041 up Corn Planters Creamery Cans 20 with tap from 68 Barrel Churns Latest improved from 3 up Butter Moulds 1 lb Square from 21 Horse Pokes 18 Newmarket Horse Clip pers 135 Screen Doors complete 68 Window Screens 18 L Corning to Booth Salvation Army Com mander for Canada Newfoundland and Northwest America will be in and will Meetings in the Town panday lltb and aaaisted by the Territorial Headquarters Staff Band Saturday June pm the Staff Band will give a Musical Festival in the Town Ball of guitars man dolins Miss tbe tar She converted at the age of years and from her earliest in which was able to take any part at all in the Army her whole Strength and energy been spent in some form of work or the of the world When qoite a of to go oat Belting Cry on with the wbmoo in the Of Homo on her sister now BootbTnoker and -be- fore twenty great in that in this im portant work of dealing and tools of women Who be cams in the rat Ion MENS BOYS BEADY MADE CLOTHING AT WHOLESALE COST PRICE See last weeks for reason Ladies Ready to Wear Summer Clothing LATEST STYLES I Pique Linen and Duck Dress Skirts Plain and Fancy Pique and Linen jackets Print Wrappers S BLOUSES The largest Stock and Greatest Variety met shown in Newmarket yjr WHITE Gowns Corset Covers etc goods all kinds prices v j Allnew vrjvjjra GO