Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 9 Jun 1899, p. 2

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V UUI Bargain Haddock Information Davison J Toronto Jobbing House fe Atkinson Gallery tePV0viddiflcldPropcrty for sale Central Business is flpA Electric f Hill iff am and pm WVi Leave Toronto CPlt f BScyoM Waiiiiiir EXCURSIONS iV TRUNK RAILWAY fOUJHEHh DIVISION a a ft ft a ft I- a J wIpKSI a 03 ft a i a ft aU aw a 7 Hi gun VfR UP BUT AND WITH ISSUE Printed FRIDAY JUNE it KESWICK Endeavor on evening was attended and a meeting topic wan intro duced by John and the oration conducted by Mr Morton of the at Sunday eve will introduce the subject A person who attended tho meeting last Sunday eve for the said it the best E meeting he ever Next Sunday is Childrens Day in the Christian Church They are grant- preparations for it Dr Young will preach in the Methodist Church on The annual of the Knights of the Maccabees was preached in the Christian Church last Sunday by Eld er Pi About 20 members of Tent attended a body wearing re galia All the hymns as well as the anthem were beautifully rendered by the Choir and all very appro priate text from which Elder preached a very able and instructive sermon was the verse of the 30tb chapter of Genesis And now when I provide for my own house gave a very interesting ac count of the Ancient Maccabees were defenders of their homes and families The modern are likewise providing for their at death and old age man should bear the injunc- the text There are men who are not able to pay the who spend far more on to bacco or intoxicating liquors Kays that the man l not for his own house is worse than James says that pure religion is to the widow n4 the fatherless in what the and other kind J societies are doing visiting them aid in a very tangible way when ive a check for the amount of tht ibafcrla and fathers policy closed by winning the v Keswick every success a Mr Fred Miliar for Mr of was In town on Sunday Mildred Bell of Toronto here over flaody Mrs lot on Friday to vialk at Mr Norman Rogers Is homo from Medical for vaoatlon Mr and vioiiitf Id the oity oyor Sunday Miss baok from alter an of several months Cane two or days Jo Ottawa last week on a trip Lewis for yesterday for Mr Geo of wae iho Mr Stephen Wallace over Allan Cody entertained day a last night Mrs Mary at has silor weeks with at Mr J Hall Sooth Dakota friends tins left for on to spend a month or at the Capitol Mr and spent week in Toronto with their Dr of Gait and Mrs Abbey a friend are visiting old friends in tills vioinity The Railway Committee of the County hero on Tuesday on a of inspection I Rev Mr family from Ah are a her father a Sir Win Low Acton Put Mrs John Brown nod three children visited a New- market last week Mr and were At Homo with friends at last Wednesday evening Mrs Howard formerly of Bond Head is a week with Messrs and Pear- eon left here on Tuesday delegates to the Owen Mr went to Preston last week to try the mineral baths for rheuma tism He expects to be gone a month Mr and Caldwell of Wednesday with her cousins the Misses Mrs Henry Wright of Second Street who laid for the past months is able to walk a little And to be out driving Messrs Bert Gardner and J Hoi- who have been laid np for three weeks on account of rheumatism are get ting around Mrs of Norwood is spending a month visiting her son at Mr also spenv here leaving Monday morning on a trip to the West Miss an Miss Nora leave this week for Lakes the former as the Navigation this year and the latter will be an assist ant Dr Webb attended a wedding in ville on Wednesday and assisted the groom Sinclair who married a dangh IKHOKMADEHiUW t Daughter Vitus Dance and Helpless as an Infant- Pink Cured After Had Failed Oaf Top onto MM Niagara The date of tho Industrial flxofl 26 Bent prize list is how ready from different institutions in this pity Hob Geo and Hon J on Friday last prison and the of inebriates Both Ministers replied briefly to bring j i A J J it i v It is a horrible feeling to know that matter before you have lost all command or control of your and must depend upon Not lass than 1CO0 schoolboys to wait upon and serve marched the veterans to the you the same as an infant This was fcbo condition of Miss for of decorating the nearly a year and Review learniog Monument to the brave men that she had been wnderfully who their lives for Canada ted by the use of Dr Williams Thousands of wore Pills lor Palo People sent a reporter on the and the fioral to hear her story at were immense of Mr Tucker of The Grand Trunk will inangurate Falls Mrs Tucker received us their express on Saturday cordially on the object leaving the Union Station our visit As nearly as possible at a This train will make tbeaeare exact words in speaking of her daughters My daughter I I is in her fifteenth year About a year ago alarming of dance made their appearance but for some time we did not know what was really the matter lost the use of her arms her right arm was completely She had to be and undressed totally to help herself The beet local physicians were tailed in and prescribed for her but they appeared to be to relief We mad a trip to Buf falo last January and a specialist waa consulted who recommended that My rtle bo shut up in a dark room for three months allowing no one to see her or speak to but the nurse In fact the doctor insisted upon being scot to one of the city hospitals Arsenic one of the specifics used it help ed to quiet for a but no perman ent relief was obtained from Buffalo my son urged me to try Dr Williams rink foe Myrtle He said be it would do her good as it had cured bis boy of a complaint I then determined to try them as I conscious the treat ment was getting was doing her no good I purchased a box and the effect of the pilla was almost marvel lous from the very beginning before the first box was used an improvement was plainly discernible Five boxes in all have been used and Myrtle is now able to run and enjoy herself in a manner she not do for months back Two ago she commenced to attend school after an absence of nine roontba I want it distinctly understood said Mrs Tucker the physicians ail agreed that my daughter was afflicted with St Vitus Dance that the treatment of the attendants did nob benefit and that no other medicine was taken Stanley Case Jabez after commencing Williams Pink Johnson Lake Doyle and daily trips except Sunday until Sep tember A train will also bo run to Jacksons Point Saturday dur ing the commencing June 17- train will leave Toronto at p and return Monday morn ing about oclock It is reported in a paper that A has entered suit against GC for unstated damages for alleged slander A bicycle thief got three years in the penitentiary after trial in the police court last week His name Is given as F Clark Three were against him Normal held their annual excursion to the Model Farm on Friday last The County Council will be in ses sion here next week The Wardens excursion takes place on the to Niagara The special train returning with a big crowd from the Hamilton races Saturday night was flagged at the rifle ranges at and stopping sud denly a arose and in tbe excite ment many jumped off Mr John Cruse- of the Dominion Bank leg was broken He taken to the General The Pine Orchard Tragedy We tomorrow SATURDAY MORNING OUR ANNUAL June Sale of Summer Every department is crammed with New will be marked very low in order to reduce the this a recordbreaking business month Goods that stock and aianajiHMSiaiamn BARGAINS Ladies Blouses about five dozen in the lot price was and Sale rice 1 Ladies Wrappers price was Sale I a a BARGAINS that were 4 50 were that Sale Sale Coroner Scott of Newmarket held an inquest at the Starr homestead at oclock last Friday morning which continued aboat two hours The jury waa composed of the fol lowing Nelson May foreman Obed Widdlfield Michael Hopper Eugene Shanks Walter Hall Hall Allen Tool A Play- Mr Joel Baker the golden wed Fills so that there i8 no doubt her re covery must be attributed to the use of these pills Her of health is now most excellent her appetite is good and I am only too to certify to the above facts in order that others afflioted may be to try Dr Williams Pink Summer Corsets reg Sale Price- Seamless and Stainless Cotton Hose pairs for Extra large White Counterpanes reg 125 Sale Price Girls Straw Hats reg Sale Price Ladiies Sailors 75c Sale Price 45c Dress Goods will be sold at 2c 75c Colored Dress Goods will be sold at Dress Goods will be sold at Lace Curtains the price should Price 1 00 Odd lots of Wall Papers at half the former price All Remnants of Goods of any and every description at about half price Mens Suits Price is Mens Suits Mens Suits that were 790 Sale Price Mens Finest Black Suits that were Sale Price Mens latest Style Waterproof Coats 8oo Sale Price Mens Braces at Mens 25c Braces at Mens Ties 2 for Mens fine Summer Shirts and Drawers price reductions 6 00 00 at I SHOE Shoe We carry the most complete Boot Stock in Newmarket Ladies Low Shoes ree- ioo Sale Price Ladies Low Shoes reg 125 Sale Ladies Button Boots 150 SafePrice roo Mens fine Lace Boots reg Sale Price v Mens Dongola Kid Boots Sale Prite Mens Box Calf Lace Boots 275 Sale Price 35 H din aary of her parents Mff Bell and daughter and Mrs A and two children Tues day at Pond View Villa the homo Mr It when a very pleas ant time spent Miss Palmer Mies Mis Mies Smith Mies repre sented Newmarket at Convention at Stooffville this week By the Randolph we no- that Elder Cbidley preached to the aoldlera in tall force Memorial Sermon a week ago last It adds The address delivered with plenty of spirit was well received Mr 3 represents the Separate School Board again this year for High Entrance Public School Leaving Examination purposes We un derstand he at West be ginning Jane 2fi in interest of Joint Board Mr of King spent day at Mr John Manning on his way home from Toronto Hospital where he under went an operation weeks ftgi He has nothing but kind words for the treatment he received by both and physicians 1 A UK Win Hall mail carrier at has been sentence1 to three year in for the mail Methodist Conference ha abolish the billeting Willie a lamiltoij struck by liht- killed He- was riding a ind took under a iiwrig thunderstorm on Monday Toronto Star gives to a in political whioh Mr P recognizing that the redistribution bill will take Conservative votes out of East Toron to to defeat is looting for a con stituency and will the Bast Toron to convention with Mr J Rose Robertson the member- It also eaid Dr Noble has hie eye Toronto Bend the Sapling but Not the free When disease has become chronic and deep seated it is often difficult to cure it That la the reason why It is best to take when disease first in lri4l- Bastion or other troubles which- tells of poor blood weak stomach or kidneys This tho whole points favorite family oa llisrtioi w r Ad condition of the blood or a disordered state of the nerves is the fruitful source of most ills that affect mankind and to any thus affected Dr Williams Pink Pills offer a speedy and certain No other remedy has met with euch great and continued success which is one of the strongest proofs that Dr Will iams Pink Pills accomplish all that is claimed for them They care locomo tor ataxia partial paralysis Vitas dance sciatica neuralgia rheu matism nervous headache of the heart nervous prostra tion diseases depending uptra blood such as scrofula erysipelas etc- They are also a speci fic for troubles peculiar to females curing all forms off weakness In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry overwork or excesses of any nature Sold by all dealers or sent post pid at cents a box or six boxes for by address ing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock During Monday afternoons storm the Methodist Church Thurlow Township near Belleville was de stroyed by the K Barns and fences were also burned down Seven witness were examined and while the evidence of some of them showed that Mrs was til and inclined to be there was nothing to give suspicion of violence and no one was to blame in any way for neglect or improper care The verdict rendered was as follows The deceased Edith Frances Jewitt came to her death from a blow upon head with an axe in the hands of her mother Eliza while the latter was temporarily insane and just a short time before her mothers sui cide by drowning The funeral service took place at the house the same afternoon con ducted by Elder of Newmar ket There was a very large attend ance the whole neighborhood with the family in their sore bereavement Both mother and child were placed in the same casket and interred in the Friends Burying Ground close by The reason the funeral was on Friday was on account of the serious illness of Mrs mother Mrs Starr It was feared that the ex- of the occasion and further delay might be detrimental to her Honor to the Dead Pasture Fields St Catharikks June 9 Owing to an alleged shortage of nearly TO LET FOR THE SEASON- WlHwon of the town of Niagara has been arrested A Few Churns Oar own make the best chare used around here on sale Ma asset June 1899 barrel o 0 a CO ft White per 15 QoQsoWheatper bushel 063 Barky per bushel Peas per bushel Bushel per dpi Butter roll per lb Potatoes per bag per 10 ft percwtvi Cckensperpairi to 9f5 WaVvA Oil per a a a a a a a a a a r a A bill ha introduced in the Benate Hon Mr Mills Minister of Justice to amend the Criminal Code Quite a num ber of changes are proposed not a few of which have been to the of the by womens associations and labor organisations Bom of amendments ate very Important fop Intended the clause in the case of rain of a girl under years of by oat of previous character It will not be necessary to prove this to obtain also proposes to add shop girls do to those of factor and workshops mating it an Indictable offence for any foreman or emplpyer who rotns a in employ Burglary mad an by the tenor of la changed regard that It apply to workmen who combine for own pro of and where ucb are for an plot ores most be delivered and do prizes awarded proposed bV Oliver and reject the Senate in are likewise Incorporated V Special to the Bra On June the various Coxwervative of the city celebrated the anniversary of the death of Sir John A by mustering and proceeding to his monument in Queens Park Here they were met by the Highlanders Band which rendered many national airs and suitable selections during the afternoon The monument was decorated by many different varieties of flowers formed into wreaths of various de- The rose was the favorite of Sir John when alive and this par ticular flower was very conspicuous not only the construction of the floral tributes but was worn by nearly every member of Club present The most conspicuous wreath was one sent by the Central Con Club It was designed to represent a Union Jack unfurled and bore the words British Subjects and tho figures and 1891 the dates of Sir Johns birth and death There were wreaths and flowers enough to cover the en tire monument and around the base were placed several large palms and potted plants The speakers present were Sir Chas who for an hour in which he alluded in pleasing terms to his stay of two years in Toronto and found them to be the best of his life He rehearsed the facts of the life death of Sir John and then alluded to the political state of the country to day compared with the grand old days when was our premier Tbe next speaker was Robin son Esq who also viewed the career of Sir John and said we should never his like again J Whitney a very few minutes and told of the close th associations of Sir ChasTupper and wants an economical outfit Sir He was loudly I If you want riohiod beayy faroi The other speafeern Were Mr wo can mi Lebanon- III June Three young women students of College were drowned while bathing in Silver I Creek two miles north of here today JOS Mr James Mitchell of this town Th j mited suicide by jumping in the rSver ftKOP w temporary to derangement induced by ill- father by the A H of Toronto to May daughter of At the residence of the brides parents on the by Rev Dewey Dr J Wesley of Albert to Mies Bests eldest of Me Curry of Whitchurch Bikes At on the of Jane by Rev J J Baker of Sparta brother of the bride by Mr Cameron Mr Sin clair of London to Miss Mary of Baker and Undertaking House The Cradle Id town on 3rd of Jane to tar Mrs Morton a daugh ter In King May wife of John Deacon con of a The Tomb Id Benjamin P eldest bod of Rich ard aged years and months Shier At the after a short illness aged years e on the alt beloved wife of Mr George Taylor years i Red Wheat per bushel i a S fit J Furniture Main Orders receive and Prompt Attention t SundaySchool June 2 this year massmeeting likqjybe held on speakers MP of Montreal Lieut Col Priory British Dr Roche Mr Toronto r Mr MI- lasted two hours dur ing very part of day Mr K Dumas Con Club as It fitting to one of Canadas of the past- per a Peas per 0 tt Rye per bushel vvVV0 for majority if not the 01s Gutter roll a- It Wool therefore are now selling the offering of robin sets Styiee jo Oppoaiie per Royal Hold v per pair 0 per pair VoVoV4i a TarkejfperJb GvuaVtvmonio past -w-

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