Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Jun 1899, p. 5

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CAPITAL t President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH General Banking Business Interest Allowed on Deposits AT lllfinRHT DRAFTS ISSUED IAVAIILB hi POINTS and sold Cnllcotloaa promptly Dn MKDICAI Alfred International Sunday School fceseoo Christ June 4 John 176 Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me INTRODUCTION- In great and small matters John account adds much to the narrative of the crucifixion He alono tells of the attempt to have the on the cross altered of the entrusting of the Virgin to his care and of the two words thirst and It is fin- iahed He gives details which had burned into his memory such as Christs position in the midst of trietwo and the jar of vinegar standing by the crosses He save lit tle about act of fixing Jesus to the cross but enlarges what other toll an to the soldiers cast ing lots He had heard what they Haiti to onj He atone die- tells that Jesus wan bearing if t p by Mai 111 and iuirHiui the cross when he went forth afterwards of Cyreno had to probably our Lord a Jailed PRACTICAL On either side of is of two classes the penitent or the impenitent the saved or the lost Vacillating when decision was need ed when it availed littlt represents it who still live different to personally but alert for all he may bostow many like those soldiers still hover about the Lord Truest friends stand by in the dark est hours Christ himself notes and honors devotion such as theirs Caring for ones own especially for a mother is an act commanded by the law and practiced by the Lord people grow llrtt of taking tried barely them alive they to put them on their arid strong and hearty they want to the upper hand over prim Death and choke alt the scare out Of hip A medicine that right down to the very of life in the blood and build J A fur Companies Mjnry to fiUTCHi til Current A A Ramsay Insurance Low on and Town PAINTING E Painter and Paper JO year In ll Cull In Wall Paper llioin door North of Primary A TAYUOR Home Vapor 0 neatly and In J am and fllgn can left at Jiidb Hardware- or t tho ruildtjnoo of Mr J bead of Bolton Painter and Decorator up a new constitution from the lowest foundation stone like Dr Pierces Golden Discovery is the only radical scientific cure for disease remarkable Discovery produces a rapid increase of the lifegiving red cor puscles in the blood quickly clear out poisonous stop morbid for mations and build up new tissue in the vital parts By this deep and searching revitalizing process obstinate blood diseases throat and bronchial affections and even con sumption in all its earlier stages are ar rested and permanently cured Discovery makes healthy mus cular fleah without adding a particle of flabby fat like so many emulsions It fills out sunken forms and faces gives color nerve force and active energy Many doctors that consumption is incurable and necessarily fatal They -Mod- How Well 1 Celery Compound Will Overcome All Your Troubles and Dangers Well people have pure blood strong nerves active liver and healthy kidneys If you are a sufferer from headache or show signs of any skin disease your blood is charged with im purities and needs cleansing by that grandest of all blood purifiers Toronto Hall of Toronto charged with accepting and soliciting bribes for his vote and influence in connection with awarding of the Toronto Street Hail- way franchise also with perjury dur ing his examination at investiga tion in baa been committed for trial He is now at liberty on bail Five persons were amoved from the City Jail to the Central Prison on Saturday to complete their sentences On the of June under the au spices of the Toronto Conservative Club the Sir John A monument in Queens Park will be decorated Nearly all the leaden of I the party which held places in de Fresh this week New Dress Goods Our German Prints area marvel for quality and price Our Ladies Blouses are pronounced just the thing Our Lawns Muslins and Cretonnes will you Ladies and Misses Hosiery cannot be heat Our Stock J Kings Footwear is complete can please you HI J A vV We art mistaken Golden Discovery will cure per cent if taken Of prompt- Compound If you are nervous sutierfrom mental deptee- 1 pf well i or b your I a elo of the in nervous organism needs and toning Your beet and truest medicine for this work is Celery Com- pound If the liver is inactive if you suffer from and defective diges tion your only effective helper is Paines Celery Compound If you have bsckache if the urine is thick or bricky in color your kidneys need immediate or disease may end your life Paines wok Corner Hired Millards Lano and Simpson ttundnta and to per coot on flratjliiBa farm and village properly by Davidson CominlMioncr fur taking C J Conveyancer Heel Batata Agent for tbe following reliable Companies Uyerpool and London and Norwich Union and Eco nomical Standard Life aooeCo and Co Block Mount Albert NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones- Ordering Allan Money to Loan At Five per cent on iwrm Security by David for taking Affidavit tete Agent Conveyancer Marriage Agent for the following of London Dress Pineapple Fibre I had almost to tell you of the brandnew material which all the women in town are having their summer frocks made of Edith Lawrence in her fashion gos sip in the June Ladies Jour nal It is called cloth and they say it is from the fibre of pineapple It is a very sheer materi al and comes in stripes white and pink white and blue yellow or red etc and makes the garden- party frocks you ever saw It can stand any sort of dampness and dew Mr J wont over to Strawberry Island on Friday and threw out a lino to see if the fish were as plentiful as ever on the Island I shoals He caught beautiful trout in a very a short time one of which turned 12 lbs Lake fishermen- that if two inspectors were for that lake and paid good salaries so that they could devote their time to the work there would be no fishing grounds in to equal them Titties The late Hon David Davis wrote Each year every local paper gives from to 5000 in free lines for the benefit of the community No other can or will do this The editor in proportion to his means does more for town than any other ten men He ought to be supported because a local paper is the best in vestment a community can make It may not be crowded with great facts out financially it is more of a benefit than both preacher and teacher Editors do more work for leas pay than any msn on earth Sufferers from rheumatism should dress entirely in woolen cloth ing and duet the inside of their cloth ing with flour of sulphur They should abstain from taking beer acids sweets sugar or pastry but should take plenty of milk celery atewed in milk or prepared in other ways and onions They should rub the joints night and morning with a brine of salt robbing it in until the skin is dry Turkish baths do much good to Rheu matic but being a severe rem edy should never be tried without first consulting a man or the result may be injurious all casts of consumption according to directions a lias cured thousands It quickly absorbed by blood and assists nature to throw oft and all effete matter and restores the body to perfect health and strength It tones the nerves and iuvivoratca the body It spurs up the torpid liver and makes the kidneys active An honest druggist will not urge upon you an in ferior substitute The Golden Medical Discovery is the greatest tonic and in vigorator that ever prepared It is the discovery of a practicing physician eminent and suc cessful in his profession trie head of one of the greatest medical institutions in the world the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute of Buffalo It is now eight years ago since I took Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery writes Mrs Clara A Box Ashland Middlesex Co Mass I took a very bad cough night sweats and was almost in my grave as we thought with consumption when a friend of mine who had died with consumption came to me In a dream and told me to take Dr Pit ices Golden Medical Discovery and thank the Lord I did so By the time I had taken half of the first bottle I felt much better I kept on till I had taken two or three bot tles that was ail I needed I got well and strong again reat good I have derived from using Dr Opposition the Ontario House been invited to be present on the occasion A platform will be constructed from which addresses will be Mr J W Hill M I Ijh to become a resident and has taken a house in Deer Park A widow woman named Mary Har rison wan run down and instantly Killed by a freight near the station on Friday last Home it was a of Our is the best North of Toronto Our Furnishings area new this week See Our Paints and Oils NYON SHARON Celery Com pound cures all forma of Hunter of I feel it ray duty to inform yon of great good I have derived from using Dr Pierces Golden Medical Discovery writes Mulberry Street the last years I William Miller of Reading Pa For have been very poor in health suffered with a running sore leg I tried many kinds of and doctors but without relief until I was told to your medicine which was recommended to me by a farmer at the market I went and bought a bottle and had relief the second day used that bottle sad two other besides and can say that I am entirely cured and now I can do a good days work with the next man I think Dr Pierces medicine is an invaluable remedy and which no household should be without To repeat what I said to John Esq druggist of Albion I would say Dr Pierces medicines used In my family with the best re sults the Golden Medical Discovery as a blood remedy and the Favorite for the numerous troubles peculiar to females I hare recommended these med icines to many of my numerous friends and has been in every instance like a charm I talk with many and recommend the medicines on every occasion I think also that Pierces pellets uc want to know hundreds of great medical truths send onecent to cover cost of customs and mailing Only and we will tend you FREE a copy of Dr Pierces page book Com mon Medical Adviser in paper covers ox for stamps in cloth binding Walks Dispensary Medical kidney disease and will health vigor to all important or- The blent in America are continually prescribing and rccorn- inending Fumes Celery Compound for Ibe troubles and dangers that have been referred to and of thankful letters from Canadas best people prove fully all tbat is claimed for the marvellous fln Atlantic Steamships TWO A HALF TONS OK TWENTY One tidy little refrigerator about six feet and twice that depth is the buttermans stall in this market un der the sea writes Helen in telling of housekeeping on an Ocean Steamship in the June Ladies Some Journal Little tubs of butter are arranged on shelves to amount of five thousand pounds and in company with these are twenty thousand eggs Twentyfive hundred quarts of milk and are in a separate room all having been sterilized This market has a room especially for salt meats and here are hams bacon and tongues to the amount of four thou sand pounds There ate some articles of food without the epicure would be unhappy and wbioh be alive when cooked Chief among these are oysters of which sixteen thousand are carried to meet the wants of the passengers Clams are only the number of fifteen hundred Lobsters are not abundant ly supplied seven hundred pounds is all the storeroom shelters This market in the bottom of the ship con- bains beside the things mentioned fruits green vegetables and enor mous slock of groceries The latter is only limited apace for groceries are not perishable goods and will keep from one voyage to another till need Tea and coffee are used in large bah a tank on bund He con tracted to furnish the feod for the stationed in the camp at Niagara This means finding food for over hordes the largest number ver assembled in any volunteer camp in Canada The Canadian Conference of Ilea now in at the Normal School building in thiw city The leat methods of dealing with poverty and crime forms the chief purpose the Conference Mrs wife of Hon James Cox Senator and exLieuten antGovernor of Manitoba Friday afternoon from the results of a stroke I In order to obtain a know- ledge of the and Tom districts Hon Gibson Commissioner of Crown lands and his deputy Mr Aubrey White are away visiting those regions of the Province They expect to return about the mid dle of next week IROQUOIS BICYCLES S of the anions Model Bicycles will bo sold at each jmt one- third their value War km fmJed their wheels loo expensively and wo have bought the entire the dollar With It wo got Iroquois Bicycles finished and com plete to Ml ml To advertise our we bar concluded to sell these at what they stand us and the marvelous offeror a 3 Blayalo ml S uilf up-to- date and lot beamy and good quilt flACftltfllfAM T1 OoqooUModol loo to need umleti tak ing ImproTcd crank drUcbble crown uidliuivcrJX la drop flnwt nil ktl u4 enamel color coach Genu and la I Ad Its Best Kcord and Our Written Guarantee nna Jronr for odo way or m a we will ship by for Co aunJapproTfiL dont And Offer tend it our Order it to be for In full with order EC nRft SecoodhanaWajfceU3to10 AQilTS Id everj Wwd to represent us earned tfilsyear we and for work done for on of sample wheel to agenla- Write for our liberal proposition Wo every the Bicycle Id the world and are per reliable we refer to any bank or boose In Chicago 10 any ex- and to our customers everywhere THE J MEAD COMPANY III I ill ill ill Cb Bicycle at IK arc bat Minn May Mrs Frank Gloss and her son lost their Uvea yesterday in a well The child accidentally fell in and was drowned Mrs Glass jump ed into the well in an effort to her boy It was two hours before a rescuing party was able to reach them The child was dead in the mothers arms Mrs Glass died just as she was beintf brought to the top of the well Sheriff J E Hazard of Little Valley Y came to Belleville to take Lazier to the United States on charges of forgery He was refused delivery of the prisoner by he riff Hope on the ground that an appeal had been made to the Supreme Ccnrt Take a day or an afternoon now and then and spend it in the open air Go in the fields and forget all the petty cares that are driving away the bright eyes and rosy cheeks remem ber only the blue sky and the birds the flowers and be happy Then when you return to the everyday cares take with you some of the joyousness of nature and carry it about with you until you go again after more John of Buffaloone of the United States commissioners examining Canadas canals said that they had not before realized the great possibilities and the actual efficiency of amounts about thirtythree pounds a the St Lawrence route With a mini- day of tea and fifty pounds of coffee depth in the feet Insurance Companion Que LiverpoolEngland Montreal established irt also Life To ronto- try Corner of Main and Lot AGENCY FOB Bsantford Red Bird Call and see at Carriage Repository Also aooondband in stock VaH AND IB JUST for the Manufacturer Life inducement to young W- ROBERTSON Lire and Admiral Dewey the worlds naval by friend and of idol iiftJmetwriteiiUlcV free of a The Dominion The is essentially a place of rest Every part of the service fur nishes relief from the burdens and cares of the week The music brings calm and refreshment The hymns lift one above of the secular and commonplace The lessons from the Bible and the preaching on topics connected with present and future accountability lead one into a new field of thought and give a sense of responsibility and a serious significance not at all sug gested by the activities of business The Sunday service inveitably develop the mind and broadens the areas of knowledge Many a sermon may fail to interest but now and then ope is heard which brings the hearer into a new region as that of missions abroad or humane work at borne Anew light may be thrown upon the by recent research relation of Christianity to human society may be seen as never before and the old Bible may be found to apply in a re markable way to the current needs of Bismarcks Iron Nerve Was the result of hu splendid health Indomitable will and tremen dous energy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want thse qualities and the success they bring use Dr Kings New Life Pills They every power of brain and body Only cents at Lehmans Drug Store 2 Edward to be buried Wednesday Come if you can said the telegraphic message which summoned the father of Edward from to Wallaceburg The father came but instead of taking the body his home to a sorrowful family arrived Justin time to attend his weeding The word buried in the first despatch should have been married Disappoints are with any caused or promoted by impure blood or a low state of may take the utmost confidence win effect a care Millions take it they know by wbat the Perishable supplies are taken on board in proportion to the number of passen gers booked and anything of this kind which is left over is eaten by the crew Away down in the bottom of the ship the chief steward has a market of own on which he has stocked and from which he drwa thus serving in the double capacity of and customer Here is an enormous re frigerator and is presided over by a steward who is responsible for every pound of meat within it Before the ship slips from the dock this room is stocked for a full ship with twenty thousand pounds of beef two thousand pounds of veal and three thousand pounds of mutton From hooks along the walls and ceiling of another refrig erator hang bunches of birds very much as dried corn and pepper hang from the rafteis of old houses As many chickens as can be tied to gether are hung until four thousand pounds are stowed away Ducks are not as popular as chickens therefore seven hundred pounds only are pro vided about one hundred pounds al lowance for each day Turkeys are liked and one thousand pounds must be provided for the demands of the cook Pigeons squabs and other small birds these are reckoned in pieces and it is calculated that the family that floats across the ocean will devour sixteen hundred birds which had now been obtained the Montreal route would be more than ever a competitor be reckoned with Montreal as a shipping port has greatest natural advantages in lb world BLOOD NERVE PILLS Adversity is Out Best Teacher Culture and character through Newell in the Home Journal Life is uni versity happiness is the graduating point but trouble and adversity are among tbe chosen teachers The world is built for joy but man cornea to his full estate through the tutelage of sorrow If man washes his eyes in tears and makes his garments while with blood he too is promised ihe throne and sceptre of the higher man hood Suffering is an alchemist refin ing coarseness and transmuting bad into good selfishness into sympathy Steel is iron plus fire Tools are steel plus gashing axes Statutes are marble is plus the chisel whose every stroke makes sparks fly Manhood is nature plus the temptations chat chisel out the character Bronze doors of old cathedrals are all of en handiwork character is ham mered out on the anvil of adversity wine comes through crushing of grapes and joy is a fine spirit oft distilled from braised affections Sin and sel fishness dig great furrows in the face so suffering is sent in to iron the lines out smooth From Paul to Livingstone what heroic leader hath worn soft raiment What Luther or Lincoln was reared in Kings palaces It is wrestling against opposing winds that works toughness into trees into men If the poets vision is ever fulfilled we judge the angels doing easy duty at home we must first as veteiaos of the old guard achieve our scars hold our Hags in fierce battles upon a faroff frontier Kill Two Birds With One Stone By calling at Smiths Photo and have your photo taken and also make an en gagement to Have Your Home Photographed While everything is fresh and clean Call and see sample Amateurs Cameras supplies etc furnished Gallery two doors south of House Newmarket Volcanic Are grand but Eruptions rob life of joy Arnica Salve cures thera also Oldj Running and Fever Bores Ulcers Felons Corns Cuts Bruises Burns Hands Chilblains Beet Pi cyro on earth out Aches Only a box Hood and liver Vim tbworfiand mind in a sound laugh at worry ViGORrHo- ward off obstaclesid transmit health and strength to your Vitality to resist fearful strain and tension of modem life to make up for the constant drams of Dr Wards Blood and Rene Plus cooTer ihese on- user THIS IS PROOF Before Dr Wards Blood and Nerve I fell weak nervous and down I had lost weight Steadily for fiome timer my was feet and were cold I a m muscles IdNow ifter- of one box of Dr Wards Pius feel like my old self I have gamed five pounds in weight cent la cheerfulness now walk firmly my muscular system is strong and my blood vigorpRslyJ have more comfort than I have experienced in Pius have done more for mo than ever took Bright St Toroaio Ont AH can supply you If CENTRAL SHOP Consider when Buying Mr John conductor on the C P had both legs cut off St Martins Junction by falling under- a freight train While celebrating the Queens at by fir ing anvils Richard was fatally injured and a man named Ward severely hurt Mr and Mrs Christian Scientists are in custody at Buffalo charged with causing the death of a boy whom they treated The lads parents are to be accused also The whole northeast coast of Newfoundland has been blocked with ice for the last six weeks the result being that navigation along the coast lias been practically impossible The people many sections are now des titute of provisions owing to the in ability to replace their supplies and commercial operations of almost Kayo been virtually Your that by with Money we have of to from which up- todate We therefor yoa ran do risk Call Examine before so iDR No trouble to goods Jas- R McLaughlin a y w r Weaving I to Inform the be has to on and that he Celebrated Iowa Go Loom with prepared Ml to Best Work la Hag Colt and see Bend your rtrt AGENT of preaijft friend and idol and nearly rations OuJjSI6 by Mural dmlrtr ana the Idol Biggest and over nearly Outfit free f Acnos CM do will by mail Pncesoaper rfQ have been virtually commissions Outm free

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