Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 2 Jun 1899, p. 3

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WHAT GOING OK IN A ABOUT TOWN Division Court Wednesday Court Day In market bat there only a smell list on there not likely to be big crowd in Town on that account Trustee The election Trustee lest Mon day did not create excitement Only votes were for Manning tod for Mr Manning was therefore elected by majority of Convention in A the Executive in con nection with the North York Sabbath Association will meet Id Newmar ket to- marrow to draft a program for the next Comity Convention to bo held in thin town next fall Garden Party The League ban decided to hold llibir annuel Garden Party on Mr Irwin a Lawn Town Lino Weal on Friday the of June Commit loeo wore ap pointed Monday night and tbo young people ere determined to make this the most attractive and yet hold The are to assist Aid in heir Pino Organ Fund Eye Troubles Mm Greenwood Optician of Toronto at Hotel Hal Juno Christian The new pastor id favorably re- the same is increasing in ami the Fellowship Mooting last Saturday afternoon was helpful and cou raging Jbe Ladies Aid of Christian will bold their annual on Tuesday June Suit to a boon A motion was on behalf of James of to secure judgment upon affidavits in an action brought against Win McCartney also of The James is declared to be of unsound mind and hat boon In the Industrial Homo at Newmarket since The court appointed Jane James sister of Jamas her guardian and acting in this capacity Jane James loaned the defendant McCartney Action is now brought by Sarah James and Mr the manager af the Indus trial Home to secure return of the loan advanced The motion for judgment was allowed Death of Mrs Jakoway wife of Charles Jake way and mother of Mr Harry editor of the died at her home in on May aged SO years Mrs was the second daughter of the late Henry Esq of Holland and was married there to Dr on June was also a sister of Mr Bacon of Newmarket As a young lady the deceased well known and highly respected in Newmarket and throughout neighbor hood and many residents will remember when she and her sister Miss de lighted Newmarket audiences with their singing Mrs underwent two operations for cancer but finally succumbed to that dreaded disease The funeral took place on the lust and very largely attended Mrs was a lady of remarkably sweet and lovable and her death caused a great deal of real regret QacenivlUot during course bis- wholesome weekly This and referenoe la duly appreciated by editor Farmers Institute The annual meeting of the North York Institute will be held In the Tsjnperance Hall Newmarket Saturday Jane when the of officers for year selecting laoe at which to hold the meeting neat winter and other Important business will be transacted A Shuttle- worth Professor of Chemistry will address the meeting on one of the following subjects Influence or Boil and Tillage All members of the institute sbouln bo present and everybody is invited to attend Methodist Church Go id attendance last Sunday evening and music by a The was greatly strengthened by Or Irwin who also sang a solo Mr Carl Lloyd played the opening and pieces on the pipe organ producing effect The pastor took at basis of bis remarks on the growth of Me from the life of John Wes ley being anniversary of his birth The reception was post poned till tho of Jane the bad roads preventing the attendance of some from the country who desire to Join the Next Sunday Rev a man who Is to be ordained at the Conference is to morn ing and evening Why Fry Your rodhot cook stove when for less money you can enjoy solid cook ing on one of cur Blue Flame Oil Stoves Free trial given Bold only at A Dions Agricultural Society A meeting of the Directors of the North York Agricultural Society was held on Saturday evening last In the unavoid able absence of the President Mr J 1st Vice the chair All other members present A communication was read from Mr J Martin suggesting that the of fer prizes at the next Fair to amateur in the out Rower department also for beat of writing drawing etc by school children On motion of Mr Wood cock seconded by Mir this com munication referred to committee on Fine Arte to report Mr G chairman of Committee on Grounds reported that the for building and repairing fence poultrybouse enlargement horse- stables etc had been letjto Mr Brown Messrs J and the Secretary were appointed a committee to Aurora and Messrs J and to canvass Newmarket for subscriptions and dona tions to prize list for committees were appointed to revise the Prize List for tbe next Fall Fair to report next meeting Alter giving some necessary instructions to Secretary respecting badges for the ex cursion etc the Board then adjourned to the lath Excursion and Prize List Revision committees will be expected to report Dr Dentist Opposite Robertsons Bakery Open every day Painless extraction A driving belonging to Mr Hugh Mitchell that wes feeding on tbe tide of the road near his the rope that ft was Hod with nd got away two weeks ago was to Sharon and en sdvorilwment in the end personal for eeverel days nothing has been If of readers know anything of a stray mare answering the description they will confer a great on the owner by dropping a post card District The Sons of in North York bold heir annual so mm or session with En- terpriee Division at Orange Hell St today at All member of the order are cordially Invited attend This evening commencing at an Excellent Entertainment will bo given open to the public program will com prize brief eVeecbes by Toronto delegates also Elocutionary and Vocal Selections In strumental and The best talent among the members and friends of the District will also assist The admis sion ia only a dime and the house will bo packed The Metropolitan Railway In New market commenced on Monday but owing to wet weather very Utile was accom plished beyond removal of a big elm troothat stood right in the middle of whore the track will be laid behind It was taken out by the roots and six feet of earth will be taken off the brow of tbo hill The grade from to Newmarket Is one foot In a on line The track Is and it expected by Saturday night to reach the limits Engineer MoDongall and staff were driving stakes on Tuesday and taking levels for grade into Town Wo understand that the Co have settled with the Dennis Estate for 9560 end Mrs Bales for No arrangement about the ton property has been made Bond Serenade muslo of the Citizens Bend lest Friday night as It was wafted on the damp from the Water- Lawn sounded most delightful The Band played full program an nounced and not only was there a crowd of admirers in the vloiotty bat all along Gar- butt Hill the people were sitting at open windows and on plazas drinking in the melodious strains The serenade was greatly appreciated the Band will play on the Public ground Following is the program March Fran Taylor Waltzes Thomas Cake Walk Dinahs Jubilee ChatUway Overture Calipn of Bagdad Bolidean March Cosmos Aithouse Waltz Over the Waves Sentinel Hall missed on a good deal of did not think there was sufficient proof to warrant then eroding the prisoner down for trial Before Warden Woodcock lest Saturday amen was fined a dollar boat fSc taking rails off fence be- longing Elliott Woods had previously he The case from the landing Cones Factory About a dozen working on new building and the wells are rising rapidly There seems to be a scarcity of ell over this of obuqiry sad the firm is having consider able difficulty In getting a fitttclass so at not to delay operations Every department in the Factory Is crowded with orders and a number of the man are working The yardmen Just finished unloading 150 oars of palilEmber on Tuesday morning will knap busy for the three or four months While working on the new frame build ing last Saturday a carpenter named Lemon from who had only been on the staff three or four days trusted bis weight on a scantling It broke bow- ever aud be fell a few feet breaking his shoulderblade The Machinists department at the Fac tory Is busy fltiiog up engine and other machinery lor the new addition Faffing Galvanized Barbed and Twisted also staples at moat Obituary The late Mrs Beth death we recorded week was a highly respected citizen of Newmarket for over half a century and a faithful and consist ent member of Methodist Church was born in the Township of North limbury her maiden name being Elizabeth The funeral service by her pastor Rev Matthews The were Messrs J J Pearson Tbos Gardner Richardson John Tie re mains were laid in Newmarket Cemetery by side of her husband wbo preceded her to the spirit world oyer ten ago Among those from a distance who attend ed the funeral of the late Mrs Beth Hoi- Hogshead on Thursday afternoon last we noticed Mrs Daniel Mr and Geo Williams Ed and Mies Sarah of Tottenham Mr and Mrs Williams of Toronto Junction Mr Will of Weston Mrs Miss Nettie Hollingshead Messrs and Mrs Alex Millard of Toronto Mr and Mies Allan of Joe of Brad ford of Boon and Mr of Beautiful epraya of palms peas roses a lilies were by Mr and Mrs Alex of Toronto Mr J Mil lard and family and Mr Webb and family of Newmarket a dainty of white lilacs and by Miss Madge Bennett Newmarket a lovely large ynet of pore white by Mr and Misses and Evans of Newmarket a bouquet of and white gladiolus from Mies Phillips of Toronto a pretty bouquet of by Mrs of by Jiipd names vrere not an mm The Quarterly Meeting was held at Friends Meeting House on street on Saturday and Sunday last The follow ing ministers from a were in at tendance Alma Dale of Manitoba Benjamin Moore of William I Moore of Toronto Albert Dale and Prof Firth of Pickering College from A number of delegates and others were also present among whom were Cyrus Sing of Bites Rogers of Toronto and a four- horse bna load of from Pickering A number of the latter were Pickering College students On Saturday Morning impressive ser mons were preached by Benjamin Moore and Alma Dale In business meet ing followed delegates were appoint ed to attend the Yearly Meeting and me morial a of William Allen and Seneca Doan ministers who died during past yesr were read In the evening a Sabbath School Con ference waa held Reports from the differ ent Sabbath Schools were read Joseph P of Toronto an address on general Sabbath work and Alma Date gave a talk on the difficulties and needs In connection with mlsiion In the Northwest A collection of over taken up to assist in building a meet- in that place morning at a large and pressive was held at for the School for worehip morning and even ing were largely attended the house being filled At morning William Moore preached a powerful from Matt efter which Alma followed on Our duty to others ea given In the latter part of the Matt In the opening service Alma Dale preached from the 03rd Albert the seme Court of All the members were present when the Court opened on Monday morning name- 1 Mayor and Councillors Robert- eeUo day to pase the customary accounts Changeable weather Old be using up his remnants It was surprising to see the crowd of people In Town last Saturday notwith standing Ibe wet weather Mother earth dressed in her garb of living green and bedecked with every conceivable- tint of bud and blossom could not possibly look prettier and more than does just now years ago today tbe battle of was fought Hoist the school flag and the Canadian History Class relate of the fight Fifty will pay for the Era the bal ance of the year to any address Messrs Allan erected a hand- acme Rod Swede Granite Monument in tbe Aurora Cemetery last week in memory of the late Robert Winter If the blossoms are any Indication there is an abundant apple crop In store Peanut socials are all right in their place but when they are given at tbe front gate after dark it in a game the refuse of is too pronounced Ae the do not intend hav ing a plonlo this year on Day it will be a good opportunity for La- and Clubs to get up a Newmarket of T electa officers next Wednesday evening Regular meetirig of the T at tbe reeidenoe of Mrs next Tuesday afternoon Slim attendance at the churches last Sunday morning on account of the rain For acting in a disorderly manner down Town last Saturday night It cost a yoong man 98 to Interview on Monday morning The Industrial Home Commissioners A ROUSING SALE inch Print regular for Latest American Percole Cambric regular 1 5c for French Sateen Fancy Blouse Patterns were 20c row 2 Ladies Blouses our line for to Begin the Month of June Metalic Satin do do do do a If it for 50 regular for Fancy Plaid Dress Goods regular for ice Ladies Fine Black Cotton Hose fast color for 5c Mens Whipcord Shirts for 50c Mens Flannelette Shirts Special Values in Lace Curtains Art Muslin Cretonnes and Art Sateens rVi ft always Lower than our neighbors W A BRUNTON The Best Cooks use BronfconB Baking Powder CORNER STORE Some Sense We buy as low as we can Thats business sense We sell as low as we can Thats progressive sense You buy as low as you can Thats common sense When you buy of us Thats dollars and cents for both of us Groceries Boots Shoes Clothing Hats Caps Gents Furnishings MONTGOMERYSf May son and Hughes appeal lot Bask Prospect Ave being too bfgh was not of ownership asked to assessment of lot East lowered Dismissed but lot 8 reduced Telephone Co complained bat as sessment was and excessive Ad- was relieved of as- Appeal of Peck too high not sustained hot Queen changed to G ditleld as owner but assessment not reduc ed Miss sirook off Barton Estate reduced 9250 Geo property on Main Not sustained Court adjoorned till Monday at p R Stony A number people on th of East aboat two miles this aide of Mi Albert bad an bear on Tuesday of week The animal bad no doabt hibernated In Swamp and evi dently had a partiality for lamb porkers on emerging into as some snob bad been missing on the morning aforesaid a boy nam ed started the report that he had seen a Mr at seized a and started fa pursuit He and hit him in the shoulder The animal ran Into the woods and the men and dogs followed for an and half before getting of shot was too low for good effect The third shot broke two ribs animalonly went a few tether and keeled over It w mop and greatly amlre- The a noble specimen of the black bear and weigh about 500 lbs to New- market last pitfnrday who exhibited it as trophy bis which realty story Danford o c e THE CHEAP STORE Co for month The dilatory disposition displayed by Old Sol In and up the face of the soil this spring is adverse comment Mr Cowan has one of Mr bouses on street and moved to his new home Mrs Keith oc cupies bouse vacated of formed a team to football at Richmond Hill on and were defeated by King City a dispute The home of Mr A Brnnton is gai ly decorated with awnings aud blinds A Montreal is advertised to be at the Royal Hotel morn ing Mr Bert Taylor has taken the to the boose on street both inside and out the carpenters have just finished The Director of the Newmarket Ceme tery held a meeting yesterday afternoon when the date of Decoration Day was to be determined Boys are catching frogs at the pond to the hind lege When driving into the Royal Hotel yard last Tuesday evening the horse gave a sudden tarn and Mr was thrown his baggy Fortunately he was not very seriously The only runs about hours now oat of the Several per aoris talk of putting If in their to run by meter if the rate Is redaoed According to the regulations and cannot be caaght till the There is little wool coming in yet paid here yesterday The Barrie Cheese Market reorganfred yesterday Newmarket Factory boarded a nice lot of The Volunteers go to Camp pert Toes- day They expect lo by special train meet Jog the and was night to talk about annual Excursion paint ad BANKRUPT STOCK t r aK aB a aH H IsBH JBHS ll flaV D I aaaaafl I VaTT aaSK rfipiaisa To make room for the Bankrupt Stock of Mens Boys Clothing of Messrs Co bought by us in Ottawa to move here we will sell ENTIRE K Amounting to over at ale Cost Price Genuine Bargains guaranteed to every customer DAN oh Hardware r ye IM f

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