Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 26 May 1899, p. 4

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era MAY I f ft 99 Example is Better Precept what we say but what Hoods does that tells the story Thousands of testimonials are examples of what Hood6 has done for others and what it will do for you Mrs William VAVALKENBoaoc Whitby A Good Medicine Wo have taken Hoods in our family no a and used Hoods Pills for fcillousncaa and found both Tory Effective Impure blood we Know Hoods la a good medicine Be Ncvor Disappoints core Hi nop If cathartic to with Best Advertising Medium York County tenia Mm Ural insertion insert bin CONTRACT Redistribution Bill It specially fitting member for North York Hon Mr ifulock PostmasterGeneral should distinguish honor of father- bill promised by the Gov ernment and in His Speech at opening of the present of Parliament to wipe out the iniquitous gerryman der legislation of 1882 and J weak and bad hiving Representing a ArXt Mn ESSE f hrco of mad too well and which have been so hacked ami an to practically hive a of the Liberal electorate into one constitu ency without re- to local municipal or judicial and irrespective of county he was in a position to speak from knowledge of the great wrong perpetrated upon this part of Province by that legisla tion From tho text of the bill we learn it is an exceedingly simple measure and of so a character as to com mend it to all fairminded people in the country Tho Government to tho principle of adopting county boundaries as the limits of con stituencies in made a distinctive feature the bill further provides that in the Provinces affected by it a corarois- of Judges shall lo appointed to arrange divisions of counties entitled to more than one member Commons therefore will decide the number of mouthers to be elected judiciary will bo on trusted with tlte duty of apportioning elector al divisions within county linos there by all semblance on the of Government of party ad vantage or of repeating the iniquity of their predecessors by hiving the Tories On this point the Ottawa correspon dent of the says Anxiety to score by Blacking the cards in the re distribution has made no appearance in the delilwratious and the decision of Government The present gerrymander with its many amorphous in the shape of electoral divisions is doomed and will bo a thing to be remembered as being in the same class as the family compact double majority system in the Parliament of old Canada The clause in the hill affecting County reads as follows Counties of Kent Huron Bruce Grey Middlesex Wellington and York shall each be divided into three electoral districts each of which dis tricts shall return one member tub of Off VABIOlJfl cOUKrRIEU IK l HO Id MO J MO- VKos so kwt ft lnulu J Inch AdvcrilaniMiilH uuiu with writ ten iinlll will Hum ach paid for t Changes bo In by mi flpooliil fur Kxoculors arnistu ArMvIo Found wu tut w no tec- itlon is lukui titty will tie for No Mcuiilloii I J Robertson l t iioyd SoHoIlur lor KUlK- Money Court Newmar ket C Solicitor Conveyancer etc Late with Marab Toronto uiuaaBOd and collection made loan rates Mato St St c V South of Poet Of too Herbert Aurora will also beat Newmarket on Saturdays and Court Solicitors for J Boat Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora panda at Tub Canadian Horns Journal la keeping up its record or appearance and Canadian contributions It it worthy of patronage lb la a curious and interesting study to comparo various materials whioh aorvo the of the world basis of their bread Now Commercial thiB country good brood from Bpring arid fall wheat flour is within reach of all rarely a thought is given to that after all the inhabitants of only a portion of the earths surface enjoy such food In more remote parts of Sweden says Sanitary poor make and bake their bread twice a year and store the loaves so that event ually they are as hard as Further north still bread is- made from barley and oats In Lapland oats the bark of the pine are used The two well ground and mixed are made into large flat cakes cooked in a pan over tire In dreary Kathachatka pine or barb by itself well macerated pound ed and baked whole of the native bread food Icelander scrapes the Iceland moss from the rooks and grinds it into flour which serves both for bread and In some parts of Si beria China and eastern coun tries a fairly palatable bread is made from In parts of Italy chestnuts arocooked ground into meal and used for making bread a variety of the millet is much in tho of India Arabia and Asia Minor for making bread Rice bread is the staple food of the Chinese Ja panese and a largo portion of in- of India In Persia the bread jb made from rice flour and milk it called Tho Persian oven is built in the ground about tho size of a barrel sides are smooth mason work The fire built at the bottom and kept burning until the wallBor aides of the oven are thoroughly boated Enough dough to form a sheet about one foot wide and about to feet long is thrown on the bench and rolled until about as thin as sole leather Then it is taken up and tossed and rolled from one arm to the other and flung on the board and slapped on the the side of the oven It takes only a moments to and when bak ed it spread out to cool The bread is cheap one cent a shoot it sweet and nourishing A of the bread from Armenia ia made from clover or Unseed meal mixed with edible grass In tho Islands the starchy pith of the sago palm furnishes a white floury meal This made up into flat oblong loaves which are baked in curious little ovens each be ing divided into oblong to receive loaves Bread is also made of roots in some parts of Africa and America It is made from tubers These roots are a deadly poi son if eaten in the raw state but make a good food if properly prepar ed Ideas A plant support for flowers cepacia potted was patents Jan 25 by Peter of- Marquette Perforated spring arc to the aides of wire or sup ports A that weaves a continu ous wire fonco as it moves along side is invention of John Allen of Tex The value of this invention will he appreciated in tioob of country where tho fencing of large tracts of land is an important element Patented January 20 A Grain shocking machino in which the sheaves are received as out so that bundles are held compactly in the form of a shock When a suffi cient number of sheaves have accum ulated the frame is tilted outward de positing the entire shock erect and in regular rows Patented Jan by George Bingham Hamilton Can- will that or rheumatic two or tijrM and cere in a all rols a vial to Health and Arch it 3Q RHEUMATISM Spring Tonic a Necessity SEEDS For a There is residing at the home of Mr Geo 1st con mother relict of late John aged This venerable old lady is a native of the pariah of Sheep- wash Devonshire England and came country in She tells Communication from Messrs Mar- interesting ion ft Marion 8ohoitore of patents years and in of a diary commenced in that year Straight Prohibition Friends of Prohibition are being asked to strongthon the hands of the Dominion Alliance and of temperance workers in the House of in efforts to carry into law during I JJ but in possesion of is a mem ber of the Church of England and on one occasion read burial service the grave of a chill belonging to a neighbor clergymen in those day be ing over greater than now She we regret ay a a You will find Our Waraaparilla a genuine Spring Medicine a bottle Little Liver a box Herb Tea a box All standard Patent fresh and guaranteed genuine kept in atock Dispensing a Specialty Freeh from Reliable Grower I Garden Vegetable and Field the present session the legislation pro posed in the accompanying resolution recently passed by the Prohibition Legislation Committee 1 An Act totally prohibiting the manufacture importation or sale of intoxicating liquor for beverage pur poses in any province adopting or bringing into force such an Act by a of the duly qualified electors Voting upon question of the brioging of such legislation into force in any province to be at the time of the holding of a general Federal elec tion in order to save expense and se cure the largest possible yote upon the question Bach legislation when adopted by any province to be unrepealablo for a period of time long enough to ensure a fair test of ineffectiveness The Alliance are now calling upon their workers everywhere to secure the of it by meetings and societies and by such other proper action as will be calculated to induce their representatives in Parliament to advocate it and support it by their votes Night Bell Lehman Druggist- I Dunn Solicitors c Arcade Kins St Toronto to Loan Reformer Block Money to Loan The reported appointment of Piatt of Coanty to position of Warden of the Penitentiary In place of Mr who has been super annuated has been permitted to retire on of illhealth It ia said the Dominion Government has to pay all costs of a further to the Privy Council in the Dentin of Went worth vs The former Is the agent of the is appealing The defendant Is a druggist of prank Duncan for thg Co of York sold on oommlfislon Terms reason- mole Simooe Street Newmarket A from reports a rumor carrent in oily that the Joint High will daring or early in the fall At Washington it 1b the Alaskan boundary question will be submitted to arbitration independent of other A Publishers Statement We have used Hoods oar family a spring and blood purifier and Hoods Pills for bilious ness and both very effective remedies We believe for impure blood Hoods is a good medicine of the Bee At Ontario MARRIAGE LICENSES Iiyman Ibsuer of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Em Office Office papers at private rcideijco If desired REMOVED To Larger Promises Across the Street Coal Seeds and Provisions Main St Newmarket Qu niton Cement kept to stock Town Carting The press that Game Warden is sending oat through the country notices giving an of the Ontario game laws The magistrates of the Province In those parts where they are likely to be called upon to administer the law should be favored with these no tices to attitude of the leader o the Opposition at Ottawa towards Hon John the Banner rises to remark While the holds oat to burn the sinner may return Is not the song that Sir Tapper singing to John On the contrary he is at Mid sharpen no knife to kill the fatted It understood that the general service medals for the of Canadian militia will be forwarded from Royal 1 Hint of Great Britain In con signments the first lot to Canada early next month Prom a statement made by Minister of Militia it Is ex sufoteot will bo received to make It possible to present the same on Dominion Day to entitled to them at Toronto Montreal Ottawa St John Hall- fax Hamilton Victoria Van Winnipeg It fa understood it take almost three to complete the entire the Miat AlllnoJTfl3lsgdPTiPOT8lionNbM0 ana on TcrroB cyclone atmck Akron- Ohio Tuesday was in and tent was demolished and the spectators A school was blown down- Hoods Pills give strength even while their cathartic qualities are at work Ess to take Acton Counoil has voted to extend its granolithic walk this year The Chinese have again caused trouble in Loon and troops have gone to suppress the rising Mrs Bell aged of Paris Ont poured turpentine on brimstone to fumigate a room on May and so badly burned that she diet on Mon day The case of Hunt which was to have been tried at the assizes was settled at for on Saturday The action was for damages sustained by young Hunt a lad of from a by ing a rupture OmwA May Stanley and Geo Mead 12 and years respectively and Blanche Dallas were swept over the yesterday after noon in a skiff Both lads wore res cued a mile and a half below the ra pids after being an hour and a half in the water Blanche was drowned Ho To The woman who lovely in face form and temper will always have friends but one who would be attrac tive keep her health if she lias or kidney trouble pure cause pimples blotches skin eruptions and wretched complex ion Electric Bitters is the boat in the world stomach livor and kidneys and to purify the blood It gives strong nerves bright eves smooth velvety skin com plexion It will make a good looking charming woman of a rundown in valid A strike of postmen causing in Paris Fivegirla were killed in tbe of a factory in Brunswick Ger many unarmed villagers in Formosa were massacred by natives over a love affair Thieves broke into a cigar factory at on Tuesday night and stole eigars Maria a lady of high rank has been convicted after a sensational trial of numerous crimes A thousand are on the way to Canada by the steamship and another thousand are on the point of sailing Almost half a million dollars worth of property was destroyed Wed nesday night by a fierce fire in the lumber district of Chicago 8yearold son of Cornelius Wall of was crossing Dickinsons dam when he fell into the raceway and was drowned Five thousaud dollars reward has been offered for the recovery of the money taken from the Bank at and information that will lead to of the guilty parties At Montreal Mrs rescued two of her children from a burning house making a desperate rush through smoke and flame with each arm She fell exhausted when the children were in safety Albert Obi a 17yoarold lad liv ing near Pa has been ar rested on a charge of wrecking a train on the Philadelphia A Reading Rail way A spike on the rail cauaed the accident and one man was killed and several injured admitted plac ing the spike on the rail and said he wanted to flatten it A visited Detroit on Tuesday A district yards and a mile and a half long was torn by the fierce wind which tipped over houses smashed barns to kindling wood and carried buildings Jin some cases for half a block No lives were lost About forty houses and barns suffered owned mostly by poor people May A named William Ball who been for some time employed mail driver hero was tonight arrested on of abstracting registered Jotters and articles of value from the mails Several complaints have been made of late to the postmaster and strict has been kept The re sult was that suspicion pointed to Bell- The Chief of and postmaster searched his room to night and found certain articles and letters of which he not give eat- and he was promptly her faculties to a marked degree We trust this lady may be spared to ace at least the round hundred years Fortythree grandchildren fortythree great great grandchild claim her as an old and much respected relative Discharged to Die But Mrs- didnt Lose Hope Cure for Heart Accomplished what the Physicians If the thousands of people who rush to so worthy a remedy as a last re sort would go to it as a first resort how misery and suffering would be spared Mrs Jrhn of Gananoque after being treated by eminent physicians for heart disease of five years standing wa6 discharged from the hospital as a hopeless incur able The lady procured Dr Cure for the heart she declared as a last resort One dose relieved a very acute spasm in less than half an hour and three bottles cured ber Bold by E Lehman Bentleys Pharmacy Newmarket By using a Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT Proprietor take opportunity to the many customers for their past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors A bus load of the W T attended the convention at Mount Albert on Thursday Charles Wagner of near Cornwall undertook to tease a goat by tickling its nose with a bill but the goat secured the bill and swallowed it Wagner then killed the goat to recover bis bill The Council of New York City passed a resolution on Tuesday after noon appropriating for the reception of Admiral Dewey when he returns from Manila A Patterson a druggist of Allan- dale has been arrested on a charge of maltreating his children a motherless trio the eldest a girl of Patterson in a drunken rage attacked one of the girls and- was choking her when the housekeeper interposed and the infuriated man down with a club He then upon but a neigh bor coming to the rescue overpowered and held him Kingston 17 Elijah aged had a lively with a live electric wire He was going home a wet night when the hanging wire touched him on the shoulder and gave him a slight shock He pushed aside the wire when bis left hand became entangled and 2000 volts went threw his body He could not release him self men tried to pull him away but thrown down by the shocks Re lief came when the works were notified and the machinery stopped Life and Admiral naval hero by Murt friend and admirer of he Idol and beet book nearly partes halftone rations Only demand Outfit free Chance of a lifetime Write Tho Dominion pany3rd Chicago HORSES WANTED will be prepared HEAVY DRAFT Saddle and Carriage us Sound In Good from to a old Will bo at the following places Monday Hay Hofcane Hotel King oclock Tuesday May St Georges Hotel Bond Head at I p ax May Hotel Hotel at pirn Thursday June Mansion Friday June Button Kings Hotel Uoral fflontfcol The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow Thin the only Dine inulv or in Canada Independent adJuetAble of the allowing any of pressure to be upon the Inner of by the foot of toe operator By tbUmeariaa perfectly flexible action la ecu rod and lbeground can be worked to a uniform depth this Machine care fully and compare with The Cultivatopj IS A MARVEL OF The made that both Una of teeth will cut an even depth In the Examine it and you will why only Cultivator with a move able tooth set o that the angle of the teeth can bo regulated to any condition of can be regulated lo act differently on every sec- requiring it teeth are carried between the wheels of behind Id other machines thus lighter draft This chine Is with grain and grass seed box when required It has reversible diamond point for the teeth tine points can will buy DO other THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction Over and of our manufac ture la la The only Drill made wit lever for and perfect regulation of depth of hoe la all of Boll while team Is In motion absolutely correct to acale uvea seed every kernel deposited at a proper depth to the beat and you will le manufacture Binders Mowers Cultivators nod Rood Send for Illustrated Bros- Co Ingarsol Ont- Canada ELMER Agents NEWMARKET ONT If you are not a subscriber ot the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months OIS BICYCLES S of the famous Bicycles will each one- their real tvAeett too tntOi and we bought the Slant at forced ale on the With it wo got 0 Model finished and com plete sell To advertise oar business we have cpncladed to sell these at Just what they stand us and the marvelous offer of a Model s 61B7B urn trTeU7 t aad tot be rood firm ThIroanoiKo4lltooelikcon to a caln4 and 5 Hundreds earned their year or i to agents Write for SsSffiSS lb9 the world Off ter bo and up per-

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