capital It COOKDOTIN President General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A Banking Business General Interest Allowed on Deposits t DRAFTS ISSUED AT LL POINT Sterling and Farm ira Note promptly to MEDICAL jr p It rough Main HI and in lull at Dr Alfred Oral dour South Of a to turn I J A for Life Aiiurtinee Money At A A Ramsay fire The May if TbxtI am vine yd arc branches HOME Friday Spiritual fruit Gal in Christ Rom 1516 Sunday Christ the head The symbols of this lesson are so simple that explanation in hardly thought rune through it all identity of our his disciples hus bandman has close relation to vine he cultivates closer intimacy with sheep j tho Master and his disciples are brought into a union of interest and heart but all such nearness and union are passed by the identity which is hero pictured by vine and branches practical suooeatiONs The union of Christ with bo- Hover is of the closest- kind It is vital for life Hows through it True union in flood deeds To abide in Christ insures answer to our prayers not always answer wo expect but answer that God If is best for as A fruitful lift a proof of spiritual with Christ True joy is from within the soul It lightens care and sustains in sorrow When a Christian lives for earthly and not heavenly ends ho already himself from Christ and hi spirituality is in ruins Tho busy Christian is the happiest even in this world and the more he does for Christ here the greater shall his reward in heaven Low -orriOE- Farm and Town Property PAINTING Groom The Iiadlny House Paper Hangar- year experience In all or tbt Full line or of latest deetsoa la Wall to 2nd door North of the Primary School Street A on Ion Done promptly and In I am alio with rtHire Fainter and Sign Writer Orders cm bo at or Hi the residence of Mr J Green head of Queen Street Weal Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator A Card May And Street Millards and MISCELLANEOUS JVIps- Simpson Main fit and Fancy Qooda p Arthur Oliver of Conservatory of Woo- Onto Of and THEORY Queen fit Money to Loan At flratcla and village by Davidson Commissioner for affidavits H C J Conveyancer and Real Agent Aaent for the following reliable Insurance Liverpool and London and Globe Norwich Union Midland Mutual and Eco nomical Alaofortbc Standard Life Assur ance Co Northern Life Assurance CO Clock Mount Albert We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a cent bottle of Dr English Pills if after using of of bottle they do Dot relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently euro the most obstinate case of Constipation or no pay when Wilis English are Lehman Druggist Newmarket J B Druggist Newmarket Ont Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket School Reports IK OF MERIT FOR APRIL NO 1 ClasB John Hirst Orison Ill Jesse Smith Hod- gins Pearl Ina Geo Pollock Jr- III John Bops McMillan Jennie Sara Se- Fred Geo Flossie Crittenden Crittenden Thompson Rig- Eli Edwards Maud Willie Roy Stiles Bruce MoMillao Stiles Teacher Disease and Bo Banished this Month Paints Compound id the Woods Health It pot whether be neuralgia kidney dis ease dyspepsia prostration or some blood disease Colery Compound possesses virtues sufficient to meet your case and over come your Bufferings Diseases of any kind that have manifested themselves in the winter and have fastened their deadly grip in the spring months are terribly peril ous to life if allowed to run into the heat of flumtuer This is the time w grapple disease and Cel ery Compound is the only sure and helper ihu sick The work banishing and already thin tug by Paine is and j-idyin- from the many letters received from cored people by the of to whom the people are known Celery is the on ly medicine that can claim public recognition It work is failing and sure It first cleanses the blood causing the life stream to run pure in every artery and vein of the body It quickly restores lost strength it gives perfect digestive vigor sweet sleep and lasting health Sunday Excursionists Hurried to their Death Rochester Y April The most disastrous railroad wreck that has ever happened on a Rochester rail road occurred at oclock this afternoon on the Rochester and Lake Ontario railroad better known as the Bay Railroad about onehalf mile north of the city line when two care on an excursion train filled with pas sengers left the track while going round a curve at full speed and were completely wrecked Three passen gers were killed a dozen fatally hurt and over fifty injured The train was crowded with excursionists bound for different points along the shores of Lake Ontario NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS LATEST DESIGNS IN Monuments and Head Stones- Call Ordering Allan To Care a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Quinine Tablets All Druggists refund the if it fails to Money to Loan At rive per cent on farm Security by David for taking Affidavits Real Es tate Agent Conveyancer of Marriage Licensee rite Agent for following I- Queen and Montreal Gore established In for the Confederation Lire Association To ronto Old Office Corner of Malo and Lot Streets AGENCY FOR TUB Red Bird An operation to remove an injur ed eye was performed on Thomas Stewart a boy at the Montreal Hos pital Through a mistake the operat ing physician removed the boys sound eve and his sight is destroyed A Business mans Faith Tortured by Rheumatism for Months He ins His Faith South ican Rheumatic and is Heal- in One to Days Mr Barker a business in and liveB at Suffolk Place- lie contracted very aeute rheumatism and for months was a great sufferer He treated with best physicians out any relief He took douth Ameri can Cure for what it claim ed to be in advertisements he read of it and when he had taken two bottles he was completely cured He says I voluntarily give this testimonial that other sufferers may be benefited as I believe tho remedy is a specific Sold by E Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket Chocked Him Insidious DeepSeated Relentless Dis ease Bound to Vanish Under the Catarrhal Powder Treatment Relief in Ten Minutes Mr Benjamin 81 Mo- Gee street Toronto says was troubled with that insidious disease catarrh for many years became very deepseated and rapidly growing worse with disgusting dis charges from my nostrils and the dropping in my throat almost choking me at I tried a dozen socall catarrh cures without any relief but after using a few bottles of Dr Catarrhal Powder I was com pletely restored and I believe per manently cured from this loathsome disease Sold by E Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket will celebrate the of May has reorganized its cricket club Tottenham will have a lacrosse club this season At Idaho a mob that ar rived from Burke on a train that they had seized blew up the Bunker Hill and Sullivan mil with giant power destroying worth of property During the visit of the mob its mem bers began firing on one another and one man wm killed At i Special to Era buildings are in of which falls between the activity a session and bustle tho holiday season when Queens Park becomes Mecca of the holiday makers and the sightseers A Minister occasion ally flits the for presence of some of Ministry is absolutely to the proper conduct of affairs of the Govern ment But the plain ordinary mem ber of Parliament looks strangely out of place the lobbies and balls where he was a familiar figure only a few He looks neither to the right nor the left as be along with apologetic and shows by his actions more plainly than words that he feels like one who treads alone some banquet hall deserted whose lights are whew garlands dead and all but he departed They come like spirits who seek again the scene their forensic tri umphs But the is sadly altered The chamber that echoed with keen de bate and with repartee id silejit The galleries that held such crowds spectators are caverns that open upward and outward to where distant flints of window and live walls The which the and en of are away lii moth the liant ihut from fiior to vault d dome Hi- gene that ami glistered from the ettctnjliti a- again the golden of the has way a such a have filltd of Charles when he re turns from is a peculiarity about this gloom in that it seems to hang more darkly over the Opposition benches This may be and no doubt is entirely due to nat ural condition but the few golden bars of spring sunshine that come sift ing between the slats and through the curtains and fall athwart the Go em inent benches would indicate that the summer sun of York county doth intensify the winter of Mr Whitneys discontent One of the visitors to the House last week was Mr John Richardson East York Mr looked pale which was not strange considering the siege in the Hospital through which be has just passed This paleness caught the eye of a bright young romancer on the Toronto who immediately concocted a story to the effect that Mr Richardson was about to resign on account of ill- health The fact that Mr Richardson looked pale was all the World had upon which to found this report hut even that is a little better than the foundations upon which many of the yarns are erected Premier Hardy is enjoying the salt sea breezes somewhere on the Mew Jersey coast and Hon George Ross is recuperating at the Hot Springs of Arkansas Thus the work of directing the ship of state falls upon the younger members of the Cabinet Hon J Gibson is acting premier and he finds an active and able co adjutor in the person of the Hon E J Davis the Provincial Secretary The only matter of importance which will direct attention to Provin cial Government affairs the next few weeks is the contest in North Waterloo where Dr Con servaive was unseated The Liberals m in convention last week and se lected L J to carry the Liberal standard in place of the late Dr Clemens whose death occurred since the constituency was reopened by the courts Mr is a strong man and with proper support ought to win Dr will of course be the Conservative candidate once mote The date of the election has not yet been decided upon but will be announced shortly Renewed reports of distress from famine come from Russia Pale peevish children require Mil lers Worm Powders Sold by Lehman lifer torpid or Moe may follow For a prompt efficient cam of ii troubles Pliis the liver full- regular action of the they do not gripe or pain do not Irritate orlnflametbe Internal orgam bat have a tonic effect at ail or by mall of Hood Co Lowell Has A A Do you Titagedy at April Within a sums throw of the old upper dam of the Otonabee where the current it way down into sep arate this town from the village of I the last of a in leal life was enacted yesterday John first engineer at puinping station with a revolver shot Jits wife once in the neck and ouee through the mouth into the column and with he same weap on ended his own lite by a in the temple No one the two a present the time of the dKotint what happened it in tin- which j1- tijuk a war- tit tJie I 1 has by Mime to iMtV hut if a i It been ail that he whs a man wilh I the that lie of lm ilU vhih in heir ihein alwiiya the with tin nil- uent l liiin 4a I while few ago lluit he lHaine with Sl-ii-ii- and shortly after he to have been cired through their agency His mat that from the time ha firwt became in faith cur ing he showed signs of peculiarity which increased somewhat until lat summer he began to act strangely at times He had peculiar hallucinations regarding the scientists and believed they could grind a man to powder and then bring him to life again The Board of Trade of has decided to establtch a Can ning Factory and a company is to be formed with a capital of Mr Bae of Virginia has let the contract for the Stonework of his new barn to Messrs Miller Bros Baldwin George Crane of while assisting at a sawing bee was acci dentally struck on the head by a piece of stovewood and the base of the skull fractured He died six hours after wards ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Saved from Penury Many are the widows children sisters mothers and dependants saved from penury privation and want by the promptly paid poli cies of the If you do write TSWlC0SSIKlECfc LIMITED NEWMARKET ONT And get of Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows ALL IB Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest Factory in Canada for the of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES The Cash Mi on HOME BAK Flour we still intend to turn out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Groceries Always in Stock ALBERT BOGART Proprietor Note I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for past patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Call and Bee Bamplta at Carriage THE AND STOCK IS JUST Inducement to young- agent no iurancu men Near Beeton the daughter of Thomas fell in to a cistern and was Health Magazine written plainly for the home showing how to prevent and cure diseases of the human frame No post free has articles on how to be beauti ful how to cure rheumatism lumbago sciatica corpulence consumption diseases of men and deafness and head noises the hair St London is very par- about the appearance of men when on parade One the points he always draws attention to is the hair which he says should always be cut short He did so when in specting the battalion at Ottawa Tues day night that they looked like school girls and he would have to get if they did not crop their hair Ont April This evening John Miller a hid about 15 years of am a compaiiioii named Arthur musk- rats along the hanks of the river Robinson- asked Miller for some cartridges as his supply had run out Miller laid oh a pile of brush handed over the cartridges and picked gun by the muzzle ing it towards him Jhe trigcr in thpbrudh and the whole passed rough his right anadian a Maris April 2ft Yes- afternoon the new swiny bridge of the Canadian Pacific Railway over the Government canal at this place was swung for the first time The superstructure is feet loni and is said to be the longest swing bridge in Canada The Canadian Canal is now open Atlanta April The series of crimes which began with the burn ing of Palmetto by incendiaries the lynching a mouth later of four negroes by the whites of that little town in re taliation to followed ten days ago by murder of Alfred his wife in the same locality far Which the negro Sam Hose burned at the stake yesterday have stirred tho people of Georgia the South frenzied interest in the social problems which the crimes re veal Children Cry for of Two or three cents a day make at least safe for those you leave behind you when you axe called hence A Government Investment of included in a Surplus Fund of invested in Canadas strongest Financial In stitutions are some of the guards offered by the O For further particulars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order or address ELLIOTT H WHITE ERNST S Brant A Thousand Could not express the rapture of Annie Springer of Howard st Philadelphia Pa when she found that Kings New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured her of a hacking cough that for years had made life a burden All other remedies and doctors could jjive her no help hut she says of this Royal Cure it soon removed the pain in my chest and I can now sleep soundly something I can scarcely remembei doing before I feel like sounding its praises throughout the Universe Ho will every one who tries Dr Kings New Discovery for any trouhle of the Throat Cheat and Lungs Price cents and 1 Trial bottles free at Lehmans Drug Store every bottle guaranteed CENTRAL TAILOB Just Received a Case of NEW SPRING GOODS imported from the Manufactur ers comprising the Newest Shades Patterns make the Nobbiest Suitings in Town Call and examine before going elsewhere as you will be highly Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed Ja R McLaughlin A in Now to suit the People have Different people different what kind of riff they like j they are odd they don tain lovely roomy and the for anyone who lliftft and Comfort ihavealaon lot or and two cows for eale A The Presbyterians of are holding parlor socials Fire in the block at Montreal on Sunday morning did damage A London Ont boy named Frank Ball was fatally injured while attempting to board a moving train April Owing to the inrush of water at the gold j mine near Troigk Poland yesterday a shaft in which men were at work- collapsed Sixtytwo of miners were killed and nearly alf of the re- j mainder were injured The Sabbath sti of Thorn- hill was rent asunder when it was found that burglars had visited St North general store and Hughes hotel There it a stable behind the store The robbers entered and stole a horse and buggy I I A thehair charge passed through lire W0 killing I to that ho has moved to on KNOWLES P Two Doors North of Shop 1 i Newmarket Sayings It Is and to read bright and acted aiivfcrtiscroeniF Co of at a treat and taken every thing home with them bright quaint and a the Id- a Sirjea of clever vherfiin the are and para Choice Hams 4 Bacon Pure Lard Sausage at Lowest Market Prices Your patronage soIicitectK