Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 May 1899, p. 4

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hi Eye master of your if you do not the blame is ted If your blood Hoods Sfr will purify it It Iho remedy for troubles of blood bowels or Heart id trouble for number of years and different medi cines fttlltd to benefit me Hoods and three bottles and cured mo MM- A Bridge A A I fiv0 guard flron gave my remaining two children Hoods they were subject to throat and wore not vary strong They aro now and Stronger and have not line bad a cold ftp Pembroke lx tlio Mail Ottawa cor respondent had a lenHtli- ly article in rotation to politic flt the capital trier it tlio proponed of acuta to and went on to nay that- the Liberals had hold a at which a at the Eastern townships particular was decided and which would in certain constituencies now sending Conservatives to Parliament hereafter returning Liberals Weekly papers with and supporting the Opposition took occasion last week to portions of the letter and some of thorn also berated the present Government for promising to the decision of the caucus Now what will our readers think of wo the voracity of Ottawa coiToapondenM Disappoint Ljy to J f- She jflnrmntKCt Advertising Medium York County It a Trunnion cents pur llau for ftrsi insertion CONTRACT years ifto burped Parliament buildings city on aeon an the Governor Qetjeral Elgin slflnlntf thy of oefnx ib6 Of he the torch 10 1 tea rebellion and yet the perpetrate by the verj tiled him and people of from numeroua foamed in trials have became canny The Board at Milton hiving made an ngattemnt with Moved by Thos McDowell by P Edna Barber to teach the primary department at a of one dollar a day for each teaching day and carried meant a reek less wording of the engagement ii novel to the in 1871 Peoeaeea was 1 1 alive flt hi another In tut the present J5 inch I 9 up S MO- 1 no JO 8X0 liutrucilnim until forma ana will mODlbiraimlrl For oaoo tin must paid reKlnr rnkn bo lb liy BpOQlal Low llatta Tor tors Parma to Lost and A notice will be loBertud tree Tor iy or Society where are fur when any Churoi will a No execution to tola ruin i LEGAL Robertson Public MhIii aoooo oh Farm security Woyci Solicitor tic Tor of Kln io Court Cameron la tea carofully and collection made T Money to loan at lowest Morgan c V doors Post Of flee Newmarket Herbert Lennox Aurora will boat Saturdays and Court vtaoltoltoraror J Co Bankera a Ontario Aurora Panda to to Western journals they represent wo loll them in all sincerity and honesty that story was made up out of whole cloth Up to time Above correspondent penned his letter the Liberal party hod not held a during the present session had not connidored the question of in any form further than hud stated by Premier that it was Governments purpose to make the constituencies conform to municipal and county boundaries The truth the Conservatives are so mighty scared that the present Re form Administration will serve them with a dose of their own gerrymander ing that they are ready to believe any wild fanny that waggish liberals may suggest They remem ber the taunts with which the sup porters of Sir John Maedonald held up to view map of provincial constitu encies cut and carved without respect to municipal lines or local trade and the present opportunity affords special opportunities for such jolly members as the Liberal Whip in Commons for Ontario to nave a whole menagerie and circus at the ex pense of more nervous of his polit ical opponents who represent constitu encies created specially to furnish Tory menilers But notwithstanding what Ottawa may say in due time a redistribution bill will be presented and as Sir Wilfrid has already decided it will be framed with due respect to municipal lines and not for the purpose of creat ing political hives It ft stated of Irish Catholic Liberals has been summoned or May Toronto to discuss lion relating to political organization in Dominion and Pro It affirmed will be among the subject for discus sion Of course every spot or nation ality In the country has the legal to form distinctive organizations If they so but it appears to us that instead of fostering such organizations we rather strive to become Canadians fleet last and all the time all matters to the body polftio Til Ontario Government has no to lotn Ihaoranoe and inme other institution In this that tax im- by the of cession of is payable lit The has blank forms the end subject to the tax re quited to flit with details regarding their operations A date of April an- the has decided to sn sub sidy to the Pacific cable in place of a Joint owner with Canada end inn Australasian Colonies London correspondent also sends tbe Hon cable re- here regarded as havinfl been the of the of the British In granting the anneal idy to cable Tab Dominion Senate apart from in member receives is rftaly an expensive and a son on the body politic The AuditorGenerals report recently furnishes details ot the in one year to rel seat books pearl deBb knives paper knives pocket knives at and pocket kniyee at cents gold pencils card writing portfolios stationery cabinets chamois and all the other little to the members of the Senate treat ibemstlves at the public expense R LIKE EXPOSURE AND MUCH and Kindred One Who Has Been a Great Sufferer Speaks for the Benefit of Others Act was to per- sons wo to Cap of the Aot wbipbraleddonbtB in this follows rated end entered as each on the assessment roll Of any municipality anal it not exempted law be liable perform labor or commote be were not so rated or Had stopped here no one could have misinterpreted the plain invention of the But an other was added as fol lows tenant Farmers bod the farm his father or mother be exempt from statute in the as If be sou of an owner Jointly at- for the property on which be resides as provided by of the Franchise of This it would was intended to make certain Franchise rights but the wording of it resulted in leading those having to administer the assessment law to the that was intended to ex empt farmers sons entered on the assessment roil btatute labor as they are jointly liable for the rates levied against the farm At last session of the Legislature however all doubts in this were removed by repealing The AH came into force on 1st of May consequently will apply this year SPRING Tl Spring Tonic a Necessity SEEDS You will find Our a genuine Spring Medicine a bottle Little Liver a box Herb Tea 20c a box All standard Patent Medicines fresh and guaranteed genuine kept in stock I Freh Seeds from Reliable Growers For Flowep Kartell Vegetable Garden and Field Dispensing Specialty Sight Bell Lehman Druggist OK J Dunn Solicitors ice Arcade Kins fit Toronto Co C Barrister Block Money to Loan Frank tor the Co of York Bold reason- Farm Bales to Street LICENSES Jackson LICENSES At Era Newmarket Private Papers Issued at private residence If 0 VE D To Larger Premiers Across the Street Coal Seeds and Provisions Newmarket W t Town Carting and on DAVID Lioujening Sicneoe The of lowering Lake with the view of recovering some or more acres of inundated that lake and the marshes along the streams leading in to said waters has often been agitata ed and publicly and privately discusa- ed and just as often allowed to sink into indifference if not forgotten An other effort is now being made something tangible accomplished hut it remains to be seen whether it will be more effective than hitherto Of course the with naviga tion is one of the chief objections to the scheme Ottawa correspondent furnishes the following report of an interview with the Minister of Public Works on the subject Some years ao Manitoba Govern- meat to the recovery of of laud which was mandated with the result that soil which formerly had useless was con verted into rich farm land The people of seme of be townships Lake have had a like in hand and this afternoon a deputation interview J I farce with a view to securing pur mission to lower level of the lake and to thousands of acres of marsh lands fit for cultivation The gentlemen deputation were Messrs Graham M Card well Charles Elliott Bradford Dr Foxton Bond Head West FJ Gillespie Mara Town ship Hon Wen was also present The delegation in addition to the muni cipalities named represented King Town- ship Township Holland landing East and North limitary Mara and Rama Town ships It points oat to Minister of Public Works that Mr A J land purveyor of had reported that if the waters of Lake were lower ed two feet acres marsh lands will be made arable while with a lowering the area produced will be in creased to acres the deputation informed Jr that streams of any commercial importance would be interfered with The Minister of Public Worksaaiii that would take Into jjutstion of lowering of the lake level A cheeks health and good the Government bills to be sub- to during the present on by the Minister of Finance relating to the fraternal In years Mr then member tor Carle ton a hill with this purpose In but the measure opposed by the Government in power Since that time so mxny rstermil have sought from Parliament that Government proposes now to grapple with the question under one law Doubtless the measure wilt be sera tinied As the Government bill is now drafted it is probable that a of repreBentailves of the fraternal la will beheld Ottawa to consider of measure following paragraph we clip from report of City Board of Control proceedings If threatened suit should result favorably to the Implied contention of Mr there will be a pile of mosey ell over this Province returnable to County treasuries The report Mr A written to Mayor Shaw a letter in which he states that be intends to enter suit on behalf of himself and other ratepayers against his Worship Aid Saunders Lamb Hubbard Dunn Burns Woods and Commissioner Fleming to recov er from them for the treasury amount of paid to Judge since the year for the ex amination of lunatics Mr claims that bis Honors salary felly com pensated him for work- that payments were therefor improper A of members of Ontario Legislature have practically completed ar rangements so it Is reported to visit the principal towns and leading mining centres of New Ontario north west It is expected tbat at least OS representatives will take in the trip including three members of the Government and the lead of Opposition The date for the start has not been dtRnltely fixed bot it fa understood that June will probably be selected The New Ontario part of the ex tension will conclude a Portage about July 10 From thence will proceed to Winnipeg where the Mani toba Industrial Exhibttion will then be under way We understand the route of will be bo arranged- as to provide for visits to St Marie Port Arthur Fort William Sudbury Flint Lake Falls River Farm at and the Rainy River Valley No doubt the party will bave a jolly time Daring time after Confed eration the members of the Legislature organized a trip of this kind which jour neyed westwards some distance beyond Fort William Hon John Catling en- gineered the party A couple of years or later Canadian Press Association vUEted head of Lake Superior and invitation proceeded Rat Portage to the Height of Land It a delightful of the pressmen do Bay this day that they Fort William where they had been thrown away or lost by the Assembly party From Watchman Lindsay Out Win a gentleman of years of age has for years been a respected resident of Falls For twentytwo years he has held the position of aection foreman for the which position he fills today and judging from his present robust appearance will be capable of doing so for many years to come During hts residence at Fills Mr has taken an active part in educational matters beiug an efficient member of the school board on different occasions Many times he has been nominated as councillor but- owing to the position he held with an eutside felt it his duty to withdraw although much against the wishes of the representative rate-pay- As the public know the duties devolving on a railway section foreman exposes him to all kinds of in clement weather and it takes a with a strong constitution Mr had no illness until about when to use own words I was taken down with severe rheumatic pains in the right knee and muscles of the leg could nob sleep or rest night or day I could not begin to tell you what I suffered I took many remedies both internal and external prescribed by doctors and friends but instead of proving I was steadily going from bad to worse One day while reading the Presbyterian I read of a cure through the use of Dr Williams Pink in the case of a man who had not been expected to recover and this pro mpted me to give this medicine a trial The action in my case did not seem to be speedy and I was using my fifth box before any decided improvement was noted but by time I had used eight boxes I was a thoroughly well man Since that time my general health has been the very best and I have no signs of the old trouble I make this statement voluntarily be cause think it the duty of the cured to put in the possession of the means of obtaining renewed health and I am Dr Williams Pink Pills will do all that is claimed for them if given a trial These pills cure not by purging the system as do ordinary medicines but by enriching the blood and the nerves They cure rheuma tism sciatica locomotor ataxia para- heart troubles erysipelas and all forms weakness Ladies will find them an unrivalled for all to the sex restoring health and vigor and bring a rosy glow to pale and cheeks There is no other medicine just See that the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on every package you buy If your dealer does not have them they will be sent post paid at a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont or Schenectady On Saturday afternoon last Mr of the Mansion House had ihe misfortune to lose another valu able horse this time by drowniog The accident occurred on the 1 line of Mr was driving the team attached to a buggy and while crossing the culvert which was partially submerged water the being gave way both horses and driver into about seven feet of water After bard work to keep one the head above water it was fin ally got out while its mate was r r Having Bought the Stock of Estate at a Rate on the Dollar Great argams win heaven the Next Weeks in order to clear out the Whole Stock Come Early 8LQ0O nerve OLD VDBMKD FEEBLE rirSSiSiefitMioBta Bold by WBtebmwi SPWardVBiood and Nerve Pills yTffil Drugstore V The Conservatives of North Waterloo have nominated Dr ner former candidate for the Legislative Assembly Iron Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremen dous energy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels aro out of order If qualities and tho success they bring Dr Kings Now Life Pills They every power of brain and body Only cents at Lcfjmans Energy Easily Earned Waate4 energy must be made up or the body will weaken and perhaps For a long time prior to taking Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills my nerve system greatly deranged ana I was terribly nervous so much so that my business Linesman of the Kingston Electric Light Co extreme nervous ocas naturally made the following of my business extremely hazardous Before taking Dr Wards Blood Nerve my kidneys bad been affected for some time I had constant soreness and stiff across my loins and the email of my My appetite was variable and very poor also Buffered greatly with constant headaches I am glad to be able to Inform you that Dr wards Pills completely cured me of all the above ailments and made me a well man I have found no medicine like Dr Ward Blood and Nerve Pills although I have tried many different kinds They acted quickly and effectually on my nerve system making my nerves strong and removing all indications of nervousness These valuable pills also removed all kidney and back trouble and restored to me a healthy vigorous appetite have had no headache since months ago and feel justified in saying that they are a wonderful remedy They not only removed nervousness but gave me healthy kidneys removed all soreness and stiffness from my hack and loins cured me of and gave me a good appetite consequently ram highly pleased I know of no medicine that Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills for nervousness chronic headache sore kidneys and back and loss of tile Yours truly John Princess St Kingston Ont SHARON r i4 A won receipt for The Doctor Limited Toronto OnU Ward Co Photographer JONES OLD STAND Wain fa i Photos in the Highest Style of the Art Si Call and See Specimens let fcCJ The Buffalo AIISteelJisclHarrow Ms Is Disc Harrow or feold la Canada having Independent upon ihe loner or gang amount of be thrown Inner of the gangts the foot of the operator a flexible action secured and can be worked to a uniform depth Exnrutne this Machine care fully and compare The Ho Cultivator IS A MARVEL OF only made that both lined of teeth will cut even depth In the Examine it and will see why The only Cultivator with a tooth that the angle of the teeth rCKUlated to any condition or soil Pr cad be regulated to differently on every it are between the wheels Instead of trailing behind in other machines securing lighter draft This idj chine fa with and graAS seed when required It has reversible for teeth alio extra wide points Can It and you wilt buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction Over Drills and Seeders of our manufac ture use la Canada The Drill made with lever for Instant and perfect regulation of depth of hoe Id all kinds of soil while team Isln motion Sows absolutely correct to scale fvm aa every kernel Is deposited at a proper depth to the beat and you wilt be satisfied manufacture Binders Mowers Cultivators and Pulper as good the Send for lllutratcdcatalogue Bros- CO Limited Out- Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET If you are not a subscriber to the Era Send for a trial trip of 3 months IROQ BICYCLES S 40B Of the ff be sold each jnu their real value be cause tbelr wheels too we the entire it we got 0 Model Iroquois flnuhed and mi To our business wo have ooncladed to sell these 0 at what they stand us and make a Model a data for ud Mel tovVcU known to a H WflJ S f it Send one vo vflliitpbjxprtaoD If arid Em to tKivstV every town represent us earned their bicycle we offer wheels and cash work a also FREE Wo aro no wn greatest la the world and ate per- J house in to 4 Press company and everywhere TV MEAD Iff

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