Kit I CHINA i Weeks WHAT IS ON IN 4 MA I lioKor It finger Nearly OH On Wednesday a boy named constructing a ben coop and while wiolditiu hit was very nearly and roo to it together Cemetery the ptiet winter placed in ijio Vault The frost in nearly all out of the and a num of were made title week will he interred next week Out AointoreiilDg add letter front Toronto topics Is crowded out till next Issue Modern- Conveniences Mr Webb to his residence lor declining Land has taken the to put in a furnace and a Wo lit up a bath room with porcelain bath hot and cold water and Very unexpectedly Dr Newmarket week or Toronto having beo offered the which affords that is agreeable to physical condition Oaf Toronto Letter 1899 generally will reyrel the fAuaia Students mavnl the Dr and family Arthur Oliver in lie here nearly a total and Theory at the but by attention to and Miihic Ohio is marked ability built op a practice to take pupils in branches of music also took in public The Slaughter StiHl Continues To any it would be and at Ibo present lime a member of tbe to call on him at early a date J Public- board The wishes him every success hie hold A bought tit a Snap Our can tin Dinner printed colors your 76 regular sets A Snap in pieces several colors your choice BOOTS SHOES The Value we have had Very neat and ho latest styles of room prevents us carrying a largo stock but it is complete and our prices arc right Bock Injured On Tuesday while ploying la on Herbert Wilson of Mr J Wilton tripped and Ml a JittJir over him striking back 1 r knee Herb tried to he found Hint he move He ha J to be home and doctor for ilioweU that inuu- his Jiid been iijored and he wh to leave however lie was morning and able all up Ho wilt ably bo all right again in a few v GROCERIES Bartons Baking Powder in quart jars regular for Half Price to clear Prunes quality lb now lbs for Fine Quality of Figs lb Excelsior Coffee is Best Try it Christian Church Jest both tnormog and evening and choir did their part well Under the wing of Almighty was Elder morning topic Text Psalm lib veeee We alt subject to trials temptations and but God is more than His are broad enough to cover the Urn all next l over to protect a le hotter find comfort rest peace joy here the Elder ceased and the choir vry effectively fianj that beautiful is real Continuing the Elder exhorted all to nestle under the loving a kind heavenly Father In the evening the Elder preached a very sympathetic Acta a text He many kind thinga regarding the people of Newmarket and would carry with him many mem ories At ordinance of bap tism was administered Mr will Bon- day both and evening Silk for And waists in good colours and quality at Extension There are men and teams working on the extension of the Kail way from Bonds Lake to Newmarket On Wednesday evening the road was broken up as far north a mile and a quarter this side of Hotel and the rule were jaid and spiked for over half a mile The Co is paying nearly a day in wages and would take or men if they could only get board The powerhouse at Lake is yearly finished and men patting in the machinery Several men are getting stone ready for the foun dation of the bridge at the intersection of The work is being poshed bo to have the road in operation as far as Aurora by the of May A SMITH Lthe Leading Grocer Cor Main Timothy Sts Eye Comfort is obtainable through the aid of perfect fitting glasses Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus- L Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Atkinson A- Co Jowelry Store A Fine Belt Last Saturday night a dozen men were employed at Canes Factory putting a new driving belt on the fly wheel under the di of an expert from Toronto The engine at the is horsepower but up to the present only about baa been need Additional machinery and the proposed new bailding made it neces sary to have more power The new belt is a foot wider than the old one being inches it is about feet long and an inch thick and cost about The men had a time getting it in posi tion bat they made a good job The ground is all cleared for the new and the excavating ie being push ed rapidly for the foundation Stock Agister Jumping Joe This wellknown Imported Clydesdale is now the property of John A of During this season he will visit fiaodford Albert Button Zephyr Jumping Joe Is One of the purest Clydesdales in this section of country and is in better condition than for years J Davis berg proprietor Record Standard by breeding and perform Will make the season of as follows Bond Head Bradford Holland Landing Queenaville Kes wick Newmarket home Bee AIL horse bills printed at Era Office will be given a notice similar to above free of charge York Society At a meeting of Officers and Direc tors on Thursday evening of last week it was decided to change the of their annual excursion going by train to thence by the steamer to Parry Sound The la tbe largest and most modern vessel on the Northern Lakes with ample accommoda tion for two thousand passengers People who Intend taking a holiday trip sea son should take advantage the oppor tunity of a life time as arrangements have been completed by the committee to carry excursionists at the remarkably low rate of licketH good to return the following day Watch for date etc Board are putting forth every effort to make tbie the banner year in the history of the Society as they purpose holding a Exhibition on Sept The earn of was placed at ho credit of the Grounds Committee to be expended in making necessary arrange- for better accommodation of ex hibitors MOUNT ALBERT I NOVELTY NOVELTY Talks IT PLAYS CAN BE HEARD A CHILD CAN IT PRICE one record J fc IN TOWN AND CO London Aa Mr J Rowland was on way to Uxbridge his horse took fright at something on the road and shied The horse fell over ou ita back turned the buggy upside down and damaged it badly John got a black eye and a lame leg There was a racket at the West end on Friday night between business men Some talk but no blood shed Another row on Monday an insurance agent and a printer They told one another what they thought and then separated Mr has bought the wag gon shop and dwelling from Mr formerly owned by Mr He has leased the property to Mr Profit from Zephyr a man that is able to turn out firstclass work Mr is so overworked that he had to put lot of extra help There was a bee at the parsonage taking off sheeting and putting on tar paper The Parks and Gardens Com have had a largo staff of employed for and levelling Parks and- Avenues with the result that present a neat appear ance Saturday last seats were placed along the walks in Queens Park and on Sunday large crowds took advantage of the unusually warm April weather and spent several hours in the open air Tug Street Railway Co have lilted up several Open Motors for the summer traffic and a few are running on King St now The of bicycles in city is much larger lant year as a there are of various kinds count one evening last week there were wheels wont from the downtown busi ness places to the residental parts of the city It is amusing to people crowd in the motor of cars rather take a seat in the trailer and they find groat fault with railway Co for crowding the care The Police are putting forth every effort this season to protect the pub lic against the bicycle fiend and eu- force the new bylaw which a list of rules to be observed by the bicycle- rider Mayor Shaw bin been away to Ot tawa during past week One million fry were do ported in waters of Ontario near Point on Saturday afternoon by Mr of the Dominion Fisheries Hatchery Sand wich They wore brought in largo cans about the size of milk cans The meet of the Country and Hunt Club on Saturday afternoon at house was a large one there being upwards of fifty in the saddle The annual parade of the St George Society took place to St James Ca thedral for service on Sunday last St Georges Day The procession form ed on Elm The Mayor has been to open the lacrosse grounds for the season on the of May Nearly people saw the Latter Day Saints baptize converts in the lake at Sunday afternoon An elderly woman knocked the im mersing elder off his and both wont under womans son made a rush to save her but turned back when he saw that both safe ThoGTR freight handlers who went out on strike on the for an increase in wages have declar ed the off the strikers have obtained other situations The Normal School Toronto has been presented by Mr Geo law with nearly three thousand Indi an relics forming a valuable addition to the of the institution Most of these were found in the townships of BesJey and and adjacent territory in North Victoria where Mr discovered traces of several Indian village sites The district in former times probably inhabited by the Huron and Algonquin tribes and are supposed to have been exterminated prior to the appearance of Jesuits on the scene The York County Commissioners met on Tuesday to open tenders the construction of a bridge at trees Mills over the River near Law of To ronto was given the contract for the his price being Lewis of Hamilton will construct the abutments for Manila April A force of insurgents formed a skirmish line this afternoon imitating the tactics of the Americans and attacked of the First Washington Infantry near came up and the enemy was driven hack a mile when the Americans out the pursuit was abandoned The Americans killed of tbe enemy captured some of their arms The American loss was three wounded This morning a party of Ameri cans under command of a captain went scouting to the north of where they encountered a of in surgents trong A skirmish sued in which one American was wounded THE LEADING April A force of about two hundred yesterday 1 afternoon attacked of the Washington regiment near south of and Two companies immediately engaged the enemy and advanced into the open in skirmish order The rebels were checked and routed after two hours fighting leaving twelve men killed on field and several wound ed The American troops also ob tained possession of many Mauser rilles and many other weapons Three Americans were wounded At oclock this morning three compa of the South Dakota men i marched from and in con unction with three companies of the Minnesota regiment encountered I Bulls iorSfilc few ill WMWILUa 10 Quite a Success The entertainment in the Methodist School Room on Wednesday pro vided by the Married proved to bee wry enjoyable and affair Hie Worship Mayor Cane occupied the chair A platform was erected in the Primary Room and the program given from the apposite end of the room Mr A J Hughes of Sharon very kindly presided at organ The and closing glees by Mens Chorus went off a and the se lections by the orchestra also well were given by Messrs J McKay A and ltow Mr brought down house with hie comic selections also trios by Messrs Cane StoufTer and McKay Messrs a pretty clarionet and cornet duett Mr Wallace speech contrasting the pres ent with conditions in the church years Readings were given by Rev Matthews and Mr J- the two hours sped with wonderful rapidity The place was well filled and the proceeds were over 62 added yes terday Mrs Meyer was burned to death in the destruction of her home by file at She had re entered the house times to save a trunk containing money has succeeded in communicating by wireless telegraphy from the South Foreland Kent with a French warship the Channel He has also managed to concentrate- the message on one point to the of others Details of the terrible by the army on their recent raid through southern Formosa are beginning to reach Ja pan It is said more peaceful were killed than bandits and as towns were sacked Mr Jon A late Govern ment Inspector of Creameries in the Northwest Territories and chat principal of the Dairy School will set out on May for Wellington where ho will bo assistant to Prof J A also a Canadian who is thndairy employed- by the New Zealand Go breakers Toronto gets for harbor improvements from the Government this year Colling wood Owen Sound North Bay The Territorial Assembly will ask the Dominion Government to amend the Lands Act in order that seed grain liens may be cancelled The comer stone of the new church being erected at Brandon will be laid by Mrs wife of the Minister of the In terior Burglars at Montreal blew open the safe in the Oxford restaurant and and repeated the operation at A Manns drug store getting Damage to the extent of 560000 was done to the Canadian Pacific roundhouse and seven new engines at Foct William destroyed Monday night by fire Seven year ago a Mrs Reynolds of Windsor lost her sight Monday it returned to her and she was able to recognize her children She is crjd and apparently sees as well as ever she did persons who were taken care of at the House of Refuge have decamped since the warm weather set in County Council will dis- the matter in Juno and take steps to prevent a repetition The illegal killing of moose in the Sturgeon Falls district will likely bo stopped for a while at least Inspec tor Joseph Rogers assisted the local authorities there had many law breakers fined a rebel force numbering fully five hundred men when two miles out The enemy retired three miles in fairly good order In spite of the fact that the heavy losses the Americans having exhausted their were compelled to return to their camps The heat is intense At noon the thermometer registered Jo degrees and the mercury was still rising There were several prostration from the heat among the troops but only one man was wounded April 2 In an encount er with today near Quengua about four miles northeast of seven Americans were killed wounded Manila April General Mac- Arthurs division fought to the trenches before Calumpit today advancing four miles through woods and jungle and crossing the Ragbag river Six Ameri cans were killed and wounded- The South Dakota Regiment pursued the insurgents to the outskirts of umpit which was so strongly protected that General MacArthur deemed it best to withdraw his tired fighters and camp for a nights rest before assault ing the town The largest buildings of were on fire when the American cross ed the river a mile away indicating the intention of the insurgents to aban don the place Before reaching the force encountered many small bands of reb els and during the afternoon discov ered several hundred of the enemy en trenched near north of Quin- General Hales troops claim that nearly dead natives were counted along country traversed Among the dead was a Spanish captain The rebels along the Bagbag river were reinforced from as the troops under General Hale approach ed During the day Americans cap tured prisoners The ilipino troops engaged were well uniformed and drilled As the campaign progresses the rebel troops are improving They are adopting American methods and the accuracy of their is ovinced by the fact that five Americans were shot in the head This is the Ape of Progress and we are keeping pace with it NEW GOODS ARRIVING For thi- Spring Trad and EVERYTHING JUST AS REPRESENTED- Shelf Hardware of Every Description Tools fop Farmers and Mechanics Stoves and Tinware I I -o- THOROUGHLY UPTODATE be Satisfied if you Deal with ALLAN CO Newmarket FRESH and FLOWER FIELD GARDEN SEEDS Prom the most reliable SEED HOUSES SCOTTS PHARMACY NEXT POST OFFICE I HOME BAKERY Manila April army today is defending energetically which is said to indicate that rebels are finally making that ptaee their last or stand the Americans expected them to make at For the first time the Filipinos are employing artillery They brought two guns into action in the trenches today before firing modern shrapnel which burst over the heads of Gen men without effect The fighting was re sumed oclock this morning At noon the rebels were still pour ing a heavy fire in the direction of the Americana who returned it spiritedly Two Americans were killed and wounded Rev John Gibson on leaving Norwood for was presented with a clock by his The horse attached to the mail stage ran away The was overturned and rolled into the ditch hot its eight occupants es caped with slight bruises April By an explosion of benzine in Fleers chemi cal works at and today two were killed and two others are unaccounted for and one woman was fatally injured of persons were more or less seriously injured or four of the injured are so The factory is a total wreck and buildings for a distance of half a square partially demolish Y V- By using a HighGrade Flour we still intend to out FIRSTCLASS BREAD Choice Cakes and Pastry always on hand Wedding Cakes a Specialty Fresh Groceries Always in Stock ALBEET BOGART Proprietor -oxc- Note I take this opportunity to thank the many customers for their pact patronage and ask a continuance of their favors Alb At The FINE QUALITY -OF- SMITH BROS PLATINUM FINISH PHOTOS Is making them popular everywhere If you have not al ready them a trial do so at once Gallery two doors south of House Newmarket Lundys Tailor Shop Is removed to premises fJext Door of DAVISONS GROCERY Leave your for one of our Nobby Spring Suits I LUNDY