Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Apr 1899, p. 5

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ill ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL IIBD O CHAD NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CONKEKT DRAFTS AT rr and American Oralis and old promptly I SondaV Scbooj The Anointing in Bethany John Ml April She could hath what tf OJ tvrtur llromchioiiu Hi p in lictl ill Dp Alfred of Mil firm Post I INSURANCE J ft to lnui Current lUtee A insurance Low lint on Isolated Town Property Shop Newmarket PAINTING HOME HEADINGS Friday Phil 112 Saturday Mark Sunday John INTRODUCTION Under the friendly roof at Bethany Jesus reals and receives the loving tribute of Mary the sister of Lazarus entering the strangest sort of triumph the city of Jerusalem the four accounts of the annotating of present pro blems PRACTICAL The value of friendship Jesus wits a friend n the humble homo at Bethany He became a Comforter and raised from the dead an inmate of that home Like Mary cherish the memory of a food deed done her be grateful Like her express gratitude by some gift without being over much eager to count the cost Avoid a covetous spirit Perhaps such a spirit does not seem very wicked but how far astray it led Judas To grasp and to hold is not the way to bo happy or useful Man should not be a vortex to draw all to himself but a fountain to send out financial abilities once his best merns of grace moat dangerous temptation ways so Opportunity brings peril was never intended to rob life of its joys The motive is what Christ honors in our offering whether it be largo or small Many a careless hearer who has como to out of has been awakened and become a believ er Paper Hunger JU experience In branches or Ihclauat In Wall to boo them door North of Primary School Church Street Bolton Practical and Decorator BOTES of Mr elected of the Ontario for Perth Tub annual report of presented to allows that the total value of Canadian fisheries was an to previous year of and the beat in the of country Conservative Clothes In tho of tho Government foreshadowed In the from the open ing of Parliament Conservative mem bers shouting that have borrowed from Conservative wardrobe and Oppositionpapers notably the reiterate assertion But if bo true what are about If be Government is con ducting the affairs of the country oh Conservative lines what cause is there for that party to grumble Dr said all he was sorry for was that were not better men in the clothes j which being literally inter preted moans he is sorry because Tories have not dispensing of pub- patronage and drawing the official salaries and this is kind In reply to the of the Opposition soning give the country for plaoing Sir Wilfrid and the from the Treasury benches The country however dues not ap pear to be specially enamored of the Tapper family as the byeelections to the Commons ever since the general election very demonstrate But ftiucy Sir Wilfrid io political clothes of Sir Churls Tut writ for a the Com mon to fill a vonoy for has been is fixed for the and one week lator The now on and a ia At las general election the returned the late Mr Wood Mr Com- Btock the Liberal nominee an rumor lie of Premier from and Hod Mr Hardy net lie at by If Eon tits whore he now next session be will find me here The on tho of chanrcd Oar Toronto An adjourned General Sessions of the Peace will fake in the old court house Adelaide St on the mat at am In suit of Robert Porter against Barrister of over leased property the court dismissed the caso without being called for the defence Toronto papers and its municipal authorities have for years been cry out against tax exemptions especial ly of churches but went to the legislature and asked for exoraption of a proposed new hotel and the House vote of to made the exemption This will end the farce- Mrs Ellen and her eon a small lad returning from church on Pluck and There any fretting An I told so For we couldnt hold on things Wed got to let em go There were lots of folks suffer Along with rest of us An it didnt to be worth our while To make such a fuss To be sure the barn was mostempty An corn an porlater- An not much of anything plenty and cheap But water an applesass But then as told It any use to groan For Mesh an blood couldnt an he Despite to l photo- graphed has permit ted himself to Ix pictured by the graph and a of most Ix- March They show the Pontiff in grounds of the Vatican passing along favorite wallm drives attend ed or mem of his household The pictures are exceedingly showing the Pope as he lives ilio Vatican hill surroundings and are doubly J valuable I he firstpic- i that have made of I Pope in a great of Seats were at and It is Corner and MISCELLANEOUS JWps Simpson Main St firuirtfSau Goods to At farm village property by Davidson J and Agent tec Agent for tho following reliable Companlea London and QloUo Onion filldlaod Mutual and Standard Life aaceCo and Northern Life Co Office Dlock Mount Albert We the undersigned do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty- five cent bottle of Dr Wills English Pills if after using of contents of bottle they do not relieve Constipation and Headache We also warrant that four bottles will perma nently cure the most obstinate case- of Constipation or no pay when Wills English Pills are used Lehman Druggist Newmarket J Druggist Newmarket Scotts Pharmacy Main St Newmarket Money to Loan At Five per cent on farm Security by David Lloyd tor taking Affidavit ato Agent Conveyancer Marriage fitc ss Agent for following Companies ft ad Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore District Mutual in for the Life Association To ronto Reaistry Corner of Main nd Lot Streets give great ffc have just a few left our last In order make a clean sweep we will you a BARGAIN Call and see few driv ing left A OppoBltotbe House R Japanese Girls Wedding Marriage in Japan only a civil contract and not in any way a re ligious one writes in the April Ladies Home Journal It is protected by law and social obligations The and State do not concern themselves at all in marital The chief peculiarity about the ceremony is the exchanging of cups of sake a liquid nine times three times the bride three times the groom three times the who works between the pair in mak ing the agreement Toward the end of the ceremony a singer singe a song called which narrates the loving and happy life of an old couple Thus ceremony closes last notes of the singers beautiful melody remaining in the air charming all and the last stage of girl life is over CENTRAL SHOP Cape Those Ugly Pimples i Just Received a Case of NEW SPRING G00D8 imported from the ere comprising Newest Shades and Patterns which make the Nobbiest Bui tings Town Call and examine before going elsewhere as will be highly pleased Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed McLaughlin By Using Form of Eczema Helped at Once and Cured Eventually by its Use Not a skin blemish caused by ee- tetter ringworm salt rheum head and other skin diseases that will not vanish as by magic on the application of Dr Oint ment One application will give quick comfort and relief and in a few days skin heals up and is as soft as a babys It will cure piles in from three to five nights no matter what nature or bow long standing cents Sold by Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket debate in the on the from the Throne and re ferring to that part of Govern ments program relating to the rear rangement of constituencies in order to wipe out the blundering disgrace of the Conservative Gerrymander Hon Mr Mills Minister of Justice present ed an admirable exposition and defence of the foreshadowed of the Ad ministration In doing80 he emphat ically declared in favor of the prin ciple of respecting County lines Sneaking as a member of the Govern ment he said We that yon pay regard to county that not bo broken that where a i entitled to more than one representative yon may divide into two If entitled to more than two into three ridings but yon make electoral division within limits of the boundaries established by county This declaration on the part of the Minister of Justice will be received with liveliest satisfaction by tbe supporters of the Government in Old North York The manner in which county boundary lines were ignored by the gerrymander of and re peated in 1892 is patent to every one Take West Ontario as an illustration is made up of slices and outs out of four ridings ia the two counties of York and Ontario In shape there is nothing like it in the heavens above or earth beneath as Joe has the of saying But it has created a Grit hive and that was the purpose of the Conservative party It is satisfactory to know that an agreeable change is in sight The Opposition organ at Toronto is very concerned over the promis ed redistribution bill and hysterically asks Shall the jury be packed Shall the British Province of On tario submit to an assault upon its liberties Our may as well spare his political pyrotechnics Instead of an assault upon Ontarios liberties a redistribution r along the lines suggested by Hon Mr Mills will a cruel wrong and blot out a po litical iniquity by which Conser vatives in 1882 the jury and secured a continuance in power that the popular vote declared against The lighting of this wrong is what our and his political friends are so much exercised about just now the session of the an was for in this Pro- he Government n n grant in Town and Clarendon ties on Arid- tin I litKt an- on lit for culture uneetlri una specially for lite experiment Was nothing but skin an bone But laws youd only biro levied heavy poll tax- Thursday night were struck with a J At any hour of the night in train at crossing out of that closet there Two big goni wire and instantly killed Twould have set you crazy quite completely destroyed in For big show announced patched the knees of these trousers afternoon One fireman open on inst the entries With cloth that was noways thin iously injurtd Loss over 50000 are numerous in most of the classes it as the pieced wore and a large interest ia being manifest out As fast as I set em A guard of honor composed of eighty little men from Highlanders were lb lh on duty during the closing ceremonies iUuQn the He talked it over with God commanded close of to the Assembly lat the friends of the Op position leader Mr Whitney made bim a present of a oll and chain Tbs was made the occasion lor several by bis admirers Dur ing the genera election campaign and im mediately alter returne were announc ed Mr Whitney was reported to have made statement that the Opposition would bo occupying the treasury benches before the of the first session His admirers probably selected a for this surprise to remind that time was Magazine tot April contains three important contributions to the lit erature of the war Henry Cabot third part of bis notable his tory discusses The of Cuba and Pursuit of This instalment is especially valuable by reason of its iliac Honor to Whom Honor is Duo is title of no article by Mr which gives an intimate personal ac count of men who them selves the war Tba Rescue of Ad miral by an American blue- attention in it was written by Pew Keller an able seaman on the Gtoiuattr Mr last week moved the Assembly into Committee on Supply the Opposition challenged a series of all tolala in the respective estimates demanded the yeas and nays thereon but reaching the item members allowance the Premier hinted tbe indemnity might be reduced to each This brought Mr Whitney to his feet and both he and all bis followers were ready to vote apiece to themselves After Premier Hardy bad bantered the- Opposi tion long enough to expose hollow hypocrisy in regard to the allowance was conceded Mr Whitneys rejoinder to the scoring Minister of Education gave him for that because a member of Government vieited a constituency and urged of a Liberal it was tantamount to bribing the electorate to the Government Mail says leader Mr Whitney in vigorous digoiliod tones responded bat before bad been five minutes Mr Whitney alluding to Hon Mr Ross said Because his words had been brought home to him be had raged and screamed Ilk a fish wife Ob yea it was vigor ous but to dignity well that ap pears to tarn upon the Interpretation one might place on language scream ing like fish wife Mayor of has written Mayor Shaw suggesting that Fair and American to be hold in Buffalo in combine foe the profit of both Toronto however is not like- lytotfiveiip the Industrial for sake of helping Buffalo enter prise Thomas H Bull who recently sent io bis resignation as Clerk of the Peace of the County of York out of office Saturday morning handing bis duties over to Mr ff EIrwin the new Clerk of the Peace Down on Sis in The must of time was For how to pray Much better how to fast You can examine the following table which is based on per cent per annum make up your mind as to the amount you can save out of your salary or earnings and see at a glance just what you will have at the end of years There are 365 days in a year Take out 52 Sundays and it will leave working days in a year Now if you save each working day following amounts you will at the end of five years have Per Day for Amount Interest Total five deposited earned amount J 42 14 257 342 50 70 75 111 30 00 148 50 296 Every young man starting out in life prefers to succeed rather than fail Many fail because their education in the line of saving has been neglected The ia open to every young man Bin I iu that That things dont just right feel my up high An ri1y to light An tin- gitotw niivr mat inter An I think that Ik- found out With the point of a cambric needle I druv the wolf from the door For I knew that we neednt starve to death Or be lazy because we were poor An he wondered An kept me his knees An thought it strange bow the held on An stranger we didnt freeze But I to myself in whispers God knows where hie gift descends An always that faith gits down As far as the fingerends An I wouldnt have no one reckon My a shirk For some you know have the gift to An others the gift to work Josephine Pollard A wealthy gentleman named was dead Friday evening on the do Boulogne Paris a man who mistook h victim for dent people wonder why are content to buy glazed or loaded Cotnn that ate 3ent to such I irffc It ap pear however that ihjhe people are not derived ami pay juat for what they get particular fabric is used fir cloth andjfor covering the paid at funerals It is and retains its luslnnK and ualities as as they are Shaving and of DATE CALL IN I One dose of Millers Grip Powders cures headache Hold by VY Leh man At Niagara Falls a great mass of rock weighing hundreds of thousands of tons fell from the cliff on the south side of the Buttery Whirlpool Rapids elevator and plung ed down on the George road tracks and the building at the foot of the elevator A lot of damage was done SYSTEM- BE BEAD position In by i log ihe OF TORONTO April AND Seealon opens Tbe College not close for July A trust Special work lor thcae PartlcuJaraebLcrlully HSHAW Principal Get a Move On OLD A German patrol was attacked by Chinese near and Ger mans are alarming Chinese by the extent of their measures of retalia tion cheeks good health and good spirits Millers Compound Iron Pills Lehman Germany has proposed that difficulty be referred to a high joint commission and Great Britain and the United States to have Spains Greatest P Olivia of BarcelonaSpaio spends his winters at Aiken Weak nerves had caused severe pains in the back of his head- On using Electric Bitters Americas Greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy all pain soon left him He says this grand medicine is what his country needs All America knows that it cures liver aud kidney trouble purifier the blood tones up the stomach strengthens the nerves puts vim vigor new life into every muscle nerve and organ of Urn body If weak tired or ailing you need it Every bottle guaranty only cents Sold by Lehman and Alliston lacrosse clubs are likely to amalgamate for the coming summer books are ever when come to as in forms and re presenting all Booh a the Life of Gladstone by the mio- Company Chicago a of which has just to desk extents are arranged illattratiotiBrtre fine the print is and neat and the binding superb Company for ahead as the leading publish ing a of fiae eoription books Haying salespeople in nearly nook of country the cost enjoys a trade At has a known reputation for liberality towards Its agents and fair treat men of them an agency la for above book or other pab by this company would be a of considerable to the ens fortunate enough to aecare It Interested readers should write company for full lars Political Cartoons Montreal Baity Star publish ing a set of cartoons entitled The Coons that are attracting worldwide attention They are un questionably the artistic kind that have ever ap peared in any paper in Canada Al though for the most part they are on the Ministers the members of the Cabinet have laughed over them to their hearts content as being full of fan and humor as no cartoons of present have Sir Richard and Sir Henri have been particularly amused by these striking caricatures and have looked forward with keenest interert to every new issue The demand thenar with these cartoons has been beyond the publishers ability to and by special request the entire set of cartoons are being published on fine paper under special covers to meet the demand The publishers are letting the public them complete for ten cents as far as the supply will go The sum of cents in stamps or sil ver sent to the publishers of Mont real Star will we understand a complete set of the Coons as they are now published The By town Coons nave already a circulation of upwards of a million A for and Leave your or Papering every body else thing done in or you may get B HEWITT Head of CHURCH ST All ailments of children cured by Millers Worm Powders Sold by W ELehman A Toronto company purchas ed large quantities of field stone at station which they are shipping on Dr Wards building roads PUIS fop WenAnd women Children Cry- for Albert Bare of Maple was driving with his daughter through a gateway when the shied and threw both out of the flutter Miss escape- but her father sustained a broken spine and died in a few weeks The Spring Monlhs Are roost likely Sod blood im pure and lacking in red- which enable it to carry to and other organs Therefore you feel weak tired and aid with Relief given by which and vitalises the blood Hoods Pills for cents by I Hood Co HOME The borne is sad the flags are at halfmast A good man has gone to his long home Was he wise as well as good That question is answered by the amount of his insurance If he had a policy in the Canadian rdor of for or his widow and children or relations are sure of that amount debtfree and absolute And the price of protection is so cheap in this best of Canadian Societies that one never misses the little money that makes the loved ones safe For further particulars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order or address R ELLIOTT TKOS WHITE High P Two Doors North Roadhouses Shop Main St North Newmarket Choice Ha Bacon Pure Lard Sausage at Lowest Market Prices patronage solicited One Dose the story When and feel bilious and out or tune your soar and no appetite lust bay a package of Hoods Piifs And take from to pi Us win be at bow easily they will do tbelr work cure your biliousness rouse liver and you Creditors Notice hereby pursuant to O chapter 1 creditors Estate of fllpheus Township of the of York deceased about March on or bo- fore The Say of April to send to the of Will of their with full and piovre of their claims of their account and nature III any held And not Ice further lh day of April y proceed the Estate the iyt rosy proceed ism the i til led thereto having only then ald Will not liable for Much Assets thereof to any of claim Hi Dot nod tit the febtato I A to lhtJf

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