Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Apr 1899, p. 4

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y fifes S fc I Great H is Not ii i Good Speed people trust to luck io pull them through and are often disappointed Do not dillydally in matters of health With it you can accomplish miracles With out it you are no good liver kidneys boned and blood healthy by the use of Hoods Bar- the faultless blood purifier Rheumatism- had acuta rheuma tism In toy limb mid foot I commenced treatment and In a short time was cured William Jlra lit ford Scrofula- troubled with scrofula and blood- A cue on my Would not heal was and after I bad taken bottles I woll ahixl Toronto to take With Hood fixrUfcrilK due 10 jaikkinphop Best Advertising Medium York County cento per lino for Ural a cents per lino fur subsequent uertlon rn Inchon fi l m a jo Hostel Sold Continued from Yea exceedingly said Sir Ed replying to her question you should see the flower my mother and I cultivate Ah my mother how hud will delight to have you with her and I am it will be an equal de light to you I make as little delay possible in taking you home Would you liavo me leave Ade laide when my companionship iH beginning to her There wan mild in voice as alio this Why Cecile you do not to have me go homo without you Undo I could not leave now Cecile looking up him pleadingly felt it would indeed lie very hard to be left behind with her at least a year I decided to do ho when J first became Iter companion i- being at once so race and beautiful it was the admiration of who within view of it The patriotic Sir had found it an thorough ly gaze unon and hie factory nerves inhaled with keen de light their familiar perfume Oh how delicious thought a elm stepped into the balmy air and tomorrow I am to leave it all all for an unknown homo the aea Then for half an hour she wun- about quietly enjoying the charms of the sometimes tinder a tree to admire its luxuriance of foliage or stooping to pluck a of excep tionally pretty to a memento of her there Am she was lingering at a roaohunh finger ing tenderly a particularly dainty specimen of that of flowers she saw Miss approaching her For the last few those two had Thank you returned Phil but wont on if I am not few minutes thoro was an op- friendly indeed had ftfiOOO 1200 no on ton Instructions until he once For than mouth he paid bo In by on for to Item Article Found etc A will bo tree for any Cburoh where potters when collection Lb taken fifty cento will be So execution to rule LEGAL- J o silence at last broken by exclaiming You must come home and if you curinut leave Adelaide we will her with us the change would do an iiumiiiao amount of good We can spend the summer at the seaside and winter at the south of France Before could reply they were interrupted by a familiar voice say ing Are my ready yet Yes Mrs answerod Sir my niece and I have just finished cutting them Your niece fiir My niece Gilbert returned Sir just been eon firming suspicion I had that was the very young lady I cased the Atlantic to find do not wonder you were so eager for an interview responded Mrs Gil bert Then expressions of pleas ed surprise cordial congratulations Iwth after which she requested them to come to the supper room Miss will you allow me the pleasure of escorting you to the table asked Sir gallantly And with a little smiling how Cecile aid her hand on his proffered arm come to juito respect her farmer an tagonist for the civility with which Miss Lambert now always treated her had been of such a gradual growth that her true dignity had not suffered slightest in the transition and chat evening as came towards with that stately walk of hers she certainly looked in no wiao a com monplace woman She wore a close- fitting dress of dark cashmere made rather plainly but very becomingly goldrimmed flashed conspicuously as alio moved her head but in some way they did not acorn to be obtrusive for the features beneath them hod lost to a great degree the haughty expression habitual to them Ale taken that gentleman coming towards uu is no other than our mutual friend so will just resume my- pilgrimage down the street I think bidding good night liewalked away in the opposite direction to one from which Sir was coming As ho drew near could sea that was a faint of hovering about his seem ing to express extreme goodwill to wards everything in general and his own good fortune in particular and wondered if he too had pleasant tidings to bring her Give mo your congratulations he exclaimed as ho came up to her for I just been having a piece of extraordinary good luck Give you my congratulations J no indeed sir not until you tell mo what that extraordinary piece of good luck is that may fust judge whether it is likely to prove beneficial to you or not Sir Edmund gave a light hearted Run Down Celery Compound Pop the flepVous System IT IB THE WORLDS BEST MEM- at assumed Main to on Street good t etc for Township of to Loan UlvlaloD Court Ontario p eto Late with fc Cameron c rofuUy a A and larUoney to loan at lowest rates St Barrister Couveyancere South of Of fice Newmarket T Herbert Lennox Aurora will also boat Saturday and Court Solloltors for J Co jand Ontario Aurora 31 to Loan at Dunn c tanoiog Arcade King St West Toronto Money to Loud C to AUCTIONEERS prank Auctioneer for the Co of York on con mission Terms Sales attended to A trial filmooe Street MARRIAGE LICENSES- liiBuer of I MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Office Newmarket Private wuod at private realdeace If Papers REMOVED Across the Street and Cement Town Carting on Ccrme DAVIT Cor CHAPTER For aovoral Mtaa failed to enjoy that evening enter tainment and breathed a of relief when tho time of departure ar rived How perfectly indifferent of her presence Sir had been and how unfailingly attentive to and what could that little idiot of an Adelaide see in a common man like Phil Clifton to be so struck on even to the extent of letting him take her in to supper wait on at the table she should get a good lecture for it tomorrow These were tome of her thoughts as she walked home that night with her father and mother But on the morrow Miss Lambert had something more important to think about The information Sir cave them concerning the re covery of his long lost niece made her for a time quite forget her intended lecture to when it again came to mind she had an indistinct feeling that as her estimate of Miss had been so erroneous she might also be mistaken in the charac ter of Phil Clifton so wisely held her peace Well Sir Edmond aid the Judge on the evening of that day 11 Adelaide and I after much consid eration and weighing of the subject on every side have decided to accept your offer of taking her to England with you She thinks she will like the experience and I think ib will be of much benefit to her so we will con- aider it settled Thank you said Sir Ed promise you my mother and I will be the moat faithful of attendants The worst of it is that I must leave papa said Adelaide mournfully it he had not promised to come to see mo in the fall I never would have consented to go You will have two whole months in which to accumulate courage for the parting my lily they do not in tend leaving till then you know said her father with one of his smiles The early spring flowers had come and the last petal of the apple blossoms has fluttered to the ground and the delicate tints of May have given to the more gorgeous hues of June which is but a few days old on the evening at which we will pause taking advantage of the Judges presence had left father and daughter together and slipped out to take a farewell saunter around the large velvety lawns surrounding the Lambert mansion They were in deed a picture to look upon at season of the year The graceful trees that had first behold as mere gaunt skeletons were now clothed in a wealth of tender green artisti cally shaped placed in in tervening sunny were just be ginning to richly colored but what most attracted the beholders was the mass of snowy blossoms mingled with fresh green leaves that enclosed tins potof beauty evening Miss she said pleasantly but in a rather prooccupied way as she reached Oh beautiful it makes mo feel more reluctant ihun ever to leave it all behind would find it very hard indeed to bid my country goodbye for all time You will not meet with uni formly fine weather in England an wo have hero in Canada remarked Miss I fear not judging from the misty accounts I have had of that land re turned An absent smile was the only re Miss Lambert evidently had something on her mind Miss said sudden ly breaking silence that followed I have been trying for the past week to gather up courage to apologize for my extremely impolite behavior to you during jour first months stay with Can ever forgive it do you think I have had a lesson will not soon forget To say that was surprised is expressing it mildly she was with amazement and humiliation Here was the woman whom she had in her mind pronounced altogether devoid of those qualities which char acterize the true lady frankly acknow ledging her fault making her severely censure herself for the slight valua tion she had bestowed upon her I do not wonder you hesitate said Miss Lambert wrongly interpret ing Ceciles silence It is not hesitation that kept me quiet said at last Iecovering her powers of speech but the sud den realization that you had as much to forgive as I How is that possible asked Miss Lambert I do not remember but that you have always treated me with the utmost courteay I may have done so outwardly but in my heart I have greatly misjudged you answered Then holding out her hand with one of her beavti- smiles she continued so if you are willing we will let the past keep its proper place and date our real in troduction from And for the first time their hands met with a warm pressure which proved the initiating act of a lasting friendship Then fol lowed a talk that neither would ever forcet for many a day but at last they parted Miss Lambert returning to the house and walking to front gate to have a few words with Phil Clifton who was just passing Good evening Miss Elsworth he said raising his hat in his graceful way a fine evening is it not It is indeed replied What have you been doing with yourself lately I have hardly seen you for a week of two Oh nothing particular answered Phil I dont want to be hanging around the Judges place all the time just because he happens to be a little friendly towards me J that uncle of yours is a splendid fellow He is said frankly And to think that there is a pos sibility of my wildest dream being realized continued Phil What is that asked Why didnt Sir tell you that he is going to lend me the money to take a medical course Not even a hint did he give mo so pleased for you will matrn n Mod- tor think he said coming you will with me that it cannot help hut be for my good when you know and hero ho lowered his voice to al most whisper that my piece of luck is that Mrs Gilbert has promised to marry mo if I come back for her next summer Oh unulw I exclaimed Cecil at him with a world of wonder in her eyes I never dreamed of such a thing I do not suppose you did ray dear returned with a bright smile Ho was enjoying surprise immensely And will leave those motherless children for For such a scapegrace as I eh interrupted Sir a little laugh You know uncle I did mean that I was going to say for strangers to care for Oh no answered Edmond she will not fail to leave a suitable substitute Indeed there is every probability of their having a new mamma by that time In whom asked Miss Lambert of course said with a twinkle in his eye Uncle you dont mean it Mis Gilbert and J think that is the developments will turn so do not be anxious about the children my little woman Then they sauntered up the foot path and into the house try ing to take in the many facts that had been given her that night And here in the dusk of a calm June evening as the moon is just appearing above the eastern treetops we will bid to the Lambert estate you will make an ideal a Gold In One Day Quinine IE It fails to care As far as the sick and Buffering are concerned time is in their estimation to waste in reading any long dissertation on their condition baaed on a medical or scientific stand point The suffering and diseased know well of their perilous and low condi tion of health and sad hearts yearn for release from chains of deaths agents Each broken down weak and suf fering man and woman should know that the underlying cause of their burdens and ailments apparent in headaches backaches sleep lessness dyspepsia neuralgia and rheumatism is a faulty nutrition of the entire nervous system The blood is pale watery and hamp ered in its lifesustaining work by hu mors and impurities The nerves caD- assimilate proper nourishment no matter how much food is taken into system When your condition is such a we have described Celery Com pound is your sure deliverer and res cuer It quickly arouses a hearty ap petite regulates bowels and brings about a normal action of the liver At this season Celery Com- frees the system not only of rheumatism eczema salt rheum and other blood troubles but neural gia nervous headaches dBypepsia and kidney disease Let the advent of spring be to you a time of cleansing toning and repair ing of entire system Celery Compound will do this blessed work in a way that no other medicine can do It is the only prescription that your druggist or medical adviser can honestly recommend No other remedy can take the place of PainpB Celery Compound for your ease The use of one bottle will bring quick con viction to the greatest doubters ai i t At last the day of departure has arrived and we will transfer our thoughts from the pretty village of to port of Montreal where among the gallant vessels anchored is one all prepared to set sail across the sea Wo will step out on board and see if among the numerous passengers walking or standing about the deck are any that we can recog nize The two distinguished looking ladies standing near the bulwarks can be no others than our acquaintances Cecile Elsworth and Miss Lambert They are conversing in a low tone as they look at the lively scene upon the wharf and apparently on the most amicable terms with other but we may notice that Miss Lambert cast an un easy glance towards a certain- young couple oyer the ships side who seem in tho higher degree to be enjoying each others society Two gentlemen standing a few paces off are also survoyine them They make a pretty picture do they not said the handsomest of these to the other They certainly are a wellmated pair was the answer Would you object to their becom ing in the future something more than friends the first one asked No if in this case the boy is fath er to the man replied the other And when we state that these gen tlemen were Judge Lambert and Sir it wilt not be difficult to guess who were the young couple re ferred to All aboard cried captain and in moment everything was hust ling confusion Last goodbyes were hastily said and those who had come onboard to be present with their departing friends as long as possible quickly made their way towards terra- firma almost coming collision with incautious passengers who linger ed land till the last moment Then amid cheers ana waving of handkerchiefs- the noble vessel moved toward the broad ocean And in sympathy with thoe who are left behind wo will Wave those whom it is carrying from us a last farewell hoping- that their voyage across the Atlantic will prove a pacific the end James Kerr attempted to take the life of Howell QC a well- known- Winnipeg criminal- lawyer Kerr was about to pull a revolver when the in disiroied him Mm A man named was found dead on a dredge at Cardinal where he was making some repairs A large iron wheel lying on his head is supposed to have caused bis death The case of Teasdale vs of for slander which waa to have come up for trial in Toronto last week was settled out of court by de fendants paying costs One of Thousands Miss Lily Cox Gladstone Ave Toronto contracted aoute catarrh through taking a severe cold some two years ago Her suffering was very distressing at times She tried sever al remedies bu6 none gave her any relief Catarrhal Powder was recommended to her one appli cation gave instant relief and when she had used four bottles she says she was entirely cored Sold by Lehman Bent- leys Pharmacy Newmarket A clergyman of a neighboring town at the beginning of his discourse said he had forgotten his notes and ex cused himself as follows I will have to depend the Lord for what I say this morning This evening shall come better prepared PILLS Vim to work and to winto keep a sang sound body to laugh at worry Vigor to ward off disease to con obstacles to transmit health and Strength to your posterity Vitality to resist the fearful strata and tension of modern life to make up for the constant drains of overwork Dr Wards Blood ftnd Pills confer all these essential qualities on user THIS IS AM LB Before using Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills I felt weak nervous and down I had lost weight steadily for some time my circulation was hands feet and Ivnbs were cold I always Now after the use of one box of Dr Wards Pills I feel like my old sen- I have gained five pounds weight and per cent In cheerfulness I now walk firmly my system is strong and my blood circulates vigorously I have more comfort than I have in years Dr Wards have done more for mo than any medicine I ever took- CARMlCflABL Bright St All good druggists can supply you If they wont we will by mail Price per forced Tiis DOCTOR WARD CO Limited- Toronto NERVE THE NERVES AND BRING fiffRBHINB5 BLOOD BLOOD AND TONE THE SYSTEM Scotts Pharmacy Next Post Office VOU WISH TO Anything Anywhere at Anytime ADVERTISE IN J The Most Popular Local Paper and reaches all Classes ol the Community Rates Very Low Considering Circulation AH The Buffalo AllSteel Disc Harrow Barrow made or In bavin Independent adjustable spring upon Inner of allowing any amount of prefigure to be thrown upon tbe toner end of tbe gangs by foot of operator By a perfectly flexible action to secured and can be worked to a depth Examine Machine care fully and compare with The Ho 12 Cultivate- IS A OF only Culti vator both lines of will cut an even depth ground Examine it and you will see The only Cultivator with a mo able tootb bo that the angle of teeth can to suit any condition of Pre be regulated to act differently on every requiring it teeth are carried bet the Instead of trailing behind aa In pi machines thus securing lighter draft chine la furnished with grain and seed box when required It has diamond for the teeth extra wide can bo furnished will buy no other THE BEST DRILL MADE The Needs No Introduction Over and of our manufac ture use Id Canada Drill made lover for Instant ami perfect refutation of depth of hoe in all kinds or soli while team loin motion absolutely correct to scale saves seed as every kernel deposited at a proper to grow Purchase only the beet and you will be Mowers Rakes and as good aa tho beat Send for illustrated catalogue BIOS- Co Limited Oat- Canada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT OQUOI Work iw flight entire collar ran in nickel A complete linear 09 Model Wheels fi witSRVASl press everywhere as the reliable we here as th tea ftftB era every where If you are not a subscriber to the Era ft r irsii Bend

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