Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Apr 1899, p. 3

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Weeks local WHAT IB ON IK ABOUT TOWN Liberal Club meeting In tho Temperance lift I at evening Good all attendance requested York gangers Rev boon gazetted Honorary Chaplain of the Twelfth Bat- Rangers With of old time canteen Mid the Intro duction of a Rev gentleman as an of Twelfth more for than over- Snap lor fiomffbojyi By Auction iho end all household furniture late Mrs Dions stmt centre of town Office Opens nextXOonth At a meeting the of New market hold last Saturday it decided to commence operations for lav of May ore bright for good at meat of the season at least Remember Saturday April is the that Opt of the Toronto Optfoial Parlor will bo at Open promise ft good program ihelr id the Temperance Hall noil Tuesday evening Among local talent Mies Simp- aoo has consented to assist and good talent in ftlao Aurora Look lor programmes The It of are booming more initiations Jaet Friday and Ave on Wednesday Buyers one The Mail of Friday save County who returned yester day morning from Richmond Hill Aurora and where he has been holding tax thai buyers wore soiree that pales in all three places had to bo postponed The adjourned Bales will take place at Richmond Bill and Aurora April and at Button on April lath The were not advertised very Before Was the Millinery at C Hughes ad mired it is this season That means an other busy trade St Pauls Church The chancel was very prettily decorated last Sunday with and Gala Lilies Carnations and Ivy The delivered and appropriate ear- Mies Perkins presided at the organ and wa9 by an oroheatra in both and instrumental selections The music by the choir will be repeated next Sunday and the orchestra will be present The Easier Meeting was well at tended on Monday evening and the church Wardens presented a very re port showing all obligations met in the general fund and a balance on the right of the Messrs and J Robertson were elected ChurchWardens Audit- ore Messrs Bobs and A Bran- ton Sidesmen Messrs T A Keith Ed Hill and Geo Davison It was decided to hold a Juvenile Con cert in May and a committee appointed to carry out arrangements methodise Church Considaiiog the cold weather the flowers last Sunday were very pretty The pastor conducted a well attended fellowship meet and a very appropriate ser mon in the morning The Easter of the was new and well rendered Rev Dr Workman of Toronto preached an admirable sermon in the evening to a large The subject was Prejudice and its remedy The was Can any good thing come out of Hog Trouble V Complaint- is made la this vioinity of trouble to pigs this season There doe not seem to be any particular bat the young pigs do not thrive they should and every little white one will bo dead In the sty way aomo lost mora than half their litters amine the improved Barrel Churns and for ftiDsbford r Christian Church The Sunday School gave a very appro priate Easter program on Sunday mornlog was enjoyed by quite a number of visitors Next Sunday pastor will Completed The now Dry Kiln Canes Is expected to bo for lbs pail staves to- pulpits Eider of Little or Monday When It fa known tain who many warm friends hat six cars of soantllug and over took Into resting of As four In of homo on Andrew Street last Monday- Roy Lath an employee the at met with a painful last Tuesday morn- log He tripped on a of board strlk- a f do of bla against the corner of table right car was badly during bis years ago and they will be to give him a friendly greeting Brought to market The remains of of West who died in land Ohio were brought to Newmarket on Tuesday and interred at Newmarket Ceme tery Some relatives accompanied body from tbo others came from Toronto among whom was Dr Parker and othere wero present from tbo surrounding try to pay their last to de- ooaeed Rev Matthews conducted the bnrial aorvice A Growing Time Nearly every and Store in town Is occupied People who have buildings that could be fitted up for residence should make the change at once and realize on their investments This is a growing time for Newmarket and people who have money looked up that is only giving them 8 per should launch out and their income The additions to Canes Factory and the Works together with the build ing of the Electric Road is going to make lots of work here this summer and people are flocking here to be ready for it Strangers are banting bouses to rent every few days Hooter Womans Society of the will bold their Service and Tea at the residence of Mrs on Thursday April A good program be given All During tbo session Legislature ended on Saturday last about one hundred- and twenty arid private bills and revived the Governors at Am- number wo An Aot io ByLaw No of Town of Newmarket to Specialty Co This location of Specialty Works and factory this sum mer as to double staff The Mana ger was expected here from the city yes terday to make preliminary arrangements Dr Dentist Opposite Bakery Open every day Painless Industrial Home The CommteBionsre mot no Saturday and passed accounts amounting to 79862 This Includes the quarters salaries as well for uew boiler The latter Is working excellently and the Keeper thinks will pay for in a low years in the saying of coal A number of tenders for supplies were received and after careful examination of samples and prices the contracts were awarded as follows Bread to 8tarr Newmarket at 2c per lb Beef to Wm at per lb Cor fronts and per lb for bind quarters Groceries and Dry Goods to Co Newmarket about the Home paeeed through the severe winter in wood condi tion no pipes were frozen and the spring work in good shape No expen sive likely to be needed this summer New Lace Curtains New Laces Ginghams New Art Muslins New tunings New Dress Goods New Lace Curtains I New Sateens American Print Dress Patterns 60 designs No two alike Nazareth Come and see The speaker explained that was held in because the people were poor used a broken and despised by people of is judging wuhont the facts and is as evil as it re un fair Illustrations were given in religion Prejudice prevents the right use of our faculties and people are skeptical because of prejudice Cultivate an im partial spirit The remedy is a fuller knowledge and examination of the facta becoming better acquainted with each other and testing matters by evidence Is Jeans what the scriptures Him to be Come and see Is Christianity trustworthy at Us Is experience a reality Verify it by and yon will find that is the path to progress Mr Carl Lloyd presided at the organ in a very efficient manner and Miss York con tributed an Easter Solo The Easter anthems to the evening by the were also excellent At the close of the Methodist Sunday last Bonday Mies presented four boys in class with beautiful books as rewards for reciting the most versea in the class Christmas Taking the Bohod all through the had more verses tban the girls last Sunday not a very occurrence Supplies Endless variety at Stepladders high Wash up to grooms Washing and Wringers and Farm Produoe Splendid market last Saturday and a big crowd in town Prices generally had tendency sold at 18 and 13c per lb Buyers commenced bid ding lie for but they got very few the townspeople being ready to take alt that came along at The buyers then raised to and but the demand was greater the supply and many farmers got while some got who were late in coming to market Pressed turkeys sold at and eveia per lb chickens per pair and live from to per pair Pota toes sold all the way from to a bag Apples and per basket Hogs to 9516 per owl Beef front quarters per binds from to Veal by the carcass from to per lb baches Beautiful Ties Belts in Kid Elastic Leather Velvet Ribbon and Belt Edgings Insertions Ao added to Ibis week at C Hughes liaorosse Now that the hookey season has gone and has come the hoys will begin to take down their stioke and the hockey slicks will adorn their place Newmarket usual ought to have a strong lseroaae team this year There is still material left from the Old Tata- and the boys ought to make a credit able standing in the Intermediate They should land the championship at Newmarket Some of the old players that are attainable are Root Manning- Doyle Walter Cain Ed Doyle Jack Doyle Geo Simpson Walter Geo Cully Bob Jack and several others A meeting should be called early next week for the purpose of organizing and see what can be done in advancing the national game for the coming season kegs of nails wore Ita construction will that this tall building baa been rushed up in a hurry Wednesday pay day at the factory and there were on roll Presbyterian The services were well at tended Quite a of strangers wor shipped with the Mr gave two excellent sermons The staging by the Mr sang a In the was well rendered The church was tastily deooraUd with lowers for the occasion- Rev Williams of expect ed to conduct the services here next Bab- bath both morning and evening Mrs Greenwood Refraction of Toronto Con sultation free at Royal Hotel Newmarket April a A no then Funeral Yesterday The remains of Mr Richard Dyer were brought herefrom Toronto yesterday after noon for interment in Newmarket Mr Dyer was a resident of New market years ago and a by trade He built and resided the house now occupied by Mr Himself iiiji a jdenoe was well filled Jaat Tuesday and wife were Methodists and bo showing the Methodist Ladies Aid Tea are growing so popular it will be dif- flcult to find a place to accommodate the next one A of natural flowers made the tables look handsome Games were provided and it waa after ten oclock before the program was completed Dr Richardson presided and addition to the varied numb a on Mr Wrights which were enjoyed solos were rendered by Miss Ansel Bell and Mr Leslie also piano selections by Mre Merrick The net proceeds were which is more any previous occasion Everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves due in no small measure to the cordial hospitality of Mr and Mrs One new member joined the Society and others contemplate doing likewise The Ladies Aid has the of the entire congregation for the jjb Pipe Organ which they have recently erected in the church as it continued to give the best of satisfaction Prices Always Right W A BRUNtON THE LEADER We are showing thousands of dollars worth of New Spring Shoes Style and Quality Unsurpassed This is the largest stock of Shoes under one roof in Newmarket Mens Fine Clothing- Great 5u3eess Mr commodious sang tenor in Mrs Dyer will the sympathy of the oldest residents of the town in her sorrow Rev Matthews the burial service Depot The shipments the past week are as follows IJiWAftQB oars lumber cars bolts 2 cars coal ear band iron 1 car corn 1 oar wheat 1 car salt 2 cars car horses car grain car settlers effects cars oars marsh hay car floor cars care merchandise No less tickets were sold here during the special Easter rates R Neat Enterprise Mr Ken the congenial at A E Carriage Reposi tory has received the agency for the Red Bird The great popularity of this famous wheel has brought oat the new 99 model which is radically new emi nently stylish and one of the beat road machines on the market They are great for the money being guaranteed to stand the test in alt requirements Mr I Robinson received a consignment of these wheels both ladies gents last day Those who are conlemplating a this shoald call and see the display See ad School Report of Division III for Is what we keep and we received a big shipment this week Young Mens Suits a Specialty We have the Very Latest Styles in Mens HATS CAPS All the Newest Styles just received The Nobbiest Ties in Puffs Derbys Bows etc to hand THE CHEAP STORE a The Square Thing The Town Council of recognizes that paying for by meter is the only correct principle and in order to en courage consumers to them have re- dace the meter rate to per thousand watte The price In Newmarket is The Mayor of stated that their meter rata was now at the lowest price charged in Ontario and was equal to a rate of SI per thousand feet of gas The rate is mads low to encourage to adopt the meter principle By taking the meter rate the people can get benefit of economy but when they take the flat rate they dont economize and the Corporation suffers This exactly the ground e taken for some time Oar meter rate is too high in comparison with the flat rate The show of electric are paying more than a just pro portion of lighting streets for notbiiigand this the proper place for a redaction to be made Those who have meters have been paying for every hour their lights are horning those not got meters have not been doing The should follow the example of en- courage meter business and the town knows what it is doing Meters on line at the Town Hall Council Chamber and the light charg ed to the proper ill J I Total 100 J Kennedy It Willis Atkinson Walter Hill Codling 85 65 Peppiatt A Smith 32 25 28 V 88 83 Cora Toole 29 Atkinson SO SO A J Holmes Vern Cane 11 42 35 17 Carrey Spring Keels 32 Roy Cane J Moravian 77 49 72 11 SO f i ft 16 Belfry 23 16 19 69 71 62 73 35 37 38 73 40 30 65 72 67 73 72 60 65 63 67 78 36 48 74 Al S3 J Child Hot Nice ribbons and wreathe for at Division A great many people are interested in Division Court law and we therefore call attention to a few amendments proposed by a bill of the AttorneyGeneral In future no affidavit in an action in this sworn before a flolioitor or Agent of the party on whose behalf it was made or before the ctcrk or partner of such Solici tor shall be used unless the for special otherwiee orders Power likewise given to grant orders for substitutional service might be done by High under existing practice The next change is important- In all cases of trial by jury the shall have power to after hearing the whole evidence of plaintiff alone whether there is in law any evidence in support of of plaintiff which to be sub mitted to the jory to pass on and if is no such evidence may direct a or dismiss the action and in case of trial by the Jadge may the jury to answer any of fact stated to them by him for that parpoee end upon snoh answers the Judge may enter up as in bis opinion may ba proper The provisions of etc relating to juries is extended to either party where amount claimed It was so cold Sunday Millinery did not materialize Good- Friday was very in town The Skating Rink was well patronized The hens gone on strike lest week on account of the demand The weather this week has been quite Springlike and Main Street is getting dry A good thing Monday was not the 1st of April or a number people who trotted to the Bank would feel like kicking them selves Easter Monday was a bank holi day The cold weather last Saturday prevent ed much of a display of flowers in the on Easter Sunday Our subscription list is growing copies printed last week Help it grow and encourage a- home industry advocating your interests The days are growing longer bright and warm again Mr A baa opened the spring trade by selling no than boggles See his ad In School has thoroughly renovated daring the TMENT STRONGLY PUT You are respectfully invited to inspect our stocks before purchasing whether your intention was to purchase in New market or elsewhere This will cost you nothing Will be a pleasing favor to us and chances are will mean Money Savinj to you if you become a purchaser We invitetite most examination and comparison of Prices and Qualities Your money back if you are not perfectly satisfied with anything you buy from us These remarks apply to all Stocks more particularly just now to Wall Papers Dress Goods Carpets Millinery Spring Hardware Jackets Mens Boys Clothing Groceries Costumes Silks Linens Shoes Medicines c Fully double the have ever had to choose from ranging in 3c to Roll ii T a a J- Choice New Prunes lb Choice New Figs lb 14b Glass Jar Orange Marmalade 10c Greengage Plums can Garden Seeds packages for Lye 8c tin Matches v DANFORD ROCHE CO tf

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