ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST to now it MoOILL Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH Business A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CtJRtlENT DRAFTS AT I American Draft and Farmer NolinincminlQS Collection promptly to JJ MEDICAL 9 a so Main Bio 1i t p Dp Alfred ihuluU- ft to lOum I toUand6loBpm 1NHUKANCE A Agent for lro Life Co panic to at Current AttbcIoelOinceNowmarkct A A Ramsay Kir Insurance Agent Low Farm and Town Property Over Tin Shop Newmarket the Raising April 2 WOO Goidkn Text the and life i Friday Hob Saturday 1 Cor Sunday Matt 110 INTRODUCTION Wo today the most of all the wrought by our Lord precise date is not known but it was toward the close of his life and the journey made perform it ended those in during the moat beautiful of the par wore uttered Jo sorrow go to who can fort and help as Mary did Seek both divine and human sym pathy To bidanolher share your sorrow is to lessen it He like Jesus sympathetic Rejoice others but better mill weep with who weep grief the heart is tender and good impressions may stumped up on it Everyone can be if he will an angel of mercy in the house of mourn ing Thank God for every answered prayer Thank him publicly that others may see and know the divine good- Let memory forget the injuries done by men but let it hold to the received from above we may cause others to in God as we do To be truly friends our purposes and must point the same way as his Death is but the portal of immor tal life l lev PAINTING Painter and Paper Hanger in all of business Id Wall to Ibom door North of tho Primary Church Street Bolton Painter PperHangcr and House Decorator Corner Cljuroh Street and MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Mate and Fancy Goods The City Again on Top to Loan At per coot on farm and village property by J Conveyancer and Agent o Agent for the following rcUable Companies Liverpool and London and Globe Onion Midland Mutual and Eco nomical ALao for the Standard Life and Life Co Office Hopkins Mount Albert Money to Loan At Fire per cent on Firstclass by Commissioner for taking Affidavits Es tate Agent Convoyancor of Marriage Etc Agent for the following Insurance Queen of London and Liverpool England Citizens Montreal Gore Mutual established In 1836 also for the Confederation Life Association To ronto Registry Office Corner of Main and Lot Streots Uur Saskatchewan Buffalo give great action We have Just a few left our last consignment and In order to make a clean sweep we you a Call and see them tow driv ing inltta left A B Opposite the Plphcr House CENTRAL SHOP Just Received a Case of NEW SPRING GOODS imported from the Manufacture comprising the Newest Shades and Patterns which make the Nobbiest Suitings in Town Call and examine before going elsewhere as you will be highly pleased Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed McLaughlin j the heading in last weeks issue you make state ment that are misleading In the first place you Hay that Toronto pays per cent of maintenance of and nothing for interest on capital invested then draw an inference that present County Coun cils are of inferior ability to former ones as a whole The agreement as to the proportion tho City should pay the County for administration of justice was adjusted years ago and very few of the then County Councillors now occupy seate in the present Council and agreement says the city shall pay tho county per cent of the cost of courts County Solicitor Robinson advised us when we were seeking to compel the city to pay the county something for interest on capital ac count that the words cost of courts meant the of Court House as well as maintenance besides it was contended on behalf of the city that in making the adjustment interest on capital account was taken into con sideration Since the adjustment was made the city has extended ite area by taking in large portions of York County and has increased in population more rap idly than the county and why you should assume that the should pay or per cent of the cost of maintenance and the same amount on capital account making a new ad justment Why the city only pays per cent on maintenance and capi tal account inclusive I cannot im agine I should say lo percent would be nearer the mark Then Sir you speak of the agree ment in reference to the new city Court House and I ask you to turn up the agreement which is to be found in the City of Torontos Bill in 1885 page and if you can tell your readers what that agreement means then Sir you will confer a favor on York County Council and no doubt save the county many hundred dollars in law costs At a conference between City So licitor Caswell Corporation Counsel ItFullerton County Solicitor Robinson and myself as Warden recently called to discuss the question of pur chasing furniture for the new Court House it was admitted by all three lawyers that unless the joint com mittee of county and city could come to some understanding as to what was meant by the agreement and draft an agreement to construe the present agreement that the courts would have to be invoked to interpret it It is true that in estimating the amount payable by tho county for cost of site of Court House and House building the amount shall token at a greater cost than what about the other portions of the agreement The county pay its just proportion of the cost of heating lighting enretaking cleaning and providing all proper tiiyi fuel lights and furniture Does cover cost of site and builds only or does that sum coyer heat ing and lighting apparatus and ture city Kays it docs not and the county to appoint a representative to act furniture It Is admitted that building will cost what proportion of that sum will be in vetoed in tho Court House A man building of marble of and have a soal compact ono ho may spend the sum on bricks and mortar and have a gigantic structure the cost of heating lighting and furnishing building would not be per cent of the other If the Court House proper hoe cost say does the county ha veto provide furniture to furnish million dollar Court House or only its of of it and will the county pay for heating lighting and cleaning the whole of it or only its share of The agreement says we are to pay a fair share of heating furniture etc of the Court House not on four hundred thousand dollar part of it I have no hesitation in saying that tho agreement entered into by the county with the city in 1 is the most unfair indefinite and muddled agreement over made by any of men and Sir to use your own words it does make a good deal of differ ence whom the county sends to do with you that per diem for of gaol is too high but you must her this Sir that when the count wo only paying per the city had no power to as part of maintenance interest or capital account but as breadstuff and clothing have greatly fallen in values since the ag reement was made the price should be reduced and this matter will receive attention so as question of settling compensation the city is opened up both matter will be set tled by the one tribunal In reference to asphalt pavement In the County Council received a communication from the City Coun cil in reference to paving Adelaide St which was referred the County Pro perty Committee whom reported as follows With respect communication re Asphalt paving of Adelaide St your committee being of the opinion that the county should not stand in the wiy of such improve- ment Recommend that the Clerk notify the chairman of mittee on Works for tho city that the county will pay its fair propor- of such pavement The pave ment was laid and accounts began to come in for local improvement charg ing county on the same basis as private individuals The county ob jected to pay more than one fifth The city put their bailiffs in the Court House and seized our furniture yot we refused to pay The city drafted a special bill and went to the Legis lature and although our Council op posed the bill before the committee it became law The fault lies with the Government as well as the Council If our committee had reported that the county would pay onefifth of the cost instead of paying fair proportion and the city had then went on and laid the pavement I presume the Le gislature would not have taken us by the throat as they have done The names of the County Property Com mittee that year was Slater High Hagerman Kennedy Golding and Lemon The view the Legislature took of the matter was this the pavement was a benefit to the value of the pro perty and was really adding to the selling value of the Court House You say there is a halfhearted species of Rivalry between the Legis lative Committee of the county and the local members This is not true Every amendment asked by the county to public acts has been drafted by the County Solicitor and divided among our three members You must remember Sir questions sometimes arise in which the County Council members are divided and also the Legislative members Why Sir only a few years ago an amendment was made to the High School Acta where by the county became compelled to pay for county pupils attending High Schools in separated cities and Towns In consequence of which the county today is paying over a year to Toronto Junction and killing Rich mond Hill and Weston High Schools This amendment has always been cre dited to one of our members Dr who lived at the Junction So that Sir the county has decided to not only watch what Legislation w going to nance of a school in a that contributes nothing towards county expenses and yet Sir von nay everything should be handed over to our members this sum payable to To ronto Junction annually will pay the cost of the legislative Committee for at least four years I am my dear Sir your obedient servant T J Woodcock on but to watch our own members al so but have no desire to interfere with them so long as they work for the interest of this county The county has applied on two different occasions to have this obnoxious clause struck out but Sir the Minister Educa tion loath to have any his pet scheme the Public and High School Acts and re fuses to consent to the second reading of Mr Richardsons bill to repeal the clause TbeLegisJativepommittee have interviewed him but I fear he too autocraHc to bend The result of this legislation our own members is Newmarket Aurora Richmond Hill Weston and pay a county rate for main tenance of their own schools and In the outset wo have this to say that Mr Woodcocks letter is very prolix and he appears to labor under a sort of hallucination that its force consist more in its length than in subject matter to which it refers He talks all round what he want to get at makes implied insinuations talks fussy it off with a little touch of bluff to a theory and then boldly sots to work to destroy the fabric his fertile imagination create In his first paragraph he states we drew an inference that present County Councils are of inferior ability to former ones as a whole We were not speaking of present Coun cils Tho reference was made to I he Council which to the imposi tion of a tax for constructing Hide- walk in Toronto which law did authorize or compel ilin County to construct or contribute towards the of The second paragraph to the agreement between County and City respecting maintenance We liavo not him to do with what city contonus Mr Woodcock and every member of the County Council who knows anything about it to this very day city pays the per cent he refers to toward repair of the Court Howie the same as for administration of justice expenses The third paragraph w very mis leading We do not assume the County should pay any such thing ax Mr Woodcock would fain make tho public believe If the percent tho County is now paying is too much why has he not had it changed 1 He admits the relative situation has changed In the third paragraph Mr Wood cock wonders why we assume that the County will have to pay 18 or per cent of the cost of maintenance etc We quite that per cent is all the County should pay but when we made reference to the above per centage we assumed that from what is generally known our readers would quite understand the amount payable would simply be what the adjusted proportion would be fixed at under our altered conditions when the business of the judicial county is administered in the new court house No one is so ignorant aa to believe the conditions obtaining are the same as they were when the existing ratio was fixed or that the same figures will obtain under the altered relatione To talk as he does is simply dustthrowing nothing more In the next paragraph Mr Wood cock thinks he is smart by asking a Jesuitical question respecting the in terpretation of the agreement between County and City and speaks of the favor it would confer on County Council to have its meaning unfolded Does he fancy that sensible people will be carried off their feet in wild hur rahs over this subtle sort of glamour for astuteness It is simply a wild vagary to say something without say ing anything The agreement was drawn by Mr J Kerr we understand aud it had the approval of Mr Woodcocks right hand man Mr of who is now hobnobbing with him on the com mittee he is spending so time with He can ask that gentleman for the needed information and thus save the County the many hundreds of dollars that this new born zeal for economy in municipal history displays All of the questions he asks in the next paragraph and its entire palaver respecting maintenance and who is to pay for the furniture of the new court house from the Judges carpet to the stokers poker at the furnace has no bearing on the article he attempts to criticize and only furnishes another proof of and of the writer Whether the agree was unfair or otherwise we are not now admitting or defending neither are we called upon to interpret its meaning the more especially as he admits It is true that in estimate the amount payable by the County for costs of site of Court House and Court House buildings he amount shall not be taken a greater cost than If be true and our censor declares it is what need of in terpretation The language is plain English if the agreement further say that the County shall pay proportion for heating lighting etc it should not be difficult for men who claim to know a good deal better how to run the County than the legis lators and officials up in the Queens Park to reach a as to proportion- Ail the chatter about the cost of heating etc and the fifths cost of furnishing has nothing to do with the article Woodcock pretends to bo criticising of 1B8j had just as much served tinder a law which would place erection of a court in other hands than the council unless were towards such a Work action hut the original liability agreed upon between county and city for cost of buildings was wo understand and not amount was increased to the figure by the Legislature against the protests of the County With this howevor we have nothing to do but because Mr Woodcock cant intorpret the agreement just as he wants to he faults the men who obtained for the County all that could be got at the time But this leads to quote from our previous article the observation It does make a good deal of differ ence whom the County sends to do business Of course it does in tbi we are agreed Let us furnish an ex ample Last year North Toronto dissatisfied with the way the County Council was dealing with it by a vote of the people decided to and to apply to the Lieut -Oovenior-in- for the necessary proclama tion This first stage York Council instead of waiting till ihe question of issuing th proclamation was to be considered by the ment prceeded to appoint a commit tee to confer with North sprint separation joint had several meeting- he York men a day and and finally signed an agree setting forth the terms and con dition of the But when the Town asked fur the issue of the proclamation the York Committee bobbed up serenely and oppos ed the carrying out of the agreement to which assent had previously been given again pocketing a day and mileage for appearing before the Gov ernment Of it makes a good deal of difference whom the people send to County Council The Gov ernment could not do less than ratify the agreement but the secrecy of the ballot last January alone could unfold why the agreement was reached in the first place Then again look at the action of petitioning for bill to enable a Councillor to retain a seat in the Council vote our money increase our liabilities possibly without having any monetary interest in the County really to all intents and purposes a nonresident Of course it makes a difference whom we send to the Coun cil Instances along this long are numerous but it is unnecessary now to particularize In the article Mr Woodcock criti cises we condemn the asphalt pave ment transaction He virtually does the same but he does more he ad mits the agreement was drawn wrong resulting in making county con tribute more than even the com mittee intended He says If our committee had reported etc so and bo Oh I yes if they bad not con sented at all York would not now be paying for sidewalk in Toronto But on his own admission it does make a difference whom the people send to look after their business and dont you forget it The last paragraph is not argument against our contention The Minister of Education knows just about as much regarding Public and High Schools as his censor We have not made enquiry into the school raised but we presume if High Schools of Weston and Richmond Hill all the advantages that the Junction one does pupils would not go to the latter from the County Besides if County pupils are educated at the Junction we see no good reason why the taxpayers of that town should do it gratuitously However as we observed above we have not examined the matter but thing thing we do know our local members feel they are oftentimes by Council lobbyists- The Provincial Secretary if furnished with a clear and concise statement of what would be in the interests of the County in respect to everything affecting it could get for us all the Legislature will feel disposed to grant without the members of the being button holed by those who vainly presume have influence The admission of Mr Woodcock respecting what Dr accomplished clearly illus trates this So long as the County Council attempt to do the work them selves County members will not inter fere but if the responsibility were upon them the situation would be different No doubt ten or fifteen years from this the condition of municipal relations will he quite much as they have changed during the past decade and in the light of the the de cade will afford the men of that day will be able to look back with upon what is done to day will pick holes and find fault just as the men of today kick about what was done ten or fifteen years ago but if we wan tan illustration of whit we mean by the difference it makes in the men wo send to do our business the history of the York Roads transaction with its fifteen years of taxation still to to pay l f mi AVeeetablePreparaiionfor As similating IheFoodflDdRegula- the Stomachs and Bowels of i THAT SIGNATURE Imams Promotes neither nor Mineral Not Narcotic OF Remedy Sour Worms Convulsions Feverish- or Sleep Tic MEW YORK IS the WRAPPER OF BOTTLE OF EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER a up in only It la itjta to on or at get and izjwtr n pat that yen CABTOBIA It THE NERVES AND BRING BLOOD THE BLOOD AND TONE THE SYSTEM I Scotts Pharmacy Next Post Office What Eat and enjoy it and feel comfortable after it is the all day everyday wail of the indigestion pa tient Advice eat all wholesome things dont worry and take Von Stans Pineapple Tablets to aid Nature i in doing the stomachs work I a mild tonic act gently on the bowels they prevent and relieve distress Pleasant and positive cents Sold by Lehmans Pharmacy Newmarket Smuggled tobacco found by the United States revenue officers at Niag ara Falls when they arrested Johnson and Mrs Mary Oliver was stolen out of bond in Hamilton That Throbbing Would quickly leave you if yon used Dr Kinds New Life Pills Thousands of sufferers have proved their merit for Sick Nervous Headaches They make purp blood and strong nerves and build your health Easy to take Only cents Money back if not cured Sold by all druggists The Trout Preserve Co who stocked Mr J Goulds pond in Ux- a couple of years ago sustain ed quite a loss last week by the dam breaking away and emptying the pood of its contents J I I- i a message i RELiEFlNitO MINUTES Every sufferer from reads these lines will find of hope No mailer how be may be afflicted no matter ho many remedies be may have no trailer how marly upon him in rain no matter how completely lie may have despaired of ever ridding himself of be cured I Hundreds upon hundreds of cases bad as his have been fully permanently rami by CATARRHAL v This wonderful remedy fails if laltn before has developed into I fatal diseases Dont it off go at once to your druggist get it bo I tit It will relieve you in will place you on the to full recovery immediately It cures in the head asthma bay fern loss of smell deafness Here is o letter the Re James Murdoch of Harmburg Pa When 1 know my doty Or the two colts a j j off deficit furnishes a moat striking lt a schooled felndtf one J Dr A Core for the Htm relieve in so Azov for ao are the best Dr tetter Mid W0 Carifc In to U CO