Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1899, p. 5

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TriR NEWMARKET MARCH ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL BEST a chab President Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT CO HUE NT DRAFTS ISSUED AT ALL Hurting and American Draft bought and sold Parmer Collections promptly in CO HOBS 1 if ills iiooiu to i mid lo Alfred Jan- dour South of J live I loaaudGioHpm A Agent and Lota CuiTCDt lutes fleBunanue Co r i AT LOWEST HATES Money Load Insurance lUitua nouiod Property Over JlodtfeATJn Newmarket PAINTING The House Painter and Hanger M yctra la all of la Wall Papers to 2nd dour North or Church Street Bolton Practical Painter and House Decorator Corner and MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Mato lain and fcano Money At percent on flretcJas farm sod village property by Davidson affldavltfi H J Conveyancer aad Agent o Agent the following Tollable Companies London and Globe Union Midland Mutual Also for ibe Standard Northern Life Co Offloe Block Mount Albert Money to Loan At Five per on itum Security by David for taking Affidavits ileal Es tate Marti ago Licenses Etc and District for tbe Confederation Association To ronto Old Office Comer of Main and Lot Streets Sehool Christ the Good March John MO Txt I am the good good his life for the John 10 11 Friday M 2231 Sunday Tin man whom Christ healed hurl out of by simply ho declared iiix belief that hi dealer wan a prophet In this allegory lltoir conduct The Saviour that He iu at once the door each vw en torn the fold and the who down his life for the Christs people Know and obey His vote Teachers who deny J are false laid down His all ihwc who hem- 1 1 in voice wiser ice of to true lies in this that Christ knows his and that he Our only safety lies in keeping close to the Shepherd Red Hot the Gun the bail that hit C Stead- man of Newark Mich ill Civil War It caused horrible Ulcers that no treatment helped for years Then Arnica Halve cured htm Cures Cuts Bruises Burns Boils Felons Corns Skin Eruptions Best File euro on earth a 1kx Cure guaranteed Sold by all Drug gists J Toronto March Two local de tectives are searching the city for a man from Chicago who is making pre parations to work the nutmeg swindle in Ontario on a large scale Yesterday the department received word from Waterloo that a firm of wood turners bad been asked to pro duce a quantity of wooden The man who left the order gave bis name ae and said the firm for which he was working would require several barrels of imita tion nutmegs each week The nut megs would be colored and finished Toronto Wooden nutmegs unfinish ed are worth 6 a barrel Swind lers finish up and sell them at from to a dozen which is about one quarter the price the real article brings A story about tbe wholesale firms assignment and the closing out of its big stock is the advanced for selling a standard article at a price The deception is extremely hard to discover A Contractor Wrecked 8 Constitution Undermined by Complications South American Worked a Complete Cure Nervous prostration and liver com plications so afflioted J contractor that physio- ally he was almost a total wreck His druggist recommended South Ameri can Nervine A few doses gave him great relief induced sound sleep and a bottles built him up and cured him so that today he is as strong and hearty as ever Sold by E Lehman leys Pharmacy Newmarket The Queens Trip f from the This was almost full only two scats remained empty therefore could do nothing but toko these and was both and amused to findshe would ho compelled to ait richly dressed young infu i an agreeable companion as JLLL answered with Miss Phil I heard this trior the imposing Miss was a Visit from her lover a titled English gentleman whom she became acquainted with during her jour Perhaps you will be able to cut her out if you get this sit lb I would not like to deprive him of very of her shoulders stranger who thus dared to approach her no at once on her journey to the man- know that this could bo no other lftn lt backwardas if to signify that their was at once rose and was about to through tho portiere winch he held parted for her when with thought she turned and Maid Could I not see your dauglnr and would it not be only right- that she should see mo and express suiue opinion in a which mi concerns The Judge gave her of piercing looks at this gain a foothold and a slight smile fluttered bin lijM a lie ideu Miss Miss Lambert and Phils eyes wpidlj at be saw aha had th nterview but by iay sav it would 1 only fair that her the entrance to ins stately jni in l J tho new comers bad taken bode was reached she object vou will their places Miss seemed to fngi and pulled the bell with become very restless she fingered a steady hand A After fciiiBi a her morrococovcred Bible when he heavy oaken door swung vously and finally whispered something open and she wot ton routed by a J to a young girl sitting at her side and brisk looking servantgirl and on they rose and exchanged for the Judge and presenting her seats card was shown inlo a near by This rather public insult was with the reijuoit wait until quite lost ujton for that great was notified of whom it was intended for the placid her presence the girl re- face of Miss gave i with the information that cation of her having this Judge would nee her in a little byplay in reality nut a few minuter Thus left alone neaped her Phil a of likewise an even though inwardly boiling with anger The room though a How slowly the J I seemed to never going to be Out at I which hunt an C i sunshine iilanU last the closing exercises were gone was covered with the most n were at liberty expensive carpet at the windows Miss Ellsworth said Phil what hung curtains of the most costly the furthest which Judge and after a little ration asked to wait then- moment until he had Askfn to daughter but in lx minute two again and to enter Then Cecile for the first tone the thieiholft thai With the few ip -Ji- in fur Infants Children in a for Castor Paregoric Props mid Soothing It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance It Pleasant Its guarantee thirty yours by Millions of Mothers CoUorlu tlestroys and cures mid Wfiid Colli- relieves Teething and Flatulency tin- Pood the and and Children giving healthy and natural is In- Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend Castoria an cJem fcvir to children hait m I il lo any pro of Chi dim iWiwn l il A Aktilflc crept by large one a richly i I a 1 to have that school was decorated ceding from centre of it slate into a dinmisHcd but at which hung an expensive THE SIGNATURE OF ALL TOOK Pali WITH Pain- A Midlalf In Mp and M MP BO toont AVIS In k MEN 5 Hue well men to AND V vent even of jut t a Teles ram tor j Cull for you us Temple Telephone Kx why our set Poult long properly mid Mi at tree accept a At COL LEU Hi Her Majesty Queen Victoria left Windsor last Saturday for the in the south of France by way of This is her first visit to that place since the Crimean war The Queens yacht was convey ed by eight of fastest torpedo boat destroyers in British navy This precaution was taken in consequence of some wild talk in Paris papers One journal had the to say that The Queen becomes our guest at a when the British Government has made itself more than ever our enemy England however intinaated through the London press that if any outward accident or fatality should occur the British nation will dignity Queen Victoria pays monthly for her rooms without the expense of suite numbering persons Alto gether her little trip will cost her about Her chaise favorite white donkey number of pel dogs and birds sent ahead Her Majesty also has a curious about sleeping her own bed which is tak en with her wherevevshe goes Jan as wan Clerk I Lead to Stenograph- rala fnolpal Pay The busiest and mightiest little thing that ever wan made is Dr Kings He Life Pills Every pill is a sugar- coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength in to energybrainfag into mental pow er Theyre wonderful in building up the health Only do you think of I think that J would not be Mis Lambert if she the riche of Europe she in a pitiable object If I hadnt with you she would not acted like that my father ia only a and mother occasionally dope some line sewing for her family therefore we belong to the of tho earth as birds of a feather Hock together she naturally supposed you wore of my grade of humanity Which the best go through a living life or a mere existence asked would choose the life certainly Phil And if I am not mistaken a fruit ful one is before you if one can judge from present appearances existence is in store for Lambert as years filled only with efforts to please ones self without any regard for the feeling of others is worthy of no better name That evening Miss ESsworth escort ed by Phil again started for the church where they hod been greeted with such extraordinary in the As entered this village sanctuary a feeling of relief seemed to creep over her with one glance around the beautifully fit ted interior Though the outside had quite satisfied her fastidious taste she had hardly expected to be as well pleased with the inside but she cer tainly discovered her mistake as she walked up that softly carpeted aisle For a moment her unpleasant feel ings connected with the building re turned as she saw seated in the choir the spectacled celebrity of her afternoon encounter but when deep rich of the organ rolled forth all disagreeable remembrances vanished for music was the key note to her best feelings and she was able to fully enjoy service that follow ed So passed Miss worths first day in and despite the after noon experience she had an inward conviction that her sojourn there was to be both interesting and profitable If it was on Tuesday evening as they were gathered around the tea table that astonished them alt by making the following declaration I am going to make a call on Judge Lambert tomorrow Why my dear I did not know you were acquainted with him exclaim ed Mrs Clifton Neither am I but Phil has been telling me the Judge intends getting a companion for his daughter and am going to apply for the position Are you tired of us asked her friend with a reproachful Indeed I am not answered earnestly but feel very much interested in this young girl and I think we would be it help to each other besides she added with a rather sad smile a few dollars would not prove an unacceptable increase to my pre sent low funds Bat did not doctor say you were to rest put in Phil Yes and I intend to do so Be ing the company of such a beauti ful girl as you declarer she was and here ave him an look could not surely prevent me from rest ing- Perhaps actions are not so beautiful as her looks returned Phil 1 do not like to have you leave us so Clifton Rut NufseVyou know if I procure this situation I will probably be near you for many months while if not it cannot be longer than a few weeks Looking at it in that way I hope you will get it was the answer Children Cry for material The furniture was of a very imposing kind Gvery nook and comer crowded with articles that could only be obtained by a lav- Mi expenditure of money But fitledup apartment apoke plainly of riches in money it told as plainly of poverty in ulness for in the arrangement of all this grandeur there was an absence of grace that was extremely displeas ing to the critical eye of Some ten minutes had passed when the cur tains of the portiere parted and Judge Lambart stood before her He was not a handsome man but very tall and carried himself with great dignity rose and bowed which he returned with a slight in clination of the head saying as he did so You wished to see me I was told I will at once state the object of my visit and not detain you longer posHible returned Cecile reseat ing herself in obedience to a motion from the Judge The room though a particularly large a lofty richly de corated ceiling from the centre of which hung an expensive chandelier The was covered with the most expensive carpets and at the windows hung curtains of the most costly ma terial The furniture also was of a very imposing kind and every nook and corner was crowded with articles that could only be obtained by a lavish expenditure of money But though this magnificently fittedup apartment spoke plainly of riches in money it told as plainly of poverty in for in the arrangement of this grandeur there was an absence of grace that was extremely displeasing to the critical eye of Some ten minutes had passed when the tains of the portiere parted and Judge Lambert stood before her He was not a handsome man but very tall and carried himself with great dignity rose and bowed which he returned with a incli nation of the head saying as he did so You wished to see me I was told I will at once state the object of my visit and not detain you longer than passible returned reseat ing herself in obedience to a motion from the Judge I was informed that you have been contemplating ad vertising for a companion for your daughter and I have taken the liberty Of anticipating your advertisement by thus applying for the position The Judge was still standing bis hand jesting on the bock of a chair and while was sneaking kept bis piercing eyes fixed upon and after she had ceased he was si lent for some moments thoughts as he afterwards told her running something like this who is this person anyway she does not look as though she needs tins situation well dressed almost ex pensively and seems to be a lady in everyway Are you a villager he at length asked No am staying for a short time with Mrs Clifton Oh ejaculated the Judge a relative I presume No but one of my best friends said without hesi tation Have you ever had any experi ence us ladys companion was Judge Lamberts next question Not for aeration- replied That my friends seem to find my company agreeable is the Only recommendation I bring i Well Miss Elsworth your appli cation cannot be accepted without some consideration I will let you know my decision later paying which the Judge took a step mingled with delicately tinted drapery seemed hi be the predominat ing feature of this charming It u large airy room lighted several great oriel windows where wen clustered several kinds of tropic al through which gleamed the bright sunshine sending a subdued light about the apartment Vases of exquisite cut flowers were placed hero and there emitting a faint sweet odor that to harmonize completely with the soft light and bowery appear ance of the place Our heroine almost like on dreaming a- she half absently follow ed the Judge across the towards one of the largest windows separ ated from the rest the room Ion- lowing curtains which were now slightly parted giving a glimpse of the scene within On a great roomy old fashioned sofa surrounded by foliage and blossoms was the object of her visit to this fairy like region reclining among cushions and soft shawls A slender young plant at the head of the sofa its low drooping leaves making a graceful canopy over the one resting I As Miss ftyws fell on this picture she was effectually brought back from to real life The words of Philip incurred to her at that moment She is ile most beautiful girl I have ever seen and she certainly did not doubt it looking upon the face of this young girl Saying that she hod block wavy hair long jet eyelashes faultless features and a fair delicate complex ion will give the reader but a faint idea of her appearance but this is the nearest we can come to a descrip tion She raised her eye at their ap proach and Cecile saw that like her fathers these were of a dark piercing brown which seemed able to read one through at a glance This is my daughter Adelaide said Judge Lambert parting the cur tains my child he contin ued a tender smile illuminating his usually stern countenance this is Miss the lady who wished to see you I I will leave you by yourselves a bit He then took up a book lying on a stand nearby and withdrew to a nook on the farth est side of the room took the thin white hand of invalid in her own and gave it a warm friendly pressure as she said in her sweet re fined voice have been thinking of you so much lately TO BE CONTINUED APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER arrow or In Iijviiiir iJjfJfpjjtJiii rtJJuAlHrle Inner Mult tie thrown upon the of tin- the of liy flexible action Hit irrnuiifl worked to uuirorui care fully itiljuti The tip Cultivator IS A liuib leelb will cut an In And you rJU Bet vlfb a move tilt tit i In to null any cifi4itln ir boll to vtry tion t Mr- between wbtrlj of miujf ii In inacblneft it Title w box when bah for inputs you will buy no THE BEST DRILL MADE Introduction WOIriUsaiid of our In MM- in The only Or III made with lever for perfect or f boe In all kinds Of white team lain motion correct very kernel Is Purchase only the also manufacture ttdkea Cutllvatom a Bead for bailer feed a kit prefer dcp Iiiai you win Mowers good Bros- panada ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT On Thursday of last Owen Sound has bad a fall of feet of snow the past winter j gome thief enured the home of Mr New life for a quarter Millers J Amos West Compound iron Pills Sold by through the kitchen window A vast quantity of rock over hanging Village of near Spain fell many bouses and killing eleven people to ins bedroom am abstracted his purse Containing from bis pocket No one was awakened and the quietly departed by the same window The Government has decided to construct a telegraph line to connect the Yukon territory with British Col umbia The British Government is ask ing for a credit of to in competition in the telephone service Elijah a on the killed near Fenwick by the tram while he and other were trying to get their off track Mr of Beetle v elected to the County Council of iu the thud division defeating Mr of Tottenham who resigned to some Irregularity A writ for a in Que to fill the vacancy in the Com mons caused- the demise of Dr has been Nomination for Maroh polling March SKINDEEP BEAUTY is that cal adage but ttvo It weald take a big lot of handsome to com- for a skin that diseased and whose appear- l distasteful to all who see it the of the whoso dally bunko it to bear it IS a euro for all sorts of Slda Diseases itching are accompaniments Utter salt rheum scald head ring worm eczema Itch erysipelas liver spots and eruptions f one ap plication allays the and perseverance its results in a speedy cara- For blind bleeding tlchio- ulcerating piles a rnagtcal- balm on application gives comfort and relief in an instant and in from three five nights the trouble disappears Price cti A Toronto i As a Ban Francisco passenger train down for near Pittsburg Kansas an abandoned the caved to dropping the train ft distance of sir feet Vv- A hid for ao badly her fatndnecltwexeo life of and Mining lateaws Our to dm own to She tried manrolQtmeauHlvtsaiidwiUie air benefit She a box of application I el a a fceut a for pile In won decided to on f a ppcntkia out to be fir apphcatico of cell red today rewarded DR CURB FOR THE f CATARRHAL POWOERRtlerei cold tba bead la Cvrpa bay fetor DR AT lliifAlA tiiOJi iliWAAIUtT 1 tJ

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