Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 17 Mar 1899, p. 3

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Weeks Heats WHAT ON IN ABOUT TOWN Depot shipments past follow re ft INRARUB HO cars lumber car coal 1 car wheat earn merchandise 6 care I car oar grata 2 cars stook car flour care merchandise ii- THE- last Sunday mow Sag and in evening Aomra declared the vacant of Episcopal Church will services next morning and Spring Freshet The raiu list night vary near- took way all i ho enow left from the of the Sunday morning previous aod the creeks till they overflowed their banks laat Sunday was a strain on Water fit dam before was discovered the water had risen the nmd within inches of overflowing thu Messrs- John Geo bad quite a job got tint the plank loose to allow the to pans over dam more- freely pine one oclock on Saturday the alarm of tiro vae the Wa- lur Wmka whistle for Patricks Ward the of the worn nut needed had Rot out to I In the sounded out The of the alarm was the of a coal ail lamp in a on On tario St Mr and Mr were jubl bod and blowing out lamp without having turned down wick the flames communicated the oil prosecco of mind the burning flowing oil ruy of lifiht III uj i lie room Mr ljdkr work and lie the alarm llr be found that III wan id of A Snap Sea do Bait Lab rador do Starr Model School for Jut II CI total A dr Albert Sliokwood Robbie 203 Herbert Harold leeaie Louie Brown Edward Duncan 171 Claire Thompson Ida Bill Stanley Mary 146 145 Carrie Percy Hoy Cody Clare HO Annie Gertie 133 Ethel Ada Ada 109 Hi I Names in order of Anna Ger Last Friday down and a half youog people an ear- Mr eon of tho who ox- to loavn or Manitoba in a at the on in a body they took for be ing and a moat evening Before Boparatihg Charlie wan Miaa a beautiful Toilet Sot while Waller Jackson read the follow you v about to leave your homo and old aaoolatte your in far before your departure to appreciation of you aobool- ma 1 for mutual pleasure and i you have taken a keen io and your your baa ever been marked with courtesy hud Wo therefore you to accept Comb end an a alight token of oar and ttu a memento of the pleasant wo have spent toKOthar at Newmarket We furthermore heartily unite in you auoccaa in your sphere of on behalf of your by Dickson and The in every complete Charley made a brief The occasion will never be forgotten by him lie a worthy man and we him every Dont Get Into a buy A pint sealer of fur or a quart of Pickles for coalers included nice Marmalade Oranges at doz for arc Rone buy now as we can not replace them for the money Starr The anniversary Sunday were attended with Rev Job of Toronto with large audiences and hie flow of oratory and logio filled the worshippers delight and The morning text was the of the chapter id Matthew Thy will be done liaiuty ie bat the develop ment of divine the interpretation of the mystery of the incarnation and to be fully aocompliahed tho laws of heaven most be the Ittws of earth It spe cialists to the divine will and render service God has be queathed to man the discovery of all thisoarih but that which is possible to discover the of the spiritual world Cod baa revealed fa Hie r iflugheaevervtbioB and fiertba Herbert t He has a definite plan in eve Wright Roland Ego Fred Davison Mabel ArmiUgo Charlie Edith March Blanclpe Clifton Nellie teacher Club The organization of a Liberal Club was oonaummated in the temperance Hall on Tuesday evening under the constitution of the Liberal Clubs of the Province Lloyd occupied the chair The fol lowing ofilcere were elected Honorary Bon look Hon J Edgar and Hon J Davie Mayor Cane 1st VicePree Mr Lloyd 2nd VioePres Lloyd Mr Angus Committee Messrs Walter Cane Little jr L G Wake Howard and Irwin Auditors Messrs T J Robertson and C The organization will be known the Liberal Club of Newmarket At the of the routine business Mr Smith of Toronto Liberal Organizer gave an address complimenting the on its formation recounting the victories of Liberalism the past few years and pointing oat how the organization can do effective wort A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr Smith for his admirable address and the encouragement of his humir of speeches followed advantages of a Club of tai given by J Robertson L- Waller Cane C Lehman Elder and LtCot Lloyd It was decided to hold the next meeting in the Temperance Ball on Tuesday even- of next week commencing at oclock when from the Throne at the opening of the Dominion Parliament will be taken up for discussion An invitation is extended to any person who calls him- a Liberal or deres to know what Liberalism means particularly young men in Newmarket vicinity to be pre It is that the Hall will be well filled l fill From Headaches Attain Pain In the Baits and Tempos or other eye defects can be relieved by scientifically fit ted Greenwood honor optician of oronto in at life Every man nebU and grand if he is doing what God wants him to do The sorrows and troubles are nearly all the revolt of following own wills every thing that heroic noble grand is the divine will Obedience to the divine will implies perfection and personal power Cooperation with God the human blend ing with tbe divine produce results not otherwise attainable Let consecrate all power to work out the will of God in all things evening sermon was founded on tbe text So Michael let David down by a window It was virtually a sermon on womans influence and a tribute to her fidelity and power over human life There is no beauty in womanhood like ft Christianity is the coro nation of a womans life A real true woman sanctifies all relationships of a human life every sphere and there is no grander heroism than the silent mar tyrdom of a womans life in the home This is true sphere and where her in fluence is moat deeply felt The true home Inspires man to do bis beat and the great want of the hour is the reconstruc tion of home life The power of home life is prayer grave wont change life and the new birth is real as the first There is only one thing that will bind the home together though the family may be afterwards separated and that is piety- The sermon was a strong appeal to the ladies to make home attractive by chris tian graces that tbe occupants will not want to spend their evenings elsewhere A large choir sang four splendid an thems two in the morning and two in the evening and Miss Nettle deserves praise for the manner in which she man ipulated the pipe organ trustees for in a free will offering instead of getting a Tea- Meeting and nearly 900 were placed on the collection plates There is still soma to come Id and they hope to reach the mark On Monday evening Rev Cooking of King gave a splendid enter in comprising the manners and of the people Of Japan and results of missionary effort wag greatly appreciated The ex planations by the returned were given with freedom of speech and changes thrown open the canvas so that the two hours with wonderful rapidity other at tractions In there was fair Net proceeds 11 Serious Calamity Averted by Over Insurance- about 2000 jive oclock on Batqrdayeroipjig of at Cuta Factory immediately ftouDiicd the Works in a few were lined with people for the and smoke rifting from cop of Factory betoken a When the Town arrived it found that flro was confined to of large Pry and fan house and the bad two of water playing on the building The Town hose were then carried on the of iho main faotory and from there four atroams of water were poured into the furnace For the first half much of the water waa wanted because- it was impossible to get at the tire The kilo connections where the lire started were covered sheet iron and all open ings wore fastened on the inside it waa impossible to get water where it was wanted moat tin part of the roof burnt off kiln was only about ten feet from the main and a por tion was connected by a roof while an ad dition to the main building connected at end of the kiln It was an anxious time for an hour or more but the firemen worfaed bravely nd by the aid of aband onee of water and eflicieut service confined the Hemes to the buildings they srarted in The dry kilo was about feet high built in fifteen compartment all but were filled with pail staves in the pro se of drying The fao house is a brick twenty feet from dry kiln connected below for hot air to bs driven through and above with a passage about five feet high and eight feet wide where the air returns from the kiln to be heated over again It at the entrance of this where the fire started The factory was crowded with in the pail line and the Manager Mr Cane waa considering the ad visabihty of using two cods of pipe for drawing the dampness out of the air before reaobing the fan so as to dry the staves a little quicker Tbe fan stopped and in company with Mr Cane the head ma chines Mr A Thompson and the engineer Mr A Putter started to make an examination Mr Thompson climbed op the ladder ahead having in his breast pocket a lighted candle There was too much draught for a lantern to burn He had almost reaohed top round of the ladder about feet from top of beater the vibration of the ladder the fine powdered dust of a nature to fall from the ceiling and as a Hash of lightning the whole inside was a mass of flames Mr Thompsons hand was badly and he had to drop quite ft distance to prevent suffocation The engineer at once gave the alarm and Mr Cane seized a patent fire extinguisher It failed to work and be returned to for another It went all right but by this time the fire had too of start and falling sparks burnt the side of Mr Canes face very badly HP ABB THE For two hoars a pressure of lbs was kept on the mains and daring that time of water were need at the fire For minutes after the alarm was the water was used out of the reservoir after which time poud water was used The pumpa were kept going till 2 oclock Sunday morning A good many of the men and factory hand worked at fire till one oclock and or firemen stayed all night The men greatly enjoyed lunch sent from Mayor Canes residence where loaves of bread were out up A barrel of coffee was need The damages were estimated at over 93300 and the insurance at The firm intend rebuilding at once on a larger end improved scale The old building being torn down and removed During the progress of the fire a scantling accidentally fell from top of the factory and came an of killing Mr Roes carpenter It jnet grazed his forehead In descending was wot day bat Mr- of Moo treat was here to announcement He only bought however bill decided lo remain hero llllf ay afternoon if be could not get or mare Broken morning John Roger of Yobge St front of bo slipped on the sidewalk and fell with force that one lb broken He was removed to homo and roodloal procured but was very for a day Postponed Captain of tho Salvation Army got a on Wednesday from Booth stating that owin to would have to visit to Newmarket It Is a great to the people of vicinity baa been called to at once but she has promised to fulfil her engage ment here as soon after her return as Gospel Temperance The Hall wan crowded Iset Sunday and the Endeavor of the Christian Cburch provided a ood program Mr Lehman presided and Miss was organist Following was the program Hesitation by Percy Travis singing by Edith and Aleta reading by Mr Lehman recitation by Nora Fletcher singing by Mabel reading by Mr Walter lives nd dialogue by 5 little girl Mine Provincial C will address the Gospel Tem perance Meeting on Sunday next which will be held in the Christian Church I p Rev will occupy the On the Mr John and family have got nicely battled in iheir new boo- street Mr family ore moving this week into the house formerly occupied by Mr on liable Mr Abe has leased a farm near Fine Orchard and moved bid household effects there last Monday Mrs Kirby of Sharon has leased and now occupies the residence of Mr Harry on Mr John will move to the city Mr lirown is about to move from Millard Ave and Mr Winch is going into house now occupied by him Mr Jo Hughes on to Vic- tone Arriving Every New Prints New Lace Curtains New Laces New Ginghams New Art Muslins New Trimmings New Sateens New Dress Goods New Lace Curtains A NEW IDEA American Print Dress Patterns designs No two alike Prices Always Right W A BRUISlTON THE LEADER BIG Shoe Stock an showing dollars of New Spring and Quality This is the largest stock of Shoes under one roof in Newmarket vv aiyijiji Mens Fine Is what and we received big shipment this week Young Mens Suits a Specialty We have the Very Latest Styles in Mens HATS CAPS All the Newest Styles just received The Nobbiest Ties in Puffs Derbys Hows etc just to hand MOiTTGOMERT It MM j- Nri Geo Fortune Veterinary Surgeon Office over Newmarket Hockey A gieat game is on the the Rink for next Monday night when the of Toronto meet the Home Septette The Wellingtons have finiahed their series In the Big Four League compos ed of famous Waterloo team Toronto Club and the Stratford teams and they have promised to bring their very beat here all lovers of good Hookey should take It in date Monday night March 20th Turned On Wednesday last the Private Bills Committee of the Legislature postponed on the bill empowering of Newmarket to grant a loan of to the Specialty Co In return for known lbs flats because deputation not assure the Committee that the two third vote in of the the above was put in type we loarathat the bill amended to for of flate kbit fcSU probably ir i- V V- J See Our Stock Of Crockery and Glassware Nice Berry for 4 piece Glass Sets for and Beautiful Dinner and Bedroom Sets Also the newest designs in White and Saucers Tea and Dinner Starr Christian Church Last Sunday Elder two thoughtful sermon the choir did unusually well His morning subject Jonahs refusal to comply with Gods re- and his futile efforts to hide from presence of God should be a warning to any person How apt we are to forget or God when in health and prosperity but when sickness or adversity overtakes us we then Jonah like cry to God How indtiitely better to remember God all life and not ran uncertain of deathbed repent ance The evening subject was likened to tire chapter and 3rd veree la not this a brand plucked out of the fire Those men who su nobly fire at Canes so and hard our praise sin and active sin the same is latent fire and active fire It active fire which causes the great so it is active sin that the great curse of society ravages made by fire can usually but not with all wrongs cannot be made right For instance if a takes the life of kriorher person or character can that be made right Verily no are eternal Tennyson Club announced week the Club met on Tuesday evening at residence of Mr J Millard After reading Dedica tion of Idylls of the King and getting the run of the story of King Arthur the members decided to go back to In for the remainder of even ings and to meet next Tuesday at J Prospect Aye A pleasing feature of meeting waa the informal presentation of- The Life of Tennyson in two volumes to T Dickson A Principal of the High School here who has led the in the of the read win ter The Clob feels particularly indebted to Mr Dickson for the lively interest he has taken in its welfare Without the light he waa able to throw on the passages by reason his extensive reading and the meetings have been tame Indeed taken- completely by surprise and made a feeling reply The members of ihe Clab that he may spend many a boar of that he be long red to move in his sphere of usefulness in town vicinity After partaking of and pending a pleasant halfboor in the V Danford Roche SPRING CAPES AND JACKETS E W Stylish Garments us opened up this week ranging in price from 1 to 1950 Wall Papers Beautiful Goods the Canadian and American manu facture lovely designs and combination effects Fully double the stock we nave ever had before to choose from 5 J- sy New MS Sua u SHOES Our Spring Stock has been arriving for the three weeks and is now complete These Goods are the of our best Canadian manufacturers such as Marsh whitham c We can truthfully say we have never before passed into stock a more Stylish Wellmade EasyFitting anOotter Valued lot of Boots and Shoes for Ladies Misses Men and Boys wear DANFORD ROCHE NEWMARKET 7

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