I i rfK and Co Grocery A Reduction Graham Notice felToride for Land J ArnriUipe of Cane A SqbV Silver OaVd of Wagon Cover Lost Sf Wheal for Homer of Jus A By y- iff ESP mid cn to watch Toronto increase annual anions of York for the city advantage When the suc ceeds the county and when it fails county to pay the ex pensed of the committee No other county a thus If wax less of this county council lobbying if the Council would more of burden of Us county interests on her Assemhly representatives and give fairly to understand what de sired the county would be advantag ed As it now stands there a sort of conflict county committee wants its mid dont want any one else to share in the credit of whatever success they i may attain The House member do not force forward when there is scorning desire to make em- play as a A PERSONAL ilRAflAT7Ly Bicycle put On uiuilyn Hill for lo a Leave Hill Leave 1 as MO and iii V- Tumult Hill and return ftCrowlDe for ttc trunk railway At OS a i CD J jig fe ar I VOlMtA J C the county comes to the in the H T ly K to comix the county ttlchinnnd local tax the pm Leave sun it- property owners for he of an walk in the old Adelaide Street Court in the fuce of an distinctly municipal pro perty taxation In of the discussion before Houso however it turned out that a few short years ago when the local iiDpiovement referred to was about to undertaken York County did what they rihl to do to bear a innate of constructing pavcnxtit referred to on the under- that said proportion was to determined on the basis on which other accounts are now adjusted be tween county and city respecting ju dicial excuses to county and fourfifths to city or thereabouts Hut the city repudiates any such un derstanding and now declare that the county agreed to pay tin- same as or dinary property owners This is why we it does make a deal of diffrreiicii whom the county to county business weakness was shown in making an agreement of an illegal nature in the first place esftcially when the city was paying notion on capital account towards the use of lie courthouse for judicial The result now is that the county will have to pay taxes towards constructing a sidewalk in the City of Toronto 1 seems to us about time for a change let the city run its own white elephant CO V A She BUT HD BBIOHTUB WITH EACH Oil SB UP FRIDAY Eleven I I City Again on Top I- The city knocked the wind out of the county the House Commit tee last week and now York tax-pay- jv era have to furnish a courthouse for the to do business in on the ment by the latter of about per cent of the annual cost of main ten- In ft ft a ft- v and nothing for interest on capital invested while at the same time compelled to contribute like private citizens towards constructing in front of the old court house which Toronto uses per cent more than the county When the Judicial County of York takes posses sion of the York will he taxed its or per cent on the on capital account and will have to percentage towards main- and have nothing to say The has favored North York get ting out from under the crash ever since a new courthouse was first mooted and if its advice had been taken this part of the would not be now called upon to pay for gjv pavement in a city or away For years Toronto has played the Krab game towards county and when defeated in acts of plunder of its local press baa sneered at its representatives as penurious hayseeds The county used to keep city prison- in the old jail at 15 cts per diem but the city got the privilege to a new jail and became masters of the situation the tables soon chang ed until jrftw York has to pay a Wardbill to the city of about fev- haltftlolfar a day nothing fe in that especially when the cent on capital ac- courthouse Township wanted to got sway the coming Toronto will bo making tempts to secure legislation as to bleed and year by year the county will bo of The first division in the Ontario House this session took place on the Governments revenue bill when the vote stood to in favor of the Ministry Three members on the Liberal Bide of the House were passed with a like number from the Opposi tion two Beats are vacant Perth and North Waterloo these with Mr Speaker make up the total Mr who claims Patron independence voted with the Opposition On the other hand Mr of Parry bound Independent Conservative supported the Govern ment The liquor license bill also passed the House on Wednesday and it may now be said that the principal part of the work of the present session is accomplished The House will likely by Easter Axles Died Is Mr Mrs C attended Richmond Hi on Wednesday ftev of Toronto a id tor Sundy- aiiss ono to to tike of millinery Mr has returned liom from the after weed was Mrs Frank ttiewari flaring stay in town a few at dinner yesterday to bis birthday has to Mr after four weeks Id Mrs and Mrs Horace Rams- den were visttiuK Mr week P of was la town on Wednesday owing to of bis brothers ltd Mr Cor boa been visiting al Air for three or four weeks tor Friday Mr Bradford of Toronto- brother- in la Of Mrs John Montgomery Sunday In Iowa Miny Eva from Toronto after pending of her Mrs mother of Mrs Jaw P Hunter who has to bed is able to again Mr John of Toronto was liftiif on Saturday In with the burial of his lather at ibe cemetery Mrs Cane entertained her Nor mal class at her one evening re- ently and a hippy time is reported Air Partridge and family have moved to Newmarket from Now He has a at Canes Mrs of Testoo spent oyer Sunday her mother Mrs and attended in the cliurob P Fletcher has resigned the the at to hs call to the new Christian in Toronto Ir Jim and wife of villa were here for weeks en of i ib ill health borne on to renew his dove as teacher Mrs Mi Albert who visuinK north of for the four mouths was id town two or s his on bar way in health Mr Walker of a call on Tuesday lie left North years for the in Over for a few on account of bis brother- law of Elder of was in town last Saturday the of Mr John 8 Millard He exchanged pulpits last Sunday with Elder preaching si Union St and We learn that at the District Quarterly Meeting held at a week ago last Saturday Elder Haloer received and accepted a invitation to bis pas torate another year making nine years In succession We are pleased to learn that Mr Stanley Will a graduate Newmarket High Sohool and of the Univereity of To ronto ie credit on institu tions by a distinguished jn of Chicago In Jons last he appointed to a Scholarship in the above in stitution and in October he was elected to a Fellowship in graduates school where he expects to- nntilhe takes the decree of Pb AH honor to the old Newmarket High boy Mr Will is grandson Joseph Collins Tub Easter Number of the Canadian Heme Is on band bright and cheer ful- We notice that a of has taken place and the new editor promises to the Journal in Canadian liierature art and docs not pay a count for the use of 4Ki p v-i- Jin who is now on a lecturing this country begins in an early sue of The Ladies Home Journal bis latest piece of literary work It Ib a settee of popular in which he defines the lation that a minister to bis how a preacher is by his people how a congregation can make the most of a minister and other most sat isfscior attitude of a congrega tion to a pastor the sudden of Ren John P Wood P for Br another bye eleotioa to the Commons will hare to be held Deceased was Controller Inland John Thorn pa in and Sir Mac Mr Wood arrived In Toronto on Monday last and w a guest at the Queens During the afternoon ha was about the on private business and in the evening con versed with friends who called to him tit retired about It and was found in room next morning Heart failure Is the assigned cause of death It a sodden and close the life of a prominent public Hill is gouty to a Ontario Written by a Special Bra Reporttr of the features of the week at the Ontario Legislature been the Governments bill for the compensa tion of workmen injuries- This was announced in Speech from the Throne but has not presented to the House before It ia a very care fully worked out bill and strange to ay even in these days when ship runs and where capitalists and have little in com mon the bill seems to meet with uni versal approval Mr Thomas Craw ford earlier in the session introduced a bill to the Legislature which had same name and presumed to have the name aim But tho bill was a crude affair and unsatisfactory to all parties concerned The bill refers only to man ufacturers or rather to employers of labor where machinery is being oper ated If the is injured the onus of proving that machin ery wan in good form rests upon tho employer This does- not mean that the employer tV placed at the bar as a criminal nor does it mean that if employer fails to prove this that the case is against him nor if he proves that the machinery was in good order that is lost The procedure is simplified too so that now a wealthy and unscrupulous corporation cannot on account of its The Mil mot with of all certainly a success Tho bill for the supplemfcuthift of of hndthp bill regarding- brewers and other licenced have been altered a bit not but in minor detail change does not effect the of Newmarket nor any in York arid as prin ciple of tho bill remains it is probably deal thin any further Suffice it to say that bill in with titally no opposition who called upon to pay the tax These people of course object on principle would consider it was unprofessional not to ob ject The bill which Hon Mr has intnxJuced concerning inKpoction of public institution has 1kmii regular ly passed on There in no objection to it at nil and it will soon become law I thai already been explained The report on Hospitals was pre sented i Legislature this week and it shows side of the One critic in the House during the week inferred to to paternal but in that lie referred to legislation and certainly not to administration The work that docs in this direction most satisfactory- Over J 1 were treated during year besides a very large number of people who relief at thu va rious hospitals This is more people than received aid at any plu vious tiling There arc hospitals in the proviuce which itceive Govern ment aid and the Government of On tario provided that in one of them pat ion I must be admitted The work in that department is cer tainly un and very noble one The beneficial results of the aid given by the province cannot well be over estimated The Opposition may make general criticisms about the ex penditure of the Government in gen eral but certainly no one can raise a voice to charge the Government with extravagance in this department In foci the work is a holy work and re flects great credit on the province No province J believe in the world is no good to it municipalities The maintain all lunatics In this regard J Ixlieve that the is unique It exercises a general perfect supervision over the health of the province supplying funds contagion breaks out ft assists all hospitals and homes It give municipalities a great share of the money raised by liquor licenses and many more ways than space will permit to mention it does this work On last Mr iutro- bill regarding councils in towns Tho object of this bill was to put the town councils down to very small number Towns with a population of 3000 or less by it would have a coun cil of a and four councillors Mr Davis opposed this part of the bill He pointed out that the councillors were not paid and the expense would not be reduced by reducing the num bers A town council had an amount of work to do even to looking after waterworks and lighting and a num ber of committees had to be formed With such a small council the mem bers would have to act on all the com mittees and this was too much to ask these men to do Mr after that said that he was quite willing to withdraw that part of his bill and in committee it will bo so changed Tim Opposition has been putting up a rather desultory fight all through Last in this stag of proceed ings the Public Accounts Committee room resounded with the usual piggery investigation This year the Conserv atives have not heart to make investi gations They not asked for a single witness critic of the days of old does not put in an appearance at the committee and on two days last week there were not enough members to form a quorum The Opposition has hunted scandals for years and found none Surely it is time to become weary ivMrn- We have opened the last few days three large shipments of Mens Boys and Youths Clothing We can show you today twice as large a stock to select your suit from as any other store in Newmarket We handle nothing but reliable goods shoddy clothing no mat ter what the price can find place on our shelves I I 90 90 Not a store in Canada can sell you better Clothing at as low prices as we quote Mens Light Spring Overcoats very stylish at Men Fine Pure- Wool Black Worsted Pants 350 here at Mens Solid AllWool Tweed Pants reg 125 here at Sailor Suits for little boys very nobby at Lord Suits for boys from to years old very new and extremely pretty Mens Neat Pattern Wool Tweed Suits well made and well lined at Special Line Mens Fine Tweed Suits very pretty dark patterns at Mens Fine Tweed Suits in the new olive shades at Our Suits for Men are equal to any Suit your tailor can make you for WALLPAPERS We are going into the Wall Paper business and mean to make it one he strong Departments of our Store We are a little late in starting but the New est American Papers are at hand as well as the first shipment of Canadian Goods If you purpose doing any papering this Spring we ask you in your own interest to wait and see our goods We mean to sell Wall Papers at the same little margins that we gel on our Dry Goods and our stock will be such that people will not re quire to go to Toronto to find uptodate or suitable patterns We expect to have this Department in shape next week See next announcement 1 The Cradle In the lit Mr Mono a At on the lolti inl to Mr Mm Toronto Owen Sound carried the by law to loan Hay brothers to in erecting a new chair Harry Gamble a Trenton boy fell from a train while a Wheat per bushel ride and received fatal injuries Newmarket The LcsCtKKAihehmenf law fuller MarcbStb by A Mao- l Mr io Nettie Cook botb I White Wheal per I Kud Wheat per per I T per bushel per bushel bushel- Ere pei Bushel 0 Eggs per ObtANiER On the at home of the bride by Mr A Jones of Ottawa to B Ostrander only daugh ter of Mr Ostrander of Trenton formerly head at Roachs Butter per lb Nmarktt Lewis Haines At tbe of brides parents on ihe inst by Rev Dewey of Aurora Mr Charles Lewis St New- market to Miss Ethel A Haines daughter A Haines Esq Reeve of Township Shaw On the inst by Elder at the home the bride Mr J Sbaw North to Miss of East At the of the brides mother on he inst Mr Earnest W son of this to wo to Mies both of Learn ing Oar Toronto totter Mr Maclean P met with an accident while riding on last Sunday which will likely prevent biro attending this session Hie horde got frightened by a trolley car and Mr Maclean wag thrown against the car with such violence as to break his leg The horse struck by the car had to be destroyed The Colonist excursion train to on Tuesday- was great that it bad to be divided into four people with their chiefly from Grey and Counties made up thefe trains of James formerly and member of Parliament for city died yesterday Mr David night- at Pi A ton run engine House per lb Hay per ton new per lb DA per Turkeyiperlb CO Short per a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 41 a a a a a March Wheat per bushel Wheat per jOata per bushel 31 Pens per Bye per bushel 0 per 10 i Wool per V tfT I j 8betpaktos Ray per loo CO Beef fore Beef bind Geese per lb fi CO Bo bind 0 per pair on 50 0 own a a a 50 IT a a a a a a a a a a a a a CO a Moving pine w ends and he new begins voa have a in This is ilia rany people Now the timet Wm liMiitf or Parlor a 4 prices ar TWO Royal A 4 The Tomb In King on John aged years Interred at Aurora last Friday In East on the relict of George Heater and wife of John Graham aged on the formerly of aged Man on March Sod 1699 of quick Wats D formerly of in bis year tta Interred at Alan John barnau maker of the Village of Albert on Saturday March years Zephyr on the La- in his year At on the Mix- vie wife of Row aged years and Interred at O o J if a I g s en Try a of Cream for all roughness on March Of the Skill 67th year 1 In on- 13Lb lost J of Mr M andsj day Newmarketcemetery on Physicians Prescriptions afternoon carefully hours NIGHT BELL Main St North All will rehire Gdferul and Prompt A at r