Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Feb 1899, p. 5

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ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL office REST TORONTO Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits AT DRAFTS ISSUED I A At AM A and promptly to Divine Fob John Text This indeed the the Saviour of the world John Saturday J I Peter I Monday John I 14 Tutwday Mark Mark 1421 IViiliiy Matt makes mm tell The Chosen Medicine of All Classes of Our Dominion They Here and Their Religious Belief tor Sale The intense religious spirit of the people impresses one strongly Hour after hour they their hymns and raise their voices in supplication and The reputation of Celery thanksgiving congregating in groups or or Compound from day to day Those who stand in need of the heal called to the fuel hut our deliberately select- I ll house on the ilin Kahlua for this cure for people congregate man not like other hi l MEDICAL a v rrOE Jrnirt iji urn hull in Alfred lliolnic Dr Hint liluin J A tod Lift lo t Kate Canada fissupanoe Co AT Mont A R Fire Halts Farm mid Town Property Shop mum so delayed Tim- iintTwle nut the enmity of many Ixtuum- this younjj rabbi eriiiLuiy which the of the law Our aimwer is given in In- veiw of Ichsoii The wolf of iIhh suddenly chancer of the IAINTINg Hie IfoiMuJ Painter and branch the In Papera Auk to ttEaiDcHOt fiPll North of the Primary Street Bolton Hewitt Painter Decorator one JttGiiM and our Mont diKCOUrhes of which wn ar now to study Tin- power of sin blind men to the latins of Christ tin Hon tind maintains His close harmony with the will of the Father tin of all spiritual life and knowledge The leiever has complete safety in frfjm sin and death The teachings of be church concern ing resurrection in the di rect word of the Saviour The exercise of Is never a vio lation of the true SahViath- and being denounced by the priests as the founder of a new sect the Prince was banished to the Caucasus His two children taken from him and handed over lo cantons Now and a man their mother to be brought up in ihe- woman addressed the assembled orthodox faith the ingandrocuperattve powers of natures brethren uttering often words of ex- Prince lived the health roRtorer are advised lo use it but more frequently of praise honor and when after a time the and thanksgiving While the group yovwnment banished the engaged in its devotions no leaders am men of the will pass by without baring his to Siberia the prince was Celery Compound is ever owing reverently to the sent to the Baltic provinces There commended and kindly words aiioken I worshippers He lived for iwu and at re fin its favor In thin way this obeisance by similar valuta- permission w leave Russia gather Hi present plan is to accompany the to their future home In Manitoba living on the JO acre- of ground which the Canadian govern ment is to allot each of and no whatever will bis mode of life from that of the peasants about him a line education and SUOd knowledge of and In in the will li very valuable Hi expatriated The are a people of the mmm If you arc can their by use very Value Dicks Purifier It will en rich the blood loosen the hide gloss the coat raise the spirit and put on flesh and amazingly One package is worth dozen of socalled rendition powders Cents a Package Trial Size MILES CO Agents Montreal DICK CO Proprietors way nut of the great is made enduring and itn iuuiiemie Of TKANSfOltTATlON the envy of the patent The Society of fiend in Street lane and MISCELLANEOUS C Simpson US St tiuodnta and Fancy Goods Money to farm and properly by C Davidson for taking J and C fur Uv reliable Insurance Liverpool and London and Globe Union Mutual and Eco nomical Also for tbe Life and Northern Lift Co Block Mount Albert Money to Loan Al Five per on Farm Security by David for taking Agent Marriage 2- agent for following liflJruoce Companies Queen of London indLlTerpwlEngTandCJtitnB Montreal Sra Mutual in also ftjie Life To- pronto met Old Office Cororof Main and Lot GRAHAMS Art Studio We are to do ail of work in the very latest style Carbon on Porcelaifl Carbon on China Colored Crayon Water Colors Embossed Work Wife Saved Mr J Jjilly a prominent citizen of Mo lately had a won derful deliverance from frightful death In id line of it he aaya J taken with Fever that ran into Pneumonia My lungH lx- hardened wan so weak I couldnt even sit in Nothing inc I soon to die of when I heard of Dr Kinga One bottle gave great relief I continued use it and now am well and I can not loo much in marvellous mwliciiie i the and cure in the world for all Throat and Trouble 00 and at lrug Store every Feb Mr fej of the Experimental Farm is sending several varieties of seed to Dawson City where the of raising and will be tried Lettuce onions radishes and other vetjeblea were in the Klon dike last summer and turned out very well The growth was remarkably owing to- almost continual daylight were fit for the table three weeks after being sown or Health and Is the Stomach Sour Is the Distress after Is your Appetite Wanting Do you get Dizzy Have you Nausea Fre quent Sick Headache forerunners of general breakup Dr Von Stans Pineapple Tablet dispel all these dis tressing symptoms They aid the di gestive organs cure the incipient or the chronic cases cents Sold by W K Lehman Pharmacy Newmarket The audit of Richmond BUI school shows the cost for the new High School including and furnishings to be Albert Shanks of King sold a 3yearold bull to F Stone Es tate for and a 2yearold steer for Bros also sold a ten months old hull calf for to the same firm AH this stock is Hereford bred and will be exported to Texas cine proprietor and jealous minded doctor The families of the land the best and most in our cities and town and sense in our agricultural dis tricts jilace Paine far alcove all known The and present hi lory of Celery Compound is one grand of aide made of alliens sons and daughters lo health Com potent mod inal de clare that Celery Compound is the one great medicine for and physically people When the vital forces are low and the nervous organism then it is that the marvelous medicine mani fests its wondrous heating virtues Weakness depression tired languor digestive troubles rheumatism and neuralgia an quickly banished owing to the nourishment that Celery Compound im parts to brain nerves and tissues It is the great everyday home medicine for all classes of our population Mi William Webb of was thrown out of his wagon and kil led while driving to Hamilton with a load of wood Gratifying Improvement My face was with and I began floods after the use of this medi cine a limn was entirely cured I recommend too highly since it lets done much for met May North Hoods arc pills to take Hoods tiarnapariU yeai yard man in of the at Lind say Was killed while coupling card Was the result of his splendid health Indomitable will and tremen dous energy are not found where Stomach Liver Kidneys and Bowels are out of order If you want qualities and the success they bring use Dr Kings New Life Pills They every power of brain and body Only cents at any Drug Store the Society of Friends in the States have been the chief movers in the scheme of fnjf the ration of the from to which has a climate to dwellioK in the Caucasus To who is also deeply interested in lotu has doing active work in their behalf to with the Society of Friends When pre parations were made for the emigration he wrote strongly urging its early fulfilment Hie eldest sod purest type large and strong Tolstoy went over especially men and women both being of to England to make arrangements ficent physique They are character- with the committee but ied by broad square shoulders and when the cost of transporting was heavy limbs and a massive build gen- counted enough money was Their features are prominent available Count Tolstoy had but refined and bear the marks of to The ing that is free from vice of any kind colony Essex held nearly 5000 at The ruen wear moustaches but do not the disposal of the and lot a beard grew Their hair is usual- 1 the exiles themselves had about quite short with the exception of a This made a total of little tuft which they allow to grow j But the amount required was about over the forehead which is broad and and the Friends open The most striking characters Committee generously made up the tic of all is the bright kindly sparkle deficiency of eyes which gives a winning j expression the whole face All l l their habits demonatrate that they are who arrived in po Canada on the Lake Huron are from ever by reason of thair persecutions The steamship Lake Superior the f now due at Halifax will bring bfejn from and another lot op in a way that gives a proper idea of from Those who remain They are how- I are comparatively comfortable not suffering much from industrious on account of their willingness to com- ft MiH desirable in every But if the find Canada agreeable no doubt the others in Caucasus will soon come here I LA THd BLOOD AND BRING AND TONE 5LEEKVTTHE Scotts Pharmacy The is Marrow or Id jilt Hi- the hB to bo thrown upon tin JtwOX the op Kir flexible action nu a uniform tut Machine care fully i1pH The No Cultivator TIM only an J you Be wilt cut an tpfl oar iiqht to Ugliness The woman who lovely in face form and temper will always have friends but one who would be attrac tive must keep her health If she is weak sickly and down she will be nervous and irritable If she has constipation or kidney trouble her cause a wretoli- complexion- beat medicine ulStomach liver and kidneys the givSaatrpn nerves bright eyes smbjqtliyveiyfty skin rich a charming woman of a rundown invalid Only cents at any Big pipe at fiartrrie fiASBtE Feb The fire that visited for years occurred this morning and did dam age to the extent of nearly 40000 almost wiping put one of the principal business blocks The fire started in the middle of the block in James dry goods store spread east and west Luckily there was or the would have been far greater The origin the fire is a mystery Mrs McNeil her son and daugh ters who lived over the adjoining store narrowly escaped with lives getting out in their night clothes They lost everything A curious incident in connection with the tire was an explosion of gas and blowing out a street door with report like a cannon and hurling a door clear across the attest through the plate window ft Simpsons confectionery store The in Cyprus are from the government of The man who is the guiding spirit of the colon in Canada is Prince a nobleman of high degree who accompanied by two families cam to Canada a short time ago to select the land for settlement He is a nephew of the present Russian of railways and a convert to the religious views of and the The prince was an officer the Russian army at the time of the Turkish war in 1878 serving in the Caucasus and daring his military life there met many of the who were then living in the hilly country One day he killed a Turk in battle and captnred his horse but another horse an extremely fine ani mal escaped him after a long chase The prince returned to camp much discontented and dissatisfied thinking at first that the get the hoarse was at the bottom of his dis quietude It raduaUy dawned upon however that his unrest came from having killed a man The more be thought about it the more he real ized the bad use to which he was devoting his strength and energy They have Buffered muphfor reli gions sake feUh atid doctrine resemble anything killing people whom not dislike and whom he had never mefcbeforeV and he determined to hit- AVn are is however some their religion vim ftbmQiaker teachings though that is an open question English Quakers have suffered persecution io Russia hut it to trace the beginning of mo re ligion to their teachings and it is like wise difficult to determine when it really had its beginning The few who dissented in the first instance were promptly suppressed by the Rus sian government and it is only in se cret departmental documents that the early history of the religion is written It was only when the movement became more widespread in this century and the of Us adherents consequently more difficult that came within the scope of reli able history Then Bishop Eugene of invented the name from two Russian words meaning in combination warriors of the spirit is a i iliil iHiy depth ii in- ace T1hii itli a aljjrfil ll- can be rcKolatro lit nil van Irtrriii D very it Tin- Iwtli an- Irttween la other lint iiftitr drnfl- Is with md icrfti box when n hfurulhhl you no THE BEST DRILL MADE Needs No Introduction Over Drill ami our The only Drill inailc with for instant and of of hoe In nil of Mil while it In Hi absolutely i every la a proper to Purchase only ml you will be fcatlafled J ami an ood as Lent for Bros- Co Limited Canada Mil VX044 Are grand but Skin Eruptions rob life- of joy Arnica Salve also Old Running and Hug Mat fakers PoiprfhStf and diamond Dyes Dyes and Unfading bui abstained from taking any more often mSj of great danger later loft military and settled on his yevei Sores Ulcers Felons Corns Cuts Bruises Burns Chapped Hands Chilblains Pile cure on earth Drives out Fain and Aches Only eta a box ELMER TOOLE Agents NEWMARKET ONT Ottawa Feb The Victoria Feb 1 At four reached ihe PostmasterGeneral oclock afternoon at Rogers by the English mail Training Pass on the line of the Canadian College road A pacific of twenty would and swept a like to tell the Hon and nine Tuple now much thiy like Ihe new Canadian all employee of Two were alive She Carries Her Heart on Her Sleeve a boon to many a mm or woman If ware literally becuiti ihli particular how mini has Cu for the Heart and robbed of vlcu Diseases of the heart are by the roost treacherous of ail menu to old and young alike not insidious but violent cor when the heart fails the whole system estates in Bold by Drug- he himself with J culture arid irito a touch Saturday Bargain Day I0o Don forget O GRAHAM JONES OLD STAND NEWMARKET r a proving v British been work every day last week To a Gold in One Bay Qoiptne All to purer- e very hoqee am Very proud The flanpol of my with the saw bow miserable were and their life was in conseijuence of heavy taxation and enforced Moreover the quantity of ianaallolrte to them at emancipation of the serfs for their Ultimately the Prince mothers immediately divided it op peasants he himself living by toil and dwelling on the of land which had been allotted to by the peasants thomBoWea iBythis act acquired rtttonce among tho peasants and wa Hill presented a gold watch and purse to fiTri Harrison who occupied the position of of for years lQdy Beauty Ihri Atavfa Stops It and Healthy- diseases of every nature from pimple on the flesh to the eczema salt rheum and are quickly pleasantly and aiditfc- The arid bril- ftoy permanently cured by consulted by them all their trouble Ointment- In cases where outward more particularly with regard to the inak i euro Dr done by the application Mi the In conneotioawith The finflll7ad7ia6d the do S- the and other of Russia were doing to get without the priests altogether whieh was at once adopted This proceeding a HI j gives relief Sold Lehman Bent- Newmarket Mr William a resident of line of Kini died on the 5tftb for a garter Millers TIT suffers violence Discussing will the suffering oat The or grew yearn ot the heartsickened patient 15 bow to get relief and cure Dr Cure for the Heartstands today as the of hope to sufferers heart trouble and period that proclaim in belief that were it not for remedy they world have ago passed into the great beyond Most eminent doctors whom heart cases have baffled tested Dr claims and today they prescribe It their practice as the quickest and heart remedy to medical science Palpi shortness of breath weak and pulse swelling of- feet and ankles pain in the left side chilly faintiof spells uneasiness In sleeping dropsical tendency s man more that the heart deranged Cora for Heart a heart and no too acuta to relief from It inside of thirty minutes a powerful care sad iheiew or cctB JsUun d three bottles cored her a of the trouble ra a of heart manTaUjofffroca dally duUea nd ho a In and treating With ImretW lcdathi tail irJiima of a core and all ceded In until a good who had I uusbnjl woog and TeU aU heart sert that care bead and tfaMjaj DP AQNEWS CATARRHAL DR AQNEWS LIVER cere constipation r

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