Liver ills biliousness dyspepsia sour stomach litllBMlloo arc iirotnptl by Hoods do work Hoods bife around P JUT AND HE LI A COB- ST SOUTH easily and thoroughly But alter dinner pills cents All Prepared by I Co Jewell Mum Too only Pill to take with Honors Pills Standard Bash Canada HEAU tlPPICl- Paid up Capital Fund Total neatly The given by the pu pils in Union School No at the of school for the Christ- mas vacai n was one of the beet ever held the and Mr Car- ley the to be complimented on its success The singing of the pupils excellent The lection a given by the Broth ers as well as the selections by the brass quartette were first class Speeches were delivered by Mr Phillips and Mr two of the trustees Mr presided in hie genial manner The room wan handsomely decorated ijqmmjOD00 with evurjjnin and flowers A MOUNT ALBERT ii HiiiMltliid BRADFORD following at Twtfhiy night of the Workman Walker Bain P Financier Summer- A Stride Watchman Tin- annual meeting unci election of trustees took place I tec The meting wok called to at with Mr n the elmir Various intu itu of interest lo station came for discussion among them the of the up- per lory of the- into a town hall nothing definite wan done in this the meeting was decide in favor of ihe proposed When Discounting Farmers Notes A J Soli hi LOWEST RATES- Jurrliii I JOHN To Cure RHEUMATISM Aurora Mr of this plaoo received a so kick on one of his legs from a He a able to bo around again- Owing to epidemic of measles in town Miss and Mies rooms in the Public have dosed The concert given in the Methodist Church on Monday New Years night under the leadership of Dewey was a great sucoess the church being crowded with an appre ciative audience On New Years a deputation of the employees of the Tanning Company waited on Mr the manager and presented him with a handsome silver mounted meer schaum pipe On Tuesday Mr Marshal Wilson had his arm very badly crushed be tween the elbow and wrist He was putting a belt on a jack while the ma chine was in motion and his arm caught in a fly wheel crushing it very badly At an I will my Kidney Cute will cure of of kidney a the at If the coca- plicated a four- till of uiloa will It and what to do See Ileal KIDNtYCURE Bristols SARSAPARILU IT IS RELIABLE NEVER FAILS IT WILD WELL jour Druggist or Dealer for it BRISTOLS ROACHS POINT Mr and Mrs entor- twenty six guests for Christmas dinner being the children and grand children of sr Mr Jesse hotelbeeper ac companied by his brotherinlaw Mr Miller of Cavalier North to spent two weeks vieiting friends at and Port Perry and report a very pleasant Mr Miller in tends buying some good horses to take back with him when he returns in March Miss Jennie Ironsides of Toronto spent New Years vacation with Mr and Ft and was a guest at the Lawrence House on Mon day evening returning home next A QUICK CURE FOR COUGHS AND COLDS valuable R all affections of the THROAT or LUNGS Urge Bottles LAWRENCE CO Prop of Pen change and it will be canity into morning before lone Mr Have Master Frank nephew of the for re election and Mi Geo A show of in tt tie and the chairman gave Mr his ami ATTENTION THE ISAAC USHER SON of or i ttUiblc rfoore ftlluti hK He lb Bold the price or the free n work For further OTNOAN General A of flrat fceoondclaw Lath etc always on at lowest NOTICE a hut it n application will mode to the the of next tor an Act to lega lize and No of the Town of Allylaw sum of be id and towards additional In the Town of Newmarket for The and for buying from the cany of the Town the mk the Mill Plata in the Mid Town at DAVID LLOYD Clerk Town NOTICE Is will of ihe IVovliice of Ontario next to ffaMzeaijfJ of Town of Avwrjitirkei Villages of Hill and East GtfHUiubury North York nod the Metro Municl- to bo from J cm era I taxation term troin it January drUeatf in bylaws add also to confirm tun made or to be between and the ana into between the pursuant totbe he Bald nod to empower the Muni respectively to nateany byla and to enter into any day lit November A WRIGHT Toronto WW PATENTS PROMPTLY SECURED for our intivtfnKLboofcit Invent Help and How yon are swindled a rough or model of your invention or proven ml mill wo win icll yon our lo it ia prolyl patent lb p We make a of rojeited other bunds furnished MARION MABION ft A Toyineen flfJiiiUi of of ftfiwi Ialvenlty this fiat bust- PGo aid oounttos JtlsiWTiiy office work conducted at home BaJW6irfllxbt50Caer and flolU no more no Monthly Reference Enclose envelope ctoiffvillk in Toronto Mr Wicks slipped and fell down a number of steps in front of a wholesale house in juring his back which has laid him up for the past few days Late on Tuesday or early Wednesday morning some person or persona en tered Jos Todds grocery store and helped themselves to tobacco oranges nuts and two sacks of flour On Tuesday morning last as J was engaged fixing his awning which bad become loose the ladder slipped from the bottom and went smash into the glass front breaking two large windows Dr Rowan who is leaving here for Toronto was presented by his friends of the Presbyterian Church with a couple of beautiful plushlined arm chairs as a slight token of their esteem lor him and his active work in the church The annual Sunday School Enter tainment at the Congregational church was in every way a success The mu sic was well rendered and the recita tions dialogues motion etc were all worthy of mention One fea ture of the program was unexpected by those whom it most con cerned This was the presentation of an address and purse to the J and his wife Children Cry for CASTOR A At the annual School Meeting the advisability of digging a collar under the school house and putting in a fur nace was discussed but no definite action taken Considering the state of the roads a very large and meeting of Kin Conservative Association was held in the Orange Hall here last Fri day Owing to the death of the late John president John Don ning vicepresident presided He opened the meeting in a very interest ing speech complimenting and Division on the good work they had done in the past Mr Cooper also gave a stirring ad dress after the following offi cers were appointed for the ensuing year President Vice John Dunning p A Robinson Committees for No I- James Wells No Norman Rogers Newmarket No John 4Lloyd No Nobleton No No No Peter No John Sharp Newmarket 10 Alfred The association decided to meet then adjourn ed with cheers for the Queen Sir Charles Mr Whitney and the president i Jesse is under the care of li Law of Keswick having been sudden ly taken with convulsions He is do ing as well as can be expected Mrs David Hamilton is also under the care for the last few days Our mail courier Mr Kelly is very and under the care of Dr Greenwood of Sutton but we hope to see him around again before long Children Cry for CASTOR I A SUTTON- The County Council vote here was as follows Johnson Vrooman 214 Mr Vrooman only wanted more votes to be elected On Tuesday p last the League and some friends called at the residence of Mr Hoidge and gave him and bis wife a pleasant surprise They were made the recipients of an address accompanied by the gift of a very fine chair as a Blight recognition of their labors as league workers etc During the evening refreshments were served and brief addresses were made by the pastor of the Methodist Church Mr Powell and the president of the leagueMr It is not necessary to say that there ia genuine regret in Methodist circles owing to the depart ure of Mr and Mrs as dur ing their stay amongst us they have been foremost in church and league work Mrs will be missed in the choir as she has been its leader for the last three years Mr goes to Island as Missionary teacher There was a wild time in Sutton Thursday night of last week Her bert Mann is the baker of the village and on Monday be married the daugh ter of Thomas Ames a well known resident Since then his way has not been smooth It is the timehonored custom in Sutton to treat a newly- wedded couple to a charivari and extort funds for the public entertain ment and on Monday night crowd of villagers and boys armed with tin pans and other musical instruments surrounded the bakers house made night hideous But the baker was obdurate The next day he re ceived a quiet tip that compliance would be wisdom but in the smalt hours the serenadersbeat their pans and tooted their horns again in vain Thursday night they returned and after a few blasts retired whereupon the bridegroom appeared with a he discharged three time3 in the air This brought the crowd and Mann withdrew When the row began again he appeared at a window and with a chair belabored one He was pulled out hustled around and put amid a din which wakened a peaceful farmer four miles away But Marin did not shell out and the was resumed CHRONICLES Now It to pass that the time allotted Council of bod and different tribes were called together on the Second day of the week in the village to choso from who were to bo their leaders for the next year Now it appeared there had been a great change in the ruling of the whole land called a County nod those were not allowed admittance into the great feasts that were for merly held by these county leaders Now when the hour arrived for choosing of the leaders there was a great crowd and their voice was as of many waters And and behold it was found that the tribes hud from the North and the South the East and the West and each tribe wanted their leader elected Ana it came to pasR when the tribes were counted they numbered an even dozen Now there were Silver ted and from the land of summer re sorts and the far north Then it was found that the tribe from the English settlement had chosen a man called Hamilton Now the were not to be downtrodden on every hand and chose a man named Draper as yTa the leader of their tribe But it was found that the tribes living towards the setting of the wanted many rulers and they came forth in large numbers with sounding brass and tinkling symbols And behold it was found they con sisted of many tribes known as the Draperitee and the Manns and they were well represented and came from afui off to choose their leaders Now after the leaders had been chosen it was found that according to the old law that there could only be five rulers throughout the land and the tribes had chosen nine And itctne to pass hat the lodes were dismissed and bade go in- water s NEXT SUMMER Dwelling House Shop to Rent or separately JmnwlUtie pi Water and Stub tin Water ode JACKON TWO LOTS On Street the all Woollen Factory For on Term Apply to JACKSON Koal Avcoi FOB SALE A tlirtH MNcwiiMirkei stable tttc Apply to Mount Al bert or Mr Akopi Ww- FOE SALS to all the land round about and tell the people they must only choose five from among them And behold they were sore afraid lest their leader should not be among those chosen and they worked hard for seven days when they were again called together Now it was found that it would be to have every one present on this choosing day and many brought chariots and horses and other vehicles to accommodate ihe multitudes As the drew near for the count ing of the ballots some of the tribes became sore afraid lest they had not done all in their power to help their leader And it came to pass that the time came for the decision and it was found that the had suc ceeded in choosing their leader And behold the tribes from the English settlement towards the far East had chosen their ruler And the tribes known as the toriites and and had each chosen a leader And and behold it was found that the other leaders had fallen out and great was the fall thereof Now it came to pass that some were sorely vexed and they did tear their hair but the chosen leaders and their various tribes went their way rejoicing Thomas Talbot a young man of twenty years drowned while skat ing on the at an excellent mid Lot or one acre all of are condition Term- Apply to M To Rout bouse of Victoria and Ave market with all mod era conveniences bath furnace For apply to H Barrister Slain St Energy Easily Earned PILLS Wasted energy must be made up or the body will weaken and perhaps perish For a long time pri Wards Blood and Be of your diet and do not expose yourself to draughts Wear good shoes and keep your feet dry When you are out walk along brisk gait your shoulders thrown back and draw in through your nostrils the fresh air filling your lungs the fullest extent- this manner you keep up ft lively cir culation which is most essential if one wishes to retain his health or to taking Dr my nerve system was greatly deranged and I was terribly nervous so much so that in my business Linesman of the Kingston Electric Light Co my extreme nervous ness naturally made the following of my business extremely hazardous Before taking Dr Wards Blood and Nerve Pills my kidneys had been affected for some time- bad constant soreness and stiff across ray loins and the small of my back My appetite was variable and very poor I also suffered greatly with constant headaches I am glad to be able to inform you tliat Or Wards Pills completely cured me of the above ailments and made me a well man I found no medicine like- Dr Wards Blood and Pills although I have tried many different kinds They acted quickly and effectually on my nerve system making my nerves strong and removing all indications of nervousness These valuable pills also removed all kidney and back trouble and restored to vigorous appetite I have had no headache since five months ago and feel justified saying that they are a wonderful remedy They not only removed nervousness but gave mo healthy kidneys removed all soreness and stiffness from my back and loins me of headache gave me a good appetite consequently am highly pleased of no medicine that equals Dr Wards and Nerve Pius for nervousness chronic headache Ore kidneys and back and loss of appe tite Yours John Princess St Kingston sell thera- If Wont will supply you mail on receipt of price per boxes for Doctor Ward Co i Ont- Farms for Sale The Executors of the Katun- or late Ed win Invito propositions tor of the I DO seres lot con awes East lot con a- res balvet and Srd con AcresSooth half of 3rd con King acres Pan of North- west quarter 2nd con acres Part of lot 24 the con of Whitchurch Apply or propositions Mr T J Robertson Barrister Ontario or to Mrs Annie Hunter at the on Street one mile Went of Newmarket not sold Ik- relet as Peaces expire YEARS EXPERIENCE STENTS hade Marks DE8ICNB Copyrights Ac free irentlon ion la ether u Anyone sketch and may flga Mann without In the JT Dt tree C7 Mann Co- Scientific A weekly dr of W a four month L New York NOTICE hereby given David Stock of the City of Toronto the County Pro vince machinist will apply to the Patllamentor Canada at the next session hereof for a Bill of Divorce from his wife Mary Stock oft he City of married woman on the ground of bigamy St Toronto Solicitors for Applicant Dated at Toronto Province of Ontario 1st day July flm FOR TWENTYSEVEN YEARS DUNNS BAKING POWDER THECOOKSBESTFRIEND Largest Sale it Canada- ACTIVE for wasted ll Historian to the War Depaltmeot written In army at Sao the with General Her- rit the Honolulu In Hong In at Manila in camps with on the with and In the roar or battle at too fall of Manila Poaama for agents of original taken government photographers on the iffhtpaid Credit given trashy war books Outfit free Barber Star Building Chicago spot you do write Ti Wl MS NEWMARKET And get Vaneered Doors Wilier Inside Sliding Blinds Mantles to Match Parquetry Flooring Screen Doors and Windows mo ill una Artistic Effects Inside Woodwork Largest Factory id Canada for of PAILS TUBS WASHBOARDS CLOTHES PINS Etc BICYCLES We and Repair all kinds on abort notice The Wm Cane Sons Mfg Co NEWMARKET ONT ROLL OF HONOR THREE GOLD An ONE SILVER Medal Worlds Industrial and Cotton Centennial New Or Jeans AWARDS Stite Cam IM7 Sole at award HIGHEST AWARDS St sad MKbasiul SIX HIGHEST AWARDS AWARDS Fair It J SIX GOLD MEDALS Fair MEDAL Trita Honors were rcceired by the STEEL HOTEL AND FAMILY RANGES Above Family it only by Salesmen ram wen at uniform pries thrnuihfut Sta Hade of Malleable and VrforuQ a W WROUGHT IRON RANGE CO Limited FOUNDED CAIITAL to Pearl Street TORONTO ONTARIO CANADA- Washington Avenue to Streets T LOUIS Western and St DENVER COLO carry liryc Tatrt i M- HUM iixlve ti- r Victorious Over 11 of practical mcchaoical t brought reward to that true merit and faoneat effort have achieved Home Comfort have woo all Highest Honors or of workmanship and economy in yoiue five ago we the pleasure of and were rewarded by the sale of hundreds of these aoperior articles- and as it is oar rule to cativass every five years we are to return and show the reat improvements we have made We moat cordially alt to and examine for when our salesmen call upon you these are sold only from and at One Price at present at Aurora under the management of S1CTS Supt Ednartl Browp a of On closin day of the Oak Raleigh Township thrown school the pupils were treated to candies presented the teacher Miss with a handsome sec retary injuries bis brain which it is prove fa- insomnia NERVINE REST AND HEALTH If refuse work indigestion and nerves are shattered then insomnia runs riot and the patient is on road to or insane asylum A well known Toronto newspaper man a victim of nervous and through overwork was more of come to rest prejudiced against medicines and remedies be spumed iiit thought of resorting to what be tailed nostrums be became almost ta leaf or workbe was recommended to try South American Nervine proCured a bottle and when half of had taken be found himself the nerves grewaukser the appetite returned he to take the remedy until be had used six bottles and at the end of twenty pounds he had lost in worry foe want of rest was put or enough to do two days South Nervine Is without a peer In the cure of and insomnia A few doses isrU coBTinoa tbo ace gives immediate relief and effects acura in every ease Strong as this ma teem it is absolutely true South fihatiroatlc never res In boors and cures after years of aony have been cures Brights diabetes and trou A few doses will convince- Hi again It i i I SOLD r A