Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jan 1899, p. 2

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-Vo- THE NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY JAN f Prices Co Whit Goods Sale A Profit Life -J- A Special J- Mclaughlin Taking firm Hordes A Marois Root Caul- Metropolitan Chicago Attirrifart to Toronto the other about Canada fulling embrace of the United calls it Aobexa Fake ads la that of Great Britain and augmentation of the territorial of Bum OarSOGie PERSONAL lAliVl- Hill 7 Hn iimt rt inland Juni I or mill 40 fti taken iii ul mi p Hi Waiting It is the Ottawa Government will appoint a communion to revise Federal statutes provided by constitution The work should have been undertaken in lsJ6 bat it will meet to have done now and the country will something ae it will cost very littlo to do it than if revised three years ago SPECIfiU EXCURSIONS lictuni for children pm Toronto ICPH rusatlis it 1 hii0 pm ivcry Toronto Hill MM 1 MS for TRUNK RAILWAY I BIOS HUE SWS 1 fr 25 I- c J a 9 J- EC 88 J Op Sr ill 3 ft i OS 1 W i i ii A I Understood about the Ontario Leu- that the has decided not to remove Hoys lory from to Oxford County was rumored ago It appears the people Oxford did not rolirii Victoria industrial located in their midst aod this formed part of the original the has been abandoned Tut ICm reoeived the of editor of the Morning Hi which left by the first mail 00 Christmas Day under Post and moat cordially ac knowledged its receipt The lie that binds the British Colonial to good old Motherland are growing decidedly stronger the great heart of British throbs with more than a passive in terest m the development of Her Majestys possessions on this great continent She IKTB Hilt WITH The advance step along the hue of the rates of international money orders ie this week A Wash ington despatch says an agreement be tween Canada and United States has been reached for a considerable This action is tbe result of plana formulat ed by First Assistant Heath to change the fee system in the drawing and payment of international money orders the United nod Canada so a to reduce the price of Bach orders to same rata which exists in domestic money orders in each country An instance is cited by the De partment officials hero of man in St Vt sent an order for to a place in Canada only seventeen miles from fit Albans The order cost him The same order made payable in Sitka Alaska United States territory thousands of away would have only JAN 1899 NOTES Ontario Legislature baa been sjm- for the despatch of business on lht of tpf Mr A Re gistrar ol Huron which on last another ie placed at the disposal of the Hardy -ov- is that Mr J Cart- wright has been appointed Registrar of the Court of Appeal in accession to the late Alexander Grant The Dundee admits may troth in Mr Whitneys asser tion that he bos the country behind him But says judging by the elections it ie shoving him the wroug way Tun Ontario recently sold six miles of timber lands in Town ship to J B- of Ottawa for ana also timber limits in Pogomasing to Alex The logs must be oat in Ontario It Is stated in ihe that Torontos greatest is the trade The slaughter and oaring of cattle and hogs employs more persons than any other in dustry except trade The basis of this great trade Is owing to the change from grain to dairy farming thxotighoQt the The Government will meet fee Denature on the let proximo with a majority of ten or eleven In of the situation in North Waterloo and Perth arising from decision to Reelection the appeal therefrom these- two Ridings will bo nnrepreoeoted until fa decided and new lions held A protest against the return of Hon J woe entered on Mon day but it will not interfere with hie occupying a daring present session aa trial cannot come off till after the House adjourns Br a decision rendered on Monday last at Hall with Sir William Mere dith Chief Mr J net ice Rose and Mr Justice on the beach the settlement in the liquidation of the Farm ers Loan Co by which Hon and six other directors of the Company f relieved of all liability in connection with tbo concern by the payment of and rati- fled and the agreement final also agreeing not to the matter further On the the only that he had made ex- investigation of rnmore and in- definite charges and bad not found one single act of Impropriety on the part of the directors the chief cause rem itepreciatloo of The to remark cent rate in cities as follow We that the one cent charge be determined upon forthwith Toe two- ceut figure is a new anomaly to be removed When the gave to the country a two cent postage rate the Matt inferential pro nounced the change as and weot so far as to prophesy that the Government would to impose a tax on tea to make up the deficit ibet would follow wants a further reduction forthwith which woold involve a further This time however it is for Torontos advantage bat our dont say one little word about the additional cost of drop to the coun try occasioned by the large staff of letter- who go about from street to street delivering mail matter to the of the cities two or three times a day for their If of the dropletter Is made one cent let the citizens go to the poet office for their mail the asms as people do country towns villages Why should too country be taxed for Torontos convenience CohsEAVATivjs journals are now talking of the Senate as the bulwark of the peoples liberties and indulging a lot of jingoism along that line Bat this is be- cause the Senate is Conservative head and Many of Its members however are very old men before another da- cade with the Liberals power thai in stitution will present a political transfor mation from Conservative to Grit Then the Liberals will do just what the Tories have been doing during their long lease of power before the advent of Sir appoint and po litically discredited politicians to nil up its depleted ranks tho Conservative press wilt its tans and Senate abolition Why not both parties agree to a change Commons can do our aod if not performed satisfactorily the country can give them the bounce bat the Senate at present constituted can snap their Angers at the country while at the same time pocketing of peoples bard- earned taxes Either the Senate should be made responsible to the country like the Commons or be abolished 7Mrs Goring has visitors this week Mrs Jos Is quite low this week Mr week Mr of Winnipeg is here on a visit a Miss Nettle has been down ell week with Mr Andrew spent a week Jo Toronto friends Mr Kelly nod wife were the guests of Mayor Cane Mr Dixon was the guest of Mr Troll last A few frlenda were At Home at Rose Lawn on Wednesday evening Mrs Simons aunt of Misses arrived here on Saturday from Pilot Mound Man on a visit Mr Geo is attending a tin wedding in Toronto this week Miss is back from Ot tawa to her old position at Roches Mr David Rogers spent a lew days with relatives at this week Miss of Toronto Is spending a few days with Mrs Hewitt Miss and Miss Brown spent a couple of days last week Mr Miller of North Dakota visiting a few days with Mr J Fogg Key Robinson of was the of Dr on Sunday last Miss Lizzie of Toronto was visit her cousin Mrs J yesterday Miss York left on Monday to re sume her studies at Whitby Ladies Col lege Mr J of Thornton formerly of writes that business is very good Miss E Thompson of is visit ing with Mrs Albert Thompson for two weeks Mr Tfaos has gone to Grand Rapids Michigan to spend the winter with his daughter Miss Billings of Toronto has home after spending the holidays in Town with relatives Mr Starr wife left yester day to visit relatives near for a couple of weeks A eon of Mr Frank Manitoba was the guest of Mr J A Col lies over Sunday A wedding party had a time at Mr Tons Websters Queen Street on Wednesday Reeve Robertson addressed the electors of Bradford one night last week electric light question I Webster returned to their home the oily after spending a week io Town with friends Special services are be held every this week in the Settlement Presbyterian Church and conducted by pastor Smith Mr Jaai flelfy has given up the of toUgato keeper at and moved lo Newmarket to take a situation in factory of Messrs Can Sons Mr Edgar Durham is now in of the tollgate and will collect in future from the travelling public light bylaw was defeat ed on Monday by to v I f I sassasa A The special at by the pastor Rov Hainer closed on Monday night Notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the the meetings were well attended and we think a great amount of good was done Several who were on the broad road to are now rejoicing in the hope of a glorious immortality beyond the grave There were homes that were Godless and that now a family altar around which the inmates bow in humble adoration to the God who loved them Several have united with the church and others will fol low soon In a few days Elder Hain- will commence special meetings in You will have many chances to save money here this week SPECIAL pieces beautiful Dress Goods all this seasons goods short and long ends at One- Third less than Regular Prices I Prices Ladies Jackets we have left you take them this week at One- Half Regular 450 Mens Shirts and Drawers at a price reduction of Twenty- Five per cent MENS FRIEZE ULSTERS OVERCOATS a 85 to American expansion the Chicago British of makes this significant observation To- day Interest United States la the expansion policy ft is breaking away from old traditions the teachings of the early fathers of the on this continent and to use a a qnAgtien whether the acceptance by treaty of a territory with eight millions of people mostly who yet have be conquered and held In check by military power has not out off mors than it can chew In the same art from the foregoing quotation is taken reference is made to the jingo crowd who fancy that could readily make this Dominion The readers that Can ada doee not want woezation and the United States cannot by co ercion of force as Britain a navy J Mr and Mrs 1- Co spent New Years at their uncles A Lewis Mr Chat Belfry popped off at New market over Sunday on his way to Toron to University having the holidays at Mr Morton of Ashtabula Ohio formerly North writes that are having nice weather and nice sleighing Mr Moore of formerly of Keswick is visiting bis Mrs Hunter and Mrs Brown at Grand Forks North Dakota and soma other old acquaintances Rev A a graduate of New market High School and intimate friend of the editor has accepted the pastorate of Pleasant Baptist at Newark J We wish him every saooess Mr W wife and family left Tuesday evening for their home In Perth They have been vi iiintf with his brother Mr late of North Dakota also his aunt Mrs Kenan Mr Henry and wife of Queens- vills ware detained here on of sick ness while visiting hie grandfather and since their return Mrs has been very ill hut is improving Mr Chris got back from Jaw last Friday looking hearty after an absence of a year and five months He a partner In a barber shop business and will return a couple of weeks He is well satisfied with country Adam fiomgasser writes from Vancouver that they re having an Ontario winter quite cold and sleighing On New Years Day the children were sliding down the and it was such a curio sity that crowds of people watched their sport Rev Hunter of Louisville Ky writes We are having quite open and disagreeable weather Have had no snow of- importance this winter yet cold weather two or three occasions The grip has been and many deaths have occurred an death rate last week of nearly fifty per Myself and family have all been ill but are now improving Judging from records you have been having heavy snow falls and quite cold weather hut you have escaped the grip you are to be COLLEGE CORNERS Phew Weve had the end of a blizzard for a change It came in of snow and Wednesday nitfht of last week was a disagreeable night for Mr Jeokins entertainment it being rainy It was a disappointment to many who intended to be present The program was a good one Miss Rosa Miller has gained pounds since her treatment at Toron to hospital Now she tips the scales at Skating is remarkably good these part So much so a number of our young folks took a journey to Lake and accurately cut their names as of old The is growing more popular every year Master who has been so sick the past week is improving Our schoolman has not commenced duties as teacher yet she being un der the weather Mr Daniel and wife of the Con paid Mr Robert Rose a New Years visit 700 Black Ulsters to clear at 8 New Brown Ulsters to clear at Heavy Ulsters tweed lines storm collar to clear at Mens good Beaver Overcoats to clear at Mens very fine Beaver Overcoats regular iooo to clear Mens fine TailorMade Overcoats you cannot buy a better for 15 A lull range of sizes this week at 96 Mens Suits at TwoThirds Regular Price 6 00 CO BOOTS SHOES Ladies fine kid skating heavy sole special Mens fine walking or skating Boots Men fine kid lace Boots good value at ia Men Gaiter Boot regular 150 special at H E MADDOCK this week a protest been fifod against lbs return of Mr J It Liberal to the Legislature for Helton As the charges Qu itting outside routine of it will not further The Alter On the insr ihe home of the brides parents by Rev G Powell Miss Annie Green to Mr George Yates of Baldwin Oot Mr John Rose our minister At the Christian sonage Newmarket on inst by Elder Mr Blackburn to Miss Millie Davis both of King Township which would And again The of pottage to sell her Sensible action United States has no It Can- right to the between the lines of an editorial which recently appeared in the Toronto organ of the Government we are lid to the conclusion that an insolvency bill for the Dominion will form part of legislation program of next session of Parliament The hint Is also given that tho measure will contain a to the effect that in will require to pay fifty on the 9 enable them to take advantage of its provisions obtain a of lias gone to the North west We wish him a voyage Mi A Rose and wife spent with relatives and friends Elder is expeoted to preach in the Union St Christian Church next Sunday night Mr was elected by an in creased majority That speaks well for a man in the right place He should certainly wear a plug Mr treated his many friends and supporters to an oyster supper We expect to see oc cupy the Reeves chair some day Many around here were disappoint ed on losing J as County Councillor If Dame Rumor is rigbt hell be elected to a sit in Sharon Martin Rose entertained her many friends to a birthday party All enjoyed themselves immensely es pecially Mrs who crooked jokes by the wholesale Mr Samuel King whom we men tioned as being very low is showing signs of improvement We were pleased to hear that Mr Elmer Smith was the successful as pirant for the North School at Pleasant He was a school mate of ours and though of small stature he has bright ideas Another Rev Mr Minor brother of our present pastor preached an eloquent sermon last Sunday He was interrupted by some noisy until he passed desired hint which made them feel pretty small Mr Smith of Newmarket has moved into our midst on old homestead Johnnie and Ernie Winter visiting relatives in 8KB At Brandon Man on tho 2nd to Mr and Mrs A nss Miss Annie Rogers formerly of Newmarket a sod The Birch Newmarket on the 6th inst to Mr and Mrs Ed a daughter In town on the last to Mr end Mrs Geo Koowies a daughter Main At Holt Wednesday Deo by the Rev Mr Mr John Mains to Miss Sarah both of Holt Greek At the residence of Brown brotherinlaw of the Wednesday Deo by Rev Mr Chapman of treats lie David of Mount Albert to Florence A Green of Meadowdale Peel Co Minn On the 2nd at Toronto by the Rev G Powell Mr Herbert Mann to Miss Minnie Ernes all of Button At the residence of her ancle Mr John ington on Deo by William A eldest son of Jacob of Whitchurch Alberta Forsyth eldest daughter of the late Julias Forsyth of Whit church The hippy couple left on the 620 train a tour to visit friends io Lindsay Leading Undertaking House Mr Albert Miller aged yeara was frozen to death near Brant- ITi pmfio and THiaOHV Miss mm Pupil Pore from J ffilfSISIIiliiiiif IHoving pioe Where the old year ends and the begins yon have a change In years This Is usually point where many people make other changes Now is the time to put in a ijood Bed room Diningroom or a Parlor and gee the goods Our prices will astonish you bar gains for the next TWO WEEKS FOR Opposite Hotel Newmarket and Bzifouming LEHMANS DRUG STORE a bottle of our SYRUP OF WHITE PINE COUGHS AND COLDS 20 CENTS A Lehmans Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Pleasant to take Large Bottle Dispensing Department Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded at all Bell WILMOT LEHMAN CHEMIST DRUGGIST Mount Vesuvius is in erup tion AH the old craters have broken out and shoot towers of flame 600 feet in the air The whole side of the mountain is red with flowing lava 1 The thermometer below zero at Winnipeg on Friday on Saturday and even lower The Tomb At Schomberg on of Jan from Typhoid Fever only son of Stephen Armitage Esq in his year Hunter At his residence in Whitchurch on tbe tost J Hunter- aged years on Leave at p and service at Pauls Newmarket at oclock Interment at Newmarket Cemetery At Grand Forks Dakota Deo fourth son of sod Lucy Brown- formerly of Keswick months At Pine Orchard on the Fred in the year of hie age at Pine Orchard on There- day Pins Orchard on the Harriet Mortimer wife of Jas Mortimer and daughter of P In her year Funeral on Saturday at oclock at Pine Orchard At on the inst wife of Eugene Nash aged years Interred at Newmarket Cemetery on Monday Jan law Flour barrel CO a Red Wheat Goose Wheat Barley per bushel- per bushel 0 bushel Bye Bushel 0 Butter per lb Potatoes per Wool per lb e lb Chickens per pair Ducks per pair Turkeys per lb is pertoo 50 70 a a 15 0 J a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a S J Toronto r Toronto Jan f Main North Newmarket- AH Orders will receive careful and rf Bed Wheat per bushel 0 White Wheat per bushel Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel Oats per bushel Peas per bushel bushel OK Butter Apples per j Wool per lb Hay perton Boer hind Chickens per pair rkeysperlb s a CO 0 a 0 025 0 a 60 a a a a a a a on a a a a a a a a a a a

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