Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Jan 1899, p. 2

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flutes t Jitfir Issued anniversary od hlitorI6aUyit is is well J bat bean entered onin Keel Elgin election case Judgment oar will remember Mr A Broker Conservative in seal v V- POINTS- pLKAflANTYPAHAOBAPflKD hi id pm put off at Waiting The chances are His Worship Pope will bo to on allow- sent him The of money and valuables during past year am ounted to more than in value The alone reached over EXCURSIONS and Saturday ivo Hill JO aad I Toronto li ftPJt A a large demonstration held in Mon treal on Tuesday last to recent Liberal at byoeleotiooB and to do honor to Sir Wilfrid on eve of his departure for Washington to attend tho International Commission the Irooiior delivered a brilliant address of his speech was tattoo by him to the policy in relation to Senate Ho said The reform we propone is this leave the her when is a conflict the and the popular there should be a joint voto and majority should carry That the re form the Government propose to the people of Canada p 5 El Bast Council REEVE 12 61 S roil COUNCILLOR Boyd Cunningham 45 So 33 Moore total Emily Meade Toronto la home pa a Short visit Mrs- Q bane was in the oily oyer Sunday 1 Mr John Allan of at tending High School hero The Misses had lady visitors from over Sunday Mies Anderson la waiting Willi friends at Mount Albert week Now Years Day with friends la the city Miss Dions spent holiday with relatives In Mr Milne of over Sunday with Mr A party was given at on Wednesday night Mies Rose la spoudlog New Year holidays at Mayor spent the New Year daya with nor at Mr Will left on Tuesday for Cincinnati to accept a situation Wilson of Toronto the goeit of Miss Nona over Monday Miss is with her Mr John Lucas in the entertained her Glass at The on night Miss of Toronto visiting with her Miss Eva Lush Miss Clara of Toronto was a of Mrs Gardner over Sunday Mr Hosier and mother are with friends near Richmond Hill Hosier and Fred Cole spent oyer Sunday with friends at Richmond Hill Mr Thos Noble Coltingwood was rest of tor m Master of Toronto wpt with obuslnV Mr Samuel Miller of Maple Hill County formerly of Qaeeflivllle appreglale over it to me 20 be hind North York Jo work here An invitation was held t roBldonce of Monday when of young people in from King The evening was spent with and games of all kinds after which were provided well Mr writes from South- bridge Mass We are old- fashioned winter down here It started Thanksgiving and we have had ever The weather has been very cold and It puts me in mind some of the winters we used to have at home when was aboy the I am o The Board of Trustees of the Metho dist here have Rev Jos to the coming anniversary sermons on the first Sabbath in March This announcement will be a of a a tin faction to the whole church and con gregation We make no the Rev gentleman will be greeted by large on the above occasion A aL You will have chances to money here this week SPECIAL pieces beautiful Dress Goods all this seasons goods short and long ends Third less than Regular Prices Ladies jackets all we have left you take them this week at OneHalf the Regular Prices 450 Mens Shirts and Drawers at a price reduction of Twenty- Five per cent MENS FRIEZE ULSTERS OVERCOATS OS HOI Our Toronto better 700 Black Ulsters to clear at 8 New Brown Ulsters to clear at 6 Heavy Ulsters tweed lines storm collar to clear at at a aT Of a ft- li 3 rot Silver 101 Draper Draper HO Fenton Hamilton 100 Mann Morton total 140 202 00 I Council I HUT WITH EACH OUTER IBUE all JAN 1899 Elections Mayor Robertson and J Mayor W Floury Frank J A E Winter J Bemrose Thompson Gar- ad Parker J Stark Duncan Todd and Reeve Kite- ncillors Soulea Boyd so sin so Reeve Lane is Shields and Hell Reeve Lemon Burns Davis and mbury Reeve and Draper LTReeve A B Haines Powell Clark and Skin- iTown Pino Orchard Vivian it ft 72 CO 111 CO to Sao m en w S3 l0OH OH to it OK County k County electors have elec- councillors and Chester J Gibson and James No John Guard- J Evans Richmond to 4 Geo High and II No P King No 6 and Robert Norman No and Sharon No T J and E and Johnson figljt is expected over the yvhich is big county The of Messrs Hal are all but the will most probably narrow between the two first If politics intervene it is say who will bo elected as of the are ten Conservatives other County Council Sharon Division The election last Monday resulted in the return of J Woodcock and E Lundy as representatives of Division No 8 in the County for the next two years The vote was as follows Rolborn Hopkins Woodcock St St A St P Total 11 4- 28 170 EAST tot 13 134230 31 Woodooofe 6 Hopkins Woodcock TOTAL Hopkins Woodcock 927 through tho Sco Can al shows an of freight for the last season of two and a quarter million tons i 506 22292 guest of Mr P at the Hotel Mr Roche returned to Ottawa last Monday after spending New at home Mr Angus of York Mills spent the holidays with Mr Norman Rogers f Mia Shane of Toronto spent New Year holidays with her daughter Mrs Hewitt Josephine Toole returned from Albert after a visit among friends Mr and Mrs Isaac were Mrs Dr Rogers over New Year holidays Mr Frank of Toronto spent with his parents Mr and Mrs Mr and Mia jr of New market spent at Daisy Second Mr end Mrs Jackson were At Home at The Bowery withfrienOB last Fri day evening Mrs has returned from Chicago after a visit of three months with her daughter Miss Walton of is spending a few weeks with Mrs Yonge St Mrs Bell and daughter Ansel spent a few days this week with her moth er at The Misses Lizzie and Katie Barry of spent over Sunday with Baggage- Master Cane and wife Miss Eliza Cain of Sutton spent the holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Cain on Ontario St Mr Geo B Knowlesgot a telegram on Saturday Informing him the death of a sister in the Minneapolis Mr and Mrs Hoover are spending New Year holidays with their son and and daughter in Michigan Mr Irwin and wife were At Home with a large company of friends on Thursday night of last week Mr J A transferred his in surance business to Mr Keith and accepted a position as travelling agent Miss Alice Low left last for Har row Essex Co where she has been engag ed to teaoh for the corning year Mr Albert Rogers guard at the Cen tral Prison Toronto spent Monday with his father Mr John Rogers St Miss L and Watson left for St Catharines on Tuesday to finish their course at Ladies College Miss Mabel Holder and Miss Mabel Mortimer of Mount Albert were the of Mr and Hy Sunday W Esq of Toronto was in Town last Saturday and spent over New Years with Mr David Evans on Union St Messrs Fred and Harry Orris of Ann Arbor Dental College ate spending the with Mr Phillips St The Misses and Nellie Hunter of Toronto are spending their holidays with their grandfather Mr Andrew Hunter on Eagle St Mr Willie who was down last week with appendicitis is Im proving and sxpeota to be taken home In a day or so Mrs Lyons daughter of Mr Robert Little who has been home Cor the past five months left this week for her home at Niagara Falls improved in health Following were here from the on Sunday Messrs Louis Bog- art Frank Howard Theodore Bolton Manning J P Hunter J Webb The following were the guests of Mrs Lush during the New Years holidays Mr Webster Toronto Lillian ana Miss Viola Bill Ings Grand Valley Mr Wilson wife and children are hero from North Dakota a visit with relatives for a few weeks He reports that boys are all doing well over in a as It is expected the arbitration be tween the Railway and the tele graph operators employed on that system will open in this tomor row Hon F Gibson has been quite ill from a cold caught while out cam paigning in North Hastings but is now improving The express offices here say they have handled more parcels this Christ mas and New Years than the holidays of any one of the previous four years The Civil and Criminal Assize Courts for York and Toronto will commence next Monday Mr Justice Faloonbridge will preside the first week Premier Hardy is expected to speak at the annual banquet gathering of the West York Liberal Association on the inst and as the protest against Mr Hills election failed it is anticipated the meeting will partake of a jubilee character A popular sacred concert was held atone of the city theatres last Sunday evening The Department of Fisheries at the Ontario Parliament Buildings moved into permanent quarters this week and matters are getting into shape for active aggressive work Mayor will again wield the gavel in the City Counoil but the as Mr is sometimes derisively called got with in of his opponent Mr was not in the race to any extent hi the Messrs and who were not in last year were again returned to that body All three bylaws submitted to the people were approved Altogether the election was an un usually hot one The sudden death of Mr of the Normal on Saturday last from heart failure will be learned with regret all over the Province He was only sick one day To accommodate the city press and facilitate rapid mailing of papers under the new law a staff of mail clerks are now employed in the branch post office at the Union Station Papers are weighed and despatched without being sent to the head office on Adelaide Street stamps being on sale to meet the postage Men s good Beaver Overcoats to clear at Men s very fine Beaver Overcoats regular 1000 to clear at Mens fine TailorMade Overcoats you cannot buy a better for 15 A lull range of sizes this week at Mens Suits at TwoThirds Regular Price CO 50 00 BOOTS SHOES 50 50 Ladies fine kid skating heavy sole special Mens fine walking or skating Boots Men fine Dongola kid lace Boots good value at one price Men fine Gaiter Boot regular 150 special at H A T8HRKBH Furniture Dealer and Undertaker Brooks Block Mount Albert orders will receive careful prompt attention and LEHMANS DRUG STORE AND THEORY Miss from The Res The Cradle At on the Deo to Mr and J W Field a eon The Tomb England on the of Dec Charlotte Beloher sister of Mr Mark Brown of King sged years At Beaton on Deo John Cumberland brother of Mrs of years 5 J fURHlTURE Main St North Newmarket Orders receive i Careful And Prompts At the of the brides father on Deo by Mr Mr Jas Bradford to Miss Flo of Belle At the residence ot the brides father on Deo by Rev Mr Mr Arthur Hex- wood of East to Miss Dadie of Belle At the Parsonage on Deo by Mr Cerecadden of to Miss Amelia of Lee Bztbok At Meth odist Church on Deo 28tb by Rev B brother of the bride assist ed by law end Rev Dewey B daughter of Mr John of Broadview to Rev Herbert Lee of Aurora At on Deo by Rev McDowell Mr J Glenn of Toronto to Miss Annie KingTp Shortly By Rev Young assisted by Rev J at the residence of the brides father on Deo Mr of formerly Sharon to Edith only daughter of Shortly Esq of Leading Furniture and Undertaking House Pine Where the old year ends ana the new begins have a change in years This Is usually the point where many people make other changes Now is the time to pat in a good Bed room Dining room or a Parlor Suite come and see the goods Our prices will astonish you special- bar gains for the next TWO WEEKS FOR J Opposite Royal Hotel Try a bottle of oar SYRUP OF WHITE PINE all COUGHS AND COLDS 20 A Lehmans Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil Pleasant to take Large Bottle SO Cents- Dispensing Department Prescriptions compounded Night Bell WILMOT E LEHMAN CHEMIST DRUGGIST Jan 2 Peter and John were drowned ia the bay about this evening In company with fiye or six other men they went iceboating 1 a Newmarket Jan to ft GO a 030 0 176 TOO SO OU a a 10 00 Flour per barrel 4 White Wheat 07 Bed Wheat Goose Wheat Barley per bushel 30 Oats per bushel 087 Peas per bushel 0 Butter per lb Potatoes per bar 0 Sheepskins Wool per lb- Beef lb Chickens per pair Bucks per pair Turkeys per dressed Brnperton Shorts per ton a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a HORSES Jon Bed Wheat per bushel 0 a 086 068 100 015 a a a a 0 The will be prepared to HEAVY Carriage and Saddle Screes- Draught Horses weighing from to places Hills Hotel Head 4th Hotel Bond at oclock Wednesday House Hotel Prlday Hotel Saturday forenoon 7th A I CENTRAL White Wheat per bushel Goose Wheat per bushel Barley per bushel 0 Oats per bushel 0 Bye per bushel- OQ Eggs per Butter per lb Potatoes per big Wool per lb Hay per ton 0 16 a a a a a a a a a a a a 526 Pore per Beef fore JbV a Ctlckensper a rVoVri0 Turkeys pec to Jao TAILOR SHOP Trade Still Increases Beoatuo people who deal with are well pleased and realize that by so save mow patting be- fore the best assorted stock In the Tailoring that can be Everything a person needs can be had tf- not we will get It Dont yonr wants can be supplied at a Reasonable Price Call and examine our Overcoats both Beaver and Freeze or anything need ne We try J please Ton are to show goo Jas L L

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