i NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY DEG Weeks ON IK A ABOUT TOWN pire Brigade General next Wednesday for Election of aad other The Co will meet immediately Police Court A very wit from Lehman vsPleyter if to be beard Squire til Die Council Chamber afternoon fill Right all the Orders you like Mr Jas of the Canadian Dial be will thorn par Hosing Exercises St Pauls Service will bo hold at on Saturday invited- Take opportunity of thanking our for liberal patronage extended to qb during year and wish One and all a bright and prosperous new A meeting Mr for Bast and Tyrwhitt are expected to addrcsfttB at the annual of the North York Conservative Association to be held in the Town Newmarket on January Gospel Mrs Cody presided last Sunday and Mrs at ihe organ Head ings wore given by Mr IV G Oliver and I abort also Thro- divisions in the Model School held by Mr J Green and aonga by Palmer provide program St Mi nielli Maun laet mi attended the being well filled The Christinas decorations wore elaborate Father officiated and preached brief but sermon on Gods gift to man The uric by the choir was excellent particularly colaia Presentations At of the teaching Methodist last Sunday Miss Millard wan by her presenting her with a splendid Teachers Bible and a copy of Notes on lessons for as tokens their esteem Miss Watson also re ceived a beautiful Teacher Bible from her class fl Spotting Decision The Secretary of the Society has just received the following decision from the editor of the III a heat running the boat is decisive and the horse that finished jo that heat would get money regardless of bis position in previous boats By this decision Fred wins the money in the on fair grounds first day of the full show on Thursday last McOauleyS room Codys room and Miss room first match the treason to lake place litre last tho Ramblers of Toronto Our boys were hi good practice and interest- lumr aiiticipated Childfens Hoods Church Elder Chidtey being away spending Christmas at his fathers Mr supplied his place last The morning topic Christ up evening A crime the life of post horse belonging to Mr Hi attached to a cutter became unmanageable while driving down Town it Thursday night of last week and ran into Mr Jacob cutter dam aging the side Curling Match cook Monday afternoon at the Rink ore chosen by the President of the Club Father Morris the resident Mr The oh resulted in a score of to in of the Presidents side The Aarora League the best Christmas at the Home for years on Wednesday of last week it was greatly enjoyed by all were served before leaving forborne usual Christmas candies ato supplied to of whom there ire 7 Only are women The Board of Audit met yesterday to pass accounts for Support friends of Col Lloyd are asked to vote early next Monday carry hie elec tion to keep down taxes J sit JleconjaPkot aawmped at tbe Town Unit last boar of the old an Daring first boar the following nom inations by Clerk Lloyd J ill fflmEpirlwawHsJ a f a J 9 S J4 a a I S I I I I I I I I I i i i a I The pastor Matthews preach ed two very good sermons last Sunday The was a Christmas theme was God was exceptionally good In morning the choir sang a splendid Christmas and Mr excel led himself on The Star of Bethlehem in the when choir sang another most excellent I anthem There was also a beautiful quartette bv four young ladies and Master Herbert of Perth grandson of exMayor Jackson rendered two splendid cornet solos The City and the ponied by Miss Nettie on the pipe organ and bis execution was a complete Surprise Factors next morning Lessons from the Old Year the evening another of those popular Song will be held It is expected thai Mr Of Brentford aocCmplished will ren der one or two organ selections Fellowship Meaning at large tendance to Vote In the County Council Election every voter two votes In each Division where he is assessed Where there are three or more candidates in a e voter may give one vote to each of two candidates or should bo ao desire be may mark two crosses opposite the name of any one Township Council Election every vote for Reeve and four votes but the four must be given ideals More one spoils whole in is by s six men to elect Fife About eight oclock last Saturday alarm of fire was given at the Water works aod immediately the streete were lined with people Brigade respond ed promptly but fortunately their W not needed The fire started in The Willows one of oldest residences in Newmarket Mr A Roe waa a coaloil lamp and while passing through ball it exploded The oil tire on the floor oilcloth and immediately the hall was in a blaze The tire ran under the base and was bum Hog inside the partition when the alarm was given By promptly making holes in the pouring in water by pail full flames were extinguished house was considerably damaged by smoke j covered by p v election of officers last Tuesday evening resulted a follows Foreman Overseer Recorder financier Receiver Trustees Guide it Jos Snider C Hughes J A Allan G Jackson J A C Oliver J Millard t Inside Watch Outside Watch Bro Book Rep to A Armitace Alt I- Medical Exam Dr Scott Dr Wesley Dr Hon P A Installation on Monday Jan when it is expected that Hall of will be present The Lodge is in a very prosperous condition having members in good standing Slaughtering In order to clear out balance of our stock wilt sell at a great sacrifice the following Col J on the voters division in The voter can make candidates II he an six or two In Another Treat The Choir Committee of Methodist Church completed arrangements for the best High Gloss Concert evergiven in The Town Hall has been en gaged for Jan for the and all of make a note of the date The of Miss Davidson of who captivated Newmarket people at Organ Recital have been gain secured alone is to draw a crowd Two more stare of brilliant magnitude have also been engaged namely Prof Tandy of the Conservatory of Toronto and another of Miss Mabel Thomson Prof Tandy the boat dinger in Toronto hat sang in the- best London Glasgow everywhere Nominations being the Clerk dared throe Public Trustees by for a two or term Clerk Lloyd being requested to act as Chairman speaking was continued till oclock Mr J Woodcock being called to tho platform stated that the redaction of members to the Council from effected a of in indemnity and mileage tbe fire year assessment was at and in it was reduced Tho Insurance on Co Property to was ell carried by Toronto agents lie called attention to the matter and it is carried by agents the where it properly belongs New market lookup was burnt and he succeed ed in obtaining a grant of SCO towards re pairs Be was not a candidate for Mayoralty but if the electors think it an advantage to have representative liv ing Newmarket and in touch with your interests ho asked for a liberal vote Mr Cane was therefore elected Mayor by acclamation and he thanked the electors for this another expression of con fidence Having served for years to tbe Council the last two as Mayor he bad it was time for somebody else to occupy the but he rewarded a third term as an appre ciation of his services and a confirmation of his aate Us always treated town mat ters as it tbey were his own in the purchase of supplies tenders were invited There were two questions still unsettled which he hoped to have seen completed The ByLaw re bono to Office Specialty Co and the Electric Railway agreement The situation of both were explained and it is hoped that both will be amicably ar ranged Tbe Electric tight Plant Depart ment was at some length Mr Cane showed that the revenue the first year was greater than the estimate the balance in the town or equal to a dividend of over and ahoy all interest and working ex penses while the were getting a satis factory altnight service and at as low a rate as in any towo in Ontario Mr Robertson spoke of wisdom of the town running its own electric light plant which he from the first He would not be sarprlsed to find the receipts will pay all expenses of streetlighting He spoke of the uncon trollable expenditure among which are schools and though they are expensive be was satisfied that trustees are doing their best to keep down the coat Thede rate was high but we have good asset to show tor Water Works Electric School Town Hall steel bridges i The ooforseen expenditure was then explained In 1897 Inspector of Registry Office under the Act ordered the Council to have a Plan made of the town Tins cost This year we have been obliged to register the cost No lees than lots that had not been previously de scribed bad to be to the Crown which involved a vest amount of labor He considered it a wise plan to re- duos the number of councillors He re- tbe electors that be never canvass ed for the position but if they desire his services another year he should be pleased to act Mr A did not seek posi tion bat if the with his actions in the pan be asked for support Col Lloyd had been examining the state ment of receipts expenditure cli and observed there was over more in treasury a year ago He thought this was a magnificent showing and particularly when had aaved in the Road and Bridge Committee of which he was chairman compared with the expenditure 1897 The sidewalks are in good condition no complaint baa been made the past yea received attention He credit to Inspector or bis the roads and Ho asked for port on the grounds of economy the sheets arc fog Mr John Carrey was then called upon He recognized the duty of citizenship to respond to office when requested bat as be was already a school trustee be declined honor Mr Trivett laid that daring ths three years he had served be only misted three meetings He considered tbore were others more for the position bat if bo to mo and electors wished him to serve be do bis best Mr thanked bis nominator and seconder and If elected would endeavor to fill the position with j Mr Danoan was surprised that some members of the old who bad been nominated again had retired just called upon should at least give account their stewardship Mr was then called upon all the other candidates for the Council having left the halt He had served bis year on tbo Board and j the ratepayers were evidently satisfied as be was always elected by acclamation He admitted that the schools were expensive but not in the long ran because they re- crime The Model School cost more than tbe debentures issued but by financing upon their own private notes Board had now paid off this sum and the school will now bo lower He was opposed to cutting down salaries as it made constant changes in staff which efficiency lie bad travelled alt over Ontario of United State and Great Britain and had never seen the of Newmarket Public School cation in Newmarket coats per capita I in New York Toronto Before Closing he paid a tribute to the ability and services of Mayor Cane and Mr T J Mr Pretty the speaker Ha had been a member Board for nix years and an instance con nection with the purchase of wood of bow Board were trying to economize Meeting closed with a vote of thanks io chairman Clerk stated that the candidal would have hours to reaigo REGULAR CHRISTMAS SAL NOW IN FULL BLAST ajiajisjisj ajsjiajajajsji Silk Handkerchiefs direct from Japan Fancy Emb Silk Handkerchiefs from 5c to just half price Plain Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs with and without initials from just half price Irish Lawn Hemstitched Handkerchiefs for Beautiful Embroidered Handkerchiefs regular now for 25c GROCERIES The best goods none too good or our customers to save money buy vour Groceries from us A BRUNT THE SEASONABLE A Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter never had such a fine stock for you to choose Men and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes 1 Bone new bonecutter having a rirst reputation as a standard of excellence an automatic machine for cutting for chicken feed may now be seen at Mr Dunnes store Main fit- It appears to do us work operated with ease these lines we are the leaders Gents Furnishings Hats and Gaps Fresh Our stock of Clot out clogging or difficulty Prices ran to to sis Poultry raisers hould see it Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the magistrates Court Robert A boor arrested for ill- treatment of bis son thereby contributing to tbe young death was op before Jackeou and J most all day Wednesday Mr Maw of the County Attorn department Toron to prosecuted on behalf of the Crown and Mr defended the prisoner j evidence taken at the Coroners I wan put io by tbe Crown and the several witnesses the defence evidence token inquest as j was tbe privilege of that inj wasfouud to contain some of character could not be a magisterial investigation and not directly court had to the distinction as to where parental au thority aod right ended commenced and although the prisoner was up again yesterday afternoon de- was not given when we went to press -i- grm The York County Departmental THE CHEAP STORE SW f -h- mm Brief lets Happy New cornea in with the first day of week- Lst us have no with the bells morning No meetiOR of the Club nil of open A load of Masons wens to on to lake in the instillation Dinner at the loose Did you ee Tuesday It was erfec The Davison were out with a tan dem on Monday Zero below on Wed nesday morning The furnaces are being overhauled at the School this The bile are oat the Farmer Insti tute next month Particular in next is sue After a month for repairs the small feed at the Water- Works were replaced last Wednesday The windows of end eye of tbe Have you seen number advantage of free skating on millpond Monday 1 ft a without Band mafic- the Chinaman leased tbe formerly occupied by A West will coo vert same Into a laundry Electrician has installed a number of incandescent lights in the A number of city game oar Clearing SAL Sir Toys Dolls BOOKS GAMES J and all Fancy iyA mas Left over from our Trade This Sale offer Customers Exceptional Opportunities to Mr- Robertson galled to 1 Monday New Day No fact that of oyer 3IV toy Doyle will an effort not wasi fttesmifarraneAJentsoan cf And Special Inducements for CHURCH OR J