Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 23, 1898, p. 5

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Of- J t ft- p ONTARIO BANK CAPITAL REST man B president General Manager NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits BATES DRAFTS ISSUED I at Al Sterling American Drafts and old Collections to CO Mnnajfor MEDICAL i W Campbell P A at LnrlatUu 10a HI I to Olid lo Vi if a Drugstore Main rti Newmarket Ho and to p Dr Alfred Of Dr Ural South Dp J Wesley Surgeon Coroner Telephone International Sanday Sohool 1808 For unto you is born this day the city of David a Saviour which Christ Monday Dec I Ml 17 John Col Matt 111 Luke 114 I Luke Tuesday Wed TliJrs Friday Sat tiun January Joseph A Cody AGENT FOB Confederation also Fire at for At Town next to Fire Hall Saturdays J Our Chnstma lesson is taken from one of the strongest and loftiest letters ever written- Epistle to the Boon after it was written came the great uprising the Jews against the Jerusalem was destroyed and slender and Jews were forever disrupted in the which are not surpassed in all not only for their vim sweep of thuuuht and doutrin- hut for heir bearing on everyday life in every century of time The lesson a highly poetic and rhetorical view of the mission of the Lord Jesus Christ and is there fore adapted to the Christmas season Our is no longer the offering of sacrificial Jamlxs the waving of censers the chanting of or any other ritual service it is not secured by to church or by any good deeds Jesus gave him self as the one sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world Cod used to speak to many people in many places giving to each a little of divine truth just so much as that person could and repeat But in fulness of time he sent a complete revelation all he had to say to human beings he said at once And that revelation came not by dream or vision or words whispered out of infinite silence but by human life the life of a Jewish carpenter who became a rabbi Jesus of Nazareth the Son of God Weeks oh in a account Town Nomination next the meeting of this Lodge Jus postponed till Tuesday when iho election of tor wilt ilaoe Total the next Look out for a of weather Moon the at 12 to in mmdle of the minutes to total il after are hours to explain the to children by -boro- on daytifUueb was the town were able to and spent in to twentyfifth year when he Wag Mayor On the 1 of Province ro- ported to Manila that everting was in Cavite no ineumnta to be anywhere hie way homo on the day after the of 1806 heard that a warrant had been issued for own arrest on the chargo of siding with the Continued from First The events of morning were soon told and before he was half the carriage been ordered and Mr and with Jack were on their way for thelrlosfr darling During the journey Jack was ask many question and almost uncon sciously to himself had soon divulged the best part of history with a full account of his mothers widowhood and exertions for her children and even something of the morning con- the determination to for Id be quite impossible to de scribe meeting ilay and J Tl GRIFF v IS HIM Op Dentist Bakery every da Pa in let Honors to market The of reoenv nation at the of Pharmacy fiatutUy We are to that Ur sou of Mr L of tbi To won hoi id the list we undue lbs UcAr bur market Wobb of North not up to Date Uniform Promotion in all the public in Booth York till week AIL paper were printed at the olfice The writes I again to of your promptitude and reason able lercne in with job juet filled aohoole in North York are hind the in not these uniform Big in Teeth From now till let of January Work guaranteed to Post Office AI for Life Money to Merest at Current At Newmarket T AGENT Canada flasuraneevCo yiBE AT LOWEST to A fl- Ramsay Agent Low on Farm and Isolated Town Property Over Newmarket PAINTING Gfoome House Painter and Paper Hanger 30 experience all branches of the business Pull Mae or sample latest In Wail Pa pom to see them 2nd door North of the Primary 8treet A Thankful words written by Mrs Ada Hart of Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my luniks cough set in and finally terminated in Consumption Pour doctors gave mo up saying I could live but a short time I gave myself up to my Saviour determined if I could not stay with friends earth I would meet my absent above My husband was advised to get Dr Kings New Discovery for Con sumption Coughs and Colds I gave a trial took in all eight bottles It has cured me sod thank God I am saved and now a well and healthy woman Sold by all druggists cts and Guaranteed or price refunded- Hand Hatchets Gloves and Mitts Felt and Boots Trunks and Valises kinds Rreat variety Mens- wear from the Finest Boots to the Coarse Sox A largo stock of Ties will be in or the Christmas trade and all goods wringing Jacks hand m at I the cat riagp door You will from me veiV Bolton Quae Decorator Practical Cor a ad MISCELLANEOUS Simpson Sundries and Fancy Main St Goods Money to Loan At per vent oa farm and village property by C Davidson affidavits J Conveyancer and Heal Estate Agent o Agent for following reliable Insurance Companies London and Glut Midland- and Also for the Standard Life and Northern Co Block Mount Albert irpooi tngiano Montreal in Money to Loan At Five per cent on Farm Security by David tor talcing Affidavits Es- Agent Conveyancer Iiwid Marriage Licenses Agent for the following Pi Companies Queen of London Liverpool England Mutual Life Association To- Old Office Corner of Main Lot A new glass factory lo em ploy men is about to he established in Ham- WANTED sons In state to our In thttr own and nearby counties mainly work conducted at home Salary year and finite no more no less 2aJary Monthly- Enclose dreasuistaiiipedenvope Herbert Chicago is the poor mans friend everybodys friend Have you ever notice that a severe cold is when the ground is bare When snow banks protect the cellar and fill the crevices through which the cold winds blow this fact is re alized And there is in the ammonia of the snow which is al so a natural fertilizer What Hoods has power to do tor those who have impure sod Impo blood It mkea the blood rich and cures scrofula salt rheum dyspepsia catarrh nervousness It yon are troubled with any ailment caused promoted hy impure blood take at once Pills prompt and efficient easy to take easy to operate A despatch from Butte Mont says five deaths have occurred in that city from the dreadful sulphur and arsenic fumes from the smelters Many people are leaving and steps are being taken to abate the dreadful nuisance- Mi- Connolly the lowest tender er has secured the contract for proving the harbor and terminal facilities for the Intercolonial Railway at St John The amount of the tender is said to be about Red ptot prom the Gun Was the ball that hit raau of Newark Mich in the Civil War It caused humble Ulcers that no helped for 20 years Then Arnica Salve cured him Cuts Bruises Burns Boils Felons Corns Eruptions Best cure on earth a box Cure guaranteed Bold by all Drug- gists More sailors were lost on the New Tintland coast during the recent storm than in the navy during tho re a Day Take laxative Tablets A Druggists tbinoney if it alio to Broken Mrs O J Wilson met with a painful accident last Sunday morning bad just went home from church and was wait ing at the top of the cellar aieps for her eon to bring some things up for dinner and making a lumber heel caught in the carpet She fell and pot out her band to save with the result her wrist was Medical as sistance was procured and it will be almost a month the splints can come Clubbing FOR Em aid Weekly Globe CO Mail Montreal Star 1 Toronto Daily World Evening Globe Farmers Montreal Witness sabsoribers cab get Toronto for if sent to this office not later after this date price will be Produce Immense market last Hotel and crowded with rigs streets and with people Not change in prices Butter plentiful and in clined to be lower eggs the opposite Ho- was the ruling for butter 16o for lb- rolls- eggs went as as and for packed went from to quantity was not equal to the demand and those who late in arriving got benefit Live tur keys per lb Geeso sold at and without watting Docks per pair Live chicken were slow sale only from to 35c per pair per Beef in at and 60 by qaarter Pork by the owl Potatoes still sell a per bag In small lots by the load- Dry hardwood per cord Dry hemlock pine per cord Green hemlock Some of the hucksters got loads on and were away before our reporters got there Following Is the principal buyers off Mr lbs batter 200 dozen eggs ud a quantity of apples Mr Scanlon Between and 400 lbs butter eggs about and a few and Mr lbs butter dozen geese inrkeye a few and chickens Mr 12 geese turkeys and a few Mr Smith lbs butter and about 76 turkeys and geese Mr Bell lbs butter dozen eggs GO Ibfl of geese and lbs at turkey The buyers carried away considerably over half a ton of butter and over of eggs Also two loads of live poultry insurrectionists Instead of going home according to Captain A Harper who writes of bis interview with Aguinaldo in Harpers Weekly for December 3rd he gathered twenty of his friends around him and waited for the arrival of the warrant On the a captain of the guard and two sergeants appeared to arrest and were promptly killed This started the revolution which cul minated in making him President of the Philippine Republic CASTORIA of Cruelty to I Ma Jfifr nahuitul i J Tor Infanta and Children of If a jt Childrens Small Trunks Slippers of all kinds Over Moccasina in all si7es Childrens Over Stockings Hairlined Moccasins her Mrs Fleming held Stock it Rubbers attached Childrens Boots her in her amis as if never Ladies Floe Boots all sizes and let her go and Mr Fleming guard over them as if he were afraid he might loft them both SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES laughed again until at last Mas mamma wrapped her up in a great COME AND SEE cloak and Mr Fleming ptepared jo- carry her downstatin Music Away with Every Dollars of thin said H GRIFFIS Kin iw Christ Slicing in lb fie- place of Ml afAllllKftth liil hi table suit of seiiUd a very appearance from tin- loy of Polly in the act of hanging up to sec how it would seem for when then- came a loud rap at the door Jack oeiiel it and there stood a man with a great wooden to Mrs Jacks ham infer was soon at work and it did not take long to get the cover off right across the top there was a large doll for Polly which opened and shut its eyes like those they had seen in the shop and then a difess for Mrs with a hat ami jacket match Below were packages of tea coffee LEEMIHG MILES CO sugar provisions enough to last them a month their mother said then some story books again for Polly and another drees Bundle after bundle was lifted out until the bottom was almost reached lie watched each arcel with painful expectancy and then turned aside with tears in his I eves too disappointed 10 speak last everything was out what is HEADACHE NEUBALQIA and this on the very stuck into a Erie Ave I have been a sufferers crack of the box and to for yeare often been laid up for a week at a time Master Jack He seizes it with have many other but found nothing so good Wileys Pink avidity and give vent to his Powder It is very seldom I have to take more than one to stop the moat by a long low whistle ft is nothing severe attack They are nice to take and leave no depression afterwards than a receipted bill for a ye tuition in a large near T the city with a by pr or write THE WILEY PINK POWDER CO which Mr FleminK has Jox Toronto IT SV highly t Disss Purifier loss of lisiu aril wit 4vi lomt Blood Purifier l- a co mil in J is work I WILEYS PINK POWDERS Spains Greatest Need 1 Mr P Olivia Barcelona Spain spends his winters at ken Weak nerves had caused severe pains in back of his head On using Electric Pitters Americas great est Blood and Nerve all pain soon left him He tliia grand is what his country needs All knows that It and kidney trouble purifies the blood tones tip the stomach strengthens the nerves puts vim vigor and new life info every muscle nerve and organ of body If weak tired ailing you need guaranteed only olWents Sold all Christmas HE custom of burn ing the yule log has been transmitted to various parts cf the world During the feudal times many a ponderous block of yule has been dragged to the spacious hearth in noble halls All wayfarers bared their heads in reverence as the great log was triumphantly being carried from the forest Its entrance was hailed with song Come bring with noise My merry merry The Christmas to to be firing While my good dame the Biffs ye alt be tree to your hearts desiring The yule or Christmas candle lent cheer to this festive occasion Some limes after half the log had been burned the remaining half was care fully stored in the cellar as a preven live gainst tire and misfortune It was considered an evil omen if a or a barefooted person hap in the room while the log was burning and the presence of a flat- footed woman foreboded great loss and sorrow The festival begins with Christmas Eve and closes with Candlemas Day The pretty custom of decorating the home dates back many centuries It probably originated with the Satur nalia of the old Romans They trim med their temples and dwellings with green boughs The favorite de corations were holly bay laurel and cypress Holly con- to remain the favorite Christ mas green through the course In the year GOO its use was bidden by church became of its origin Evidently the de cree was neither rigidly enforced nor obeyed for it ia estimated that over a million dollars are spent in Europe and America for Christmas holly Until quite recently the enormous quantity of holly consumed in this was all imported from Europe it is extensively culti vated on this side of the and the demand for it seems to have grown with the supply It represents a most profitable industry giving needed em to hundreds of men at a season when they would otherwise be without work Keif to meet all the expense of the boys education and support until he shall be of full age to do for himself I was pale and weakly for years The North Hotel AH this is to be done so reads Compound Iron Pills brought of other buildings at Maxnejawan the paper- in remembrance of burned to per month is tho vi UUIIdU IIIIMIUDUrj UBS inUi Ill the happiest of the little family that J by end soldiers at high as pounds Christmas morning as they walked miles east of reported by vices rendered him and hi family which no money can ever repay Vancovvkb Dec J Fleming usual increase of weight when It would be hard to tell which was J au English missionary has been killed MILLERS PILLS hut a has been Lehman church Mrs Carr wore the black sion house was raided and burned shawl wrapped tight around her which There has been no attempt to In a nearby town one man makes the children had presented in at the mandarins it bis rule whenever anybody to form with the full history of its A French missionary been burn- him with a bit of slanderous gossip to So so result Form with the full history of its pur- A missionary nun a gossip chase Polly was resplendent in new 10 at I be to the- person and say hat and jacket while Jack walked be- was attacked and Catholic crosses and and so has just told me so nod side them in the proud eon- altars destroyed a mob of a thou- about you it true As a rest sand Christianhaters All escaped to there is less slanderous gossip floating the mountains but the French priest around in that town junta present The were not pursued than there used to be The method as the j stood his ground of this man to rid his town of slander- earth toward mritmf baa is worthy the new and glorious significance to on the missionary con- all lovers harmony and good sumedii the names ship that his would soon be the full dress of a achool uniform Three thankful hearts joined that morning in the praises and the Peace on and Jack st SOLICITORS EVgliywBERK At cotamlsalonea by Official a to War In caoips at Pan Francisco on Pacific wftb General In the hospitals at Honolulu la How In the American trenches at Manila in Insurgent camps with 00 the dock or the with Dewey roar of battle at the fall or Manila Bonanza SKINDEEP BEAUTYi for agents Brimful of original pictures taken government photographers on spot lArgebook prices Big profits Freight paid Credit given all unolflclal wax books Outfit free ddrcsp Barber Star Building Chicago The recent bank robbery trial at Napanee cost the County Lennox 2000 FOP Be Weak and r A Joint Stock Company is being organized in Orangeville to operate pork packing establishment COtt ALL YOUR Milt WITH PainKlller Quick Cera far jdMatDiMKHbEAoOUOHSj and Bortiei OP III BUY ONLY PERRY Handsome is that ornedoes is theoreti cal adage but after its the beauty thats attrac tive It would a big of doing to for a diseased appear- to all who see it and the torment of the patient whose daily it to bear it about P AghhwsOiktmht euro for all sorts Skin sensations which are tetter salt rheum scald bead riof worm eczema itch erysipelas liver spots an eruptions plication allays the Irrit and perseverance to in a speedy blind bleeding itch ulcerating piles its a -t- one application gives comfort and relief in and in from- five trouble disappears Price J isappears I I it in REMOVED To forger Across the Street A for fac neck were W of seclusion and of it to to lis jptdilluaoo Sbc box of per comfort tuinf three bo A Toronto fortune a nj for lo vcr7 wont ndbt4wM6dtogoooihoapcrfbrtabl3 iprFicjl lb did the fiiS Altaic jxrsislnlulu iadhe CURB FOR OR- CATARRHAL labs Seeds and 9e PILLS TwioIcicdi- kypt la stock- I l 1 r via

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