Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 23, 1898, p. 2

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Advertisements Xm8GiftaD Co Slaughter Sale Toe Jobbing House Your Vote Merry C Electoral Geo Vrooman Santa Starrs Wood Wanted Christian Church tor Stone Lloyd Hy Electors King Ed Organ for Sale Jackson Robes A Our Toronto tetter Kill II am and pm Toronto Crossing and MO pm Icy and off nt Waiting EXCURSIONS and Hill Toronto and children tan and 10 pm Toronto pm Excursion owning rrom Toronto li Mill return at Ah for OUT KAOH The fa is FRIDAY Totxin Council Regular meeting Monday evening f Present Mayor Reeve Deputy and Councillors Cody Man ning Hughes and Smith bills passed ExprpbS Council Minutes J Manning iron for transform- duty on coal G freight 00 pumps coal and freight Freight on Transformers John open ditches Morris work levelling to the winter pitch holes A 1 Win Morris snow cleaning PERSONAL POINTS to home rom oily Mr A J Oliver of Toronto last Id Town P of Toronto wis in Town California horo Mm baa gone to city to upend York Is home from Whitby liege for holiday Mayor Cane and wore At Homo with frleoo on Tuesday Mr Dickson has from Britten Colombia fields Mr Anderson of Man ia visiting with bis sister Mrs Harry lor Mr J Belfry of A I Hal on was bore over Sunday Mrs Belfry continues vary poorly i6i baa been as of the Primary next year at a sal ary of iM0 Col Lloyd is in the this weak on Board of Examiners in connection with Vet College Mr and his sister Mies Weddol were viaKinK Mrs Harding at week Means fJiendenning J Dougherty and J fatrong of were in Own Saturday Mrs of Toronto nee Miss Ada Buddie hero last Friday to spend holidays at borne Mine Watson and Miss Louie aro Collage for Mrs Edwinooter and Mrs Dr Toronto Mrs Benito Br from Saturday till Monday The Barber A Ellis Co Toronto are sending compliments to patrons by means of very handsome calendar Mr and Mrs J Muir spent Sunday at Richmond Hi visiting bis Mrs Wakefield who has been very ill Mr Toronto and Mr of Vancouver BC were quests at Mr tbis week Mrs Lewis of tin tat- Mr to spend J and charge Mrs lot I Fresno California spent over BI I rsunday with Mrs MacArthur The of Express refer- red to Printing Com ji Mi Jonoson of J formerly id of to the Fire Light Coin Comounmuon of will regarding taxes on Hewitt hotel pro perty to Finance Com Mr asked if the Agree ment with the Metropolitan Electric Co was ready The Mayor said it had been read in committee but was not satisfactory Many clauses required details to be mentioned The Com expects to have it ready for next meeting of Council Mr Lloyd ugnt some members of the Council should visit Richmond Hill and see for themselves how the railway works in that place The of the Finance Com was adopted It recommended that Jos Millard be paid the usual witness foe in connection with planting an iron stake on St with the sur veyor that a rebate of be allow ed S on account of bis vacant store that the fees of J J Pearson for registering Town plan be paid and that Treasurers Finan cial Statement be published as the law directs Mr on behalf of Mr Millard asked hat bis account be left for further consideration as he wished to amend it but he was told that Mr Millard need not draw the fees and the Council could take it up again if they A bylaw two readings to repeal a clause ByLaw having reference to annual repairs on the Town Line J Mr Somerville also protested against he payment of any portion of the granted this year for the purpose of making a road arouud both bills near The road had only been made around one hill and the greatest barrier to trade here was still in the road Mr Smith thought some of the snow shovelling on the streets should be given to people who have been pay ing taxes for years and need work Mr explained that if he bad not given work to those whom he did charity would have to be given as they were citizens of the Town Some of those who are had corpora- Hon work all summer adjourned till Wednesday the to complete the of the year Klein a sevenyearold Berlin girl was fatally burned by her clothes catching fire The allrail rate on wheat from Fort William to John- is now reduced by the Canadian from to cents per hundred pounds Major and his party during the morn- of Deo when the French flag eel and the British and hoisted French It Simpson who taught the public here during the last Model- tie term has received the appointment Commercial Specialist at Collegiate Mr Irwin of Detroit son of Mr Irwin arrived here on Wednes day evening to attend the wadding of Miss Beatrice to Mr Harry Wilson of Toronto at Sharon yesterday Rev Geo of Richmond Hill was in Town on Friday has accepted the invitation of the Methodist here pastor for next sub ject to the approval of the Station Commit tee Mr J Stephens who has for many years taught school with acceptance lit resigned and intends spending the winter in the city He will also be greatly missed by the Methodist Sunday School here as he was an efficient and attentive worker The Hon P made a visit other day and delivered an ad dress The of last week says While the Titer as strongly Con servative in its sentiments it ever was we can still find room to congratulate the Reform Government and party on having its ranks able a man Hod Toronto Saturday of last Sheriff and Mies field a very charming dinner party on Friday evening last at Glenbyrne that very band- some residence of tbe Sheriffs in St George street The dinner Riven in honor of Mr and Mrs Hall the new- married couple who are recently settled at Admiral road Cover were laid tor fourteen the table being prettily with green silk and pink rosea We clip following from the Louis ville j Rev G Hunter and wife being former residents of Newmarket A large congregation was present yester- St Johns Protestant Episcopal Church when the newlycalled rector Mr E Hunter entered chancel Before he was called to Si Johns Mr Hooter a of the pastor of the of the Holy Innocents in Besides be was the Chairman of the standing Committee of Indiana the highest executive office outside of and also the dean of the Convocation of Indian His sermon yesterday was from 14th verse of the chapter of the to John And ho and touched bier Mr Hunter is a deep thinker a great itudcnt and sermon was a scholarly one The rector will his here during coming week to West Jefferson street Ontario Bank will open Its Branch in the Con federate Life Building early Tho danger emallpox if over and the famUiea have been von permission to venture abroad again During past six days worth of Toronto bioyoleP were shipped from this Australia worth of agricultural implements to France worth of cattle worth of bacon worth of clover seed and worth of to Great Britain The total of the InxJuetrtal this year amount to die- H leaving a balance of 2G185 This balance is swallowed up and to re duce bank account Claim against the defunct commis sion bo lieu of Campbell Davidson Co have been filed aggregating Itfa estimated that the liabilities Will be over against which there is in the bands of the sheriff for distribution but this can not be distributed six months are between GO and creditors There is a fair chance that Davidson the proprietor of busi ness- who absconded will be traced down a clue having been secured by the authorities At the General Sessions on Satur day last Charles Defoe Mount Albert was sentenced years in Kings ton Penitentiary There were several charges against Defoe on all of which be was and Judge stated that he could have sen tenced him for years but as be had not perjured himself in the matter he would dial with him more leniently an old man who was proved to have received one of tho stolen was sentenced to months in the Central Prison Edward the con stable convicted of shooting Hugh Sheridan who was stealing a ride on a freight train was fined or months imprisonment Tile will of the late John ft farmer of King township is entered for probate He left of which is in land Tbe latter given to a brother Donald who also guts the balance of the estate save to Mrs Kate Milton Wells King township died mouth without having made a will His widow petitions lor the ad ministration of the estate The farm land put at the rest being personalty The famous elk in High Park was the subject of a suit between Patrick Young of and the city last Friday and Saturday After Mr Lancelot had presented the animal to the city and before it had been moved into High Park the ani mal escaped Mr on be half of corporation offered reward Mr Young organized a posse and they chased the noble deer through the wilds and fastnesses of York townships They surrounded him in a buah but the elk put down his head and hie who promptly scattered He galloped away and took refuge in the barn of one William Preston where Young and his men roped him and took him to Ballantrae Mr Young sued for which sum includes the reward and the cost of boarding and- lodging the elk He refused to give it up so sent out the sheriff and a party who replevined the animal The suit was decided in of the city MOUNT ALBERT are here but arc not is having some trouble his rarjVio wrk gave way firsand how hie water pipes Mis ho mother Mrs The children Sunday School arc practicing for a Cantata to Anniversary sermons both and evening suitable for Presbyterian congregation took pastor Rev A by surprise Tuesday evening when presented him with a valuable fur overcoat He and congregation spent a pleasant evening together a short program given lunch provided Candidates are thick here on Market days Messrs Hopkins and Wood cock seem to be looked on as the win ners for Councillors Mr to be supported be cause of bis record in the position and Mr Hopkins gains favor because of tbe sterling qualities of his character and the success he makes of every thing he undertakes and being success ful in one matter he ought to be in this He is a champion for right A large number from here attended Nomination on Monday Over two tons of fowl were purchas ed on the market on Tuesday Mr J Elliotts sale on Tuesday was a success He goes to next week Mr Wentzel is at Weston for a few days owing to the illness of his uncle Miss ill Mrs Brooks is also dangerously sick School meeting on Wednesday the when a hot time is expected Dr Jas Forrest has sold his mare Dolly Brock was so success ful in showing at Fairs to a man in He gob a good figure Our December Safe affords many opportunities for you to save money on Christmas purchases See our big stock of Handkerchiefs raneing in price from to See our ladies kid Gloves newest styles special oo See the childrens grey Gauntlets at Ladies wool Shawls from 777 25c to Remnants ol Dress Gress nice for Girls dresses 7 half price Large linen table Napkins very special per 72inch halfbleached Table Linen regular 40c at 70inch fullbleached Table Linen extra fine regular at yds Dress Lengths from to 450 per dress CHRISTMAS CLOTHING r AND THEORY By MJss Pupil of Cecil Ccrtlflcatw The Metropolitan School of To ronto Street Men heavy Ulsters tweed lined high storm collar a great bargain at 4 Mens fine Beaver Overcoats velvet collar very stylish coat at 6 Mens extra fine Beaver Overcoats velvet collar best farmers satin lining tailor made coats at Mens very neat doublebreasted tweed Suits at 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Mens fine black worsted Suits best linings perfectly made good fitting suits special Boys twopiece Suits at Boys threepiece Suits at 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Boys threepiece Suits at Boys Overcoats to fit from four years old up to Mens Size CHRISTMAS CROCKERY 5 op 2 00 SO were hoisted started for- the So sMiSfii James Boyd and Boyd father and son were sent for trial at Hamilton on charges of housebreak ing theft and receiving Mr Flath of Drayton License Inspector for North is dead He was bitten by a mad dog a few months ago but whether that had anything to do with his death or not is uncertain CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP J- Trade Still Increases Why people who deal with are well pleased and realise that by doing so they save money We are potting be fore the beat aeorted stock In the Tailoring that coo be had Everything person can be had if not we will get it Dont when wants Can be applied at a Reasonable Price Call and examine oar Overcoats both Beaver and Freeze or anything that in oar line We will try and pie you Too are ftt any time No trouble to show goods McLaughlin The Cradle At on to Mr Mrs a eon Gi0on the Con Whltcbarch Deo Mrs Albert of a sou Altar Wblbobn At the residence of the brides parents Holt on by Rev A Mr Robert J to Miss of Mr John At the Parsonage Rich mond on the 14th Deo by Rev G of to Johanna Wilton of Inst by Rev at the home of the bride William J to Mabel both of King At the parson- age on the by Rev Mr Boa to Minnie both of Sharon Smith At home of the brides parents in Mr Albert J Smith of East to on Deo by Rev Leading and House THE BEST JOB Invariably totasone beat who education Why not qualify for of J best going- have for men and cacti year did vork You enter at ay time If Cash Sale holiday reason is with lis The bits of needed fa homo make very desirable gifts to members of the family Having the best to select from get the most satisfactory as Chairs that please Stands that will be ap book that give happy Bedroom Bolts op Extension Tables Dining Room W Parlor J Opposite Royal Hotel 1 i rf 97 piece nicely decorated Dinner Setts at piece very handsome Dinner Setts reg price 10 special Xmas price Handsome fancy parlor Lamps at Nicely decorated bedroom Setts pieces at Very handsome bedroom Setts pieces worth 550 sale price 50 Try us for present do other store in Newmarket carrying as large a OO 25 H MADDOCK mans HMANS DRUG STORE The Best Stock of Drugs is the mark of the Best Store Our Drugs are the Best absolutely Pure and always Fresh a guarantee of the strength of medicines made from them OUR MOTTOQUALITY QUALITY And Lowest Possible Prices Patent Medicines and Medicines of our own make for Coughs and Colds Our Pills at a Box is a Leader Those who use them say The best Liver Pill on the market ELEGANT PERFUME We have a good stock for FANCY GOODS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Combs Brushes Sponges Toilet Soaps and Toilet Articles RUBBER GOODS of all kinds including a Combination Fountain Syringe and Hot Water Bottle at 125 Mail and Telephone Orders Promptly Filled Holly for Christmas DISPENSING DEPARTMENT Physicians Prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours Night Bell LEHMAN CHEMIST DRUGGIST ofMt Al bert died intestate leaving ft widow and throe children He had in reality ana in personalty THEATER and Undertaker Brooks Mount Albert- The Tomb In Whitchurch on the day In on the Hiram aged yean will prompt receive careful fURHITURE JH Miitt St North All will Flour per barrel Whit a Wheat per 65 Wheat Buckwheat i 0 Barley per bushel Oatappr bushel bushel V will receive jrr Prompt Attention I a a ft a W a a a OK a era a 1 Toronto Maritets Dec Bed Wheat per White per bushel Wheat per as Buckwheat per busael per Peas per per bushel Butter per lb irrf a aa I i Apple per Wool per lb t Reef fore pair tit I4i i a it a ifnii I a CO a MO a TOO a a ts oao a a a a a a a a w a a Tl ft V v

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