Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , December 2, 1898, p. 3

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SWA it THE NEWMARKET WHAT OK IK TOWN Horses Mr from hero last Saturday and some wars Ons be paid tor and w are told brought good flt Home The Endeavor or Church held an At Homo on Tuesday evening About in attendance flames and refreshments were provided and a very to- time enjoyed The readier monthly meeting of the Women Missionary Metho dic Oho roll will bo bald the of Beth Prospect Ave on afternoon Dec at Still They Coma Mr Doyle of the fine reefdonoo of late Clark too Hughe on and become a He baa also given an order fur a i electric lights at once lieu market Rink The addition of the Waiting Room at the wee roofed with metal ogles on Monday will be ready for business The caretaker commenced Hooding the Hint oo giving Day if llio cold weather coo holders of season ticket will get the full beueOt for opening Car nival Phrenology LaSago a rooogniRed on two of the III lb now at the Hotel New- market end to remain oyer day This lady vialted Newmarket about a year ago and made a very favorable Bale Mr of Mr John Ragle Street end will possession wbeo vacated by by the Utter Communion next Sunday morn ing Preparatory Service the Bobool Boom Ibis Friday evening On Sunday evening P of Toronto la to give an work under the of the Prizes at Omabo The people of King Tovranhip will Jearn with that Albert J Wat son of that municipality baa woo moat of the principal at the Exposition at Omaha bred We are pleased Mr Wat- ton had the to make the and him on of aod of purpose during the coming win ter to hold a of pen inga in of At vr It the Silver Medal hold at iitrvl tendency to create i- re inter- iu and the will alto add to the roil of A meeting of the took place Monday to open lor care- taking next year Nino applications were running Iron The appointment deferred for consider ation The Committee wan in- to examine the furnace and re port if rep aire are needed Hoard adjourn till Monday afternoon Solvation flpmy The wan packed to doors lata Sunday night when apoke on ihe aubjeot Comfort ed During the entire the beat of attention prevailed at the close eight professed Next the will take for hie Who preaaion in doubt to J future in life will be aided the path to No or fraud Bee and other print ing from am to pm Bunday morning Mr of Queen Street East attended the Chnroh here cordially invited tu attend The and Itradford and Tuesday and Wednesday night in connection with the BellDenial effort No In order to prevent a repetition of the crowding last year the Committee adopt a new plan next Tuesday night at by wife While the was pro- Church Fowl Hopper- Eyery the wae tied under number Company meeting of Co- next for of A fall attend la Club ft good mooting day evening On of the Fowl Bee per the meeting will be held on evening of next week at of ave when the read- lag of In will bo A Wednesday morning a man aoa of stealing a bottle of beer from Central Hotel and the gave When be oaught the man the bottle was not la biapotteiaioo A short time after the bottle found partly emptied bat by time the man bad Bond The Band uimIht the direction of tarn oat to full two a week They are getting op new ar ranged especially for winter engagements Last the turned out strong The band been materlallv strengthened by another Baritone player in the person of Mr Geo- Smith formerly a member of the band making a total of members Evidently the are bound to distinguish therneelve Police Court Before last week a per- Bin named cited for disorderly Conduct at Depot where ho made things to those waiting for the train by using unbecoming language Be had to ante op four dollars and to Ix more considerate in a number of have been Summoned io appear before Squire Jackeon at Queeniivjlle with a chari vari but there is talk of a in some way The Room at well Oiled last Tuesday evening the League took charge of tbo Endeavor Ella Cody con ducted exercises after which Mr Job Meade President of League took Mies M or ganist and Graham contriboted original papers on Missionary topics There was a male and a chorea beside otber interchange mutually helpful to the young people Special Leaders for This Thumb Cut running a riptaw at the Office Specialty Co Wednesday afternoon Die with a painful accident Bo was cutting material tor snow shovel bandies and the top of his left tbomb a St Hey preached the of a series of and eloquent sermons on Sunday evening He expressed highly pleased with tbs por tion of the not only be bat attending admired rendering by tbe choir of beantlf nl mnsieal parts of church Rev Mr of Newcastle a former rector will preach next incident aud Mrs Morton of a Point met with an accident in New market on Thanksgiving Day which nearly proved very serious They driving down Water Street bill the king bolt came out of baggy thus front wheels to leave vehicle As the buggy tipped both occupants were thrown to the ground Mr Morton bong onto the lines to prevent the boree from running away and was dragged a couple of rode on WCSl Cakes are always the rough ground Morton was badly with Baking Powder in the face Medical m -f- Double width pure wool Serge all colors per yd inch Tweed Goods 40 inch Cotton Cashmere all colors Mens Heavy Double Breasted Wool Undershirts 28 Mens Wool Socks per pair- Flannelette per yard 3 i mm SILKS 4 Special purchase for Spot Cash of Fancy and India Silks in all Colors We are selling them at less than they Cost to import LOOK OUT for our annual mas Sale of Silk Handkerchiefs NEXT WEEK I A BRUNTON CORNER STORE BBiatance procured no resnlts are an- At the Newmarket Our bread a arriving at the Book and Stationery SEASONABLE GOODS I at Our Stock is now most complete in Fall and Winter wear never had such a fine stock for you to choose from and Boys Suits and Overcoats Boots and Shoes abed broke loose in way and for homo A road cart to which it was attached was lelt at north end in a rather dilapidated and the horse caught by Mr Wake Howard north of his residenoe He brought it hack as the service waa over and thus the anxiety Cut Rate The routing its freight trams over the Northern of the Newmarket on Monday last the terms of the new be tween these railway companies The ar rangement tbat all ttana-conti- freight from west of Junction function and Toronto will be given to Grand Trunk for the North Bay line Passenger of the commenced ronoing over North Bay Division of the After cut rate xindioj over aoma months the general may now rest assured that it will baa long day before the experiment be repeated A very pretty wedding look place oclock on afternoon at the of Mr when bis eldest daughter in marriage to Mr of Toronto Mai- thewa and tOgueeie were iu white organdie ever trim with lace and inaortion and car ried a of bridal rosea brides- aiater Ella who also carried rosea and the groom was attended by hie brother Mr Mc Donald of cloth Minn The presents were varied and valuable in- eluding in cash Tbe sapper was left by evening train for their new home in tbe city followed by good wishes of of friends a We will Division At Friday Judge Morgan presided and between litigants and spec court room was fairly well filled Very few cases were of public interest Cie wbicb attention was an appeal from finding of Squire vs Pegg tried the and Servants Act for wages A lengthy investigation before a took place hot His Honor at the close of the evidence charged the jury strongly in favor of dismiaaing the appeal After a very few consultation the jury returned a verdict sustaining the Magistrates decision Another lengthy case Holt vs Shanks re to she validity of a chattel Several witnesses were examined and the legal gentlemen on either side argued legal technicalities arising out of the special features involved The case was practi cally adjourned till next court meanwhile the interests appertaining thereto are to remain in quo the and those who come brat will bo aerved first numbers will be called when tables are ready and only those holding tbe proper cambers will be permitted to go downstairs By this it will be no advantage to op to the door and people will be expected to take their till their numbers are called Passed After an ilneaa of months a young named Oliver brother of the town electrician quietly away on Sunday He was a quiet and obliging young but consumption seized his system and about months ago he was obliged to quit work Since then decline has been quite rapid till death ended bia suffsrings The took place on Tuesday and largely attend ed Rev Matthews conducted service Fire Brigade of ceased was a member decora be casket with a floral wreath and attend funeral in a body Tbe were Messrs Taylor Fred head Leo Davison Fred Hughes Clark and Bee The Town flag was flying at half mast and the fire bet waa totted as he procession to the cemetery The family have the sym pathy of many friend in their Church Next Sunday is to be an high when Dedicatory Sermons io connection with tbe magnificent new Pipe Organ are tu be preached by Rev A Pearson A of North Toronto Mr Pearson is said to be a brilliant preacher and very large Rations ate anticipated The Trustees for a liberal offering to assist in making the necessary changes to accommodate the new and choir Regular monthly Fellowship Meeting will be held in the Lecture Room on Bun- day morning commeocing sharp at A genera attendance of the membership is and any others who feel disposed to come are welcome A very pleasant event took place on Nov at Spring the residence of Partridge Esq Asea the occasion the marriage of his yoonaeet daughter Mr John A The ceremony performed fi by Mr Boiling The bride looked charming in a white ailk with ribbon orange blossoms Her iirter acted as bridesmaid and wore a pink The groom was supported by his brother Mr After the cere- the to number of about fifty sat down to an elegant wedding sap per- The remainder of the evening was epent in games and dancing The Jonngoopple received many hand- some and presents which testify to esteem in whioh are held They have taken a their in Sin- where Mr is in the grain Mr at- whose homo is In Pine got from Manitoba on an snooting Allan of Newmarket and of Aurora a match for volunteera the farm 8t on Thanksgiving Day There was a very good attendance but the day waa cold which greatly affected scores fol lowing is the result 1st Sergeant No Co 2nd Corporal Williams No Co 3rd Sergeant No Co Sergeant Brock No Co 6th Private Campbell No Co Private Curtis 2 Co Private Co Sergeant Lane Private Private J Sergeant Private Herman Private Rush Sergeant Evans 16th Private Flanagan Private Wright Private Private Fetch 20th Private Holmes Private Taylor Sergeant No Co and Cor Williams No won Col Lloyd special prizes for the beat shot in each company 1st Staff Lowe Toronto 2nd Lieut Lloyd Newmarket 3rd Sharon A Patch Aurora 24 Newmarket A Aurora Newmarket Creator Aororai- 21 Boss Aurora lOih Hillary Aurora Mr Aurora Oitgoct Opening The new Pipe Organ for the Methodist Church arrived by special car early Mon day morning and over since ten oclock train the organ builders have been busy potting it together Three men cams from the factory on Monday another on and they have been working till ten aud eleven oclock each evening getting for last Those who saw the great box unpacked were amazed at of pieces its organ is feet inched wide feet deep with a of 0 inches stands 20 ft case is of polished oak coloring of the massive front metal pipes is handsome and the instrument a appearance beat of all volume and sweetness together with its exquisite softness makes organ a marvel all who have heard are per fectly delighted By all indications the Organ Opening lst night would be a mag nificent success Sabbath Sunday in Advent The A added another member to their big roll last Monday night Last Tuesday was St Andrews Day and it honored by Mr wearing bis down Town I Tfwri Collector says people will get into trouble if dont pay their taxes more promptly Quite a racket at tbe North end other evening A cactus which laat spring is again iu flower in ho conservatory of The Bowery St is something The latest addition to the Hand is a slide trombone which was recently purchased by Mr who will discard an alto horn for the new instru ment Smith took a good yiew of Maui Street last Friday looking north also a of ornamental doors Gents Furnishings Hats and Caps Fresh Groceries In these lines we are the leaders Our stock of Clothing and Boots and Shoes is the largest and cheapest in the County DAN FORD ROCHE CO The Cheap Store DECEMBER a We have had the busiest of the busy months since last Spring and are planning to make for Cane for ornamental purposes this the busiest in our history of Decembers Stocks were never better assorted Prices Mr a k a fine covered were j buyers favor We particular emphasis to these Stocks to egg dealer last Wed- lotcf new for the Library arrived 2 Co Co CO Co Co Co Co Co 4 Co Co Co 4Co Co Co Co 18 Preserve Your Health By wearing Wrights boot the best on market English Church Concert The aid of Hi hauls in the Hall evening fairly well attended and the talent was of a order Hayes nd Master Tony each received perfect ovation Tbe execution of the violin was listened to with rapt attention Master Tony has a be so encored Mr s cultivated voice was beard to good advantage in the new For all Eternity the of which was sold last week for He also responded to encore Mr Prince baa a fins basso voice and received wellmerited Mr Carlisle Is a humorist of the Groflemith type exceedingly amusing and refined and eiso received ft storm of Master Hayes made bis on this occasion and we predipt ft bright future for him He has ft fine alto voice and with a little more confidence will grow rapidly in favor Mr Hunter dared ft brilliant piano selection and is an excellent accompanist He is organist of St Mary Magdalene Church Toronto and ranks among tbe highest in the city Miss Lea was exceedingly bright- ftnd clever in her readings The ladies St Pauls feel deeply indebted to Mr and those who so ably assisted biro The stage was prettily decorated for the occasion and Reeve Robertson dis charged the do ties of chairman The promoters of the ftbove thanks the courtesy the Tennyson Club in postponing The OtfaeP Side In connection with the of Percy Clay we gave last week the version as re ported by the officers of the law Bines it appeared a friend of Percy sent us the following for publication owner of Mr French states that wheel was rented op 8th of Oct returned on Nov ftnd Instead of being up for lost he says he beard from once or twice a week and was quite satisfied the wheel was all right In con nection with the statement that was wanted in on another of steal in an overcoat I have it letter from Bros- they loaned the to bo the following day it was not returned then hence the but has been returned and the charge will or has been withdrawn as never stole the coat It is a false that be is connected with other nefarious acts As regards bis dressing well since ha was years of age be baa earned all bis own clothes and knew how to take care of them Daring all this time be has only been oat of employment five months two last and since the middle in deference to this en- DRESS GOODS LADIES MANTLES MILLINERY LADIES MISSES SHOES MENS BOYS MENS BOYS SUITS MENS BOYS BOOTS SHOES this year and has only had three suite of clothes in throe is to the boy and family to last week correct HARDWARE DEPT Embossed Stove Boards 65 Patent Adjustable Stove Pipes 9c lengths One Piece Elbows 9 each- Good Steel Axes 50c- Buck Saws Cross Cut Saws foot Lanterns 4Qi SO and each Cow Chains and Horse Blankets Si 125 to 245 it IN O in ails Tin Pails Compare the Eju with any other for borne news GROCERY DEPT LAUNDRY GOODS Dingmans Blue lb Keen sOxlord Blue lb 5 Cooneys Bag Blue 4 Pulverized Borax lb lb Pearline small IJC f a i ft Crystal Washing Tablets 5c Washing Crystal Lump Borax Pulverized Borax Washing Soda lb Gold Dust Washing Powder pkg Canada Laundry Starch 5c Silver Gloss Starch in bulk in lb pkgsc Ivory Gloss Starch in lb Celluloid Starch pk Send for Catalogues t ROCHE CO

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