Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era , November 25, 1898, p. 7

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r A L NOV This month sees the opening of a Great Big IN PRICES In Our Grocery s Hems is ooiko OH 4 ABOUT I I Monday making wife of Mr- J Robinson Opisrlo St accidentally drew a chopping knife one of b Angora a bad The Rate Ended On Wednesday settlement was reached between the P and T aaiborl- respecting the rate war and con fltot ended On Monday next old rates will bo restored on all the lines of these two companies i Geo Fortune Hat opened an office in the flat occupied by Dr and J Woodcock Dis eases of all domesticated animals treated by the latest and most solentlfio methods- Office open night and day Front entrance from Main rear entrance from Market Square Depot The shipments past week are as follows cars merchandise care 1 a l coal salt corn lumber bard wood alone I apples marsh hay stock always believe in a good article sell at a living price at the same time we will not let any merchant undersell us We handle the Best all lines and Bell as as any house doing business Groceries and Glassware Boots and Shoes BIG GUT PRICES fa The Leading Grocer ft A SMITH Cor Main Timothy Sts Counts People having business post office appreciate recent improvements Sometimes however when mail Is be- loK distributed inconvenience is experi enced by some wanting stamps thereby delaying delivery If snob would obtain supplies at such times from the drug stores of Dr Scott or Mr or at tbe Central Telephone where resold by authority they would show a little more and considera tion for others Hookey The Hookey season is and tbe Indications are we will again have the pleasure of witnessing some matches during the coming winter The boys in red and green are patiently await till the ice la in shape that can commence In the of practice It is altogether likely that the team this sea son will be composed of players that of last year namely J Kennedy Jack Kelly T Kelly Montgomery and The boys put op good play the entire season last year and the expeditions are they wilt sorpass previous record during the com la winter Salvation Army The Sell Denial effort is meeting with great success The crowds that attend meetings especially on Sundays were better for years Their Self Denial target this year is and they seem confident of getting there The officers held special meetings at Sohomberg and last weekend raised over Nest Saturday night a typical represen tation of Work in costume will be held at the barracks On Sunday night Williams will speak on the subject Mourners Comfort ed Everybody welcome Engine A peculiar accident occurred the plocirlo Station last Friday alter noon and very fortunate taatno was hurt- Friday was very doll day and jnsr after parties tele- phoned for light The engine wee started at after and at minutes lo two oclock under the ordinary of cam a pi coo of metal about a foot long and five Inches wide flew out of the steam cheat Mr Ob as filea was putting oil in one of labrlcatlng cups about feet away and Stamped Some young men who called at the Office last Monday evening accident- stamped free of It did- not make them mailable Indeed they Were made leas flttod for travailing than before and as a result the pas sions of the world ware Increased to a cer tain extent The Peel Office front hade fresh coat of paint Last Thursday morning a team belong ing to Mr Ed Hill the botcher white at- to the delivery wagon ran away but piece of metal was blown out M fell to the floor about two feet away with- out doing any farther damage The sky of Mr residence while ho was clearing off and Mr an order During his absence Just preparing to shot down he rtmd accident occurred liable on St was telephoned but the Mayor freed themselves from wasintbeelty Mr Charles Thompson the wagon Both animals sapsrintendent of the Machine whed entered the mom at once proceeded to the Water- through a single door They were Works and commenced temporary repairs a single stall by their By Ingenuity be none the worse for their with the assistance of Engineer The wagon was slightly d and the Eleotrioiao in having engine repaired before six oclock so that the A Union Thanksgiving service in the was not so Cbarch interopted as one would Imagine under the for end represent- J liro The plate was not quite half an inch jcbidley Matthews and took pan thick and should have at an the sermon was by Dr inch The were written j Workman Professor of one o the now part Is being manufactured I onto The text was whoso but there will no in the 4 HOW MANY MEN Want a Good suit or This Pall Winter If there are any they will find Good Satisfaction at WC Tailor Shop Men of who an furnish and tig for three months Straight to right parties If Toronto Any person of lumber and up to cut end also have on tnelrown promises The coat is i deal loss will and Write for portlcujanto v JT Last illustrated Gtobt had photos of the Sharon Temple Meeting House and Pipe Organ with a short The Librarian of the Public Library has been instructed to insist on books being re- turned that are overdue or costs will be in Those who get notice should pay attention promptly The financial statement of the North Teachers Institute shows receipts expenditure and a balance of To this Co Council adds Advertising Is the fan which the fresh air of new ideas noon the atmosphere of inactivity and takes away that tired feeling which attache the advertiser Mr West the barber is going to move farther down Town and put in lights The family now reside on Vlotorla Ave The new Royal Hotel barn will bo fin ished ready for business by Saturday It Is an immense building The promise a good program tit tbe Gospel temperance meeting next Sunday afternoon Inquire about the circulation of the Era and compare it with others when you wish to advertise Tbe kids have two holidays no school today An old man named Jordan dropped bis purse containing over on Main last Tuesday and it was all bis available cash on hand He had to do without a Thanksgiving turkey yesterday w Toms Cabi draw a at the Town Hall last Tuesday Big crowd took advantage of the cheap fare Small sum of money found on the mar- Saturday Apply to the Town Inspector A case of disorderly conduct at the depot on last will be investigated before tomorrow afternoon Mr Fred Embury has erected a wagon abed at his stable on Eagle St Order your sale bills at the office We print them while yon wait any day but Thursday and give a free notice in the which is worth nearly as ss bllU Christian Church In the Christian Church Elder preeohed two important sermons and the did their part splendidly His subject at morning service was The connection of thanksgiv ing with prosperity Text verses and He said be felt proud of being born and cradled under the British flag a nation aver ready and willing to recognize Has God ever dealt with any other nation as with Great Britain aid with any other sovereign as with Queen Viotorla and God only knows what is In store in the future for Great Britain and with it our beloved Canada as an important part thereof We Canadians should be ashamed to talk of hard times while we really have all the necessaries of life and many of the luxu ries We dont really know what hard times are we have been with bountiful harvest It we more ihaok- no doubt would bless us wftb greater prosperity in every way Thank fulness gives breadth and strength to character and character It best developed in adversities It so with mabei a person grow smaller and smaller until be hardly looks like a man- only for the clothes be wears We are liv ing in a broad age and we should be broad in proportion We should reach one hand up to meet hand and other down to poor suffering humanity Why not divide a portion of things with those who have hardly enough to eat wear The Eider took for bis evening Borne sources of personal His text was Without Me ye do noth ing The possibilities mans develop ment are illimitable He can beet in fluence others by coming In contact with them touching them at every point of life thus pouring into thorn an Invisible in fluence There in seratthing even in a voiceorlook Personal power does so in what a man has as In what he is personality We never forest a person good on as though we forget all that was said Christianity is the great source of In flueace for lifting humanity heavenward praise Me and to him that bis conversation will I show the salvation of God The sermon was eloquent in its simplici ty at same time revealing depth of thought the Dr exemplified Atviogin its growth of meaning and dwelt the idea of thanfcsHving its nature purpose a life of no 1 doing and Gods glory is mans good Sale Register Toooat Nov unreserved sale of stock etc will take lot in east halt of Con East bait a mile north of Holt Eleven mouths credit on sums over except for hay and tur nips dale at one Smith Auctioneer STREET NORTH a fln Inference Rnvaeved A couple of weeks ago we thought the time opportune to call attention to the Council election con- oiudtng with these observations It is time that people were talking About the men who would fill the the Able and capable men will not path themselrp forward though they be to same if requested It appeared to to baa legitimate state ment to make at this aeasoo of the year but somehow Mr Woodcock who takes upon himself to be the godfather of all in- couued of county look item much to heart aud forthwith rushed Into print Had he confined himself to legiti mate criticism or questioned suggestion therein contained we would not now be called upon to notice bis but of doing he has distorted the plain meaning of the words and done violence to fair controversy After quot ing the above extract goes on to say I presome we must infer from this statement that no capable men will become candidates for County Council lors unless they receive a the names of a sufficient number of electors to guarantee their election Notice the fact that he presume He is good at that He ha presumption enough for the whole County Can noil We said nothing about a requisition much teas one which shoorl contain the names f a number of tutors to guarantor It is simply a gratuitous misrepresentation He then al ludes to such men as Joseph mayor Can- Hon add others dtes for County Councillors without tbe formula of a requisition hut in doing he Is only padding for company and seeking to associate himself with men who scorn to be guilty of charge we now bring home to him But whether gentlemen to he alludes were brought out with the formula of a requi sition or not are very sura not ode of them became- candidates without being requested so to do as wo suggested and to Mr takes so fool Isn exception The Canadian- Railway station at Man was by fire On Friday evening Nov the people of Nol East the winners of the first prize at the recent North York exhibition for the beat turnout celebrated their success by a fowl supper and literary enter tainment The Schoolhouse was beautifully decorated with flags and evergreens and a banquet was spread which for excellence and profusion has never been surpassed in this locaUey The Directors of the North York Agricultural Society were the guests of the Section and the people turned out en filling the schoolhouse to the doors After ample justice had been done to the good things pro order was called and Mr Dickson Principal of the Newmarket High School an old pupil and teacher of the school was asked to take the chair A most ex cellent literary programme consisting of recitations readings and dialogues by of the school was rendered and the manner in which the scholars acquitted themselves re flects great credit upon their teacher A Rogers After speeches Mr J and Mr A field in which they expressed their appreciation of the excellence of the entertainment a very enjoyable even ing wan brought to a close with the usual vote of thanks and the singing of the National Anthem Mr Asa Phillips and his grand- daughter Stewart celebrated the anniversary of their birth at Mr Stewarts on Tuesday last Mr Phillips was years of age and years for holding elections la West Huron and to In the Ontario Legislature hive been issued Nomination will 1st snd polling one week Prom now till the middle of mm both Dominion and polfric will be the all absenting burdens of tin daily press In a large fire which completely destroyed an extensive timber at Petersburg ten persona burn ed to death Mr Marshall strack a flow of natural while drilling a well on Mr farm near Cornera The ElderDempster Go is Montreal fleet by the addition of six now in course of construction a young Irishman recently came from Belfast was crushed to death by the collapse of derrick at Montreal byla for the pur chase of the waterworks plant from a private company was defeated by the ratepayers of Waterloo by a majority of 86 York Nov- 19 tle John ship yards Brighton I burned mornings The loss is v- j IDaY CONtlKUEDaoU The yesterday decided to thy Legislature to give coun ties the to pass a bylaw who shall have power to make to Industrial Home J The comtbiaaioners of county r- pert presented their report The York Mills coat 128160 which the countys share was Repairs on the bridge at Weston coat on- Bear- let and also small repairs j on the wads worth bridge at Weston the bridge On the Mills bridge repairs The new steel at was being at an expense and a stone abutment on end of bridge bad been completed at a cost of A new stone abutment at the Is lington bridge bad been completed at cost of ft was found un necessary to build a new bridge over the Holland rivfer at Bradford as the present one was still good for some years The bridge on Street at Holland Landing had thoroughly repaired A superstructure replace the old Sutton was expected to be conclud ed in a few days The bridge on the town line between and Scar- bad been replanked at a cost of The bridge over Creek on to line between and carboro had also been replaced at a coat of 91204 Adopted The report of the Education Com mittee which was adopted recom mended the payment of grants of each to the North York and South York Teachers Institutes and to the Woodbridge continuation class A special committee was empower ed by resolution to determine the amount annually payable by tbe town of North Toronto to the county for ex penses of administration of justice erection and repaireto Registry office and other services for which the county has to bear its share SATURDAY The Council decided to make a grant of to the Poultry Associa tion to be held in January The report of the special committee re Kingston road in Pickering Town- ship was presented and adopted It stated that although the deputation frcttn each side had presented their case to the Government no n had yet been given by the latter A deputation from the Prisoners Aid Association waited upon the Coun cil addresses being delivered by War den of the Central Prison exWarden Inspector Archi bald Mr Hamilton and Mr Hugh each of whom pre phases of the work and aims of the association for the consid eration of the members No grant was made Hardware Stoves and Tinware A LARGE WELL AS SORTED OF TOG ETHER A SPLENDID VARIETY OF SHELF HARDWARE PAINTS OILS All kinds Those in a specialty of Tinware made to order trusting us with their orders will be sure of splendid workmanship Es timates given on contract work CUSTOM J A ALLAN CO Jacks to Hire NEWMARKET SOUTH END BAKERY OUR BREAD IS GIVING GREAT SATISFACTION Sales Increasing Daily TRY OUR CAKES AND PASTRY You will want no other Wedding Cakes a Specialty Coupons for all Cash Purchasers Ask them GROOME BOGART Spain must Come to Time Her Colonial Possessions Gone PHILIPPINES AN OPEN TO Paris Nov The and American Peace Commissioners met in joint session at oclock this after noon The Americans declared United States must have the entire Philippine archipelago and for a treaty cession of the islands the Americans tendered to Spain It is further that it is the purpose of the United States to main tain the Philippine Islands a an open door to the worlds commerce On the terms named the United States proposes a mutual relinquish ment of all claims for na tional or personal subsequent to the outbreak of the last Cuban insur rection November is fixed as the date on which the United States Commission desires a definite response to todays propositions and all other subjects in issue here It is also declared that the United States desire to treat of the religious freedom of the Caroline Islands as agreed upon between the United States and Spain in 1886 arid also of the acquisition of one of the Caroline Islands for an American naval station and of cablelauding rights at other places in Spanish jurisdiction and the revival of certain SpanishAmerican treaties as heretofore in force The Americans oho refuse to arbi trate article of the peace protocol bearing upon the future disposition and control of the Philippine islands The meeting was then adjourned until Wednesday pronto J HUD Is Better Prepared this Week than Ever Before to serve their Increasing Trade Enlarged Store Enlarged Stock Enlarged Staff of Salespeople Enlarged Bargains Dont Invest a till you see us TORONTO HOUSE CORN Admiral Dewey has contracted with a Hong Kong firm of wreckers to raise three of the Spanish war vessels sunk in the battle of Manila Nov For an hour and forty minutes the Corners jury deliberated on the and their final verdict was Win M array was day by on Ed of CORN ENSILAGE CORN OF THE BEST VARIETIES RED COB MAMMOTH S0UTHEBN SWEET EARLY LONGFELLOW EARLY ANGLE OF MIDNIGHT GERMAN HUNGARIAN AND TURNIP SEED CENTRAL TAILOR SHOP WIS Dont too quick In buying you call and Me top Fell Mock that arrived at tb Ceoiral Tailor Shop which wont be In any or form Have received our Fall of ENGLISH IBI8H and SCOTCH TWEEDS WORSTEDS end We can suit Or all and jm moat Qua In quality and price baa alieady tan hit iny work baa been Past eat public t Wo make you docs not nit XT AnythlDL guarantee Call and be I

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